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1、Read and find out the main idea of each paragraph.A. The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James problem of smoking B Introducing some different ways of becoming addictedC. Telling the writers hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.D Telling the harmful effects o

2、f smokingE. From the life the writer is leading now, we can know the importance of healthy life.Keys: 2A 3B 5-C 4-D 1-EStep 4 Detail reading (Slide 12-13)Read the letter carefully, and try to finish the following chartInformation from the reading passageDifferent ways people can become addicted to c

3、igarette1 addicted to nicotine.2.addicted through3.addictedHarmful physical effects for terrible damage to 2.have difficulty in .3.can notEffects that a person s smoking can have on other people1 .o ther people2. The cigarette smoke may do harm toEffects that smoking can have on sporting

4、 performancebe unable to Suggested answers: physically, habits, mentally, heart and lungs , becoming pregnant, run fast, dislike the smell,other people near the smoker .enjoy sportStep 5 Reading, listening and summary1.Read the article and find out the suggestions James grandfather found on the Inte

5、rnet. (Slide 14)1)Prepare yourself.2)Be determined.3)Break the habit.4)Relax.5)Get help if you need it.6)Keep trying2.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks in the following summary. (Slide 15)Choose a day that is not to quit smoking Make a list of all the you will get from stopping smoking. a

6、ll your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit the list ofbenefits you wrote when you feel like smoking. Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the house and so on to keep yourself busy. If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some exercises likede

7、ep breathing. You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group .If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or for help The most important thing is tokeep trying. Dont feel if you because some people haveto try many times before they finally quit smoking. Never give up and you will succeed3.Check the stu

8、dents9 answersStressful, benefits, throw away,Reread ,Relaxation, chemist,ashamed、weaken4.Get the students to read the passage togethe匚Step 6 Discussion (Slide 16)1.Wliat kind of person do you think James9 grandfather is?2.Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking? M

9、ake a short dialogue in pairsStep 7 Homework ( Slide 17 )1.Discuss the questions after class2.Find out the key points of the text.3 Search some more information about the harmful effects of smoking and advice on stopping smokingStep 8 Ending (Slide 18)Module 6 Unit 3 A Healthy LifeUsing LanguageHIV/

10、AIDS: Are You at Risk?Teaching Alms:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:次 get to know more about HIV/AIDS次 know how to protect themselves from AIDS*talk about AIDS and AIDS awarenessTeaching Important and Difficult Point:To show the students an appropriate attitude towards AIDS patie

11、ntsTeaching Procedures:The lesson with begin with the song Live for Love United” sung by famous football players. Step One: Warming UpThe students are asked to watch a video clip and discuss what it is about.(The video clip is about the change of an AIDS infected woman in 90 days.)This part is desig

12、ned to impress the students with the damage HIV/AIDS does to a person.Step Two: Pre-readingBackground Learning: Some information about AIDS.*red ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness*it is worn by people around the World AIDS Day*it calls for care and concern on AIDS次 the World AIDS Da

13、y: December lslStep Three: While-readingTask I: Skimming1) How many sections can we divide this text into ?Choose a main idea for each section*Section 1 Background information about what HIV / AIDS*Section 2 Ways to protect yourself.*Section 3 Some wrong statements about AIDSTask 2 Careful ReadingPa

14、rt One: 1. What is HIV?HIV is a virus, a very small living thing that causes disease.2.How does HIV harm peopled health?HIV virus weakens a persons immune system and eventually it damages the immune system somuch that the body can no longer fight against disease.3.Is there a cure for AIDS and HIV at

15、 the moment?No, it is incurablePart Two: In order to stay safe, you A.should not share needles with someone elseB.have to avoid using anything else that the person has used while injecting drugs C should use a condom if you have sex with another one.D. All of the above.Part Three: How much have you

16、learnt about AIDS?*You can catch AIDS after drinking from the glass used by an HIV-infected pers on.法 I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV.次 People who have not injected diugs do not need to get tested for HIV.*If I had HIV, I would know bec

17、ause I would feel sick.*Kids can get AIDS by being bitten by mosquitoes or other insects.*Sharing food with someone infected with HIV will give you HIV, too.*It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV.*If you have HIV, you will always get AIDS eventually.Comprehending:1.What

18、 do the it stand for? HIV or AIDS?There are between 90(X000 and 1.125.000 Americans infected with it.Some two million people died of it each year2.This passage is A. an advertisement B a posterC a magazine cover D a criticismStep Four: Post-reading Lefs say something about AIDS.1.Word Bank: The new

19、words we have learneddo damage/harm to 损害 infect (v.感染)-infected (adj被感染的)- infectious (adj.有传染性的)be infected with 被感染stage (v.阶段) drug (n.毒品)inject (v.注射)injection (n.注射)red ribbon 红丝带 prejudice (n.偏见)awareness (n.S识,觉悟)be aware of 意识到virus (n病毒)immune system 免疫系统cure (v.治愈)一 curable (adj可治愈的)- inc

20、urable (adj.不可治愈的)2.Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with proper words.1艾滋病是一种可传染的无法医治的疾病。其是由HIV病毒引起的。AIDS is an infectious and incurable diseaseIt is caused by HIV virus.2每年都有很多人死于爱滋病。Every year, many people die of AIDS.3为了不感染艾滋病,我们要远离毒品。To “void getting infected with AIDS, we should keep/stay away f

21、rom drugs.4不要瞧不起爱滋病患者,而要给与他们关爱。We should show AIDS patients care and love instead of looking down on/upon them.5让我们互相帮助,和睦相处。Lets help each other and live in harmony.3.Exercise 2: Translate the following 5 questions about AIDS and try to answer them.QI :你能告诉我一些关于艾滋病的事情吗? (Can you tell me something a

22、bout AIDS?)Q2:目前能治愈 AIDS 吗? (Is there a cure for AIDS and HIV at the moment?Q3:感染了 艾滋病的人会怎么样? (What would happen to people who are infected with AIDS?Q4:你对有艾滋病的人们持什么看法呢? (What opinion do you have about people with AIDS?Q5:我们能做点什么帮助那些受感染的人们呢? (What can we do to help those who are infected?教案 3 Gramma

23、rTeaching aimsEnable the students to master the usage of it.Teaching important & difficult pointsHow to enable the students to know the usage of it.Teaching aidstape recorder, slidesTeaching proceduresStepl RevisionComplete the passage with the suitable words in their proper forms.1 due to 6 stress2

24、.addicted 7.quit3.alcohol 8.drugs4.manage 9.pregnant5 cigarettes 10. adolescentsSmoking , drinking or taking other produce many harmful effects and have no real benefits So why do do it? Some begin because they believe it makes them look cool. Others think it will help with In their life possibly pr

25、essurefrom their parents or teachersSome just want to see what it is like. AVhat they dont realize is that they will get into the habit and become It will then bedifficult to the habit A few people to quit easily but formany it is a very painful process Of course, the best way to deal with these dru

26、gs is not to start in the first placeKeys: cigarettes; alcohol; drugs; adolescents; stress; due to; eventually; addicted; quit; manageStep2 Lead inSlide showDiscovering “It1 It rains heavily . 扌旨天气2. It is 20 kilometers from Granddads house to James 指距离3.It is November 11, 2005.4.It is 9 oclock at n

27、ight.5.It is bad to smoke6.11 is no good smoking指日期 指时间形式主语7. It is likely that he will succeed. 形式主语 Step3 The use of it”一、作人称代词1it的最基木用法是作代词,主要指刚提到的事物,以避免重复:Xian is a beautiful city, isnt it?They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance.2.也可以指动物或婴儿(未知性另侖勺婴儿或孩子):Is this your dog? No,

28、it isn二、it作非人祢代词it有时并不指具体的东西,而泛指天气.时间.日期.距离.价值.度量. 温度、环境等,称为非人称的it:1.指天气:It is a lovely day, isnIt is a bit windy.2.指时间:It was nearly midnight when she came back.3.指环境:It was very quiet in the cafG4.指距离:It is half an horns walk to the city centre from my home5.指日期:Whats the date today? Ifs May 1, 2007.6.指季节:It is summer now.7.指度量:It is about 5 kilograms8.指价值:-Whats the cost of

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