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1、做题备忘Part AText 1商业经济390/10Text 2科普知识411Text 3社会生活461Text 4436Part B502Part C文化教育402Directions:Read the following texts. Answer the questions blow each text by choosing A,B,C or D.A new malady is running rampantly in corporate America: management phobia. Many people dont want to be manager, and many

2、people who are managers are itching to jump off the management trackor have already. “I hated all the meetings,” says a 10-year award-winning manager, “And I found the more you did for people who worked for you, the more they expected. I was a counselor, motivator, financial adviser and psychologist

3、.”With technology changing in a wink, we can never slack off these days if were on the technical side. Its a rare person who can manage to keep up on the technical side and handle a management job, too. In addition, with Scott Adams popular cartoon character as well as many television situation come

4、dies routinely portraying managers as morons or enemies, they just dont get much respect anymore.Supervising others was always a tough task, but in the past that stress was offset by hopes for career mobility and financial rewards. Along with a sizable pay raise, people chosen as managers would begi

5、n a nearly automatic climb up the career ladder to lucrative executive perks: stock options, company cars, club memberships, plus the key to executive washroom. But in todays global, more competitive arena, a manager sits on an insecure perch. Restructuring have eliminated layer after layer of manag

6、ement as companies came to view their organizations as collections of competencies rather than hierarchies. There are far fewer rungs on the corporate ladder for managers to climb. In addition, managerial jobs demand more hours and headaches than ever before but offer slim financial paybacks and per

7、ks.In an age of entrepreneurship, when the most praised people in business are those launching something new, management seems like an invisible, thankless role. Employers are looking for people who can do things, not for people who make other people do things. Management layoffs have done much to e

8、rode interest in managerial jobs.With more people wary of joining management, are corporations being hurt or worrying about developing future leaders? No many are. While employers have dismissed a lot of managers, they believe a surplus lingers on at many companies. “Another reason companies arent s

9、hort of managers”, contends Robert Kelley, a Carnegie Mellon University business professor, “is that so many workers today are self-managed, either individually or via teams, you dont need a manager.”1. The words of 10-year award-winning manager implies thatA managerial jobs demand more hours and of

10、fer more headaches.B managers should not do too much beyond the scope of his job.C being a manager requires many other skills besides management.D a person can get a lot of development in a management role.2. The word “perk” (Line 3, Para. 3) probably meansA privileges. B status.C mobility. D rungs.

11、3. Which one of the following statements applies to todays managers?A Their stress can be reduced by the financial and emotional rewards.B They begin to neglect their development on the technical side.C They dont feel secure in their positions because of the reduction in company hierarchies.D They a

12、re not respected any more by the media despite of their hard efforts.4. Which skill do employers value most in this age of entrepreneurship?A Management. B Creativity. C Cooperation. D Diligence.5. The last paragraph suggests thatA the loss of interest in the managerial jobs would damage American co

13、rporate culture.B more and more managers would be laid off in order to relieve the financial burden.C those who are still lingering on managerial jobs are not foresighted.D many employees are to some extent a manager of themselves.Mans puzzlement and preoccupation with time both derive ultimately fr

14、om his unique relationship to it. All animals exist in time and are changed by it; only man can manipulate it. Like Proust, the French author whose experiences became his literary capital, man can recapture the past. He can also summon up things to come, displaying imagination and foresight along wi

15、th memory. It can be argued, indeed, that memory and foresightedness are the essence of intelligence; that mans ability to manipulate time, to employ both past and future as guides to present action, is what makes him human.To be sure, many animals can react to time after a fashion. A rat can learn

16、to press a lever that will, after a delay of some 25 seconds, reward it with a bit of food. But if the delay stretches beyond 30 seconds, the animal is stumped. It can no longer associate reward to “far” in the future with present lever-pressing.Monkeys, more intelligent than rats, are better able t

17、o deal with time. If one of them is allowed to see food being hidden under one of two cups, it can pick out the right cup even after 90 seconds have passed. But after that time interval, the monkeys hunt for the food is no better than chance predicts.With the apes, mans nearest cousins, “time sense”

18、 takes a big step forward. Even under laboratory conditions, quite different from those they encounter in the wild, apes sometimes show remarkable ability to manipulate the present to obtain a future goal. A chimpanzee, for example, can learn to stack four boxes, one atop the other, as a platform fr

19、om which it can reach a hanging banana. Chimpanzees, indeed, carry their ability to cope with the future to the threshold of human capacity: they can make tools. And it is by the making of toolsphysical tools as crude as a stone chopper, mental tools as subtle as a mathematical equationthat man char

20、acteristically prepares for future contingencies.Chimpanzees in the wild have been seen to strip a twig of its leaves to make a probe for extracting termites from their hole. Significantly, however, the ape does not make this tool before setting out on a termite hunt, but only when it actually sees

21、the insects or their nest. Here, as with the banana and the crates, the ape can deal only with a future that is immediate and visibleand thus halfway into the present.6. The sentence “Like Proust, recapture the past”(Line 1, Para. 2) shows thatA Proust wrote about past experiences.B Proust described

22、 mans development of time sense.C Proust discovered things about the future by reliving the past.D Proust wrote primarily to improve his future life.7.Which of the following is true according to the text?A Monkeys and apes are almost as intelligent as man.B Memory and foresight contribute to intelli

23、gence.C Man developed from apes.D Chimpanzees sense of time is as good as mans.8. The word “stump” (Line 3, Para. 3) most probably means A confuse.B inspire.C frighten.D disappoint.9. It is significant that chimpanzees make tools, but it is more important thatA the tools they make are crude.B they s

24、tack items to make platforms.C they can make up simple equations.D they never make tools before they need them.10. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text?A How apes understand time relationships.B Mans preoccupation with past and future events.C How mans time sense separate

25、s him from animals.D Time sense in animals.Children are in need of adoption because some birth parents are unable or unavailable to provide adequately for the needs of their child. There are numerous reasons for making an adoption plan. Birth parents may feel they cannot take on the responsibility o

26、f an unplanned child because they are too young or because they are financially or emotionally unable to provide proper care. They do not feel ready or able to be good parents. In other cases children are in need of adoption because courts have decided that their birth parents are unable to function

27、 adequately. Many of these children are victims of abuse or neglect. Regardless of how children come to need adoption, they are put with adoptive parents through private or public social service agencies. Other adoptions may be arranged independently, as when birth parents and adoptive parents come

28、to know each other outside of an agency and then complete the adoption according to the laws and regulations of their states of residence.In the early 1970s there was a dramatic increase in the number of families seeking to adopt, a condition which persists today. For this reason, the number of thos

29、e who wish to adopt regularly exceeds the number of infants available. Reasons for this dramatic increase are varied. A major factor has been the choice of many people to delay the start of a family until later in life. Many of these people, in turn, have found themselves to be less fertile at that

30、time, and so they have decided that their desire to have children might best be fulfilled through adoption.In every state, however, there are children who are legally free to be adopted but are desperately waiting for parents. The children in this group are usually older and often have special needs

31、. They may require additional care from a parent because of their physical, emotional, or mental disabilities which may have been caused by abuse, neglect, or medical or genetic factors. Because of their special needs, these children are challenging to rear. In fact, adoption experts believe that people who adopt these children need special training and preparation in order to successfully rear the child and to integrate the child into the family and eventually into society.In cases of international adopt

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