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1、第一集 那 呃 还有谁是确定了的 Selina: And, uh, who else is confirmed? Dorsey参议员确定了吗 Is senator Dorsey confirmed? 是的 好 Yes. Okay. 本来Lucas参议员还是未知数 And senator Lucas was a maybe, 但现在肯定会来 but now hes definitely a definitely. 噢 那太好了 是啊 发表演说后支持者不断上升 Oh, thats awfully nice. Yeah, its growing as we speak. 很好 去探讨冗长辩论改革问题

2、吧 Yeah, okay, lets go talk filibuster reform. 不行 副总统今天日程已经满了 No, the Vice President does not have a sliver of daylight in her schedule today. 再见 Sue 嘿 Mike Mike 怎么了 Bye, Sue. Hey, Mike, Mike. Yeah? 玉米淀粉餐具活动进展如何 Are we pushing the whole Cornstarch Utensils campaign now? 是的 女士 一切都在线运作 Yes, maam. Weve

3、got a whole online thing. 各种全面运转 嗯 很好 The inter-nerds are on it. Okay, good. 见到参议员们后 记得微笑 And today with the senators, dont forget to smile. 好 你牙上的是罂粟子吗 Yeah, is that a poppy seed there in your teeth? 有可能 嗯 恶 Oh, probably. Yeah, ugh. 噢 什么 Oh! What? Bixby参议员会来 噢 真好 Senator Bixby is coming. Oh, good.

4、太好了 女士 这是个叉子 Great. Maam, this is a fork. 要记住他是我们的导游 他是导游 And you know that hes our tour guide. Hes the tour guide. 对 是的 是的 记得吧? Right, yes, yes, yes. Remember? 这是最新的玉米淀粉叉子 女士 This is the new Cornstarch fork, maam. 还有玉米淀粉汤匙 I got the Cornstarch spoon, too. 我们能不能把餐具放一放 Gary Could we maybe table table

5、ware for now, Gary, 先搞定冗长辩论改革 不不不 Amy 看 and focus on filibuster reform? No, no, no, but, Amy, look. 看看它 清洁工作必备 Look at this. This is classic clean jobs stuff. 如果入秋之前我能让它 I mean, if I can get Cornstarch Utensils 入驻大部分联邦政府大楼 in most federal buildings by the fall, 副总统的宝座就坐稳了 well, then the VEEP has lan

6、ded. 这也是我们想做的 助您稳居宝座 That is what we are working on, landing you. 当然 就像只又大又漂亮的老鹰 Yeah. Like a big, beautiful eagle. 戴围巾吗 不戴 you want your scarf? No. 你确定? 这个很漂亮. 我不想戴 Are you sure? It looks really pretty. No, I dont want it. Reeves参议员怎么样了 死了没 And what about senator Reeves? Is he dead yet? 还没 他现在主要靠静脉

7、注射 Not yet. Hes mostly intravenous. 身上插满了管子 就像风笛一样 He has so many tubes in him, he looks like a set of bagpipes. 我帮你拿外套 外套不拿了吧? Let me take your coat. want to take your coats? 您的眼镜 你觉得怎样 Heres your glasses. What do you think? 戴眼镜的知识女性形象? Glasses on for the intellectual look? 专注力? 有远见的女人 Focused? a w

8、oman with vision. 您戴眼镜很好看 不行 眼镜会削弱我的气势 I like your glasses. No, glasses make me look weak. 嗯 我同意 就像是给眼睛的轮椅一样 Yeah, I agree. Its like a wheelchair for the eye. 好了 参议员们 改革开始吧 Okay, senators, let the reforming commence. 希望有到 噢 好 Amy: Were expecting or . Oh, good. 是这个房间吗 我们是不是来早了 Is this the right room?

9、 Are we early? Phil Dorsey参议员 两点钟方向 我又不是狙击手 Senator Phil Dorsey, :. Im not a sniper. Philip 副总统女士 欢迎 Philip. Ah, Madam Vice President. Welcome. 谢谢 还记得我的幕僚长Amy吧 Amy Thank you. Oh, you remember my chief of staff Amy. 很高兴见到你 Oh, Amy. Its nice to see you. 他女儿Emily刚从哈佛毕业 His daughter Emily just graduated

10、 from Harvard. 告诉我 Emily还好吗 噢 她很好 Tell me, how is Emily? Oh, shes good. 真好 要喝什么吗 Oh, good. Can I get you something to drink? 有咖啡最好了 马上来 I would love a coffee. Youve got it. 谢谢 为什么会这样 Amy Okay, thank you. Whats going on, Amy? 这人数连他妈的独木舟都填不满 There arent enough people to fill a fucking canoe in here. 怎

11、么这样 怎么了 这是你的问题好吧 Okay. Whats wrong? That was your bad okay. 怎么了 Mike Dudley参议员 喜欢地图 Whats wrong? Senator Mike Dudley. Hes interested in maps. Mike 你找到我们了 噢 副总统女士 Mike, you found us. Oh, Madam Vice President. 这是个地图笑话吗 是的 Is that a map joke? Yes, it is. 不好意思 走开一下 Oh, sorry. Excuse me. 好 我们来说说这个博客 Okay

12、. Lets talk about this blog thing. 伙计们 这是怎么回事 我可以解释 Guys, whats going on right now? I can explain that. 现在是什么情况 What is happening right now? Brett Kagan的博文引用了我们的围脖 Brett Kagans blog picked up a tweet from us. 上面说%政府大楼 Quote, % of government buildings 都在用玉米淀粉餐具 我们要做到百分之百 now have Cornstarch Utensils!

13、 Lets make it ! 杜绝塑料餐具 Lets make plastic utensils extinct! 太好了 我们得罪了塑料行业 Oh, great, weve upset the plastics industry. 这整栋楼都是塑料行业赞助的 This whole building is bankrolled by plastics. 所以他们才不来 副总统女士 This is why nobody showed up. Man: Madam Vice President. 我不知道他是谁 你好 I dont know who this man is. Hello. Mik

14、e 说话 我现在这个房间只有三个人 Mike, talk to me. I am in a room 还有他妈一堆乳蛋饼 with three people and a fuckload of quiche. Dorsey参议员拿着咖啡来了 Okay, here comes Dorsey with your coffee. Gary 全场我都能看到 Gary, I have large, moving shapes covered. 好 知道吧? Okay. Okay. Okay? 您的咖啡 噢 我的咖. Heres your coffee. Oh, my co. 我去拿 我能搞定 Ill g

15、et it. I got it. I got it. 好 我们有对策了 Okay, heres what we do. Heres what we do. 你要去找Hallowes参议员 You should meet with senator Hallowes. 她跟塑料行业的人联系非常紧密. She is stight with the plastics people, its. 你在玩我吗 Are you kidding? 这些敢不敢不弯成这样 Do these not bend the fuck back? 可以 可以 No. No. 我要拿这个干什么 What am I supposed to do with this? 我拿着它到处晃 Im supposed to eat around corners? 你是这么准

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