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1、The future has many great achievements in store for china.appeal vi. 有吸引力,呼吁,申诉 n. 有吸引力,呼吁,申诉court of appeal 上诉法院appeal to sb 吸引某人appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事His appeal to a higher court was set aside.Jazz hasnt much appeal to me.The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.The community is appea

2、ling to everyone to save water.The sinking ship appealed to the rescue team for help.determine vt. 确定,支配,决心 vi. 决心We must determine what to do next.So, how do you determine where to invest?Two pointsdeterminea line.Genesthe characteristics of every living thing.significant adj. 有重要意义的,重要的,显著的 (signi

3、ficance n. 有重要意义,重要)She gave him asignificantlook.The question under discussion is significant.Economic conditions are significant in many ways.significant, important, vital这组词都可表示“重要的”。significant指某事特别有意义,尤其突出、为人所记忆或长远看很有贡献,但不一定有紧迫的或强有力的含意; important既可指某事意味深长,也可指有价值;vital指对整体的安宁或成功能起到重大的、不可缺少的作用。de

4、scription n. 描述,形容,说明,介绍 (describe vt. 描述,形容,说明)brief description 简介,简要说明,产品简介Thedescriptionwas pretty vague.He gave a briefof the man.explanation,definition,description,exposition,interpretation 这些名词都含有“解释”或“说明”之意。explanation 普通用词,指使人明白未知或不清楚的事。definition 主要指对某一词、短语或专门术语的含义作解释、下定义。 指对某一事物的重要方面进行详细叙

5、述,常含教育与启迪意味。exposition 通常指对论点、假设、理论等的重点作详尽的阐述。interpretation 多指对文字上较难的段落,或难于理解、令人迷惑的问题作出解释或说明。sensitive adj. 感觉敏锐的,体贴的,敏感的,灵敏的,过敏的be sensitive to. 对敏感Environmentally, its a verysensitivearea.Shes got very sensitive hearing, skin, etc.Dont be so sensitive and I was not criticizing you.I have a helpfu

6、l and sensitive friend. 比较:senseable 能感觉到的 sensitive 敏感的 sensible 明智的,合情合理的soul n. 灵魂,心性,内心heart and soul 完全地,全心全意地Creativity is the soul of a nation.The eye is the window of the soul.Knowledge is the food of the soul.reflect vt. & vi. 反映,显示,映出(影像),反射(声,光,热等),沉思,思考reflect on 思考,反省The reports do not

7、accuratelyreflectthe banks position.The glass appears tolight naturally.It is interesting towhy European colonialism ended.I often reflect on the beauty and complexity of life.capable adj. 有能力的,有才能的,能力强的be capable of. 有.能力的The republic lacked firm,capableleadership.This event raises doubts as to whe

8、ther they arecapable.Shes a veryspeaker.He is regarded as verybut unexciting.launch vt. 使(船)下水,开始从事,发动,发射Teachers, artists, and other intellectuals urged political parties tolauncha united movement against the government.This morningsof the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed.Marks & Spencer rec

9、ently hired model Linda Evangelista toits new range.The company researched the market demand and decided to launch their new product.The oil tanker was launched last year.We have got good media coverage for the launch of the new model.permanence n. 永久,持久性,永恒性 (permanent adj. 持久的,永恒的)We shouldnt chea

10、pen the concept ofpermanenceof marriage.Nophysicalpermanence,butonlyan idealone, isnecessary.EventheofAmericassuccessinIraqisfar fromguaranteed.contain vt. 包含,容纳,含有,控制,抑制Dehydrated meals, soups, and saucescontaina lot of salt.(脱水后的饭菜、汤和调味料中含有很多盐分。)He couldnthis emotions.Does each cup contain the sam

11、e amount of milk?Try to contain your anger!She couldnt contain herself for joy.element n. 要素,基本部分,元素Justice is an important element of good government.Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.universal adj. 普遍的,共同的,普遍存在的,万物的,全世界

12、的,一般的universal gravitation 万有引力The shortage of good managers had become auniversalphenomenon.The desire to look attractive isuniversal.Overpopulation is a universal problem.Americans strongly favour the introduction of universal health care.summary n. 摘要,概要,大略,概括in summary 总的来说,总而言之Here is asummaryo

13、f the plot.Luckily it was one of those academic texts which carriedpages at the end of each chapter.Please write me a summary of this report.Insummary,Ithink itsveryimportanttopay attention to our surroundingenvironment.feature n. 特色,特征 vt. 以.为特征,是.的特征hardware feature 硬件特性Classroom discussions are a

14、n essentialfeature.Windmills are a characteristicfeatureof the Mallorcan landscape.This restaurant seems to feature vegetarian dishes.This restaurant features excellent n. 作者,作家,创始者,著述家 (反义词:reader)Shes a famousauthor.Haruki Murakami(村上春树) is Japans best-selling author.therefore adv.

15、因此,所以He was the only candidate; therefore he was elected.We do not have enough money. Therefore we can not afford to buy the new car.I was ill, and therefore I could not come.He was very tired, and therefore he didnt give the market report.issue n. 重要议题,争论的问题,问题,担忧,(报刊)的一期 vt. 宣布,公布,发出,颁布Youre just

16、avoiding the issue.The union plans to raise the issue of overtime.Money is not an issue here. Im talking about trust.The current issue of the periodical is not available now.(这本期刊的最新一期现在没有。November issue has been published!New members will be issued with a temporary identity card.Banknotes of this d

17、esign were first issued 10 years ago.novel n. (长篇)小说 adj. 新颖的,新奇的,与众不同的novelhas been translated into French.I like reading novels in my spare time.Its a novel experience.draw on 凭借,利用Dont write ordraw onthe wall.You canthis account by cheque in payment of goods.Drawing on his own experiences, Cao Xu

18、eqin gives a detailed description of what life was like at that time.upper adj. 上部的,上面的 n. 鞋帮,兴奋剂(反义词:downer 镇静剂)uppermiddle classes 中上层阶级The upper valley is also noted for its valuable woodland and birds.Is methaqualone(甲喹酮) anor downer? Temperatures were in the upper thirties. (温度接近四十度。gap n. 差距,间

19、歇,缺口,裂口close/narrow the gap 缩小差距generation gap 代沟I went around the world in mygapyear.There is a credibilitydeveloping between employers and employees.He has a gap between his two front teeth.They planned to narrow the gap between imports and exports.Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of

20、the main challenges facing the government.context n. (事情发生的)背景,环境,来龙去脉,上下文,语境It is usually easier to pick out the meaning of a phrase in a given context.In the context of the present economic crisis it seems unwise to lower taxes.This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s.spe

21、cific adj. 特定的,明确的,具体的Id like to know if there would be any future opportunities forspecifictraining.He gave us very specific instructions.This tells you that there is a specific distinction between the right and the wrong.ought to=should modal v. 应该,应当You ought to have a haircut.She failed one of t

22、he exam papers, but we ought to make allowance for the fact that she was ill.China ought to make a greater contribution to humanity.particular adj. 特别的,格外的,特指的,挑剔的in particular 特别,尤其be particular about. 对.挑剔,对.讲究Thatparticularexpression is no longer current.I have nothing particular to do this eveni

23、ng.Clouds must be given a particular attention.Shes very particular about what she wears.topic n. 话题,题目,标题Abortion has long been a no-go(行不通)topicfor local politicians.This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic.They discussed the weather and other topics.collection n. (

24、同类)收藏品,作品集,募捐,收集,收藏make a collection of. 收藏.Thiscollectionof essays is edited by Ellen Knight.There are two collections a day from this letter box.Is the collection going to be divided up or sold as a whole?The firm contributed 10000 to the collection.section n. 部分,部门,部件,散件,区域,科,股,断面An all-female po

25、liticalsectionwould have been operationally ineffective.White lines divide the playing area into sections.I hope someone competent will join our section.The report has a section on accidents at work.She lives near the business section.The architect drew the house in section.mean adj. 吝啬的,小气的,不善良的,刻薄

26、的 vt. 表示是.意思,意味着,想要 means n. 方法,手段(单复数同形)by means of. 用.,凭借.by no means 绝不by all means 当然What do youmean?I didntmeanto startle you.I mean to call on him tomorrow.Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year.Dont be so mean to your little brother!That was a mean trick!Her husband is v

27、ery mean about money.I am by nomeansan unsociable person.Thoughts are expressed by means of words.He succeeded by means of perseverance.transport vt. 运输,运送 n. 交通运输系统,交通车辆,运输The goods have been cased up for transport.The transport of goods by air is very expensive.A helicopter was used to transport the wounded.Whe

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