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1、2. Students will know the reason why International Trade takes place and the classification of International Trade according to different criteria. 3. Students will study the definition and evolution of International Settlements.II. Resources/Materials: 1. Textbook: 邹勇,国际商务英语理论与实务。上海财经大学出版社,20082. P

2、PT slide shows: Introduction to international businessIII. Activities and Procedures:1. Pre-learning (10 minutes)Give a brief introduction to the international business and ask students to give a general impression on the international trade. Then give the exact definition of international business,

3、 which is the worldwide exchange of goods and services among nations, generally using some forms of currency as payment.2. While-learningPart One: Explain some special terms (20 minutes)For example:(1) Transit trade: it means that commodities are sent into the buyer market by passing through the fro

4、ntier of a third country due to some special geographical position or time and cost-saving. This kind of trade is transit trade for the third country.(2) Absolute advantage is the ability of a country to produce a special good with fewer resources (per unit of output) than its trading partners.(3) C

5、omparative advantage is the ability of a country to produce a specific good with the lower opportunity cost than its trading partner.Part Two: Text analysis (50 minutes)Make a detailed exploration of the text, help the students understand the key points and difficult points in the text; comprehend t

6、he classification of international trade and new electronic devices used in international settlement.3. Discussion (25 minutes)Discuss the difference between our country and Americans comparative advantages.Firstly, let the students present their ideas voluntarily. Then comment on their presentation

7、 mainly to encourage them. Finally summarize some important traits of our countrys international trade according to their presentations.4. Post-learning (15 minutes)Give the students some time to review what have been learned in class and answer their questions if they have.5. Exercises (15 minutes)

8、Ask students to do all the exercises of Chapter one after class and supply answers to them either in class time or via internet. Comment on difficult ones. Have them self-study Chapter two.IV. Assignments:1. Translate the following Chinese terms into English.国际贸易 比较优势国际信贷 绝对优势汇付 货币托收 非现金结算原产地说明书 保险单

9、2. Translate the following English terms into Chinese.International settlement financial documentsTitle documents constructive deliveryCheque promissory noteBill of exchange monetary conversionBalance of trade European Union3. Questions for discussion.1) What is international business? What are the

10、factors we should know in international business?2) Why people in different countries need export and import?3) If you are a manager in an export company, what kind of things you should take into consideration when we do business with trading party from different country?4. What is your understandin

11、g of the following sentences? And then translate them.1) In todays economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources while people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity.2) So i

12、nstead of barter, which is the trade of goods without an exchange of money, the United States receives money in payment for what it sells.3) Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs.4) Nations try to maintain a favorable balance of

13、 trade, which assures them of the means to buy necessary imports.5) This kind of delivery is called constructive delivery or symbolic delivery in contrast to actual deliver in early international settlement where goods are delivered only when they are physically in the hands of the buyer, when goods

14、 have been documented, they have changed the landscape of the international settlement greatly because both the delivery and the payment are made against documents rather than the actual goods.5. Prepare for Chapter 22Chapter 2 Business Negotiation1. Students will get a general knowledge of Business

15、 Negotiation, including the definition and importance of the Business Negotiation.2. Students will study the Business Negotiation in detail, and they must master the preparation and the general procedure of Business Negotiation.3. Students will study the principles of Business Negotiation.Give a bri

16、ef introduction to the business negotiation and ask students to give a general impression on it. Then have an overview of business negotiation and study the importance of business negotiation. explain some special terms (20 minutes)(1) An offer is a proposal of terms and conditions presented in a po

17、tential contract by one party, called the offeror, to another party, called the offeree. For the sake of the agreement to be binding, the offeree must first accept the offer; otherwise there is no legal-contract.(2) A counter-offer is an offer made by an offeree to an offereor, accepting some terms.

18、 It can be made verbally or in writing. Like an offer, a counter-offer is also of two kinds, one with engagement, and the other without engagement. A counter-offer, in fact, is a rejection of the offer. Hence, it is a new offer and at the same time, the original offer lapses.(3) A contract is an agr

19、eement that creates an obligation, which is a binding, legally enforceable agreement between two or more competent parties. text analysis (50 minutes) comprehend the preparation, general procedure and principles of business negotiation.Discuss the main steps to reach an agreement.Firstly, let the st

20、udents present their ideas voluntarily. Then comment on their presentation mainly to encourage them. Finally summarize some important steps in reaching an agreement according to their presentations.Ask students to do all the exercises of Chapter two after class and supply answers to them either in c

21、lass time or via internet. Comment on difficult ones. Have them self-study Chapter three.1. Translate the following Chinese terms into English:发盘 可撤销的目标市场 一般交易条件虚盘 信用证明实盘 合同撤回 发盘人Negotiation team business rangeAnnual sales volume conclude a negotiationSales confirmation expiry dateMarketing intermed

22、iary subject to prior saleQualified negotiators potential partner1) What is the preparation of a successful negotiation?2) What are the main steps to reach an agreement?3) What aspects should an offer with engagement consist of?4) Discuss the principles using in negotiation.4. Translation. 1) 为了达成协议

23、,商务谈判通常有四个环节,即:询价与回复、报盘与还盘、接受报盘和签订合同。商务实践中并非每一项交易都必经这四个环节。法律学者通常从报盘和接受报盘这两方面来讨论合同是否成立。为达到协议,双方必须进行讨价还价,并在法律方面给予充分的考虑。而双方进入在这种“讨价还价”的交流时,这种交流是以一方报盘和另一方接受报盘的形式出现的。2) Generally speaking, strategy may be defined as “the overall plan used to gain advantage over the opponent or achieve some end. Tactics m

24、ay be defined as “the means by which the strategic objective is achieved”. In other words, the purpose of strategic planning is to spell out what has to be done to produce a final agreement that is closer to ones own opening position than that of the other party. Tactics refers to the game plays tha

25、t may be used to gain specific advantages during the course of the negotiation. Once a strategy has been chosen, tactics must be devised to assure that the goals are attained. While many strategy categories can also be used as tactics, they differ in that the latter is usually a temporary measure devised to achieve a specific result.5. Prepare for Chapter 3Chapter 2 Business Negotiation(1) An offer is a proposal of terms and conditions presented in a potential contract by one party, called the offeror, to another party, called the offeree. For the sake of the agr

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