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1、4) have been revising my resume all the morning现在完成进行时)5) No. It has been five years since I went on holidayIt has been since sb. did sth. 表示某人有多长时间没有做某事了)6) He has been in the army for 5 years1. 现在完成时;2.要用持续性动词才能接一段时间)三、被动语态1) is being replaced by the computer and the projector被动语态的现在进行时)2) will ha

2、ve been published by the end of this year被动语态的将来完成时)3) can be used to demonstrate the way that cells work1. 被动语态与情态动词联用; 2. 汉语有些没有“被”字等标志词的句子也表示被动, 要译成英语的被动语态)4) I was startled, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had anticipated同“3”的考点2)5) Effective measures must be taken immediately汉语的无

3、主句通常翻译成英语的被动语态)四、情态动词1) but there is no answer. She cant be at home情态动词可以表示可能性,cant 表示“一定不”)2) I may have left them in the coffee shop yesterday“情态动词can/could, may/might, must + 完成式”用于表示对过去发生的动作的主观判断)3) You must have dreamed of something terrible同上)4) You should have invited her to your graduation c

4、eremony“情态动词should/ought to + have done” 用于评论过去应该做而实际并未做的动作,含有批评的意思)5) I neednt have put on my best suit to go to the party“情态动词neednt + have + done”表示对过去发生的动作进行评论,认为“无须发生”,“不必做”)五、虚拟语气1) I had had your opportunities when I was youngI wish后的that从句中用过去完成式表示过去没有实现或不可能实现的愿望)2) he had known this disease

5、 is curableIf only 引导的感叹句表示“但愿”或“要是就好了”,用法与 I wish基本相同)3) painted it blue, and without any decorationswould rather 后的that从句中用过去式表示不是事实)4) measures were taken to solve the problem of traffic jamsIts (about/high) time 后的that从句中用过去式,表示“该是的时候了”)5) as though he were delivering a speech at an assemblyas i

6、f / as though引导的从句中用过去式表示和现在事实相反或对现在情况有所怀疑)6) Jack (should) be sent to hospital right now表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词所接的宾语从句通常用“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)7) more mobile shops (should) be set up in the residential area表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词所接的主语从句通常用“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)8) they (should) set up a specia

7、l board/committee to examine this problem表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的名词所接的表语从句通常用“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)9) the mid-term exams (should) be canceled表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的名词所接的同位语从句通常用“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词及其名词常见的有:advise (advice), agree (agreement), decide (decision), decree, demand, de

8、termine (determination), grant, indicate (indication), insist (insistence), order, prefer (preference), propose (proposal), request, require (requirement), resolve (resolution), stipulate (stipulation), suggest(suggestion), urge, vote;常见的这类动词还有:allow, arrange, ask, beg, concede, demonstrate, ensure,

9、 intend, move, pledge, pray等10) we (should) be short of water in a country where it is always raining在It is/was +形容词后的that从句中常用“sb. should do”的形式表示建议惊奇等。这类形容词常见的有:advisable, anxious, appropriate, compulsory, crucial, desirable, eager, essential, fitting, imperative, important, impossible, improper,

10、natural, necessary, obligatory, preferable, proper, urgent, vital, willing等)11) everyone (should) be prepared for emergency12) If he had booked tickets in the way I told him在非真实条件句中用过去完成式表示与过去的事实相反)13) if I had not been interrupted14) If it had rained, the ground would be wet在非真实条件句中,当主句与从句表示的动作不是同时

11、发生时,就根据情况用适当的谓语动词形式)15) If I had been living in New York16) he would be dead now17) we could not have rent a house at such a low pricebut for经常作为非真实条件句中if的代用语)18) otherwise, it would have taken me more time to work out this questionotherwise也经常作为非真实条件句中if的代用语)19) I would seize the opportunity withou

12、t hesitation在非真实条件句中如果有were, had, should这三个词,可以省去if,采用主谓语倒装的形式来表示条件)20) this act would have been passed much earlier21) the continued existence of the human race would be in jeopardy22) lest he should awaken the babylest (以免)引导的从句通常用sb. should do的形式表示虚拟)六、不定式1) to complete a 24-story building in 10

13、months不定式作主语时常用it作形式主语放在句首代替不定式,而将不定式移到谓语后面)2) for us to have a good nights sleep before the test有时用“介词for + 代词/名词”来表示不定式的逻辑主语,这时整句的谓语描述的对象是事情,这种情况下谓语中常用的形容词有:necessary, important, possible, impossible, all right, essential等)3) of you to donate so much money to the people in the disaster area有时用“介词o

14、f + 代词/名词”来表示不定式的逻辑主语,这时整句的谓语描述的对象是人,这种情况下谓语中常用的形容词有:absurd, bold, brave, careful, careless, cowardly, cruel, foolish, generous, good, honest, kind, nice, polite, rude, selfish, silly, stupid, thoughtful, thoughtless, wicked, wise, wrong等)4) not to punish those students who had been late for class1.

15、 用不定式结构作decide的宾语;2.不定式的否定形式是在to前加not)(能带不定式作宾语的动词常见的有:afford, agree, ask, attempt, beg, begin, bother, care, choose, claim, consent, decide, demand, desire, dislike, endeavor, expect, fail, fear, forget, happen, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, neglect, offer, pl

16、an, pledge, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, remember, resolve, start, threaten, undertake, venture, volunteer, vow, want, wish)5) whether to visit their son in France“疑问词+不定式”作动词wonder的宾语。能以这种结构作宾语的动词通常有ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, forget, guess, know, learn, observe, remembe

17、r, see, tell, understand, wonder等)6) warned me just now not to water flowers at noon不定式作宾语补语)7) invited him to give us a lecture on modern art(能带不定式结构作宾语补语的动词有advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, challenge, command, compel, enable, determine, encourage, expect, feel, find, force, get, hate, have, hear, h

18、elp, inform invite, let, like, make, mean, need, notice, notify, oblige, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, require, see, send, teach, tell, tempt, trouble, urge, want, warn, watch, wish等。注:划线的动词后面的不定式不带to)8) to be the chairman of students union in so large a university动词 + it + 形容词/名词 + 不定式。

19、it是形式宾语,不定式是真正宾语)9) to apply what we have learned in class to practice不定式作定语)(不定式常用作以下名词/代词的定语:ability, ambition, anything, attempt, capability, chance, curiosity, desire, decision, determination, effort, failure, intention, need, nothing, opportunity, place, plan, promise, reason, right, something,

20、 tendency, time, way, wish等)10) ruined our plan to show the film in the open air11) the decision to build a nuclear power station in the suburbs12) American woman to explore the outer space由only, last, next,序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词常用不定式作定语)13) only to drop it on their own feet不定式作结果状语)14) to meet a high scho

21、ol classmate in the mountain village不定式作原因状语)15) to have taken up so much of your time1. 不定式作原因状语;2. 不定式的完成时)16) to be standing in the doorway when he rushed in不定式的进行式)17) to be treated as a guest不定式的被动形式)18) go to the campus bookstore to buy used books不带to的不定式)19) but play bridge the whole day20) t

22、o wipe our feet on the mat before going into the room当动词see, make, hear等用于被动语态时,不定式要保留to)七、分词1) “Happy birthday to you” sung in Italian分词作宾语补语)(catch, discover, feel, find, get, have, hear, keep, leave, make, notice, see, watch等动词常用分词形式作宾语补语)2) parked in the fire lane分词作定语)3) killing thousands upon

23、thousands of people分词作结果状语)4) raising the average yield by 15 percent5) trying to deduce its operating principle分词作伴随状语)6) Seeing that everyone was bending over his/her book分词作原因状语)7) Deeply moved by the boys deeds8) Seen from the eyes of a young friend分词作方式状语)9) Not having heard from his parents fo

24、r a long time1. 分词作原因状语;2.分词的否定形式;3.现在分词的完成式)八、动名词1) Taking a cold bath every day动名词作主语)2) making their daughter do what she didnt like to do动名词作动词的宾语)(下列动词后的宾语只能是动名词而不能是不定式:admit, advise, allow, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, delay, deny, dislike, dread, encourage, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, fin

25、ish, cant help, imagine, keep, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practice, prevent, propose, recall, recollect, resent, resist, risk, cant stand, stop, suggest)3) getting our goods into the international market动名词作介词的宾语)4) crying over spilled milk动名词用于固定结构。动名词经常与以下词组连用:be worth, have difficulty (in), it

26、 be no good/use/worthwhile, there be no need/no point in, how/what about, whats the point of, whats the use of)5) having peeked at his neighbors test paper动名词的完成式)6) being promoted to manager动名词的被动式)九、非谓语动词用法区别1) working very hard.mean表示“意味着”)2) to drive there, but his car broke downmean表示“打算”)(类似需要

27、区别的动词还有forget, remember, regret, go on, stop等)3) talking to his mother强调正在进行)4) talk to his mother for an hour强调整个过程)5) only to break his own leg意料之外的结果)6) breaking his legs意料之中的结果)7) to see his parents in good health不定式作原因状语位于句末)8) Seeing his parents safe and sound分词作原因状语位于句首)9) Following its footprints现在分词强调主动)10) followed by two body guards过去分词强调被动)十、名词从句1) Why they left their hometown for Yunnan主语从句)2) What confused me most3) That this was done on purpose4) who should be responsible for

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