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1、20. Im nothing of a scholar. 【译文】我不识字。21. Bunyan was sent to school for a short time, where he learned to read and write after a fashion. 【译文】班扬上学少,学习也不怎么好。22. His superior grades at high school enabled him to enroll at the tuition-free Beijing University. 【译文】由于中学成绩优异,他免费上了北京大学。23. He doesnt know w

2、hat life means to him. 【译文】他不知道人生的意义。24. What troubles me is that I dont have much experience in this kind of work.【译文】使我苦恼的是我做这种工作经验不多。25. He was very clean and his mind was open. 【译文】他为人单纯而坦率。26. The young cyclist dashed about madly and was knocked down by a truck.【译文】那个骑车的青年横冲直撞,结果被一辆卡车撞倒了。27. Co

3、urage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.【译文】勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;节约过度,即成贪婪。28. He stands on the threshold of a distinguished career. 【译文】他前程似锦。29. The love of money is the root of all evils. 【译文】爱财是万恶之源。第四章、翻译技巧30. A gentleman is,rather than does. 【译文】绅士是天生的,不是做出来的。3

4、1Tomorrow is a minimum day, could you pick me up at noon?【译文】明天只上半天课,提前放学,中午来接我好吗。32. On October first,I shall have Czechoslovakia where I want her【译文】到十月一日,我叫捷克向东,她就不敢向西。33. He is a bicycle doctor. 【译文】他是自行车修理工。34. Didnt she swear shed never again believe anything in trousers?【译文】她不是发誓此后再也不相信穿裤子的家伙

5、了吗?35. He is as fit as a fiddle and now he is as cool as a cucumber.【译文】他长得格外健壮,此刻神色泰然。36. Seeing his uneasiness,Mrs. Morris smiled. 看见他那副尴尬的样子,莫里斯夫人笑了37. The love of books,the key that opens the enchanted door. 热爱书籍打开美妙世界之门的钥匙。38. The child is father of the man. 成人是由幼儿长大的。39. The key to success is

6、not information. Its people.成功的关键不是信息,是人。40.He didnt feel cold though he was wet to the skin. 他浑身湿透了,却并不感到冷第五章、词义的处理1. “I will teach him to deceive others,” he said. 他说,“我要告诫他不要骗人。” 2. She has given heart to him. 她鼓励了他。3. He didnt speak (for) long. 他说话时间不长。4. I bought a tape-recorder for a song. 我廉价

7、买了一台录音机。5. Janes been ill, but shes as right as rain now. 珍妮一直有病,可现在身体很好。6. Im quite well able to take care of myself. 我完全能照顾我自己。7. He laughed shallowly. 他强笑了一声。8. Because he has caught cold he is not at home today. 他今天感冒了,不能接见客友。9. He was at once a soldier and a writer. 他是一个军人,同时又是一个作家。10. On the f

8、irst day of this week he became very weak.这个星期他身体变得虚弱了。11.They didnt write well, so they tried to right the wrong.他们没写好,想再改一改。12.Finding tears on her coat, she burst into tears.发现外衣破了,她放声大哭起来。13.关于 Kill 1)They killed a bottle of whisky between them.【译文】他们两人喝完了一瓶威士忌酒。2)He killed ten good years on tha

9、t job. 【译文】他在那件工作上浪费了整整10年。3)Her bright red hat killed the quiet colour of her dress.【译文】她戴着一顶红色的帽子,这和她一身的素装很不相称。4)These flowers kill easily. 【译文】这些花很容易枯死。5)The funny play nearly killed me. 【译文】这出有趣的戏几乎把我笑死。6)That bus ride every day kills off all of my energy.【译文】每天坐那趟公共汽车使我筋疲力尽。7)This carpet kills

10、the sound of footsteps. 【译文】这条地毯使脚步声消失。8)The bill was killed in the House. 【译文】议案在议会被否决了。9)That has killed her affection.、 【译文】那件事使她炽热的感情冷淡了。10)Care killed a cat. 【译文】忧虑伤身谚语关于 Sight 1) It cost him a sight of trouble. 【译文】那给他招来一大堆麻烦。2) I know him only by sight. 【译文】我跟他只是面熟。3) He fell in love with her

11、 at first sight. 【译文】他对她一见钟情。4) The next election was already in sight. 【译文】下届选举已经临近。5) Take a careful sight before firing. 【译文】瞄准之后再射击。6) I have lost sight of my old friend for many years.【译文】我已多年未得到老友的音讯。7) The Great Wall in China is one of the sights of the world.【译文】中国长城是世界名胜之一。8) The Statue of

12、Liberty is a noble sight. 【译文】自由神像是一个宏伟的景物。9) It is worth a long sight more than that. 【译文】这个比那个价值高的多。10) Do what is right in your own sight. 【译文】做你认为对的事。14. 例1:pure1) Pure water is useful. 【译文】净水有用。2) This is purely water. 【译文】这不过是水。3) Purify the water before drinking it. 【译文】请将水净化后饮用。4) Purified w

13、ater is useful. 【译文】净化了的水有用。5) Purifying water is useful. 【译文】净化用水有用。例2 : like1)All music is alike to Tom. 【译文】各种音乐在汤姆听来全都一样。2)That, I think, is hardly likely. 【译文】我想,那不大可能。3)Mans life is often likened to sea voyage. 【译文】人生常被比作海上航行。4)His likeness to his brother was remarkable. 【译文】他长像酷似他兄弟。5)Things

14、cannot be always to ones liking. 【译文】事情不会总是称心如意的。6)Like likes like. 【译文】物以类聚。例1:only 1) The French only love arts.【译文】法国人只爱文艺而已。(“only”是副词,强调动词“love”)2)The French love arts only.【译文】法国人爱的只是文艺。(“only”是副词,强调“arts”)3)Only the French love arts. 【译文】只有法国人爱好文艺。(“only”是副词,强调“the French”)4)The French love t

15、heir only arts.【译文】法国人爱好他们唯一的文艺。(“only”是形容词,作定语,修饰“arts”)例2:naturally1) They are behaving naturally.【译文】他们举止自然。 (“naturally”是副词,修饰“are behaving”)2) Naturally, they are behaving well.【译文】当然,他们表现很好。(“naturally”是副词,修饰全句)3) She is naturally gentle. (“naturally”是副词,修饰“gentle”)【译文】她天生就温柔。例3: present 】 I w

16、ant to present everyone present a present.【译文】我想给在场的每个人赠送一份礼物。15. Did you hear that? 【译文】是否听到刚才说的话?16.That brings me to this question: What is a people?【译文】以上使我想起了下面一个问题:一个民族的含义是什么?17. Its not a good habit for a child to water anywhere.【译文】小孩随地小便可不是一个好习惯。【近似】18. She is a wonderful woman, really some

17、thing.她是个很好的女人, 真的挺不错。【深化】19. Suddenly, something inside me turned 突然,我心里一酸。(升华)20. Every life has its roses and thorns. 【译文】生活有苦也有甜。21. Watch out for Harlow, hes full of mickey mouse ideas.【译文】要提防着点哈洛,他满脑子的歪门邪道。22. It is regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter.【译文】遗憾的是,我们的呼吁没有得到响应。23. The

18、re is a mixture of the lion and the lamb in his character.【译文】他的性格既刚强又柔弱。24. A nice enough young fellow, you understand, nothing upstairs.【译文】小伙子人长得是年轻英俊,脑子里却是白纸一张。25. You pays your money and you doesnt take your choice.【译文】花了钱又买不到自己满意称心的东西,真是没法说!26. :“Otherwise they can kiss myyou knowwhat.” 【译文】“没

19、钱!没钱就来舔我屁股。27. This reminds me about Lots wife. 【译文】这引起了我的好奇心。28. She is a fox. 【译文】她是位时髦迷人的女郎。29. Grammar may be his heel of Achilles. 【译文】语法是他的致命弱点。30. If you had studied harder at college, you might have become a somebody.【译文】当初上大学,如果你多用点功,说不定已经成为重要人物了。31. Its always something that you are the ow

20、ner of so many wonderful books.【译文】想想你拥有这么多的好书,你就会感到欣慰。32. Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.【译文】我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。33. He has the assurance to ask me for money.【译文】他竟然厚着脸皮向我要钱。34. They seize every opportunity to do all kinds of evils.【译文】他们无孔不入,干尽坏事。35. He loo

21、ked at her with a smile pasted on her porcine face.【译文】他看着她娜,猪一样的脸上皮笑肉不笑36. He (Rip) was, moreover, a kind neighbour, and an obedient hen-packed husband. 【译文】瑞普这个人是个好邻居,可天生怕老婆。第六章、词义与修辞1. 歧义 (Ambiguity): I didnt come because of him.【译文一】我来并不是由于他的缘故才来。【译文二】由于他的缘故我没来。We havent called the meeting to di

22、scuss this problem.【译文一】我们开会并非为了讨论这个问题。【译文二】我们没有开会讨论这个问题。 He had a book stolen from the library. 【译文一】他让别人从图书馆偷了一本书。【译文二】他有一本从图书馆偷来的书。【译文三】他有一本书在图书馆被人偷走了。2. 双关 (Pun)If we dont hang together, we shall hang separately.【译文一】如果我们不紧密地团结在一起,那就会被一个一个地绞死。【译文二】如果我们不被集体绞死,那也会被一个一个地绞死。Ask for me tomorrow and y

23、ou shall find me a grave man. 【译文一】明天你来找我,你将会发现我已经是一个严肃的人。【译文二】明天你来找我,你会发现我已经是一个墓中之人了。-What do lawyers do when they die? -Lie still.【译文一】律师死后干什么? -静静地躺着。【译文二】律师死后干什么?仍在撒谎。Why do you say the river is rich?Because it has two banks.【译文】为什么说这条河很富有?因为它有两家银行。(河岸) What flower does everybody have? Tulips.【译

24、文】 人人都有的花该是什么花? 郁金香。3. 矛盾修辞 (Oxymoron) His honour rooted in dishonour stood. And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.【译文】他的荣誉生根于不荣誉。他的不忠诚可靠的忠实使他以真还假4. 夸张 (Hyperbole) As for models, she is a girl in a million.【译文】要是作时装模特的话,她可是百里挑一的好姑娘Ive told you forty times that if you touched that jam Id skin yo

25、u.【译文】你要偷吃果酱,我就剥你的皮。我对你已讲过一百遍了。5. 类比 (Analogy) Men are April when they woo, December when they wed, maids are May when they maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. 【译文】男人在恋爱时犹如和煦的四月,婚后却像寒冬腊月; 闺中少女则宛若温暖的五月,而为人妇后却像易变的天气阴晴莫测。6. 逻辑关系 ( Logical Contexts ) He is an orator, if ever there was one.【译

26、文】世界上没有演说家则罢了,如有,那就是他。He is seventy, if a day. 【译文】他该有70岁了。John got sick, then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never rains but pours.【译文】约翰病倒了,接着弟弟妹妹都病了,真是祸不单行。“What did you say, dear?”“I said that I love you and that I cant wait until you are mine.”【译文】“你说什么来着,亲爱的?”“我说我爱你,巴不得你马上嫁给我。A beau

27、tiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form.【译文】形体美胜于容貌美,行为美胜于形体美。7. 重复 (Repetition) His mother described him at two as “round and fat and strong as a five-year-old.”【译文】母亲描绘他两岁时的情景时说: “圆圆胖胖, 结结实实, 象个五岁的孩子”。8.平行排比 (Parallelism) Einstein was a fair amateur violinist, a great mathematician, and a deeply philosophical man. 【译文】爱因斯坦既是位伟大的数学家,又是个懂得精深哲理的人,同时还是个不错的业余小提琴手。Their sunburned faces were dark, and their sunwhipped9. eyes were light.【译文】

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