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1、joins4.Marycan play the chess_ she can t swim.andB. orC. but5.Hisbrotherplays piano every day./B. aC. theII.翻译官说英语 弹吉他 象棋俱乐部 下象棋 英语俱乐部音乐俱乐部 美术俱乐部游泳俱乐部 参加 III.补全对话A.Can you?B.Yes, I. Can you?A. No, I want to join.B. I dont likeA. What club do you want to?2Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Section Aa一d1.

2、掌握并运用各种俱乐部的短语。2.学会谈论自己的喜好和意愿及表达自己在某一方面 所具备的才能。.通过小组一起谈论彼此的特长和爱好,培 养一种群体意识。能表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能及喜好与意愿。1.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑2.熟悉俱乐部名称的写法:the swimming clubthe dancingclubthesingingmusicartthe storytellingclub the chess clubthe sports club 学习任务一:熟练掌握各种俱乐部名称。1.听录首,在2a中圈出你所听到的俱乐部。2.再听一遍录音,自己核实答案。3.小组相互核对答案,检查所听结果。4

3、.小组为单位,谈论自己的喜好和意愿。eg: A:What club do you want to join?B:I want to join the chess club.5.小组展示。学习任务二:听2b录音,运用情态动词can谈论自己在 某方面所具备的才能。1.听录首,完成句子。4.小组为单位,谈论别人的喜好和意愿。What club does Lisa want to join?She wants to join the chess club.学习任务三:完成2c部分。1.以小组为单位,根据2b内容编新对话.2.小组竞赛,展示新对话。3学习任务四:完成2d部分。1.要求学生边读对话边翻译。

4、2.学生质疑,师生共同解惑。3.教师领读或听录音带跟读课文。.学生大声朗读并背 诵课文。:I、精挑细选1.My sister is good math, she is great.A. in B. at C. to2.Bob to join the art club.A. want B. wants to C. wantsII、完美呈现1.John wants to j the music club.2.Can you s English?3.I can play the guitar but can t play thePIIL连词成句1.want, join, the, club, to,

5、 music, I2.I, play, the, can t,, you, do , want, join, to, what IV、补全对话A: B: I m twelve. Here is a card, please fill it out. B: Thank you. A: You re welcome.成功&收获:失败&不足:Section A Grammar Focusc1.进一步熟悉情态动词can的用法。.学会写海报。1.根据音标拼读单词并牢记;write show or talk talkto kung fu2.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑运用前面所学的

6、知识编写对话。 Can you swim ? No, I can Can you play chess? Yes, I can. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 学习任务二: 完成 Grammar Focus1.学生自学,并知道can t - cannot.2.分组朗读句子。3.学生质疑,师生共同解惑。完成3a部分1.学生仿照例句完成其他练习。2.小组相互核对答案。3.分组朗读句子。完成3b部分1.以小组为单位,学生用所给的词完成海报空格。3.以小组为单位,讨论海报的写法。学习任务五:完成3c部分Gro

7、up work:讨论情态动词的用法。情态动词有人称和数的变化吗?也就是说动词需要进行变化吗?He/She/I/You/They can.5初一英语导学案参考答案Starter Unit 1Section A Period 1四、归纳整理、 五、拓展练习 略Section A Period二、 预习检测 Hello/Hi Good morning三、 共同探究 afternoon good afternoonevening good evening四、 归纳整理 Goog morning Good afternoon Good eveningAa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh二、 拓

8、展练习 略Section B三、 共同探究、how you I finethank am are五、拓展练习 1) Hi ) Hello ) Good eveningI m fine, thanks. How are you ?m fine, too.单元复习三、单元检测1.略2. C C BC A3. 1) c )一d ) 一b ) a ) 一e4. 1) Good evening ) How are you ?3) I m fine.4) Good afternooStart UnitSection A1、Rj qIKL p 0 n M2、略-4、 N e h5、 What s、略nthi

9、sAing 1 U kEnglish?It s anorange.1、 略2、 Ab Bd3、 quiltCa DerulerEekey spellpleaseFrankjacket orangeSection C2、 morning Hi How fine thanks I m what s an it S-P-E-L-LSection D一1-SDSDD -SDDD二in Chinese a quilt a chair a jacket a map a pen 用英语一把钥匙这个尺子谢谢你三l、d 、c 、e 、b 、a四1、B 、A 、C 、B 、C五.1、What s this ? 、

10、What s this in English?3、 This is a nice quilt. . Spell it, please.Section A:共同探究:1. 1) What color is it ?它是什么颜色?这是询问颜色的特殊疑问句。疑问词What修饰color, 因此,两个词要一起放在句首,不能分开,也不能错读成 “What s color?”回答时一定要具体落实到“颜色”上。2) It s red.表颜色的形容词单独作表词时,不能用冠词a修饰。句中be与red连用构成系表结构,不能用冠词。拓展练习:I. 1. Ss ,Uu. Vv, Xx . Tt, Vv . Xx, Z

11、zII.1.中央电视台.不明飞行物.联合国III.1. green 绿色.black 黑色.white 白色IV.1. What? s . What color . How Section%1.预习检测:1.color . pen . key . spell . ruler6. quilt . map . orange . jacket 10. evening%1.共同探究%1.拓展练习I.1.字母排序:B g I n Q R u w元音字母:I uII.Aa Ee li 0o UuIII.1. h j k .bcdgptv.y . q wShelf Check五.拓展练习I. Aa Bb C

12、c Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo PpQq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzII.1. D . D . B . D . AIII.1. What . green . jacket . name .English6. white . quilt . spell . and 10. eveningIV.1. It is .evening .key, yellow .Spell, please . Whats;in EnglishI.Aa Ee li Oo UuII. LA .A .A .B . B . C . A . C10. AIII

13、. l.C . B .IV. 1. This iscapen.BYou can spell it. . The dogis black.4. How are you,Tom?.Good afternoon, Bob.参考答案五.1. 1)名)姓 )hi ) boy ) I m)nameis2. 1) E )五.1. 1)lastA ) D ) C ) D)last name)Hand )its )seven )zero7) three )nine2. 1)X isam)V ) X amis ) X HerHis )she一her3.1) B )A )D )B )ASelf check五.1.

14、1) her)your )and )first )his2. 1) is ) is)am )is )Is )Are )is )is9) is 10) am3. 1). whatyour )her is )What is )what? s his5)name is4.略5.略复习单元三.1.1)A ) B )C )D)A )Look)five )Nice )your 10) last2. 1) B ) B)C ) C ) C3. 1) D ) A)E ) C ) B4. 1) his last ) Her names ) what s telephone4) ID card)I m meet5.

15、范文Dear Jack,My name is Tom Brown, my first name is Tom, my last name isBrown.I m happy to be your pen friend, my phone number is633-3764.Please give me a phone or write a letter to me.Yours, TomUnit五、拓展练习1.1)your )her )Excuse )spell )Sonia6) in English ) it is ) it isn,t ) dictionary 10)eraser2) AD1

16、. l)What s this in English.How do you spell it?2)Is this your book? CallSelf-checkcase . eraser5.notebook9. dictionary 10.key%1)1. How do . in English . that your . call Mike5. Her is%1)1. girl . King . Red Star School . red5.telephone numberUnit单元、1. Escuse me . lost and found .a set of keys4.他的新电脑

17、.请拼写.金戒指二、 A)l-C -E -A -D -BB) JBCFGEAHID三、 1- ACCBC -10 DBCDA四、 DABCC五、五, Those, are,I、听字母,标出你所听字母的番号。II、配对,选择你听到录音的名字与身份的搭配及番号。JuneJackIII、 情景反应,选择你所听录音的正确应答语。1.A. It s my brother.2.A. He s my dad.3.A. Fine, thanks.4.A. Fine, thank you.笔试部分IV.写出下列含有相当发音的字母。/i:/e?/e/s/a?/ju:V.英汉配对 根据英语,找出对应的汉语

18、。1.Bye-bye! A,你好,这是本。/k/ B. It s V.C. I m Peter. B. It s a boy. C. It s a photo. B.Good morning. C. Bye-bye. B. Good-bye. C. Nice to meet you. Mike Alice Kay 5. A. Thank you.B. Look at this boy. C. You re welcome.2.You re welcome. B,很高兴认识你。3.D.再见!Nice to meet you. C.不用谢。4.What s that in English.5. G

19、ood afternoon and this is Ben. E, 那用英语怎么说?6.Who s that,Mike?F.我叫本。7.How are you?G.见迈克家人。8.Look at thisH.你好吗?9. m Ben. I.迈克,那是谁?10. Meet Mike s family.J.看着那男孩。VI.连词成句根据所给单词及标点组成通顺的句子。, John, this, friend, is2.your, is, Peter, that, brotherto, you, nice,meet, tooenglish, what,this, in, isis, who,

20、that,lookVII.看图写单词。VIII单项选择。1. Pleaseboy.A. see to A. looklook atB. meet C. aC. look C. read 2. Letthatbook. 3. This isEnglish map. A.B. anthat boy? my brother. A. Who s, He B.s, She Im fine. A. How am B. How are C.How is A. youA. this B. yourC. he B.that C. she C. What s, It ? ? . ? . 5. you? 6. Wh

21、at s English name? 7. Dad,is my friend, Victor.VIII补全对话,每空一词。 Hi, Amy. , Kay. _ are you? Fine, _ . you? .this in? Pencil. Thank _welcome.that? SheAlice, _ mom. Thanks.录首稿及答案I.听字母,标出你所听字母的番号。I.L . B . N. I . P . U . D . W . Q 10. MII.配对,选择你听到录音的名字与身份的搭配及番 号。1. This is my friend, Alice.2.My mom is ver

22、y nice. She s June.3.Who s that, Kay? It s my brother, Mike.4.My name is Kay.5.Alice, this is my dad. He s Jack.III.情景反应,选择你所听录音的正确应答语。1.What s that?2.Who3.Good-bye.4.How are you?5.Thank you.IV.略 V. 1-DCBEA -10 IHJFG VI. 1. This is my friend, John. . Is that your brother, Peter?3. Nice to meet you,

23、too. . What is this in English?. Look, who is that boy? VII. clock bike chick desk bee VIII. 1-BCBAB -BA VIII. Hello/Hi, thanks, And, too, What s, English, you, You re, Who s, my40006南岸区: 重庆市110中学 曹 毅 023-*1. L . B . N. I . P . U . D . W . Q 10. MII.配对,选择你听到录音的名字与身份的搭配及番号。1.This is my friend, Alice.Ill.情景反应,选择你所听录音的正确应答语。4.How ar 标签:内容

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