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1、relay to communicate information, news, or a message to sb 传递,传达(信息、新闻等)shut down to closeprudence the quality of showing care and thought for the future 仔细,审慎distorted having had its form or content changed by interferencevirtually almostinfantry 步兵artillery 炮兵get through 接通电话come out on top to win

2、take over conqueron the air on radio or television (广播或电视)播出peck hit or knock at sth slightly or quietlynot so muchas 与其说不如说clatter continuous, rattling sounds (硬物相撞时)发出的连续撞击声sit back to relaxinaugurate make sth appear for the first time 开始recede 减弱,减小(可能性)Reading 2foremost 最重要的,最著名的think tank a cor

3、poration or company which does some research and apply the results to practice智囊团,思想库armoured equipped to be protectedvulnerable easy to be hurtconceivable possible, or possible to imaginetatter small piecesmull over think overgrim depressingsecrecy the state of being secret 秘密,保密daring bravenode a

4、point at which two lines meet (网络的)网点toss throwblow away destroy completelyintrigue interestindestructible not able to be destroyedbonus additional earningsodd strangewarp influence sth and make it change in an unacceptable or shocking way 使反常subsidise 给津贴(或补贴)broadcast 传播,散布subscriber 订阅者frown upon

5、 dissatisfyprotocol a method of sending information between computers 协议supercede surpassa stream of 一连串reassemble gather back togethersegment partbreak off be separatedamid 在之中a constellation of sth a group of sth with the same featuresfall into the embrace of sth become part of sthdomain (活动或生活的)范

6、围,领域decentralise to take power from a central government or organization and give it to severalsmaller and more local ones 下放anarchic ignoring normal rules or limits 不守法的barge in to enter a room suddenly and noisily, usually interrupting sb rudely 闯进,冲进blistering fastleap in join in quicklyoverwhelm

7、ing to strong to resist 压倒性的,势不可挡的a handful of fewferocious fastanarchy 无序状态bear a resemblance to be similar toseething energetic, livelyfungal vastholocaust a war in which very many ordinary people are killed 大屠杀grid netirony sth not expectedUnit 2literacy the ability to read and writeor else used

8、for saying that there will be a bad result if sth does not happen 否则fair averageclique a small group of people who seem unfriendly to other people 小集团sullen bad-temperedturn down rejectfly into a rage suddenly become extremely angryslam to shut a door with great force 使劲关outburst (尤指愤怒等情感的)爆发,迸发livi

9、d extremely angrycool off to become calm again (使)冷静下来call in 打电话call in sick 打电话请病假perimeter the total length of the sides of a shape 周长curt snappy (using few or simple words in a way that shows you are impatient or angry) 简短失礼的begrudge resent 对不满be punctuated with sth to be frequently interrupted

10、by sthsteely unfriendly 强硬的wary cautious 谨慎的well up (a liquid) comes to the surface and begins to flow 流出,涌出be versed in be good atsubtlety a small detail or feature that is difficult to notice 微妙之处pull away 闪避,躲开amplify make bigger or greaterforegone certain to happen in the futurecome to grips wit

11、h to start to deal with a problem, situation, or job that you have to dounclench open upbursary 助学金launch startoperational working correctly and able to be usedeligible allowed by rules or laws to do sth or receive sth 符合条件的perceive to understand or think about sth in a particular way 理解,思考deter pre

12、ventbackroom used for describing work that is important but is done in a private or secret way, or the people who do this work 幕后的inhabit used for saying that sb is in a particular state or condition (某人)身处于hierarchy a system for organizaing people according to their status 等级制度obstinately stubborn

13、固执的diminutive very short or smalldizzying making you feel confused or dizzy 使人头晕的campaign to try to achieve political or social change by persuading other people or the government to do sth 发起运动appeal call on people to give sth such as help, money or informationwhinge to complain, especially in a wa

14、y that ammoys other people 牢骚verbalise to express with wordspatronise to behave or talk in a way that shows you think you are more intelligent or important than sb 以高人一等的姿态对待tantalising making you feel excited or hopeful about having sth you want, especially sth that you never get remotely slightlyh

15、otly fiercelycontest disputespeculation guesses about why sth has happened or what might happem 推测fiery heatedphilistine layman (an insulting word for sb who dislikes or does not understand serious art, literature or music) 庸俗之人dismiss to decide that sth is not important and not worth talking about

16、define sth disapprovinglywhatsoever used for emphasizing a negative statement 丝毫,任何indictment sth that shows how bad or wrong sth is 谴责sorely very muchstricture severe criticism 指责Unit 3minor 较不重要的,次要的officious showing a annoying tendency to take your position or status too seriously 好发号施令的prefect i

17、n some schools in the UK, an older student who controls the activities of younger students and helps them obey the rules 级长frog-march if two people frog-march you sw, they force you to walk there while each of them holds one of your arms tightly 将(某人)反剪双臂押送intone to speak slowly and seriously, witho

18、ut making your voice rise or fall 以庄重而平缓的语调说produce to show sth so that it can be examined or used 出示cane stick (惩罚学生的)笞杖spool moveairless not having much fresh air 缺少新鲜空气的preoccupied thinking about sth so much that you do not notice other things or cannot think about other things 入神的grumping compla

19、inplatitude statements are boring and have no meaning at all because they have been said for many times 陈词滥调inception the beginning of sth 开始cajole to persuade sb to do sth by encouraging them gently or being nice to them 哄劝intimidate to deliberately make sb feel frightened especially so that they w

20、ill do what you want 威胁come across to make a particular impression on sb 给人(某种)印象macho 男子汉的thorn (植物茎上的)刺traitor sb who is not loyal to their friends, family or employer 背叛者sneering showing no respect for sb or sthconfrontation a situation in which people or groups are arguing angrily or fighting 对抗

21、evasive 推脱的,含糊其词的bruising very difficult and unpleasant 十分激烈的hard-hitting sensitising the public and the authoritiesscrap abandonoversee to watch sth in order to check that it works or happens in the way it should 监督relaunch a new start to make sth more successful than beforeagenda topics or items p

22、resented in a television programmodernisation changes according to new trends or situationsnagging criticalof necessity necessarily 必定,不可避免地ill-inspired wrongharbour to keep a particular thought or feeling in your mind for a long time 怀有(某种想法或情感)fall through to fail to happen 告吹in tune with to be si

23、milar to sth and combine well with it 与一致caring kind, helpful and sympathetic to other people 体贴的sharing holding the same opinionvested interest a special reason for wanting things to happen in a particular way, because you will benefit from this 既得利益,好处 vested interests 既得利益集团in question (人、事物、时间等)

24、谈论中的highbrow likely to interest people who are interested in learning, culture and art 文化修养高的inaugural firstup to 不迟于某时,直到某时detractor sb who publicly criticizes sb or sth 贬低者,诋毁者be bound up with sth connected very closely 与某物有密切关系stilted unnatural 生硬的in effect 事实上bogey sth that makes people frighten

25、ed or worried, or causes problems 使人烦恼的东西tingle to sting slightly 感到刺痛jerky not moving smoothly (移动)断续的caption words printed near or on a picture that explain sth about the picture 说明文字shade 色度depraved immoral or evil 不道德的uplifted feeling happier or more hopefulinnocuous inoffensivearrive at to reac

26、h a result, decision, or solution to a problem 找到(解决办法)personality celebrityextol praisevirtue advantagerecap (recapulate) to describe what has been done or decided, without repeating the details 扼要重述no-mans-land an area of land between two countries that is controlled by neither of the countries (两

27、国间的)无主土地slot (在一系列事件中为某事安排的)时间,空挡outlandish unusual 稀奇古怪的,奇特的weave (wove-woven) to create a story or plan with many complicated details 编造(故事或计划)demise the time when sth stops existing 消亡proprietor 业主spur on encouragecartel 同业联盟liven up to make sth more interesting or exciting 使更有趣give an added glos

28、s to enhancereinstate restore (to bring back sth that had been stopped)in place to exist and be capable of being usedUnit 4raw deal unfair treatmentpredator an animal that kills and eats other animals 肉食动物fanatic sb who likes a sport or activity very much 入迷者hit the trails to leave or start a journe

29、yriddled containing a lot of things that are bad or not wanted 充斥着的arid 干燥的in the dead of winter in the middle of the winter during the worst, coldest period of it 在隆冬时节in bloom floweringtraverse to move over or across an area 穿过meandering winding 蜿蜒曲折的flash the sudden appearance of an object for a very short time 突现outcrop a rock, or a group of rocks, that sticks up out of the ground 露头boulder a very large rock or piece of stone 巨石hard-core difficult to conquerhand-picked chosen very carefully for a p

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