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本文(美最高法院将审理亚利桑那州移民法文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、支持这项法案的人说,在亚利桑那这个处于边境地带的州里,从当地的角度来说,采取比较强硬的措施,是非常有必要的,因为联邦政府在制止非法移民方面,做得根本不够。A federal court blocked parts of the law, including a measure that allows police to check the immigration status of a person during stops or arrests on other matters不过,美国的一个联邦法庭裁决说,这项法案的部分内容不应该落实;被联邦法庭认为不应该落实的措施,包括当地警方在因为别的

2、事情抓到某人的时候,或是在其他场合,是否有权查问被抓的人的移民身份问题。The Obama administration says immigration enforcement is the job of the federal government and needs to be addressed at that level. The hotly debated, divisive issue is expected to receive significant attention ahead of the November presidential election.奥巴马总统执掌下的

3、行政当局说,如何处理移民问题,应当由联邦政府来管辖,需要在联邦政府一级做出最后的裁决。不过,不是所有的人都这么认为。有关这方面的话题,将是今年11月总统大选之前,估计各方面都会非常关注的。The Supreme Court is expected to make its decision before the end of June.针对亚利桑那州的这项法案,美国的最高法庭预计将在六月底之前,做出最后的裁决。Democratic Senator Charles Schumer said if the high court upholds the Arizona statute, he will

4、 introduce legislation to reiterate that Congress does not intend for states to enact their own immigration enforcement laws.来自纽约州的民主党籍的参议员舒默表示,假如美国最高法院在最后的裁决中,支持亚利桑那州的作法的话,那么,他将在国会内部,力争通过一项立法,重申国会方面不认为各个州有权制订自己认为合适的移民改革方案。Congressional Republicans are expected to introduce their own immigration ref

5、orm plans.而一般预料共和党籍的国会议员会提出他们的移民改革方案。Schumer said Republicans have ignored efforts to work with Democrats on the issue. He spoke at a Senate hearing Tuesday, on the eve of the Supreme Court arguments.舒默参议员说,在这个问题上,共和党人一直没有要和民主党人合作。舒默是星期二、也就是最高法院要听取相关论证的前一天、在参议院的一个听证会上,说这番话的。 Im sure it didnt escape

6、notice that none of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle came to this hearing, said Schumer. Thats not surprising. Theyre absent from this hearing just as they have been absent from every attempt weve made to negotiate a comprehensive solution to our immigration problem. We need people to si

7、t down, people on both sides of the aisle in a bipartisan way and solve this problem, and we have been unable to find negotiating partners.舒默参议员说:我可以肯定,大家可能都注意到了,那就是,没有一个共和党的议员前来参加今天的这个听证会。这也不奇怪。他们不只是今天没有来出席这个听证会,之前所有要讨论如何出台一整套方案,解决移民问题的机会,他们也都选择错过了。我们需要大家一起坐下来,需要来自不同党派的人一起坐下来,跨越党派的界线,来讨论、并且解决这个问题;但

8、是呢,对方一直不愿意和我们谈。The state lawmaker behind the Arizona legislation, Russell Pearce, said the invasion of illegal aliens poses one of the greatest threats to our nation in terms of political, economic and national security.在亚利桑那州,最支持这项法案的州议员皮尔斯说,非法移民的入侵,无论是从政治的角度、还是经济的角度、还是国家安全的角度来讲,都对美国构成了一个极其严重的威胁。We

9、 have a national crisis, and yet we continue to ignore it, Pearce noted. There are some that run for office and talk about build the darn fence but never hear it again once they are elected. I think America is a little tired of the drive-by statements by politicians instead of dealing with the issue

10、 at hand. Enforce our laws. Secure our border.皮尔斯说:我们现在面临的是一个全国性的危机;但是我们却还在忽视这个问题。一些政治人物,他们竞选的时候说,要修建一堵围墙,但是一旦选上以后,就再也没有下文了。我觉得,美国民众现在都已经厌烦了政治人物这种只说不做的办事方法了。就应该认真执法,捍卫我们的边界。Pearce, who was removed from office last year in a recall election, said those who have illegally entered the country have incl

11、uded convicted felons, members of drug cartels and gangs, and human traffickers. He said immigration has cost the state billions of dollars in education, health care and detention costs. He said a majority of other states expressed support for the legislation.皮尔斯去年在当地举行的第二轮选举中,输给了对手。他说,那些非法进入美国的人当中,有一些是罪犯、有一些是毒品走私集团的成员、还有一些是人口贩子。皮尔斯说,亚利桑那州在移民问题上、具体说是涉及到非法移民的教育、医疗保健、以及关押期间的费用等等方面,花去了数十亿美元的资金;皮尔斯还说,从美国国内来讲,很多其他的州也都对亚利桑那州的这项方案,表示支持。新财界 峫孞尛

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