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1、四种常见的十句作文模式及其句型四种常见的十句作文模式及其句型一、原因模式说明这个模式主要用于:题目是给出一个图表,或提出一种社会现象,要求说明解释这个图表或现象。其结构如下:点题,即概括所要求评论的问题或现象。具体(如用数据)描写这个问题或现象。论点句,即对这一问题或现象的基本看法。造成这一问题或现象的第一个原因。具体说明第一个原因。造成这一问题或现象的第二个原因。具体说明第二个原因。造成这一问题或现象的第三个原因。具体说明第三个原因。结尾。S1 Topic: S2 Problem: S3 Thesis: S4 CauseI: S5 Details: S6 Cause II: S7 Detai

2、ls: S8 Cause III: S9 Details: S10 Conclusion:句型S1In the last few years,In recentyears,there has beenChina hasexperiencedaaandramatic increasegrowing tendencyupward trendinretail food pricethe crime ratethe divorce rate.S2According tothe chart/graph/table, a recent report/studyin 1997 thenumberpercen

3、tagerateofstudents who.teenage smokingdivorcealmost doubled/triplednearly increased/jumpeddecreased/droppedhasby 10 percentan average of 10 percentcompared withlast year10 years ago.S3There are severala numberthree ofreasonscausesfor thissignificant increasemarked declinedramatic change.S4 First,For

4、 one thing,One reason is.S5S7S8 Perhaps the primaryfundamentalmost importantreasoncauseisS9S10 From what has been discussed above, we may safely/reasonablyreachdrawcome to the conclusion thatRising Divorce Rates in ChinaIn recent years China has experienced a dramatic increase in thedivorce rate. Ac

5、cording to the chart, during the last decade, thedivorce rate in big cities has increased as much as it had in the previousthirty years. The upward trend in divorce seems to be a mirror of someimportant changes in Chinese society. First, legal changes havesimplified divorce procedures, and removed b

6、arriers to divorce. Moreand more people, both young and old, are now benefiting from, eventaking advantage of the new law which for the first time in historyallows a couple to get divorced merely for loves sake. Second, there has been a significant change in social attitude towards the divorced pers

7、ons. The act of divorce is no longer considered a social stigma. Finally, the change in personal economic activities also facilitates divorce. The unprecedented social mobility in the last l0 years both within the country and across the land has placed severe strains on married couples, not only in

8、terms of geographic separation, but also psychological change.Whatever changes leading to the rise in divorce rates, the fact and the statistics alone reflect the change in peoples traditional view of marriage and family life.范文2The World is Getting Smaller and Smaller(1) Most of us may have such ex

9、periences: when you go to someplace far away from the city where you live and think you knownobody there, you are surprised to find that you run into one of yourold classmates on the streets. (2) Perhaps both of you would cry out,What a small world! (3) Why is there a feeling that the world is getti

10、ng smaller andsmaller? (4) First, faster and safer means of transport have greatlyreduced distance. (5) In the past it took people two months to cross thePacific Ocean, but now an air journey from Shanghai to New York City takes only twenty hours. (6) Second, the advance incommunications technology

11、makes it possible for us to know everythinghappening in the world without leaving our homes. (7) Just pick upyour telephone or press the keys of your computer, you can talk toanyone within a few seconds. (8) Finally, political and businessactivities have brought people into frequent contact with eac

12、h other.(9) For example, an American congressman talks with the JapanesePrime minister in the morning, attends a conference in Australia in theafternoon, and appears in a dinner party in Shanghai at night.(10) Obviously, the more advanced technology and our society,the smaller the world will be.说明S1

13、 Topic:点题,即点明所要求说明的问题或现象。S2 Problem:具体(如用数据)描写这个问题或现象。S3 Thesis:论点句,即对这一问题或现象的基本看法。S4 CauseI:造成这一问题或现象的第一个原因或间接原因。S5 Detail 1:具体说明第一个原因。S6 Detail 2:具体说明第一个原因。S7 Cause II:造成这一问题或现象的第二个原因或直接原因。S8 Detail l:具体说明第二个原因。S9 Detail 2:具体说明第二个原因。S10 Conclusion:结尾。 如果解释的原因仅有两个,而不是三个,也可以用下面的结构。第一、二、十句可和原因模式第一个结构

14、的第一、二、十句互换。句型S1 Recently thephenomenonproblemofhasarouseddrawnpublic concerngeneral attention.S2The chart/graph/tableThe official statistics/reportshows/indicates thatless than 10 percent of more than one-quartersone out of fourcollege graduatesteenagersTV viewersas againstcompared withsince1996.S3A

15、 number of Several factorscausescouldcontribute tolead tothe problem.S4One of mostcommon factorsprimary causesis that S5 S6S7Anotherimportantcontributingfactorcauseis that S8S9S10Itmight be timequite necessarythat someattention should be paid efforts should be madesteps should be takento范文 3Change i

16、n Peoples Diet(1) In the last 20 years, a marked change has taken place on thefamily dining table. (2) According to the graph, rice, the staple foodof most Chinese, is now playing a less important role in their diet,while the consumption of high quality food such as meat, fish, milkand fruit has gre

17、atly increased. (3) Two factors may contribute to the change. (4) One importantfactor is that people now enjoy a higher standard of living than everbefore. (5) In the old days few people could afford meat and milkevery day, which often meant a big chunk of the family income. (6)But now people have e

18、nough money to taste a rich variety of food. (7)Another factor is that people of today pay more attention to nutrition.(8) They are not merely content to fill the stomach. (9) They areseeking the most reasonable diet which will do goodto their health. (10) In short, with peoples standard of living g

19、etting higher andhigher, changes in their diet will be more obvious and greater.二、比较模式说明这个模式主要用于:题目要求通过比较提出的两个事物,来说明作者的观点,如喜欢哪个,反对哪个。其结构如下:S1 Topic:引出要比较的两个事物S2 Thesis:作者的基本看法S3 Concession:承认某一事物(A)的优点S4 As Disadvantages:但它的缺点是S5 DetailI:具体说明其缺点S6 Detail II:具体说明其缺点S7 BsAdvantages:另一事物(B)的优点S8 Detail

20、 I:具体说明其优点S9 Detail II:具体说明其优点S10 Conclusion:结论,表明作者的观点句型S1For most of us todayIn recent few years, S2 While/Although, I believe/preferS3It is true thatTo be sure,The biggest advantage tois thatS4But, there are also some problemsadvantagesside effects. S5 Just thinkS6It alsolimitsaffectshampersS7In

21、contrastOn the other hand, S8 Although it cannot excel in, it S9 Besides S10 The advantage is more than,范文 4Forty-one Cats(1) Recently I visited a primary school and watched a class of forty young children learn to draw a cat. (2) The class teacher drew a big circle on the blackboard and forty child

22、ren copied it on their papers;the teacher drew a smaller circle on the top of the first and the childrendrew in the same way, a lesson continuing until there were forth-one identical cats in the classroom. (3) To be sure, this teaching method helps students learn quicklyand much more. (4) Yet its ad

23、vantage is that students have fewopportunities to think for themselves. (5) There is not muchdiscussion: the teacher lectures and the students listen. (6) They spendmuch time reciting texts and memorizing rules, but forget most of themright after an exam. (7) On the contrary, in the classroom of Wes

24、tern countries, say, America, students dont memorize information. (8)Instead, they work individually and learn to form their own ideas andopinions. (9) There is often discussion in the classroom and a lot ofreading after class, from which students find answers themselves.(10) Obviously this teaching

25、 method will produce a room full ofunique cats, each completely different from others a method which contributes greatly to the development of students personality and their capability to solve a practical problem.说明 但是如果所讨论的两个事物既有优点又有缺点,不能绝对赞成哪个,反对哪个,这时可用下面结构:S1 Topic:引出要讨论的两个事物S2 Thesis作者的基本看法S3 A

26、s Advantages:A事物的优点,好处S4 Detail I:具体说明S5 Detail II:具体说明S6 As Disadvantages:A事物的缺点S7 Bs Advantages:B事物的优点、好处S8Detail:具体说明S9 Bs Disadvantages:B事物的缺点S10 Conclusion:结论,平衡看法句型S1are the twobasic ways in whichcommon methods toS2There are advantages and disadvantages to both ways/methods. The two ways/metho

27、d have their disadvantages as well as distinct advantages. S3 The biggest advantage/benefit/characteristic is S4 For example,S5Another additionalAnotheradvantage/benefit/characteristic isS6But thedisadvantageproblemisS7By comparisonBy contrast , S8 It can S9 There is again a disadvantage:S10 In my o

28、pinion, a balance of the two ways/methodsa hybrid method范文 5College Extracurricular Activities (1) Group activities and solitary pursuits are the two commonways in which our college students engage in extracurricular activities.(2) The two kinds of pastimes serve both as a stimulant to mentalrelaxat

29、ion and a temporary escape from the pressure of daily studies. (3) Group activities afford us the opportunities to make many newfriends. (4) By playing a ball game, going to a dance, or having aholiday outing, we can share with each other knowledge, skills as wellas happiness. (5) Such experiences c

30、ontribute to rise in our sociability. (6) But the disadvantage is that our personal schedule has to be subject to the arrangements of group activities, and thus freedomis limited. (7) By contrast, solitary pursuits can take place anytime; you can read a good book at midnight, listen to a favorite record betwe

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