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1、首先通过玩“找不同”游戏,复习现在进行时态及动词的ing形式。教师通过对比不同的时刻所做的事情导入到过去进行时的学习。让学生通过观察,比较得出过去进行时的结构。然后教师让学生通过看图片描述活动来操练过去进行时的结构。随后教师让学生模仿例句编对话,进一步操练过去进行时完成1c。完成词汇和语法的导入后,直接让学生听1a的对话,完成1b。接着教师让学生读1a ,找出知识点,并鼓励学生进行角色扮演,完成1a 。最后让学生谈论自己的周末活动,再一次操练过去进行时态,完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇。 answer,take a show

2、er(2)初步学习过去进行时。2. Skill aims: (1)能够运用常用的电话用语。 (2)能够描述过去某个时刻正在发生的动作。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1) 初步掌握过去进行时的基本构成。 (2) 用过去进行时描述过去某个时刻正在发生的动作。2. Difficult points: 区分一般过去时态与过去进行时的时间差异。. Learning strategies1. 善于以旧知识联系新知识。如:利用现在进行时来学习过去进行时态。

3、2. 善于在模仿中获得语言经验。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/各种活动的图片/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(10mins):Revision StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class activity)Greet the Ss and let them play “Find the differences” to revise present continuous tense.T:Good morning ,class .T: How are you doing ?

4、Do you have a good eye ,boys and girls ? Great ! Then lets play “Find the differences ” . Look at the pictures , please point out the differences between them . Go ahead ,now . You have a good eye . What else ? Do you know why I ask you to play the game ? What a clever boy ! Who can tell us the basi

5、c structure of present continuous tense ? Wonderful ! Then how to add “ing” ? Well done ! Look , I have some pictures , please speak out the activities with “ing”. (Shows picture )Play “Find the differences” to revise present continuous tense.Ss: Good morning ,Mr. Fine ,thanks. Yes.S1: The boy is fi

6、shing in Picture One, but he is swimming in Picture Two.S2: The monkey is ., but .S3: .S4:.S9: To revise continuous tense. S1o: am/is/are+ v-ing .S11:S12: .S14: Playing basketballS15:Washing some clothes通过游戏复习现在进行时,复习动词的现在分词形式。Remark:因为本课主要是学习过去进行时,本环节是要学生熟悉动词的现在分词形式,教师所呈现的图片应该是包含各种各样的活动。教师还可以让学生总结一

7、下动词加-ing 形式的变化规则。教师还可以出示一些图片,让学生用-ing形式描述。最好要包含1a和1c中的动词。practicing the violin , taking a shower 等。Stage 2(12mins):Pre-listening1( Class activity)Introduce the new grammar by comparing .Perfect performance ! What class are we having now ? What class were you having at this time yesterday ? (Writes d

8、own on the Bb) Good. And wed better say “We were having a Chinese class .”(Writes down on the Bb) Please say it again,class . What is Mr. Xu doing now ? Right . But I was checking your homework at this time yesterday .(Writes down on the Bb) Look at these sentences , can you find something different

9、 ? Correct . Column A is present continuous tense and Column B is past continuous tense. The structure of present continuous tense is . Then how about past continuous tense ? Absolutely right ! (Shows picture) Look! What was Jane doing at this time yesterday ? Yes ! What was Kangkang doing at this t

10、ime yesterday ? Right !Youd better say he was taking a shower . Are you familiar with the new tense now ? Then ,look at the pictures in 1c and make up conversations .You may follow the example . Xxx and Xxx, please show us your conversation.Learn the new grammar. We are having an English class. Ss:H

11、aving a Chinese class . We were having a Chinese class. You are giving a lesson for us . am/is /are + v-ing were/was +v-ing. She was playing the violin . He was taking a bath .S5: What were .?S6: I was .导入到新词汇和新语法。完成1c。Remark: 教师在导入过去进行时态,一定要在黑板上板书,并把其结构部分用颜色笔显现出来。最好把现在进行时态和过去进行时态分成两栏,以便学生观察得出过去进行时态

12、的结构。Stage 3(5mins):While-listening (Individual work )Let the Ss listen to 1a and finish 1b.Now. Lets listen to a conversation and answer the questions on the Bb. Read the questions first. Can we begin ? Once again ? Xxx, what is Maria doing now ? Is Jane answering the phone ? Xxx, you ,please . How

13、do you know she isnt Jane ?Right ! Xxx, What is Jane doing then ? What was Jane doing at that time yesterday ?Listen to 1a and finish 1b. No. She is calling Jane. No. A woman is answering the phone. The woman says “ Hold the line, please”. She was taking a shower.训练学生的听力技能,完成1b。1b的听力任务非常简单,教师还可以设计更多

14、的问题。What are Maria and Jane doing now ? What is Jane doing at the moment?等。教师把这些问题首先展示出来,让学生带着问题去听。Stage 4(5mins):Post-listening 1 (Individual work )Let the Ss read 1a and find out the useful expressions.Fine . You have answered the questions correctly . Now, please read 1a and find out the useful e

15、xpressions .Go ahead . Found out ? Xxx, will you please tell us the expressions about making a phone call? Great . More expressions ? Wonderful . Now, lets read 1a together. Read 1a and find out the useful expressions. Yes . Hello !This is Maria speaking . May I speak to Jane? Hold the line ,please

16、. practice the violin, answer the phone, at this time ,.复习电话用语。训练学生概括重点的能力。2 (Group work)Let the Ss act out 1a in roles This conversation is very easy ,isnt it ? Now, lets make it a little difficult. Please close your book. Lets work in groups of three. Id like you to act out the conversation in rol

17、es . Two minutes for you to practice ,then some groups will present in the front . Xxx,Xxx,and Xxx, please come to the front and present . Pay attention to your intonation ,please . More volunteers !Act out 1a in roles .角色扮演,表演1a的对话。完成1a。 教师也可以把对话改成一段叙述性的文字,让学生填空,复述对话。在角色扮演时,教师要求学生不要看课文,而且还要注意情景和语音语

18、调。Stage 5(10mins):Finishing 4(Group work)Let the Ss survey what they were doing at this time last weekend and then make a dialog .Good performance ! Next , please survey your group members and ask what they were doing at this yesterday lastweekend . The example on the Bb may help you . Do it right n

19、ow . You should make a report in the end. Which group is going to report ?Survey what they were doing at this time last weekend and then make a dialog .Group Two: We were doing different things at this time last weekend . Xxx was . ,.Group Four:In our group, at this time last weekend , Xxx was .,.Gr

20、oup One :训练学生的口头表达能力,对1a进行模仿运用,完成4。 为了让学生顺利进行此活动,教师可以叫一个学生与自己做一个示范。或者在小黑板上展示对话模板,让学生参考。Stage 6(3mins):Summarizing and assigning HMK1(Class activity )Let the Ss summarize the grammar and important points of the lesson . It seems that all of you had a wonderful weekend last week .I hope you have a goo

21、d time everyday . But your main task is to study. Do you still remember what we have learned today ? What is it ? Yes. Could you tell me the structure of this tense ?Right . Who can make up a sentence with it ?Summarize the grammar and important points of the lesson . Sure. 过去进行时态。 was/were+v-ing. I

22、 was doing my homework at this time yesterday. . 回顾本课语法、操练语法。2 (Class activity)Assigning the HMK. For todays homework, Id like you to describe what your family members were doing at this time yesterday. Finish the HMK after class.让学生运用过去进行时态描述家人的活动,体会家人为家庭所付出的劳动。教师也可以让学生描述自己的活动。VI. Blackboard design 第一课时(Section A1a,1b,1c,4) Words and expressions : Grammar points:take a shower 现在进行时态 : 过去进行时态:answer am/is/are+v-ing was/were+v-inganswer questionsanswer the phone This is .speaking.May I speak to . Hold the line=Hold on =wait a moment

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