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1、What time is it?课时知识点:1.Which of the subjects do you like best? 你最喜欢哪门学科? 它的同义句是:What subject do you like best?which是“哪一个”,有范围限制,而 what“什么”无范围限制。best 这儿是程度副词,“最好地”2.So I can eat three.因此我能吃三个。 So 在这儿是连词,“因此”“所以”,它还可以作副词“这么;非常;如此” 如:He is so strong. 他是如此的强壮。The playground is so big.操场是那么的大。3.on the O

2、pen Day在具体到哪天用介词on,在点时间前用介词at; 在年,月和一天中的上下午和晚上用in. on the first day of school,在开学的第一天 at 3 oclock p.m. in the morning/afternoon/eveningin October, in 20124.Whats the date today? Its 9 October. 对日期提问,用what is the date? 但对星期,特殊日子提问,用what day is it? Eg. What day is it today? Its Monday/my birthday.5.Ca

3、n you come, Mum? 你能来吗, 妈妈?can 是情态动词,后接动词原形,“能够做某事” Eg. I can dance/swim/sing/read.-Can you read books?-Yes, I can. No, I cant. Mum首字母大写,表示独一无二的称呼,如Father, Mother, Miss Liu6.What time is it?=whats the time? 几点了? Its three/two oclock p.m. / a.m.7.The parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afterno

4、on.家长会在下午2点开始。点时间前接介词at二 巩固练习1. 用适当的介词填空:at, in, behind, on, in front of(1).Lets meet _ 8:00 _ the morning.(2).The parents meeting begins _ two oclock _ the afternoon.(3).The tall boy stands _ the door, so we cant find him.(4).There are some beautiful pictures _ the teachers desk.(5).There is a park

5、 _ _ _ our school.2. 根据句意、所给汉语或首字母写出单词。(1).Lets have a _(会议) after class.(2). China is a great country with a long h_.(3). Whats the d_ tomorrow? Its 24 October.(4). On the _ _(开放日),parents can _(come) to _(watch) our lessons.(5). Lets _ _ _ _ _ (在校门口碰面).泗阳育才双语学校初一备课组English七年级上册Unit3 第二课时教学案一 复习:补全

6、下面对话 A: _ the date today? B: _ 25 October. Oh, tomorrow is our _ _(开放日). _you come, Mum? Yes, I can. What _ is it? The _ _(家长会) begins at two _ in the afternoon. After that, parents watch two of our lessons. Ok. Lets meet _ _ _ _ _ 1:30.(校门口)二 Reading教学流程Lead-in: Now lets look around our school. Is

7、our school beautiful? Is it clean and bright?Do you like our school? (let the Ss answer them ).What can you see in the school?The Ss may answer:We can see tall buildings, a playground, many classrooms and so on. 老师可以板书出生词。老师总结:There are _ buildings in our school. There is a road in front of our scho

8、ol. Our classroom is on _ floor. It is so bright and clean. We have a computer in every classroom, so our classroom is modern. Ok, now lets look at Millies school. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions according to the text.1. Does Millies school look beautiful?2. Where are Millie

9、 and her Mum?3. How many classrooms are there in her school?4. What floor is Millies classroom?5. Are the classrooms clean and bright?6. Where do they have meetings?7. Are there any music rooms in her school?8. Does Millies school have a library?9. Where do they have meetings?10. Who is Millies Engl

10、ish teacher?三 本课语言点:1.She is ready to show her mother around. 她已经准备好带她妈妈到处转转。 be ready to do sth 准备好干某事 你准备好去看电影了吗? Are you ready to go to the cinema? show sb around 领某人转转 你能领我在你们学校转转吗? Can you show me around in your school?2. Your school looks beautiful.你的学校看起来很美。look 是系动词“看起来,”后面可以加一个形容词他看起来很累。He

11、looks tired.那只小狗看起来可爱吗?Does that little dog look cute?他今天看起来不高兴。He doesnt look happy today.3. Let me show you around.让我带领你转转。Let sb(宾格) do sth. 让某人干某事让我看看。Let me have a look.让我们来见见我的新同学。Lets meet my new classmates.请让我来帮你吧。Let me help you, please.让我们去散步吧。Let us take a walk.让我们欣赏电影吧。Let us enjoy the m

12、ovie.让我们去大厅吧。Lets go to the hall.4. Were now in front of the classroom building.我们在教学楼的前面。in front of 在前面(外部,不同范围)The car stops in front of us. 车停在我们前面。教室的前面有棵树。There is a tree in front of the classroom.区别: in the front of 在前面(内部,同一个范围)I sit in the front of the classroom我坐在教室的前排。5. My classroom is o

13、n the ground floor.我的教室在一楼/底楼。了解:在英国英语中,the ground floor 是”一楼”,而在美国和我国,”一楼”我们用the first floor The classrooms are clean and bright.教室干净又明亮。 bright是“明亮的”,“聪明的”a bright boy一个聪明的男孩 a bright room一个明亮的房间 6.This way, Mum.这边走,妈妈。7.You have a library too, right?你们也有个图书馆,对吗?library 的复数形式是libraries8.That new b

14、uilding is our library. (对划线部分提问) What is that new building? The building over there is the school hall.(同上) What is the building over there?9.We have meetings there.我们在那儿开会。 Have是实意动词,意思很多,与不同的词连用,可以有不同的意思。如 I have short hair.我留短发。“有” have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早饭/中饭/晚饭 “吃”have meetings开会 have les

15、sons 上课 10. Whos that man in a white shirt?穿白色衬衫的那个男子是谁?the man in the white shirt穿白衬衣的男子穿红裙子的女人the woman in the red dress穿黄衣服的女孩The girl in yellow戴眼镜的男孩The boy with glasses注意:这儿都是用介词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词。11. There are lots of books.有许多书。 同义句:There are many books.a lot of=lots of +可数名词复数或接不可数名词,但many只能接可数

16、名词复数。四 巩固练习翻译短语:1.准备做某事be ready to do sth. 2.带领某人转转show sb around3.在那边over there 4.开会have meetings5. 穿白衬衫的男子a man in a white shirt 6. 让我们去学校大厅吧。Lets go to the school hall.7. 在一楼on the ground floor 8.许多图画lots of/a lot of/ many pictures单项选择题:1. Millies school looks very _. A. beautiful B. beautifully

17、C. beauty 2 Do you know the man _ red shirt? A. on B. with C. in 3. Let me _ you how to do this. A. show B. showing C. shows4. My classroom is _ the third floor. A. in B. at C. on5. - _ pencil box is yours? - The one on the chair. A. Where B. What C. Which6. - Im sorry Im late. - _. A. Thats all rig

18、ht B. Thats right C. No sorry泗阳育才双语学校初一备课组English七年级上册Unit3 第三课时教学案一复习练习完成下列句子1. Im new here. Can you _? (带我到处走走吗?)2.请这边走。_.3.他看起来很高兴。He _.4.那边的那个人是谁?Who is the man _?5.那边的那个女孩是你妹妹吗?Is that girl _ your sister?6.王小姐是我们的英语老师。Miss Wang _ _ _ _.7.我们现在在教学大楼的前面。We are now _ the classroom building.8.我们的图书馆

19、即现代又漂亮。Our _ is _ and beautiful.9. 我家住在一楼。你呢?My home _. _you?10.她准备好去和她妈妈说实话了。She _ tell her mother the truth.二. 语法人称代词我们常常用人称代词来表示人或物的名词。第一次出现可以用名词,以后可以用人称代词,尤其在做回答时常用人称代词。Lucy and I are twins. _ are from the USA.(we)Look at these flowers. _ are beautiful.(they) I love _.(them)Jack is a lovely dog.

20、 Everyone likes _.(it)Helen is my cousin. I often play with _.(her)These pictures are interesting. Let _ look at _.(us, them)人称代词不仅可以指代人,还可以指代动植物及无生命的物体。如果人称代词在句子中做主语,用主格;如果做宾语,用宾格;如果做定语,用形容词物主代词;如果做表语,用名词性物主代词。I love it/them/you/him/her. I 是主语房子动词love的前面,其后跟的都是宾语。He is my father. He 是主语用主格,my我的,做定语

21、修饰father,用形容词的物主代词。The book is mine.这书是我的。Mine是名词性物主代词,相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。The book is my book.=The book is mine.人称代词的主格 宾格 形容性物主代词 名词性物主代词 归纳如下表:人称代词单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称主格I youhesheitwethey宾格mehimherusthem形容词性物主代词myyourhisitsourtheir名物代mineyourshersourstheirs翻译重要短语:1.看这些图片 look at the pictures 2. 在墙上on the

22、wall3.让我想想let me see 4. 在我们学校足球队in our school football team5.让我告诉你关于我的事。Let me tell you about me. tell sb. about sb. tell sb. sth.6.下课after class 7. 和他们玩play with them play with sb.与某人一起玩play with sth.玩什么东西 8. 向某人问好say hello to sb. 类似的有say sorry/hi/goodbye/Happy birthday to sb.向某人说 9. 我没能听好。 I cant

23、hear you well. well是副词,修饰动词,good是形容词。10.通电话on the phone巩固练习:用适当的人称代词填空 1. My name is Millie. _ am 12 years old. 2. Hello, Simon. How are _?3. There are Sandy and Amy. _ are playing badminton. 4. Here are my friends and I. _ are in Grade 7. 5. This is Mr Wu. _ is our teacher. 6. Simon and Daniel, are

24、 _ reading comic books?泗阳育才双语学校初一备课组English七年级上册Unit3 第四课时教学案一 复习:用适当的人称代词填空1. I have a lot of new friends at the new school. Do you want to know _?2. Mr Wu is our teacher. He teaches _ English. 3.Millie loves reading. She has a dog, Eddie. She walks _ every day. 4. Simon likes football. Sometimes w

25、e talk about _ after school. 5. Is Grandma at home now? I want to say hello to _.6. Pardon? Daniel, I cant hear _ well. 二本课重要的语言点:1. How do you get to school?你是如何到达学校的? get to sp.(地点名词) eg. get to Nanjing, get home/here/therehow可以对交通工具或方式提问;I get to school by bike.(对划线提问)How do you get to school?I g

26、o home on foot. How do you go home?Sandy rides a bike to get to school. How does Sandy get to school?by+交通工具,中间无冠词 by bike/car/bus/plane/air/water/land但take a bus/car, walk to sp.=go to sp. on foot2. How long does it take?要花费多长时间?how long 对一段时间提问。花费时间做某事的句型是 it takes sb. +时间 +to do sth.(动词不定式) r 如: It takes me ten minutes to ride a bike to get to school.(对划线提问) How long does it take you to ride

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