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1、 You look lovely. 你好,查尔斯!Hello, Charles! 你这次迟到得最不同凡响Theres a greatness to your lateness. 我已拼尽全力Its not achievedwithout real suffering. 非常抱歉I am so, so sorry. 婚礼后我会自杀若这样会让你好过点的话Ill kill myself after the service,if thats any consolation. 没关系,有汤姆作后备Doesnt matter.Tom was standing by. 谢了,你真是圣人Thanks, Tom

2、. Youre a saint. 而且发型还棒透了And a disastrous haircut. 你记得带戒指吧?You havent forgotten the rings? 记得No. 最讨厌别人迟到Hate people being late. 开始了Here we go. 她很美丽吧?Oh, isnt she lovely? 你一定是瞎了眼她像一大团棉花糖Scarlett, youre blind.She looks like a big meringue. 亲爱的朋友欢迎在安格斯和Dear friends, what a joy it is towelcome you to ou

3、r church. 萝拉的大日子莅临本教堂.on this wonderful dayfor Angus and Laura. 在仪式开始之前,请大家一起Before we start the service,let us all join together. 颂唱第一首圣歌.in the first hymn. 远古时代的 人们的足迹 印在英国青葱的山岭 而圣洁的 子民 在英国翠绿的草原上 显现过 那副神圣的面容 曾照耀在 阴霾密布的山丘上 耶路撒冷 在邪恶的试炼里 兴建起来 思嘉Scarlett. 亲爱的各位,我们聚集在这里Dearly beloved, we aregathered he

4、re. 在上帝和会众的面前.in the sight of God and inthe face of this congregation. 跟这两位共订鸳盟的男女一起.to join together this manand this woman in holy matrimony. 这个光荣的人生阶段Which is an honorable estate. 由混沌初开之际已经制定.instituted in the timeof mans innocency. -我很快回来-若有人能够提出- Back in a sec.- lf any man can show. 这两人不能结为合法夫妇

5、的.any just cause or impediment. 理由或障碍.why they may not be lawfullyjoined together. 马上提出来,否则请保持缄默.let him speak now or foreverhold his peace. 你愿意承诺去爱她Do you promise to love her. 安慰她,以她为荣无论疾病健康fort her, honor and keep herin sickness and in health. 都从一而终.and forsaking all others. 在有生之年都视她为妻子吗?.keep the

6、e only unto her for aslong as ye both shall live? 我愿意I do. 疼爱和珍视他To love and to cherish. 至死不渝Till death us do part. 至死不渝.till death us do part. 我再次向你许下承诺Thereto, I pledge thee my troth. 我再次向你许下承诺And thereto, I pledge thee my troth. 你有戒指吗?Do you have the ring? 我替你戴上戒指,娶你为妻With this ring, I thee wed.

7、我以谦卑的躯体崇敬你With my body, I thee worship. 我把世上最好的东西奉献给你And with all my worldly goods,I do thee endow. 我把世上最好的东西奉献给你And with all my worldly goods,I thee endow. 若我单凭人和天使的口才说话当中却没有爱的话If I speak with the tongues of menand of angels, but have not love. 我就是吵耳的铙钹.I am become a sounding brassor a clanging cym

8、bal. 说得好Good point. 没有你,我不能微笑 我无法欢笑歌咏 一事无成 你悲伤时,我也感到难过 我感到难过 你快乐所以我快乐 若你知道我的经历 帽子很漂亮Great hat. 谢了,我特地买的Thanks. I bought it specially. 这样好了There. 各就各位Get in position, please. 谢谢,笑一个Thank you. Smile. 场面很大,你意下如何?Splendid, I thought.What did you think?I thought, splendid.What did you think? 场面很大Splendid

9、, I thought. 思嘉,好美的洋装!Scarlett, fabulous dress! 教会的紫色配上异教的橘色Ecclesiastical purpleand pagan orange. 象征着异教和基督教在婚姻里.symbolizing the magicalsymbiosis in marriage. 奇妙的共生的现象?.between heathen andChristian traditions? 对Thats right. 漂亮,再拍一个Lovely. And again. 知道戴着黑帽的女孩是谁吗?Any idea who the girlin the black hat

10、 is? 她叫嘉莉Names Carrie. 蛮漂亮的Shes pretty. 美国人American. 真有趣Interesting. 是荡妇Slut. 真的吗?Really? 从前替时尚杂志工作现居美国Used to work at Vogue.Lives in America now. 只会跟魅力非凡的人交往Only goes out withvery glamorous people. 没你的份Quite out of your league. 那我就放心了,谢了Well, thats a relief. Thanks. 待会见See you there. 进去吧Off you go.

11、 对,宴会上见Right. Reception. 再见!Bye! Bye! 还有人踩到牛屎吗?Anyone else tread in a cowpat? 我想没有了,待会见No, thought not. See you in a mo. 若他不是我哥哥我还会这么讨厌他吗?Do you think Id hate him as muchif he wasnt my brother? 真不想一身臭味出席酒会而失去碰到姻缘的机会Dont want to blow chancesfor smelling of dungat the reception. 我从不懂怎么应付这种场

12、面Oh, God. I never know what tosay in these wretched lineups. 很简单,热情地拥抱他说新娘好像怀孕了Its a cinch. Give a big, warm hugand say the bride looks pregnant. 或是按惯例说:你很自豪吧Or stick with tradition,You must be very proud. 愿主保佑我们Heaven preserve us. 你很自豪吧You must be very proud. 谢谢Indeed. 你好Hello. -你好-你好- Hello.- Hell

13、o. -我们见过面的,我是理查-对- Hi, weve met. Its Richard Maples.- Oh, yes. 王八蛋Bastard. -好吗,伯纳-好吗,查理- Hello, Bern.- Hello, Chuck. 两杯,谢谢Two, please. -好好享受-保重了- You have fun, now.- Take care. 你好Oh, hello. 你好Hi. -要喝一杯吗?-谢谢- You want one of these?- Oh, thank you. -我-好吗,查尔斯- l.- Hello, Charles. 约翰,你好吗?Hello, dear Joh

14、n. How are you? 我很好,这位是Good. This is. 嘉莉- Carrie.- Carrie. -很高兴认识你,我叫约翰-你好- Delighted. Im John.- Hi, John. 你的女朋友好吗?Hows your girlfriend? 她不再是我的女朋友了Shes no longer my girlfriend. 别难过人们说她一直跟陶比有染Dont be too gloomy. Rumor is shenever stopped bonking Toby de Lisle. 她是我的妻子Shes now my wife. 太好了恭喜你Excellent.

15、Excellent. Congratulations. 我失陪了Excuse me. 有孩子了没?Any kids or anything, John? 打算何时生Do we hear the patter of tiny. 一个?.feet? 没有No. 来日方长,对吗?不忙的Well, theres plenty of timefor that, isnt there? No hurry. 你好吗?Hi. How are you? 我叫菲欧娜My names Fiona. 我叫吉罗德Im Gerald. 你做哪一行业?What do you do? 我在受训,预备当神父Im trainin

16、g to be a priest. 我的天!Good Lord! 你会主持结婚典礼吗?Do you do weddings? 现在还不能,将来一定会No. No, not yet.I will, though, of course. 简直是精神折磨Jolly nerve-racking. 就像初夜一样Yes, rather like the first timeone has sex. 我想是吧Well, I suppose so. 当然没那么混乱也不会用那么多保险套Rather less messy, of course.And far less call for condoms. 你觉得怎

17、么样? 记得那次你把爸爸的船开动 螺旋桨把我的腿打碎吗? 这次更烂 那个穿灰衣服的男孩是谁?Whos that boyover there in the gray? 他叫大卫His names David. 很有魅力,是不是?Something of a dish, isnt he? 我一向都是这样想的Well, Ive always thought so. 他们干嘛?Why are they.? -魅力小子是聋子-可惜- The dish cant hear.- Oh! 天啊Gosh. 对,不能说话Yeah, silent. 但却引人入胜.but deadly attractive. 就是这

18、样Bang, bang, bang. Thats it. 请到帐篷就坐,晚餐准备好了Into the marquee, please.Dinner is served.How do you do? 我叫汤姆,很高兴认识你Hello, Tom. Splendid to meet you. 令人兴奋Very exciting. 我叫思嘉My names Scarlett. 别让我喝太多否则我会很轻佻的Dont let me drink too much,because Ill get really flirty.我叫查尔斯How do you do? My name is Charles. 别说笑

19、,查尔斯已经死了二十年Dont be ridiculous.Charles died years ago. 他是另一个查尔斯吧Must be a different Charles. 你说我不认得自己的兄弟吗?Youre saying I dont knowmy own brother? 不是的No, no. 各位,很抱歉打扰你们吃甜点Ladies and gentlemen, sorry todrag you from your desserts. 身为伴郎我觉得我要说几句话There are one or two little thingsI feel I should say as be

20、st man. 我只是第二次当伴郎This is only the second timeIve ever been best man. 希望我还算称职吧I hope I did the job okaythat time. 至少上一对夫妇还愿意跟我说话The couple in question are at leaststill talking to me. 很可惜,他们却互不理睬Unfortunately, theyre not actuallytalking to each other. 他们几个月前离婚了The divorce came througha couple of mont

21、hs ago. 但他们向我保证此事跟我无关But Im assured it had absolutelynothing to do with me. 宝拉显然在我演讲之前Apparently, Paula knew Pierce sleptwith her sister. 已知道皮尔斯跟她的妹妹睡.before I mentioned itin the speech. 可是他跟岳母睡却真是意外The fact that he slept with hermother came as a surprise. 但我却以为这段两日婚姻是.but I think was incidental tot

22、he nightmare of recrimination. 随之而来的互相责备和暴力所导致的.and violence that becametheir two-day marriage. 说够了,我要说的是安格斯Anyway, enough of that. My jobtoday is to talk about Angus. 他并没有秘密And there are no skeletonsin his cupboard. 我是这样想的.or so I thought. 我待会会去求证,我想说的是Ill get to that in a minute.Id just like to sa

23、y this: 一如以往I am as ever. 对于像安格斯和萝拉一样愿意许下承诺的人.in bewildered awe of anyonewho makes this kind of commitment. 我都异常敬佩.that Angus and Laurahave made today. 我自知办不到I know I couldnt do it. 他们办得到,实在太好了.and I think its wonderfulthey can. 说回安格斯和他的同类So back to Angus and those sheep. 各位先生、女士,请举杯So, ladies and g

24、entlemen,if youd raise your glasses. -敬一对壁人-好!- The adorable couple.- Yes! 敬一对壁人The adorable couple! 替我吻新娘!Get one for me, Angus! 我第一次看见盖瑞夫跳舞时The first time I sawGareth on the dance floor. 还以为会弄出人命.I feared lives would be lost. 她很漂亮Shes a pretty girl. 你目不转睛地看着她一见钟情吗?The one you cant take your eyes o

25、ff.Love at first sight? 不,我曾跟她的舞伴玩橄榄球No, its the bloke shes dancing with.I played rugby with him at school. 我在想他是打哪个位置的Im trying to rememberwhat position he played. 我们来辩论一下Though, lets say forthe sake of argument. 人们参加婚礼时会爱上别人.one did take a fancy to someoneat a wedding. 有没有人可以就这样说Do you think there

26、 are peoplewho can just say: 宝贝,我叫查尔斯你今晚走运了?Hi, babe. My names Charles.This is your lucky night? 他们肯定不是英国人If there are, theyre not English. 的确如此Quite. 三个星期是最低限度的试探期Three weeks is aboutmy question-popping minimum. 你知道我爱你的,是不是?You know I love you,Jean, dont you? 我爱你I love you.I love you. 麦克,虽然我不认识你And

27、 Mike, Ive never met you before. 但我真的很爱你.but I love you very much.I really do. 别理会她,她喝醉了Ignore her, shes drunk. 至少我希望她是At least I hope she is. 否则我的麻烦可大了Otherwise, Im in real trouble. 你过得怎么样?s it going, Lyds? 烂透了Bloody awful. 亲爱的,怎么了?Oh, dear. Whats the problem? 大家都说我会有艳遇I was promised sex.Everybody

28、said it: 你是伴娘,会有艳遇推也推不掉ll be a bridesmaid, youll get sex.Youll be fighting them off. 可是现在简直是门可罗雀But not so much as a tonguein sight. 我的意思是,若你想要Well, I mean, if you fancy. 干什么.anything. 我永远都会.I could always. 别说无聊事了Oh, dont be ridiculous, Bernard. -我才不是那么绝望呢-当然了- Im not that desperate.- No, right. Of course. 有道理Fair enough. 说得好Its a good point.Bye! 好好享受良辰美景!Have a lovely, lovely time! 你今晚住在哪?Where are you staying tonight,Charles? 思嘉和我在旅舍里下榻Scarlett and I are at some pu

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