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1、12. Skill and patience will succeed. 技巧和耐心会帮助人成功。14. Health is not valued till sickness comes. 有病方知健康贵。15. Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 靠近大树好乘凉。16. Waste not, want not. 勤俭则不贵。17. Success belongs to the preserving. 坚持到底必获胜利。18. Stuff today and starve tomorrow. 今天大吃大喝,明天忍饥挨饿。19 Time

2、is money.时间就是金钱。20 Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建起来的。21 ivory tower象牙塔22 turn over a new page翻开新的一页。23 shed crocodiles tears流下鳄鱼的眼泪。24 First Lady第一夫人。25 . Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人生都是欢乐和痛苦相随。26 . Every tub must stand on its own bottom. 人要自主必须独立。27. Love lives in cottages as well

3、as in courts. 爱情不分贫贱与高贵。28. John is a bull in a China shop. 行为粗鲁笨拙。29. Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard. 衣橱藏骷髅, 家丑家家有。30. It is raining cats and dogs. 正在下倾盆大雨。31. Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意时!32. Dog does not eat dog. 同类不相残、同室不操戈33 This was the last straw. I was v

4、ery young :the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.我再也无法忍受了。我当时很年轻,我要在一个女人手下工作,这对我简直是最大的侮辱。34 Our friendship works best when we speak our minds.(直言无讳,友情才最真挚”)。 35 Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world(2001:73)皮尔森汇集了世界各地数百位研究

5、人员的成果 36 . They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。(形容词)37 . He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(动词)38 .Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals .小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。(名词) 39 the sun is the central body of the solar system太阳是太阳系的中心天体。 the speed of a plane is associated with the shape of its body an

6、d wings. 飞机的速度与机身及机翼的形状有关。40 the body needs special exercise in a spaceship to suit the weightless conditions.人体需要在宇宙飞船中进行专门训练才能适应失重状态。 41 computers with in-built personalities (2001:72)安装有内置个性芯片的计算机 (而非“性格”) 42 home appliances will also become so smart that (2001:74)家用电器也会变得如此智能化.(而非“聪明”) 43 far-re

7、aching changes in social patterns 社会模式的深刻变革 (而非“变化”) 44 Governments are often force to introduce still further innovations (2000:74)各国政府常常不得不出台进一步的革新措施(而非“介绍”) 热水浴 胡椒是辣的。45 a hot temper hot on pop music. Hot music Hot news暴躁的脾气 热衷于流行音乐 节奏强的音乐 最新消息 Hot material 强放射性物质 hot dispute激烈争论46 evolution The

8、role of natural selection in evolution (2002:63)自然选择在进化中所发挥的作用 the real hero of the story was the long evolution in the improvement of machinery for making eyeglasses (1994)这个故事中真正的英雄是改进透镜制造设备的漫长过程。47 practice they are essential to practices in which (2002:64)它们对于那种的做法是必不可少的 modern practice most clo

9、sely conforms to one /that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. (1999:71)当代史学研究实践最为切合其中一种定义, 认为历史学就是试图对过去重大历史事件加以再现和解释。48 1).He is the last man to come 他是最后来的。2).He is the last person for such a job .他最不配干这个工作。3).He should be the last man to blame.怎

10、么也不该怪他。4).This is the last place where I expected to meet you .我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。49、词义转译。当我们遇到一些无法直译或不宜直译的词或词组时,应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引伸转译。The energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly as light and heat .太阳能主要以光和热的形式传到地球。50、词义具体化。根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较笼统的词引伸为词义较具体的词。The last stage went higher and took the Apoll

11、o into orbit round the earth.最后一火箭升得更高,把“阿波罗号”送进围绕地球运行的轨道。51、词义抽象化。根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较具体的词引伸为词义较抽象的词,或把词义较形象的词引伸为词义较一般的.Every life has its roses and thorns .每个人的生活都有甜有苦。52、一个单词多种表达a thank-you letter 感谢信a letter of recommendation 推荐信 a love letter 情书a suicide letter 绝命书 a “Dear John” letter 绝交信(女孩子给男

12、孩子) letter of condolence唁函letter of confirmation 确认信53、多个词表达一个意思,如表达“死” to go west 归西to pass away 谢世(常用)to die a martyr 牺牲to rest in peace 安息to end ones days 寿终正寝to commit suicide 自杀to kick the bucket 民间说法:蹬腿to abandon the world 撒手人寰to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘to come to a violent death 暴毙to depar

13、t to the world of shadows 命赴黄泉to release the souls from suffering 超度、解脱to return to dust 入土54 omitting the pronounHe looked at the six of them huddled together in front of him and he seemed to be embarrassed as if he couldnt think of anything to say.他看看在他面前缩成一团的六个人,显得有些为难,似乎想不出说什么好。Omitting the arti

14、cle The moon was slowly rising above the sea.月亮慢慢从海上升起。55 Omitting the prepositionSmoking is prohibited in public places.公共场所不许吸烟。The peoples republic of china was founded in 1949.1949年中华人民共和国成立。56 Omitting the conjunctionHe looked gloomy and troubled.他看上去有些忧虑不安。Ones mind works fast when it is in gr

15、eat danger.急中生智。57 Omitting the verbWhen the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low.气压低,沸点就低。Solid expand and contract as liquids and gases do.如同液体和气体一样,固体也能膨胀和收缩。Omitting the impersonal “it”Outside it was pitch-dark and it was raining cats and dogs 外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。58 Omitting some syntactic s

16、tructures All for one, one for all-that is our motto, is it not?人人为我,我为人人,这不正是我们的座右铭吗?59 I felt a trifle shy at the thought of presenting myself to a total stranger with the announcement that I was going to sleep under his roof, eat his food and drink his whisky, till another boat came in to take me

17、 to the port for which I was bound. 我要去见一个素不相识的陌生人,向他宣布我得住在他家、吃他的、喝他的,一直等到下一班船到来,把我带到我要去的港口为止想到这儿,我真有点不好意思了。(这里,如把 sleep under his roof, eat his food and drink his whisky直译为睡在他的屋顶下、吃他的食物、喝他的威士忌,会使语言极为繁冗,不够精练。译文采用减省译法处理原文,既准确地传达了原意,又使行文简洁,气韵十足,一气呵成。) 60 Her dark eyes made little reflected stars. She

18、was looking at him as she was always looking at him when he awakened. 她那双乌黑的眼睛就像亮晶晶的星星在闪烁,他平素醒来的时候,她也是这样望着他。(此句中有两个 she was looking at him,如不作省略而译为她像平常那样望着她一样望着他,汉语就显得噜嗦繁复,诘屈聱牙。61 University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。 (4)The

19、re was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead. 天未下雪,但叶落草枯。 62 There was not a sound in her-and around us nothing moved, nothing lived, not a canoe on the water, not a bird in the air, not a cloud in the sky. 船上悄然无声,四周一片静谧,死一般沉寂,水面不见轻舟飘动,天空不见小鸟浮云。63 The problem of alternativ

20、e fuels of vehicle is one problem we shall approach. 车辆的代用燃料是我们将要研究的一个问题。 64 There are some things that I have happily seen of the wondrous way of the spider. 蜘蛛的奇异动态,我曾有幸目睹。 (译文省去 there are some things that后,文字简约,表达生动,意思明确。65 Standing as it does on a high hill, the church commands a new view. 教堂建在高

21、山上,向下眺望,风景优美。 66 To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder. 学习不容易,使用更加不容易。67 Ice is a solid. If we heat it, it melts and becomes water. 冰是固体,如果加热,就融化成水。68 John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, sat down at his desk and began to do his homew

22、ork. 约翰早晨起床很早,他穿上夹克,就坐在桌旁开始做家庭作业。 69 But at the present moment the whole road looked rather pretty, for the sun had just set in splendor, and the equalities of rent were drowned in a saffron afterglow. 但此时整条路看起来都挺美,金灿灿的太阳刚落下山,橙红色的余辉掩盖了房屋的种种差异。 70 He had a shelf there, where he kept his Bohemian pape

23、rs and his pipes and tobacco, and his shears and needles and thread and tailors thimble. 他放在那儿有一个架子,摆着他的波希米亚报纸、烟斗、烟叶,还有大剪刀、针、线,以及裁缝用的顶针。 71 Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers 史书上最经常出现、最为显赫的人物,大多是些伟大的征服者、将军和

24、军事家。 72 The products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory. 产品出厂前应该进行抽样检查。 73 The mother and the eldest daughter weeded the ridges, passing before the othersA younger son, of twelve years, brought sea sand in a donkeys creels from a far corner of the field. They mixe

25、d the sand with the black clay. The fourth child, still almost an infant, staggered about near his mother, plucking weeds slowly and offering them to his mother as gifts. 母亲和大女儿在除垄上的草,把旁人甩在后面二儿子十二岁,从老远的地头把海滩上的沙子装进鱼篮,赶着毛驴驮了回来。他们把黑土掺上了沙子。老四还是个小不点儿,在母亲身边遥遥晃晃转悠着,慢吞吞地拔起杂草,当礼物送给母亲。 74 Come if you like.高兴来

26、就来。 75 As it is late, let us go to bed.不早啦,睡吧! 76 I framed the words in my mind: Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you? 我心里在嘀咕:对不起,我有什么举止行为冒犯你了吗?77. If you are a twinkler, you have the ability to walk into a room and bring the sunshine with you, making everyone else want to bask in it.

27、满怀喜悦的人能把阳光带进他所走进的房间,使别人愿意沐浴在这阳光中. 增词译法/增译法 (Amplification)78 Im looking forward to the holidays.我期待着假期的到来。79 She bought a Shanghai last week.上周她买了一辆上海牌汽车。80 After the football match, hes got an important meeting.在观看足球赛之后,他有一个重要会议要参加。 81 We can learn what we did not know.我们能够学会原来不懂的东西。82 I could knit

28、 when I was seven.我七岁时就会织毛衣。83 Some metals are easy to machine; others are not.一些金属容易加工,而另一些金属却不容易。84 Some metals are easy to machine;85persuasion 说服工作backwardness 落后状态tension 紧张局势arrogance 傲慢态度madness 疯狂行为antagonism 敌对态度preparation 准备工作 bravery 勇敢行为86 Perfect preparation is the first step to the su

29、ccess of the party.完美的准备工作是87 The intimacy between them can be found at the first sight.他们之间的亲密关系一眼就能看出。88 Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive.许多大作家在世时,他们的作品得不到89 The propagation of such microwaves will be explained in terms of Maxwells equations.这种微波的传播原理要用麦克斯韦方程去解释。

30、90 The backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed.中国足球的落后状态必须改变。91 The government are discussing the proposal.政府官员们正在讨论这项提案。92 The tensions between the two countries cannot be eased without sincere and honest communications.除非进行真诚公开的交流,否则不能缓解两国间的紧张局势/关系。93 Much of our morality is customary.我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。94 we have made some achievements, and we must guard against complacency.我们取得一些成就,但要

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