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七上Unit 5 Lets celebrate导学案文档格式.docx

1、At/On _, people often _简单介绍如何庆祝各种节日。 六、结合B部分的内容完成下面对话。-1.What is your favourite festival?-_-2.Why do you like it best? -_-What do you usually do on that day?七、表演B部分的对话。小组合作限时完成对话,抽选一两组表演自己的对话。八、完成相应练习,预习reading的课文,根据音标试读课文,并理解文中生词意思。七上Unit 5 Comic strip &检测反馈一、根据中文写单词1.In the west, Halloween is a sp

2、ecial (节日).2.People in America _ (庆祝) Halloween every year.3.Which is your (最喜欢)food? Rice, I think.4.Playing basketball is very (有趣). I like it very much.5.(2012钦州)What a clever girl! She always _(穿衣服) herself in the morning. 6. The box is empty,but that one is _(满的).7. We usually eat _ (月饼) on Mid

3、-Autumn Day.8. _ (圣诞节) is on 25th December.二、选择填空。( ) 1.Tom wants _ a job as a teacher in find B.finding C.find D.finds ( ) 2.Hes reading an _ book now. He is very _ in it .A.interested / interesting B.interesting / interested C.interesting / interesting D. interested / interested( ) 3.Mi

4、llie always dresses up a tiger on October 31st. C.for ) 4.David,can you _ yourself? Of course, I can. A.dress B.put on C.wear D.in三、在方框内找出有关节日活动A. We get cards and presents. B. We eat mooncakes. C. We eat rice dumplings D. We Chinese usually say “Happy New Year” to each other. E. W

5、e give our teachers cards and best wishes.1. On New Years Day, 2.At Dragon Boat Festival, 3.At Christmas, 4.On Teachers Day 5. At Mid- Autumn Festival, 四、把下列句子翻译成英语。1.我想装扮成美猴王。I_ _ _ _ _ Monkey King.2.你最喜欢什么节日?Which is _ _ _?3.你为什么喜欢中秋节?Why _ you like _ _?4.让我们一起来庆祝万圣节吧。七上Unit 5 Reading(1)一、生词探究。1.m

6、ask(汉语)_ wear masks 2.paint(汉语)_ paint our faces_3. trick or treat_4. knock(汉语)_ 敲门_5. make pumpkin lanterns(汉语)_6.给糖果招待我们 7.捉弄他们 8. have a special party 二、快速阅读,回答问题When is Halloween ? How to celebrate it in the USA?三、听两遍录音,模仿、跟读,教师关注学生的发音。回答问题1.What does Wendy thank Millie for?2.What is Wendys favo

7、urite festival ?3. When is Halloween?4.What game do children play?四、听完录音展示B2,从班级中任意挑选一位同学充当老师,他可以任意叫一位同学起来完成题目,如果选F就必须说出为什么,如果回答不上或者回答错误,其他同学可以质疑帮助他。五、完成表格festivaltimeHow to celebrate itHalloween upWear or paint Make Play Have 六、深入阅读并理解课文,朗读课文,可采取全班跟录音朗读,集体朗读,分组或单独朗读方式。三分钟时间准备,根据首字母复述课文。 Halloween i

8、s on O_ 31.C_ have lots of fun on that day.They d_ up and wear m_.Sometimes they p_ their faces.They also make p_ l_.It is w_. When the evening c_,they v_ houses and play a g_ with the people i_.They k_ on their doors and s_ “trick or treat”.Usually they give us some c_ as a t_.If they do not give u

9、s a t_,we play a t_ on them. We always have a p_ on the e_ of October 31 and e_ nice food and d_.It is r_ a s_ day.一、课文你读懂了吗?请根据课文内容完成下面的短文。Halloween is a very special f_. People in the USA c_ Halloween every year. They p _ their faces or wear m_. Children play a game called “ t_ or t_”. Usually the

10、y make a l_ out of a pumpkin for Halloween. Family usually have a party and enjoy f_. Its a s day.二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出单词。1.Please k_ on the door before you come in .2.O_ is the tenth(第十) month of the year.3.Please _(用颜料涂) the walls white.4.(2012.毕节) Dont _(吼) ! I can hear you!三、选择填空。( ) 1.Thank you for

11、 _ me about your school life.A. tell B. telling C. tells D. to tell( ) 2.They celebrate Halloween _ October 31st.A. at B. in C. on D. by( ) 3.A big earthquake(地震) hit Japan _ the afternoon of March 11th,2011.A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 4.Listen ! Who is knocking _ the door ? A. at B. on C. in D.A & B

12、( ) 5.If they dont give us a treat, we can play a trick _ them. A. at B. on C. to D. for( ) 6.At _ , people in the USA always dress up as ghosts. A. Christmas B. Halloween C. Easter(复活节) D. New Years Day七上Unit 5 Reading(2)一、翻译短语。1举行一个特殊的晚会 2. 给我们一些糖果作为招待 3. 对做恶作剧 4. 敲门 5. 把我们的脸涂上颜色 6. 用南瓜制作灯笼 7. 在10

13、月31日的晚上 8. 我最喜欢的节日 二、展示课前自习中的重点短语。三、给些问题后让学生齐读文章,然后让每组出一人,每人读一段。找个代表讲解该段重点知识,其余组听讲,如果有疑问可以质疑。四、展示介词填空。根据句意填上适当介词1. Thank you telling me about the Mid-autumn Festival.2. We knock peoples doors and shout “trick or teat”.3. We can play a trick them.4. My friends and I always dress up Halloween.5. My fa

14、mily always have a party the evening of October 31st.五、完成书本60页B3和B4部分。六、展示B3和C部分。并且看C部分内容复述课文。七、讨论题:我们应该过外国节日吗?七上Unit5 Reading(2)一、 单项选择。( )1.People always have a party _ the evening _October 31.A. on ; on B. on ; of ; on; in ( )2.Thank you for _ my dog.A. look for B. look at C.looking at

15、D.looking after ( )3.Do children _on that day.A.have a fun B. have a good time C.have the fun D.have a the fun.二、选词填空。hot drinks dress up play tricks on cut out give as a treat knock ontell about1. The naughty(淘气) boys love_ their teachers.2. This part of the apple is bad. Please _it _.3. If you fee

16、l cold, you can have some _.4. Listen! Someone _ the door.5. When the Spring Festival comes, all children _ and wear new clothes.6. His mother is very friendly. She always _ us some sweets _.三、阅读理解Millie: Today is Halloween. Lets celebrate it.Simon: Thats great. Shall we make a pumpkin lantern for H

17、alloween? What? Can you make a pumpkin lantern? Yes, We make pumpkin lantern every year. We play a game called “Trick or treat”. Well, Lets begin. What do we need? We need a pumpkin, three candles, a knife and a sticker. They are on the table. Can you get them for me? Of course. Here you are. Thank

18、you. Look! Now Im going to cut out the shapes of eyes, a nose and sharp teeth. Oh, how lovely it looks! Lets light the candles. OK! Dont forget to put on your special costumes and mask. Now Im ready. Lets go.( )1.There are no for pumpkin lanterns. A. candles B. knives C. pumpkins D. candies( )2.How

19、many candles do they need? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One( )3. Does Millie make pumpkin lanterns every year? A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesnt C. Yes, she doesnt D. No, she does( )4.Can Simon make pumpkin lanterns? A. Yes, he can B. No, he cant C. Yes, he cant D. Not, he can( )5. What are they goin

20、g to do after they make the lantern? A. Watch TV B. Listen to music C. play games D. play football四、翻译句子。1.万圣节前夕在10月31日。_2.在美国我们有些节日,我最喜欢万圣节前夕。3.通常他们会用一些糖果招待我们。4.我们敲他们的门,嘴里喊着“不招待就使坏”。_5如果他们不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们一下。七上Unit5Grammar 学案一、翻译出下面短语。1.have lots of fun_ 2. go to school by bus_ 3.that girl in a red coa

21、t_ 4. give each other presents 5.go out for a birthday dinner_二、根据Reading情境创设问题,用how many; how; when; what; which; who; whose; how much; where; why提问,帮助学生在情境中学习于语法三、利用身边资源创设情境问答,在轻松下,让学生用how many; why提问,不断的的重复训练。找学生说出每个特殊疑问词的含义和用法。四、同学们,试试从在第栏中找出与第栏相对应的答句,老师相信你们会回答好的。 ( )1.How do you do home? A. The

22、y are drinking.( )2.When is Christmas Day? B. Its in my pencil-case.( )3.What are they doing? C. We are happy.( )4.Why are you dancing and singing? D. On 25th December.( )5.Where is your rubber? E. They are theirs.( )6.Whose comic books are these? F. Hes our principal.( )7.Who is the man over there?

23、 G. Milk, please.( )8.Which would you like? H. On foot.五、阅读61页表格,弄清what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how的含义和用法,六、读课本61到62页,完成相关练习。七、句型转换。1. Amy is late because she is ill. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Amy late?2. The boy goes to school by bus. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the boy _ to school?3. They go to the park on Sundays. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ on Sundays?5. Mr. Green is his father. (对划线部分提问) _ _ his father?6. My bike is under the tree. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your bike?八、让各小组讨论用 Wh-疑问词造句,并且找几组展示。七上Unit 5 Grammar 检测反馈一、 将下列疑问词对号入座。how many; why

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