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1、不能答在试卷上。4. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。5. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFew places in the world can be as good as Wate

2、rton-Glacier International Peace Park. This UNESCO World Heritage site has snow-capped mountains and, in its valleys, deep blue lakes. Grizzly bears and mountain lions live in its forests. It is different from most other World Heritage sites due to its location in two countries. This land actually c

3、ombines two large national parksWaterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada, and Glacier National Park in Montana, United States.Back in 1931, local Rotary Club members had the idea of uniting the two parks. The Rotarians believed the area could be better protected and enjoyed as one, and their

4、governments agreed. Then, in 1995, UNESCO agreed as well, and the two parks became a single World Heritage site.For visitors, Waterton-Glacier Park offers many wonderful things to see and do. Have a picnic or go for a hikeor have a picnic on your hikeand be ready to take lots of pictures. On the lak

5、es, take a boat tour, go fishing or simply go for a swim.Whatever activities you choose, amazing views will surround you. For example, a road tour anywhere in the park will pass through wonderful scenery. Dont miss the drive westward along the Going-to-the-Sun Road. You will never forget the great v

6、iews.A number of small towns live within Waterton-Glacier Park or close to it. In these places, you can get a bite to eat, buy gifts or find a place to stay. One must-see is the town of Waterton and Prince of Wales Hotel. Camping in the park is a very popular activity. Many campsites are available o

7、n a first come, first served basis while some need to be reserved. If you camp, be sure to keep food locked away at night. Otherwise, you may have an unwanted visit from a bear.Words cannot describe beautiful Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. You have to see it for yourself!1. What is speci

8、al about Waterton-Glacier Park compared with other World Heritage sites?A. It is cold and snowy all year round.B. It is home to many endangered wildlife.C. It has plenty of natural resources.D. It includes two parks in the US and Canada.2. Who first suggested joining Waterton Lakes National Park and

9、 Glacier National Park together?A. Local Rotary club members. B.The US government.C. The Canada government. D. UNESCO.3. What does the underlined word “surround” mean in the fourth paragraph?A. Be all around. B. Be familiar to. C. Be suitable for. D. Be related to.4. Why do people in the camp need t

10、o put away their food at night?A. Towns are far away and its not easy to buy food.B. There are so many visitors that food may not be enough.C. Wild animals will come to the camp for food.D. People want to save food for the wild animals.5. Which word can best describe the activities in Waterton-Glaci

11、er Park?A. Annoying. B. Dangerous. C. Relaxing. D. Creative.BQDear Matt,I dont have anyone to play with at break. My classmates all have their company, and no one is interested in talking to me. Im shy and very lonely. I find it hard to make friends. What should I do?FriendlessDear Friendless,Take t

12、he initiative (采取主动). The things that you want in life wont always just happen for you. Often,we need to take action to make a positive change in our lives. This also happens to be true for making friends. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do starting today to build friendships with your classmate

13、s.Its true that its easier for some people to make friends than others. Like you, I am also a fairly shy person. Sometimes, it takes effort to go out and meet people. You will have to overcome your shyness by talking to people. It may be frightening and uncomfortable at first, but its the only way t

14、o develop your confidence and begin to make friends.Making new friends starts with talking. You will need to get close to others to start a conversation. Do you have any common interests with your classmates? Find them. It could be something as simple as a TV show, music or sports.Are you involved i

15、n any after-school clubs, sports or activities? There are friends out there for all of us, and they will come more naturally. I used to play on a soccer team for many years when I was younger. Working towards a common goalwinning the game in this case-helped the teammates to work together. I made ma

16、ny friends this way.During the break, maybe you can introduce a new game or activity that others would be interested in. Make sure your body language shows that you are open and willing to talk with others. Dont be afraid to speak loud before a group of people. Also, dont be afraid to simply ask if

17、you can join your classmates in whatever game or activity theyre now engaged in.You can do it.Matt6. Who is Matt?A. A reporter. B. An adviser. C. A classmate of Friendless. D. A soccer coach.7. Matt gives the following suggestions to Friendless EXCEPT _.A. starting talking to others B. watching a TV

18、 showC. joining in after-school activities D. introducing what interests others8. Why does Matt share his experience on a soccer team with Friendless?A. To invite Friendless to join his team. B. To explain the benefit of playing soccer.C. To tell that he used to be good at sports. D. To show joining

19、 a team helps make friends.9. According to Matt, what can help to show ones willingness to talk?A. Using body language. B. Keeping asking questions.C. Creating a new game. D. Speaking in a low voice.10. Where is this text taken from?A. An Encyclopedia. B. A brochure. C. A newspaper. D. A story-book.

20、CLike many inventions, language translators were imagined by writers long before they became real. In Hugo Gernsbacks 1911 novel A Romance of the Year 2660, characters use a video telephone that can translate from one language to another. A language translator also appears in Murray Leinsters 1945 F

21、irst Contact. In that story, humans and creatures from another planet made a translation device together after asking for contact with one another. The idea of the language translator didnt become truly popular, however, until the “universal translator” appeared in the 1970 Star Trek series, which d

22、elighted television viewers at that time. That device was universal in the sense that it could translate any language that it came across.The first real language translator was demonstrated (展示) by engineers from IBM company and Georgetown University in 1954.Their machine could only translate Russia

23、n sentences into English. Language translators have come a long way since then. Today, online translations can be accessed easily at no cost to users. With translation apps,users sometimes dont even have to look things up. All they need to do is point their cellphones camera at some writing, and a t

24、ranslation immediately appears. If users want to translate something being said aloud, they just turn on their phones microphone. All of these features save time and effort.Translation apps on phones make foreign travel much easier than before. They are invaluable and convenient when it comes to com

25、municating with taxi drivers or hotel waiters who dont speak a travelers native language. But these apps are far from perfect. Sometimes a translation makes no sense, forcing the user to guess what the translation means. At other times, the user might not know that the translation has failed until h

26、e or she shows it to a native speaker.11. When was the idea of the language translator widely known?A. In 1911. B. In 1945. C. In 1970. D. In 1954.12. We can infer from the text that _.A. writers are usually cleverer than inventorsB. the idea of a language translator came from science storiesC. engi

27、neers made language translators to delight TV viewersD. it took little effort for people to develop language translators13. What does the underlined word “they” refer to in paragraph 4?A. Translation apps. B.Users. C. Translations. D. Phones.14. How does the writer conclude the text?A. By telling th

28、at online translation will change our life.B. By explaining that online translation has its weakness.C. By introducing how to use translation apps in travelling.D. By discussing why people should give up translation apps.15. What is the best title for the text?A. How do science stories become true?B

29、. Can languages be translated into each other?C. How does a language translator develop?D. Why do we depend on language translators?第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的7个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。11 years after the tragedy of Wenchuan, a 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan Province again last n

30、ight. _16_ He was Wanghao, who, after Wenchuan, devoted himself to developing Chinas earthquake early warning system that last night saved hundreds of lives.At 22:55 on 17 June, 2019, the Continental Earthquake Early Warning Network warned Changning County of Yibin City 10 seconds in advance of the

31、quake hitting the area. _17_ Among them, the Sichuan capital of Chengdu received early warning 61 seconds in advance. _18_Besides Chengdu, other citizens in Leshan, Yaan and Deyang also received the earthquake warning through their TV sets and text messages. _19_ In just a few seconds, many people were saved. People reported that once they received the warning online, they ran out of the building and stayed in the open air, waiting for rescue. Xinhua News report

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