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高效记忆新课标 教案L78文档格式.docx

1、Pilot teacher doctor教师演示歌曲三遍,第一遍完整播放,并示范动作;第二遍教师带着学生一起唱并做动作;第三遍不播放歌曲,教师带着学生快动作一起唱。(热身环节可根据教师备课资源设置)Lead-in1.教师接着问学生:Who did you see from the song?请学生说出歌曲里出现的职业名称。2.通过学生的回答,教师说:Today I will tell you two friends of mine,they are not pilots, they are not teachers,they are not doctors.Do you want to kno

2、w what are their jobs? Later I will tell you. First of all,lets learn the new words.Presentation Vocabulary1. 教师打开多媒体课件,点读单词,学生跟读,借助图片理解单词含义。T:Letsread them afterthevideo/me.难点发音单词可以反复练习。每个单词操练后教师可示范给学生造句或者根据教学软件给出例句,让学生造句,以加强理解。2. 教师针对本课重难点单词进行讲解并机械式游戏操练,教师可根据本班级情况进行删减。例如:a) nationality教师可根据单词分音节让学

3、生发音和记忆单词,并跟读后,解释单词意思。操练游戏:大声笑声/passing game等游戏机械操练单词。最后造句。b) keyboard:key+board=keyboardc) operator: o-pe-ra-tor3. 单词大打包:学生齐读所有单词-学生用点读笔自学单词跟读-抽号个别学生读单词二指导学生,试听动漫课文 Dialogue1. 打开教学系统中的“情景动画”,让学生观看三遍,每看一遍布置不同的问题与任务。Q1: Is Robert a new student?Q2: What nationality is Sophie?Q3: Whats Roberts job?如问题难度

4、过大,教师可以适当的解释问题。学生回答教师提出的问题时,只需给出简短的回答,或用课文中的原句回答,此处 不刻意纠正学生的语法错误。三图片讲解,代替课文翻译2. 打开教学系统中的“文章速记”,教师利用其中的图片与TPR用英语解释课文内容。1st:The title:Are you a teacher? Yes, I am a teacher. 2nd: We can see a woman and a man,look,the man has a hat,we can know he is a are a student,too. But he is a new stud

5、ent.3rd:My name is Coco.Whats the mans name?4th:Now the woman is happy to know Robert.So she says:”Nice to meet you!”And whats her name?5th :The womans name is Sophie.6th:Look at this flag and the question mark.Its French.Robert asks Sophie she is French or not.Yes or not?7th:Look at the flag and th

6、e check mark.Is Sophie French? Yes or no?.Yes.8th:Sophie is French,Is Robert French,too?So sophie asks:”Are you French,too?” Yes or no? Lets continue.9th:Look at the cross on the flag.Is Robert French?Yes or not? No!10th:Sophies nationality is French.So what nationality is Robert?11th: Look at the f

7、lat,its Italian.So Robert is Italian.12th: Look at the picture,we can see a teacher,Is Sophie a teacher? Lets see.13th:Look at the cross, and Sophie says :”No, Im not.” So Sophie is not a teacher. Whats her job?14th:My job is a teacher, Whats Sophies job?15th:Look at the picture,Sophie is using a co

8、mputer. She is a keyboard operator.16th:And whats Roberts job?.17th:Look, Robert is an engineer.四看图说话,反复尝试回忆Practice1. 打开教学系统中的“文章速记”模块,按照已经给出的段落,学生进行模仿跟读。 操练的顺序可以按照:1)全班重复2)小组重复3) 各别学生重复每个句群按照这样的反复尝试后,最后将全篇课文大打包,给学生3-5分钟时间记忆,最后完整的看图说话。2. Role-play1)全班分为两大组,A组扮演Robert,B组扮演Sophie,表演对话。2)两两学生分配角色,表演对话

9、。五.师生互动提高运用能力Production1. 针对课文教师进行提问。请学生回答问题或者请学生之间互相提问。aWho is the new student?bIs Sophie French?cIs Robert French, too?And what nationality is he?dIs Sophie a teacher?eWhat is Sophies job?fIs Robert a keyboard operator? If he is not, and whats his job?六举一反三发展实用能力2. Part1.Look,listenandsay.(Lesson8

10、-P21)1)为了更好的让学生操练与巩固句型,并发展实际运用,先扫除生词障碍。 Words:用本课主人公两人的主题话题引出所学的职业单词。并将单词分类teacher farmer driver engineer manager worker dancer officer speaker policeman policewoman postman fisherman cook nurse doctor pilot coach scientist dentist游戏:Bingo 大打包游戏之一,让学生在短时间内记忆单词,在九宫格的纸上写出记忆的单词,最后教师念出三个单词,如果和教师所念单词能在九宫

11、格上成为一排就可以 bingo得分啦。 通过单词学完后,让学生造句:Im/She is/He is a . 最后点读笔点读单词。 再导入Part2的句型操练:T引导-S带读-Ss问答-Ss have a role plays your job? Are you a teacher? No, I am not a teacher. I am a farmer. (先机械式记忆句型,最后达到应用)2)T点读导入,Ss说数字;T说数字,Ss点读并对话;每两人一组自选两副图片练习,之后T叫号表演(其他猜号),最后师生互动。教师设置场景,让学生在假设的情境中进行有意义的操练句型结构。T:Supposet

12、oday you and your friend drink coffee and talk ,but you dont know your friends job,now you two start to talk about job .教师请学生两人一组,分图片说句子。4)教师随机抽取几组同学表演对话,并请其他组的学生进行点评。3. Part2.Askand answer.(Lesson8-P22)1) 请学生齐读例句,之后根据所给单词完成第一个对话的句子,教师点评;2) 学生独立完成书写句子的任务,并原两两搭档进行分析,互评。3) 教师公布答案,检查自己的答案进行自评。七语法沉淀代替规则

13、讲解Consolidation Focusongrammar1Part 3-A.数字的巩固,独立完成书中答案。齐读数字。 此段故事,全班齐读故事后,教师与学生互动,问答句子。 2. 请学生独立完成Part 3-B,C之后,两两搭档总结语法现象,并互评。 教师公布并检查答案,班上随机抽组来总结a/an, am/is/are的用法。3. 请学生独立完成Part 3-D.Write answers about yourself.4.请学生分组讨论并完成Part3-E.两两搭档先读完对话,之后自己制造情景做一组对话。5. 根据Part3-E. 注意斜体字,让学生们分组讨论am, is, are在句子中

14、的用法,并且每组总结后,在全班进行讲解,教师可根据时间安排,多叫几名学生总结。让学生更加深刻的记忆语法。最后教师总结。八融入生活培养创新能力Activities1. 请学生阅读Part4-A Cooperativework的题目要求,小组内讨论并共同写出对话;2. 根据Part4-B.Classroomshow的要求表演对话。Homework1. 完成课课练中的相应习题2. 模仿并背诵Lesson7并把你背诵的最好的一遍录音,用微信或QQ发给老师。3. 给家长表演今天所学的对话内容。4. 预习Lesson9并模仿朗读课文至少5遍,并录音用微信或QQ发给老师你认为 读的最好的一遍。Content

15、andbasicaimsGramrAre you(french),too?Yes,I am./No,I am(Im)not.Are you a (doctor)?No,I am not a (doctor).I am (a nurse).Whats your/his/her job?4、特殊疑问句(第二课堂P17)5、名词(一)(第二课堂P22)Taxi-driverair hostessmechanichairdresserhousewifemilkman这几个词是新课本中没涉及的原课本的词,老师要让学生应用中记住;Book1P110所有词汇Pronunciation第二课堂P17-18坚持

16、练习GreetingBefore our lesson,lets look at these pictures and try your best to tell me :What are these pictures about?Ss:These pictures are about jobs or professions.Ok!lets look at these pictures read the words together.(热身环节,教师可根据自己备课资源灵活设置,只要能与导入新课有关都可以,原则是要生动、有趣、自然,形式可采取歌曲、视频、图片等)1. 教师接着问学生:Who di

17、d you see from the pictures?请学生说出图片里出现的职业名称。2. What do you want to be in the future? 请学生说出自己将来想干什么职业。3. Do you want to be a teacher as me?Why?4.通过学生的回答,教师说:注意:双数课的单词课件里没有,需要老师单独制作单词课件(有声最好),注出音标,用颜色把音节区分开,还可以把双数课的图片及单词拍照后用美图秀秀制作成课件,在第六环节再次复习并运用。 3. 单词大打包: Dialogue Listening comprehension1.General qu

18、estions打开教学系统中的“情景动画”,让学生观看三遍,每看一遍布置不同的问题与任务学生回答教师提出的问题时,只需给出简短的回答,或用课文中的原句回答,此处 不刻意纠正学生的语法错误。2. Question in details Now, well look ,and listen to it again carefully. Try your best to understand the story,and answer my other questions,OK?(此环节教师要充分调动学生的积极性,有困难时,给予适当的提示,教师通过问此问题,引导学生从一开始用英语思维的良好习惯,注意:

19、在这里不要过分地在乎对错,即使有错也要让其他学生更正,这叫“互学互动”,教师的作用是组织、指导、反馈)。Ask individual students questions.Students give natural answers.向单个学生提问。学生自然回答。 Whats the new students name?Robert.Is Robert French ?No,he isnt.What nationality is Robert?He is Italian.Is SophieItalian,too?No,she isnt.What nationality is Sophie?She

20、 is French.Is Sophie a teacher?Whats her job?She is a keyboard operator.Is Robert a keyboard operator,too?No,he is not.Whats his job?He is an engineer.Im a student3图片讲解,代替课文翻译再次观看课文,与学生互动,并检测问题的正确性。Try your best to get more out of the video打开教学系统中的“文章速记”,教师利用其中的图片与TPR用英语解释课文内容。Thetitle: Yes, I am a

21、teacher.Its a dialogue betweena man and a woman. We can see they are talking and sitting face to face.Its the first time for them to meet each other.The man introduces himself to the woman and says his name is Robert. He is a new student.“Nice to meet you!”And tells Robert her name is Sophie.(Look a

22、t this flag and the question mark.Its French.)Robert asks Sophie whether she is French or not.(Look at the flag and the check mark.Is Sophie French?)Sophie is French.Sophie asks Robert whether he is French,either.(Look at the flag and the check mark.)Robert is not French.He is Italian.Robert continu

23、es to ask Sophie whether she is a teacher.(Look at the picture,we can see a teacher,Is Sophie a teacher? )She is not a teacher.She is a keyboard operator. (Look at the last picture)And Robert is an engineer.紧接着Chorus repetition齐声重复教师带领学生,看着图片,齐声重复叙述故事一遍(目的:把听到的再说一遍,也为后面背诵或叙述起一个铺垫)。教师声音大,学生小点,每一句教师起头

24、,学生跟着说出后面的,学生实在说不上,教师补全或做适当的提示。Intensive reading and Repetition精读和重复4) 各别学生重复每个句群(在课本连词成句部分用箭头标出了句群)按照这样的反复尝试后,最后将全篇课文大打包,给学生3-5分钟时间记忆,Production Asking questions 1.针对课文先让学生逐个向教师进行提问,请老师回答问题或者请学生之间互相提问。 该环节是训练学生提问的能力,我国学生回答问题还可以,提问的能力有待提高。aT:Ask me if Robert is a new student. Ss:Is Robert a new student? T:Yes,he is.bT:Ask me if Robert is French.Is Robert French?No,he is not.cT:Ask me if Sophie a teacher .No,she is not.dAsk me if Robert is an engineer.Is Robert an engineer?eAsk me if Sophie an engineer ,tooIs Sophie an engineer,too?No,sh

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