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1、人教版选修6高二英语模块六13lu高二英语模块六要点归纳 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 一、重点词汇1. humour/ humor幽默;滑稽a good sense of humor 很有幽默感humorous a. 幽默的2. make fun of : laugh at/ poke fun at 取笑The other children made fun of her because she was always so n.U Its great fun to do sth.做.真有趣。What (great) fun it is

2、 to do 做多有趣啊!for fun/ for the fun of it/ (just) in fun 闹着玩地;开玩笑似的3. in response to 对做出反应;回答;响应He opened the door in response to a knock.highhope914. reaction n. 反应;回应 the toreact v. 做出反应;回应 5. observe v. 观察;观测;看到;注意到observation n. 观察;注意;观察力He observed the thief stealing money from a womans bag. 他发现一

3、个小偷在偷一个妇女的包里的钱。6. 同意agree to (计划、安排、建议) ones opinion/ suggestion/ plan/view agree with 与意见一致 (意见,看法) sb./what sb. said agree on 在上达成一致意见(两者以上) agree to do sth. 同意做某事 agreement n. in agreement 意见一致6. make jokes about 拿开玩笑play a joke/ a trick on sb. 戏弄某人7. everyday a. 日常的;平常的; 每天发生的 every day adv. 每天8

4、. impressionist a. 印象模仿的impression n.impress v. sb. 给留下印象 sb. with sth. = sth. on sb.使(某人)铭记; 使了解某事的重要性The hero impressed us with his courage. 英雄以其勇气给我们留下深刻印象。9. queue up to do sth./ for sth. 为而排队等候The children queued up to get the tickets./ The children queued up for the tickets.10. one such person

5、 such与no, all, some, any, few, little, many, several, one等词连用时,应位于它们后面No such person exists. I have met many such people.13. award n. 奖金; 奖学金 win/ receive/ get an award for sth. 因某事赢得奖金 v. 授予;把某物颁发给某人 The winner was awarded a gold medal.11. host n.主人;东道主;节目主持人 v. 支持;主办; 主持(活动)14. live a. 现场直播的/地; 以现

6、场直播方式 alive a. 在世的(多用作表语,后置定语或补语,不可作前置定语) living a. 健在的; 有生命的(用于人或动植物,做表语、定语或补语) lively a. 生动的;活泼的 (作定语、表语,指人也可指物) live a. 有生命的;活的 (用作定语,放在表示物的名词前,一般不指人)12. instead of 代替;而不是 (介词短语) Nowadays, people like staying at home watching TV instead of going to the cinema. in place of/ in sb.s place/ take the

7、 place of 13. make up 捏造; 编写make up an excuse 编一个理由She spent an hour making herself up every morning. 化妆He soon made up the lessons he had missed. 补偿;弥补The four of them made up a team. 组成14. It seems that/ Sb. seems to doIt seems that he is quite unhappy.= He seems to be quite unhappy.There seems to

8、 be 似乎有/看来有15. prove v. 证明;证实 prove that Link- v. 证明是 adj./ n./ prep./adv./ to be She proves (to be) a strict teacher. 16. follow in the footsteps of 走的道路; 照的样子干He followed in his fathers footsteps and became a scientist.17. whatever 无论什么1)引导让步状语从句 相当于no matter what Whatever/ no matter what happens,

9、 keep calm. 2) 引导名词性从句 任何的事或物; 无论.都(不能用no matter what 带) Eat whatever you like.18. be supposed to do.= be expected to do 被要求/被期望干某事/ 应该19. occur v. 发生 occurredoccur 通常指意想不到地发生,可与happen 互换When did the accident happen/ occur?occur to sb. 想起; 想到;浮现在脑海中It occurred to me that we should go there more ofte

10、n.20. at one time 一度;以前; at a time 一次;每次at the/that time 当时/那一刻; at times 有时;间或at the same time 同时; at no time 无论什么时候都不in no time 立刻;马上;很快 at once; right away21. dress sb. 给某人穿衣服 be dressed in/ be wearing sth.穿着dress up 盛装 dress oneself/ get dressed22. master n. 名家;大师;能手/ 主人;雇主 v. 支配;征服; 驯服;控制 maste

11、r his temper 掌握/精通 master a foreign language23. take on 招收;雇佣 employ 承担 take on the responsibility 呈现;露出 take on a new look take in 摄取; 理解; 领会; 吸收/ 欺骗; 蒙骗 take off 起飞; 离开 take sth. for granted 认为某事是理所当然的 take up 占据 take over 接管;接任; 接替 take place 发生; 产生 take pride in 以为自豪26. have an interest in 对有兴趣

12、lose interest 失去兴趣24. move on 继续25. put on a play 上演(戏剧等)put on 穿上26. as if/ though 引导状语从句; 在连系动词后引导表语从句表示情况可能是事实,用直陈语气;表示情况与事实相反,即不是事实,要用虚拟语气She looks as if she is going to cry.My aunt treats me as if I were a stranger.He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.27. make room for 为腾出空间;让位于30for a

13、while 一会儿; once in a while 偶尔;间或31. go on : take place; happen 发生 continue 继续 go on to do sth./ go on doing sth./ go on with32. Mind if I sit down. = Do you mind if I sit down? = Do you mind my sitting down?33. wander v. 闲逛 wander the streets 在街上闲逛34. raise vt. 抬高;举起;使上升 rise vi. 上升 The sun rises in

14、 the east.35burst in 闯进burst out doing sth. 突然干某事burst out laughing/ crying 突然哈哈大笑/大哭36. present v. 呈现;呈递; 呈送 a. 在场的二、重点短语1. stand-up comedy单口喜剧 2.a radio talk show 电台谈话节目 3. cross-talk performers相声演员 4. make fun of开的玩笑;嘲笑5. in response(answer)to回答,响应,反应 6. make jokes about sth.对开玩笑7. queue up (in l

15、ines) 排队(等候) 8. on stage在舞台上on the stage当演员9. lose weight减轻体重put on weight增加体重 10. later on后来11. be/ become famous as/for作为由于而著名12. point to指向point at指着point out指出 such person一个这样的人no such thing没有这样的事情14. go on to do sth.接着做某事go on doing sth.继续做某事go on 发生,进行15. host the show主持节目 16. be broadc

16、ast live on TV电视直播17. one little-known fact鲜为人知的事实 18. the Academy Awards学院奖;奥斯卡金像奖19.forget to do sth.忘记做某事forget doing sth.忘记曾做过某事20. turn on打开turn off关掉 21. make up a story 编故事22. follow in ones footsteps/ follow in the footsteps of走的路23. have an effect on/upon对产生影响 24. stay healthy保持健康25. make s

17、ense有意义,能理解;合理,讲得通 26. make an advertisement做广告27. be supposed to do sth.应该做某事 28. prefer to/ would rather宁愿29. a vital form of entertainment一种非常重要的娱乐形式 30. in charge负责;掌管 made up of /consist of 由组成 32. divideinto把分成若干部分33. at one time一次,同时;往昔,曾经一时 34. do fine做得好35. laugh ones head off开怀大笑 36.

18、smile on someone(命运、天气等)向露出微笑37. win first place in the competition在比赛中获第一名38. on sale出售for sale待售 39. be worthwhile值得40. a famous cross-talk master一位著名的相声大师 41. in request需要,受欢迎42. take on雇用;承担;呈现 43. be popular with 受到的欢迎44. remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人有关某事 45. avoid doing 避免做某事46. in reference toin re

19、gard toregarding 关于 47. must have forgotten to do sth. 一定已忘记做某事 48. fall down倒下;(计划等)失败49. tear sth. in two把某物撕成两半 50. chase sb. away/off 把某人赶走51. burst in打断;闯入/ burst into the room闯入房间/ burst out突然开始52. It is ones duty to do sth.做某事是某人的责任 53. hold out伸出;拿出;继续;维持;54. glare at怒视/ stare at凝视,盯着看/ glan

20、ce at 瞥见 55. bump into撞上;不期而遇56. a roll of 一卷 57. toilet paper手纸 58.move on 接下去;继续59. in pairs 两人一组;结对 60. for a while一会儿三、重点句型1 Which of the events abouve do you think will be the funniest? 你认为上面的哪一项节目是最滑稽可笑的?特殊疑问词+插入语+句子剩余部分(用陈述语序)Who do you think is the best player?What do you think Ive bought fo

21、r you ?2. 常用完成时态句1) It is / has been + since + 完成时态 2) It is the first/second/third time that + 完成时态3) It is the best/most interesting thing that + 完成时态4) It wasnt long before I found a job.-before后接过去时。表示我没花多少时间就找到了工作。5) it wont be long before our contry becomes a developed country. -before 后接现在时。表

22、示我们国家很快就会成为一个发达国家。3. Whichever way I look at it ,I will never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else. 不管我以什么方式看待这件事,除非我放弃别的事,要不然我真的什么也做不好。4. I like it when the comedian talks to people in the audience. I like /hate /love it when/that I like it when the weather is warm in the

23、spring.Unit 2 What is happiness to you ?一、重点词汇1. search 1) 名词 搜查 搜寻 2) 动词 search sb./sth. for I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol. They searched all the room for the missing papers.2. injure 伤害, 损伤(主要指在事故中受伤); 损害,伤害(自尊,名誉等)He was badly injured in the accident. He injured h

24、is pride.3. struggle with 1)动词 2)名词He struggled with cancer for four years. 与搏斗/斗争The shopkeeper struggled against the thief. 与搏斗/斗争The two leaders are struggling for power. 努力争取;为了而挣扎/努力We struggled through the crowd.Dont give up without . Reading was a for him. 阅读对他来说是件费劲的事。 4. times时代 in ancient

25、5. in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里6. the world 世人们7. the way 方式 the way to do; the way of doing; the way (that/ in which)I dont like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.8 in case以防: Take your umbrella just it rains/just it should case of 如果 万一 (后接名词 代词 动名词) in this/that case在这样/那样的情

26、况下 in any case 无论如何 不管怎样in no case决不 In no case shall we allow smoking in the the case of就来说 Failure is no shame a scientist.9. by: not later than; before与完成时连用 the time the doctor arrived, the patient had died. the end of this year, she will have been in Australia for two years.10. des

27、cribe as把描述成He d his school life as interesting and exciting.11. could: might be possible (在这里) 表可能性The new project create 5,000 new jobs.The accident have been prevented.12. cost: to lead to the loss of something 使付出代价;花费 His lazy attitude the child his place in the team.13. rush 1)vi. 冲 2)vt. 把急忙送

28、往She rushed into the room. the letter to the post office He ed his wife to the hospital.3)n. 冲,抢购热潮 hour Christmas 14. apart (adv.) (时间或空间上)分离; 相隔; 不在一起,分开1) The two hills are 22 miles apart. 两座山相隔22英里。apart from : besides /excpet from some wine, he drank some beer. 15. devote to He d all his hours

29、to working in the lab.16. cheer up(使)高兴起来 Cheer up! Things are not as bad as they seem.cheer 为欢呼 The boy cheered their team.17. spirits 复数 be in good/high/low/bad Your letter raised my .18. accomplish: complete 辨析:accomplish 成功地完成; complete 强调某事结束了achieve 通过努力,克服困难,取得较大成绩19. adapt to sth.适应 Our eyes

30、 adapted to the dark. sth. to/for sth. 使适应sth. for sth. 改编;修改 The plays were ed from novels.20. inspire 鼓舞;激励;激发1) I hope this success will inspire you to great efforts. 21. courage勇气 不可数名词22. overcome overcame overcome克服23. positive明确的;肯定的;积极的;确定的receive a answer evidence be of /about 24. whenever

31、: at whatever time ; at any time I would like to see you it is convenient.25. try my hardest尽力26. be jealous of 嫉妒某人 John is jealous of his friends ability.jealousy名词 嫉妒 She showed great of them.27. have sympathy for/towards sb.同情某人We all have sympathy for him 28 across the world; all over the world

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