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1、TRAVIS PLUNKETT:Were going to have one federal consumer financial protection bureau. If it succeeds, people will know it. If it fails, people will know it. And they will try to hold it accountable.The bureau will set rules for the marketplace and enforce existing laws. One goal is to keep home buyer

2、s from getting bigger loans than they can pay for. But two areas where the bureau will not have power is over auto lenders or banks with assets of less than ten billion dollars.Financial interests spent millions fighting the bill. The House of Representatives passed its _ in December. Last week the

3、Senate voted final _ with the aid of three Republican senators.House Minority Leader John Boehner called the financial reform bill ill-conceived.JOHN BOEHNER:I think its going to make credit harder for the American people to get, clearly harder for businesses to get.But President Obama says Wall Str

4、eet took _ risks that threatened the financial system.Under the new law, banks canno longer own or invest in certain trading operations. The government has new powers to _ failing financial companies. These include businesses that, during the financial crisis, were considered too big to fail.And Pre

5、sident Obama says the law does something else.Finally, because of this law, the American people will never again be asked to foot the bill for Wall Streets mistakes. There will be no more tax-funded bailouts. Period.Regulatory agencies will write hundreds of new rules for banks and other financial c

6、ompanies. This follows years of _.Opponents in Congress say they will try to block some measures in the new law. But even if those efforts fail, it is too soon to know just how strong the new rules will be.Obama Looks for Hope in Exports to Create Jobs_The IMF credited expansion in Asia and growing

7、_ in the United States. But the lenders chief economist also warned that downside risks have risen sharply.President Obama talked this week about the importance of building exports as a way to create jobs and economic growth at home.American exports grew almost _ percent over the first four months o

8、f this year, compared to the same period last year. Part of this, of course, is due to the global recovery. But we are also moving forward on improving conditions for Americas exporters.Mr. Obama re-launched the Presidents Export Council. The group includes business and labor leaders who will advise

9、 on trade_.Last week the government reported that private employers added only eighty-three thousand jobs in June. _t remains high even after six months of job growth. As the president points out, there are still five unemployed workers for each job opening.Export-related jobs, he said, pay fifteen

10、percent more than _. In two thousand eight, American exports supported almost _ percent of all jobs, including one-third of jobs in manufacturing.In January, in his State of the Union speech, President Obama promised to double exports in five years. In his comments Wednesday, he said the United Stat

11、es must work to remove trade _ and open new markets.Ninety-five percent of the worlds customers and _ markets are beyond our borders. So if we want to find new growth streams, if we want to find new markets and new opportunity, we have got to compete for those new customers, because other nations ar

12、e competing for those new customers.He said the United States offers some of the worlds lowest barriers to trade - and expects free and fair access to other countries in return.In late June, the World Trade Organization ruled that Airbus received billions in illegal European aid. The ruling was a vi

13、ctory for its American competitor Boeing.American_ have also long complained that China suppresses the value of the yuan to lower the price of its exports. China recently promised to let the yuan trade more freely against the dollar.China passed Germany to become the worlds top _ country last year.

14、The United States was third.Some American companies have been doing well in developing markets. For the first time, General Motors has announced higher sales in China, the worlds largest car market, than in the United States.Oil Spill in US Gulf: The Weeks Developments_On Thursday, the chief executi

15、ve officer of BP faced hours of intense questioning at a House of Representatives hearing. Tony Hayward _ the spill. But he said it was too early to say what caused the April twentieth _ on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. Eleven workers died.He said BP expects to complete two relief wells in Aug

16、ust to stop the leak from a damaged well. But he would not answer questions about the design of the leaking well.Lawmakers said the company has a record of putting _ ahead of safety.But Republican Representative Joe Barton of Texas apologized to Tony Hayward. He said he was sorry for what he saw as

17、political pressure by President Obama to force BP to set up a claims fund for victims.He called it a _ and a _ dollar shakedown of a private company. The congressman later apologized for his apology.On Wednesday, BP officials came to the White House for what many people expected would be a twenty mi

18、nute meeting. They came out four hours later after talks with the president and other officials.BP agreed to put twenty billion dollars over the next three years into an _ fund to pay claims and damages. President Obama said it was not a limit on what the company might have to pay. BP has already sp

19、ent more than a billion dollars on the clean-up operation.BP will also _ dividend payments to shareholders temporarily. About forty percent of BP shareholders are in Britain, but almost as many are in the United States.And BP has agreed to establish a _ dollar fund to pay unemployed oil rig workers.

20、 The money is for those affected by a six-month suspension of deepwater drilling.President Obama gave his first speech from the Oval Office Tuesday night to discuss the oil spill. He called it the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced.Many Gulf residents have criticized the presidents

21、performance in the crisis. Many people who work in fishing part of the year also depend on well-paid jobs in offshore energy. The six-month ban on deepwater drilling is meant for safety. But in Louisiana alone, the oil and gas industry produces seventy billion dollars each year.Members of Congress f

22、rom Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi are appealing to the administration to shorten the six-month moratorium. But some environmental groups say it should be made permanent to end the nations dependence on oil.This week, government scientists raised their estimate of the leak to between thirty-five a

23、nd sixty thousand barrels of oil each day. BP has increased the amount of oil captured. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen said Friday that _ barrels were captured in the past twenty-four hours.Also, BP said it was getting closer to the damaged well. And BPs chairman told Sky News that Tony Hayward will

24、 no longer be _ the daily operations in the Gulf of Mexico.US-Russia Spy Exchange Brings Quick End to Case_.The United States freed ten admitted Russian agents. The men and women were arrested in late June and pleaded guilty on Thursday.In exchange, Russia released _ Russians serving prison sentence

25、s on charges of spying for the West. The men include Igor Sutyagin, an arms researcher who always denied the charges. Some considered him a political prisoner.The United States deported nine Russians and an American citizen born in Peru. Some raised children while living quiet lives as married coupl

26、es. An eleventh suspect disappeared after being freed on bail in Cyprus.The group was accused of trying to gain information on American nuclear weapons, foreign policy and politics for the SVR - Russias foreign _ service.The way both countries are _ the issue suggests that neither side is interested

27、 in starting a fight. So says Andrei Koztunof of the New Eurasia Foundation in Moscow. Russias Foreign Ministry praised the exchange, saying, The action was taken in the general context of improved Russian-U.S. relations.The ten were only charged with _ to act as undeclared foreign agents. They were not charged with the more serious crime of espionage, so th

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