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1、The Romantic The Romantic The Romantic The Romantic PeriodPeriodPeriodPeriod (1798-1832)menubreak endObjectivesObjectives1.1.To have the basic knowledge about the brief To have the basic knowledge about the brief history of the Romantic Periodhistory of the Romantic Period2.To have an analysis of “I

2、 Wondered Lonely 2.To have an analysis of “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”as a Cloud”3.To be familiar with Jane Austens writing 3.To be familiar with Jane Austens writing styles and major contribution to English styles and major contribution to English literatureliteraturemenubreak endContentsContents

3、BackgroundBackgroundWilliam Wordsworth:William Wordsworth:“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”Jane Austen:Jane Austen:Pride and PrejudicePride and PrejudiceBackgroundBackgroundmenubreak endHistorical BackgroundHistorical Background PoliticallyPoliticallya.workersa.workers move

4、ment movementb.Frenchb.French Revolution(1789)Revolution(1789)watchwordswatchwords口号;标语:“liberty,equality “liberty,equality and and fraternityfraternity友爱”menubreak end EconomicallyEconomically Britain Britain-thethe “workshopworkshop车间,工场,作坊 ofof the world the world”after after the Industrial Revol

5、ution the Industrial Revolutiona.Noa.No country was strong enough to compete with country was strong enough to compete with England England.b.Theb.The Industrial Revolution pushed the Industrial Revolution pushed the bourgeoisie bourgeoisie中产阶级 toto the dominant position in the dominant position in

6、thethe country country and became the ruling class.and became the ruling class.c.Thec.The working class lived in working class lived in dreadfuldreadful遭透的;可怕的 poverty.poverty.menubreak endIdeologicallyIdeologically思想体系上;意识形态上 a.a.TheThe principle of Reason was giving principle of Reason was giving

7、way way to an individualized,to an individualized,free,free,liberal,imaginative liberal,imaginative attitude attitude towards towards life;life;b.Ab.A tendency to turn or escape from tendency to turn or escape from the the confusing Here and Now.confusing Here and Now.menubreak endLiterarilyLiterari

8、lyA.A.TheThe political struggle of the political struggle of the time time was alsowas also reflected by reflected by thethe political political writings at writings at thatthat time.time.a.a.Thomas Thomas PainePaine托马斯潘恩:The Rights of The Rights of ManManmenubreak endb.b.Writers got Writers got ins

9、pirationsinspirations灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)fromfrom the French Revolution and wrote the French Revolution and wrote beautiful poems and beautiful poems and proseprose散文.(William Blake,Byron,Shelley,William Blake,Byron,Shelley,Wordsworth Wordsworth,Lamb,Lamb,etc.etc.)menubreak endB.B.Romanticism arose as a m

10、ain literary Romanticism arose as a main literary trend which trend which prevailedprevailed流行,盛行;普遍 in in England during the period of 1798-1832.England during the period of 1798-1832.menubreak end*RomanticismRomanticismA A movement that flourished movement that flourished in literaturein literatur

11、e,philosophyphilosophy,music,and,music,and artart in western in western cultureculture during the during the firstfirst half of the half of the 19th19th century,century,beginningbeginning as a as a revoltrevolt反叛,起义Against classicismAgainst classicism.menubreak endIt It prevailed in England during t

12、he prevailed in England during the periodperiod of of 1798-1832,beginning with 1798-1832,beginning with thethe publication of publication of ColeridgeColeridgekulrid科尔里奇 and and WordsworthsWordsworths Lyrical Lyrical BalladsBallads抒情歌谣集 (1798),(1798),endingending with the death of Walter with the de

13、ath of Walter Scott Scott(1832).1832).*RomanticismRomanticismmenubreak end*RomanticismRomanticismThere have been many varieties ofThere have been many varieties ofRomanticism in many different times Romanticism in many different times and places.and places.menubreak end PoliticallyPolitically,it was

14、 inspired by the,it was inspired by therevolutions in America and Francerevolutions in America and Franceand popular wars of independenceand popular wars of independencein Poland,Spain,Greece and Poland,Spain,Greece and elsewhere.*RomanticismRomanticismmenubreak endEmotionallyEmotionall

15、y,it expressed,it expressed an extremean extreme assertionassertion of the self of the self and theand the value of value of individualindividual experience.experience.*RomanticismRomanticismmenubreak end*CharacteristicsCharacteristics of Romanticism of Romanticisma a.It is against the strict order

16、and.It is against the strict order and reason reason of Neoclassicism of the of Neoclassicism of the previous centuries previous centuries.menubreak end*Characteristics of RomanticismCharacteristics of Romanticismb.Imagination,emotion,and freedom b.Imagination,emotion,and freedom are certainly the focal points of are certainly the focal points of romanticism.romanticism.Some key termsSome key termsmenubreak endImaginationImaginationTheThe imagination,instead of“reason”,imagination,instead of“rea

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