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1、 高三下学期英语高三下学期英语 M10U1 全套表格教案选修十全套表格教案选修十 课 题 M10U1 课时 9-1 New words 主备人 Swan 授课时间 200809 教学目标 Help the Ss to learn the key words:cattle put pressure on claim top target at risk.教学重难点 The important words or expressions How to master these words and their usages 教学准备 教学过程 学生活动内容、方式 旁注 教学过程:Step1 Ask t

2、he Ss to read the new words and expressions according to the pronunciations of them.Step2 Ask some Ss to read them and correct their mistakes.Step3 Teach the Ss to read them and explain them.1.cattle n.牛(视为_数,集合用法-动词要用_数形式)以草为食_ 一头牛_ 十头牛_一群牛_ 拓展:类似的集合名词有:1.put pressure on 给。施加压力 血压_ It was done unde

3、r the pressure of the necessity_ 他们施加压力要我们卖掉宝贵的土地。_ 相关短语:at high/low pressure_under pressure_ under the pressure of _ 对。施加压力做_ 3.on top of 另外,此外 top n.在山顶上 他的法语是第一名 he shouted at the top of his e to the top_ from top to toe/bottom_ on(the)top of _ 他妻子过世,更糟糕的是,他孩子又生病了。_“除此以外”类似短语:top adj.on the top f

4、loor_ top ten _ v.She tops the list._ _ Your composition topped all the rest_ 2.claim vt.(夺走)生命 v.They claimed the reward_ They lawyer claimed that the defendant was innocent._ He claimed to have seen the Mona Lisa_ The earthquake claimed thousands of lives_ n.make a claim for 提出对.的要求 put in a claim

5、 for 提出对的要求,申请。的所有权 lay claim to 对提出权利要求 4 target n.靶子,标的 his shot hit/missed the target_(谴责的)对象,目标 the target of bitter criticism_ 目标额 my target is to save 20$a month_ v.将作为目标 公司已经规定了今年的利润指标_ 把对准(on/at)我们的导弹对准敌机_ risk _ at the risk of _ at any risk _ at ones own risk _ take the risk of _ occur

6、 risks _ 我明知会受到惩罚也要做。_他冒着生命危险救出了那孩子_ a crossroads_ 处于人生重大转折点_ 这个年轻人很难抉择,他不能决定是应该继续学业还是接受这高薪工作。_ 7.import v.(由)进口,输入(反意 export)import sth.from.日本由加拿大进口木材_ n.进口 the import of wool from Australia_ (pl.)输入品 Food imports are increasing from year to year._ importation n.输入;进口货,舶来品(exportation)8.switc

7、h 把划线部分短语翻译成汉语。The house is so dark.Please switch on the lights.Tom switched off the TV because it was time for him to sleep.I always switch off when he starts talking about his favourite stars.I dont like to watch TV series.Could you switch it over to the sports channel?Im sorry.The line is busy,so

8、 I cant switch the call through to the General Managers office.Sum:9.dependent 取决于.的,依靠的;依赖的 短语:be dependent on _ 成功与否得看你的努力和能力。反义:_ 1.独立的,自治的,自主的 independent nation _ 2.单独的;分开的 an independent thinker _ debt 负债 He has a lot of old debts to meet.Its much easier to get into debt than to get out

9、of debt.恩义,情义C The debt that he owed her could never be paid.Out of debt _ 11.interest n.1.兴趣;关注;爱好 2.感兴趣的事物或人 他生活中的两大兴趣的事物是音乐和绘画_ 12.利益(常用复数形式 interests)National interests _common interests _ They looked after their own interest._-4.利息U at high/low interest _ I borrowed the money at 5%interest _ 短语

10、:in the interest of prep._places of interest _ take(an)/no interest in _ with interest _ vt.使发生兴趣;引起.的关心 他对化学感兴趣._ Adj._ 短语:对感兴趣_ 13.putinto practice _ _ 14.asleep/sleeping/sleepy 完成句子:她突然感到非常困倦。She suddenly started to feel very _.他很快入睡了。He soon fell _.我走进去时他还在睡觉。He was still _ when I went in.15.pus

11、h for 奋力争取 push ahead with _=push _ with push around _ push sb.for _ push in _ 课 题 M10U1 课时 9-2 Welcome 主备人 Swan 授 课 时 间 200809 教学目标 1.Arrange a discussion for Ss to talk about what their city will look like in the future,whether food aid and money will solve the problem of poverty,and why developme

12、nt may be bad for a country in some ways.2.Encourage Ss to express their own opinions in the discussion.Try to develop their speaking ability 教学重难点 Develop students speaking ability.教学准备 the multimedia the blackboard 教学过程 学生活动内容、方式 注 教学过程:Step 1 Lead-in by comparing two pictures.Development and the

13、issue of poverty are the most important problem we are facing when we try to develop society.Do you the causes of poverty?Many countries are developing at a very fast rate.Is it always good for the future of a country?hunger diseases natural disasters unemployment local environment wars growing popu

14、lation wrong policies and strategies Can you find possible solutions to the problem?possible solutions:donate food and money give medical care and training improve local environment provide educational training develop renewable energy stop wars Step 2 discussion Look at the pictures on Page 1 and d

15、iscuss them in groups of four.Picture 1 Do you think food aid is a short-term or a long-term solution to the problem of poverty?Why or why not?-Food aid is a short-term solution as it gives food immediately to people who are very hungry,but it does not allow them to grow their own food in the future

16、.Picture 2 1.What is the man doing in the picture?-He is working hard to building something because he might be poor and need the money.2.Do you think training people to make a living is a short-term or a long-term solution to the problem of poverty?Why or why not?-Training people is a long-term solution to the problem of poverty.It allows people to make a living by themselves.Picture 3 1.What has happened to the village?-It has become a city.With the development of society,many villages have ch

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