1、这些信函多半写给不认识的人,如日常所说的询问信、申请信和投诉信等。(见例1)例1:Madison and Moore, Inc.Professional Architects7900 South Manheim RoadCrystal Springs, NE 71003-0092January 11, 2001Ms. Paula JordanSystems ConsultantBroadacres Development Corp.12 East River StreetDetroit, MI 48001-0422Dear Ms. Jordan:SUBJECT / Re: Request fo
2、r alternate duplex plans, No. 32134 (This part can be omitted in informal letters.)Thank you for your letter of December 3,2000. I have discussed your request with theofficials in our Planning Department and have learned that the forms we used are no longer available.In searching through my files, h
3、owever, I have come across the enclosed catalog from a Nevada firm that might be helpful to you. This firm, Nevada Designers, offers plans very similar to the ones you are interested in, as you can tell from the design I checked on page 23 of their catalog.I hope this will help your project and I wi
4、sh you success in your venture.Sincerely yours,William NewhouseOffice ManagerEncl.: Catalog注:(Encl.=Enclosure 附件)例2:斜列式/全缩式 (Indented Form/ Fully Indented Style)斜列式也称全缩式或阶梯式,要求信头和收信人地址,均比上行缩进一点,呈倒梯形状。正文每段起行,均向右缩进五个字母。 246 Wall Street New York 5, N.Y. June 16th, 1982Mr. David Hall 801 Oxford AV. San
5、FranciscoDear David, I wonder if you have made any definite plan for the coming summer vacation.If not, I want you to come and stay with me for a few days. Every member of myfamily will be very much pleased to receive you as a guest. You know that we do not have a magnificent establishment and canno
6、t afford luxuries but if you are content to share a room with me and do not mind plain food you can be assuredof a hearty welcome and we shall do our very best to entertain you.Hoping you will be able to come, I am. Cordially yours, D. Johnson例3:折衷式/混合式/缩入式(Modified Form / Indented Style) 折衷式,也称混合式,
7、或缩入式。其信头和收信人地址,上下各自对齐,正文每段起行,向右缩进五个字母。由于折衷式不拘于上述两种格式,书写方便,故目前使用较为普遍。 116 East 59th Street Chicago 60637 U. S. A. Mar. 14th, 1982Mr. Thomas Ray256 Cambridge StreetLondon E. C. 2EnglandDear Thomas, My warmest congratulations to you on your receiving the regional scholarship to the State College of Eng
8、ineering.It is an award that you richly deserve. I am sure that you will be a credit to the traditions of that fine school and to your chosen professionYou have my very best wishes for your continued success.Sincerely, David Brown例4 半封式(Semi-blocked Style/ Semi-block Format) 半封式与并列式/全封式基本相同,每个段落都不缩进
9、,只是将信头及签名缩至中线右侧。如下所示。 Department of Psychology The University of Reading Whiteknights P. O. Box 217, Reading United Kingdom RG 6 6AHDecember 22, 2000 Prof. Li Yang School of Humanities Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics Beijing, 100083 PR China Dear Prof. Li, It is a pleasure for me to
10、 invite you on behalf of the Department of Psychology to accept an appointment as a visiting professor at the University of Reading from January 1, 2001 to June 30, 2001. The University of Reading will offer you an honorarium of 1250 per month and reimburse your travel expenses. We hope that you can
11、 accept this invitation and we ask you to contact Dr. Valerie Peterson with respect to details of your research and lecturing activities during your stay in Reading. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Timothy Clarks Chairman Dept. of Psychology英文书信的各组成部分(The Parts of English Letter
12、s)1. 信头 (The Heading / Letterhead)2. 收信人的地址、姓名 (The Inside Address)称呼 (The Salutation)正文 (The Body of the Letter)结束用语 (The Complimentary Close)签名(The Signature)除以上六项外,有时一些书信还有附件(Enclosure)和附言(Postscript)两项次要补充性部分。它们是否需要,则视实际情况而定。另外,公文信还有“事由”一项。事由,在正式公文中占有一行,用SUBJECT 或Re: 来表示,“事由”即信的主要内容,一般信件中可以略去。信头
13、 (The Heading / Letterhead)信头也称信端,通常位于信纸的右上角。它包括两项内容:(1)写信人的地址,(2)写信日期。凡是正式英语信函都需要写上发信人的地址和日期。但如果使用具有公司或单位台头的信纸,则只需写上日期即可。需要注意的是,英语书信和汉语书信在地址和日期的写法上有很大的不同。汉语书信的地址是从大到小依次排列,而英语书信则恰恰相反, 即从小到大。例如:中国北京市海淀区学院路37号写在英文信件中则为:37 Xueyuan Road,Haidian District,Beijing,PR China在发到国内的书信地址上,不需要写国名;而发到国外的书信,必须在发信人
14、和收信人的地址上写上国名。英文书信中的日期的写法常见的有两种,顺序为:月、日、年 或 日、月、年。2005年4月25日英文可以写成:April 25, 2005 或:25 April, 2005见下面各例:(1) (美式)76 Brooklyn Avenue 美国纽约第九邮区New York 9, N.Y. 布鲁克林大街76号U.S.A. 2005年3月21日March 21, 2005(2)(英式)No. 21, Victoria Street 英国伦敦中央东7区London, E.C.7, 维多利亚大街21号England21st March, 2005(3)Nanjing Univers
15、ity, 中国南京22 Hankou Road 汉口路22号Nanjing, 南京大学 China March 21, 2005 (4)(斜列式 / 阶梯式)English Section, Class 0501, 江苏南京Foreign Languages Department, 南京大学外语系 Nanjing University, 英语专业05级1班 Nanjing, Jinagsu Province March 21, 2005收信人的姓名地址 (The Inside Address)收信人的姓名地址也称信内地址, 它位于信笺的左上角,从左边略低于写信日期一、二行处顶格写起。先写姓名和
16、头衔,后写地址, 其排列次序与写信人的先后次序要求一样。在非正式英语信函中,可以不写收信人的姓名地址,但是在正式英语信函中则必须包括这一项内容,而且通常还需要在收信人的姓名后包括称谓和职务。注意,收信人的地址要排在发信人的地址和日期之后。收信人的姓名前冠以何称,有一定的习惯。常见的情况是:根据收信人的性别分别在名字前加Mr. Mrs. Miss, Ms.等词。Mr. (Mister) 冠于男子名字前,复数为Messrs. (Messieurs), 相当于Gentlemen。Mrs. (Misstress) 用于已婚妇女,之后接其夫之姓。如:Mrs. SmithMiss (无缩写形式),用于未婚
17、女子, 如:Miss Jane.,其复数为Misses, 如:Misses Jane and MaryMs. 用于不知是否已经结婚的妇女。这在事务性信件中较为常见。 (2)根据收信人的身份冠以学位、头衔等,如:Dr. (Doctor) 冠以博士之姓名前;Rev. (Reverend) 冠以神职人员的姓名前;Prof. (Professor) 冠以教授的姓名前;Pres. (President) 冠以董事长、会长、大学校长、总统的姓名前;Hon. (Honorable) 冠以市长、内阁成员、议员、大事、法官等姓名前(3)如果收信人是公司、机关或单位,一般不写个人的名字,而写负责人的职务名称,如
18、The Manager, The President 等。3称呼 (The Salutation)非正式英语书信中,多半是在Dear 之后直呼其名或在My dear 后 加上称呼,如Dear John, My dear father 等。但在正式英语信件中, 则要根据收信人是谁而相应的变动。一般情况是:(1) 写给个人或自己的朋友,常在姓名、姓氏、名字前加 Dear 一词。Dear Wang Jing, Dear Wang, Dear Jing。写给外籍人士,可用Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Mrs. Jones, Dear Professor Lawrence, Dear Dr.
19、 Pangloss 等。但注意:在Mr., Mrs., Miss,Ms 和Dr.等称呼后只用姓氏,不写名字。(2) 写给机构或公司,常用Sir(s), Dear Sirs 和Gentlemen. Sir(s) 是比较正式的礼貌称呼,通常用于公文;Dear Sirs 是英国人比较喜欢的用词,Gentlemen 为美国常用词。注意Gentlemen 仅用复数形式,不用单数Gentleman, 也不用Dear Gentlemen。(3) 因为从英美人的名字可以看出对方的性别,所以如果知道收信人的名字是 Michel Byram, 则称呼 Dear Mr. Byram。如果对方为女士,名字叫 Barb
20、ara Johns, 为稳妥起见,可以称呼对方为 Dear Ms. Johns。(4) 如果对方是 professor, doctor, dean, president 等,也可用 Dear Professor , Dear Dr., Dear Dean , Dear President 。(5) 如果不知道收信人的名字, 那么称呼可以是如下几种:Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen 等等。(6) 如果是写给妇女社团、组织, 可用Madams 或 Ladies 等尊称。4 正文 ( The Body of the Letter) 正文是信的主体,是信中
21、最重要的部分。英语书信的正文通常包括三个部分:(一)写此信的目的;(二)具体要表达的内容;(三)表示希望或祝福的话。With best regard . Hoping for an early reply . Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Looking forward to an early reply.With kind regard to your father (mother, wife ). Please convey my best regard to your father (mother, wife). 一般书信的正文从低于称
22、呼一、二行处落笔,每段第一行向右约缩进五个字母。正文要求简明扼要,条理清楚。每段不宜太长,尤其开头和结尾两段,更应简短。 如果正文是用打字机打,则要注意上、下、左、右的空边。一般来说,正文约占信笺的四分之三,左边的空白要比右边稍大一点,下方的空白要留得大一些。总之,空白要适中,两边要整齐。5结束语(The Complimentary Close) 结束语是写信人对收信人的一种谦称,相当于我国书信中的“敬上”、“谨上”、“谨启”等。结束语单独成行,通常位于正文末行下面一、二行,可写在与正文左对齐的地方,也可以从中间向右写。开头词第一个字母要大写,末尾加逗号。 结束语应根据通信者之间的不同的关系适当地选用,并注意与称呼吻合一致。具体写法大致如下:1)写给机关、团体、公司或不认识的人Yours faithfully, (您忠诚的)Yours truly, (您忠实的)Yo
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