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1、bread面包, news新闻, information信息, weather天气, newspaper报纸, work工作, homework家庭作业, housework家务, Chinese/Japanese汉语、日语等语言,fish鱼肉,meat肉, chicken鸡肉,water水,milk牛奶.3). 名词的所有格:1)。有生命的名词加s表示所有关系。The childrens house is near Toms.这些孩子们的家靠近汤姆的家。(1).凡是不以s结尾的名词加s : the boys bag这男孩的包, Mikes knife迈克的小刀, the Childrens

2、Palace少年宫, mens room男厕所(2).若名词已有s结尾,只加 ::the Teachers Day教师节 , the workers struggle工人的斗争, ten minutes walk十分钟的路程. Its about two hourswalk from here to my hometown.从这到我的家乡大约是两个小时的路程。(3). 表示几个人共有一样东西,在最后一个人的名字后加s, 若表示各自所有,则须在各名字后加s, 如:This is Tom and Mikes room.。 这是汤姆和迈克共用的房间。(只有一间房)These are Toms and

3、 Mikes rooms. 这些是汤姆和迈克各自的房间。(共有两间房,每人各自一间) 2).无生命的名词用of短语表示所有关系,即:the+部分+the+名词(。的东西)the windows of the house 房间的窗户the title of the song 歌的题目the map of China 中国的地图注意:A。在表示名词所有格时,s结构可以转换成of结构。the girls name=the name of the girl (s可省去) 女孩的名字my fathers friend=the friend of my fathers (s也可省去) 我父亲的朋友B.有些

4、表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加s来构成所有格,如:Beijings street 北京的街道todays newspaper 今天的报纸ten minutes walk 十分钟的路程二.代词一).代词: 我 我们 你 你们 他 她 它 他们主格 I we you you he she it they 宾格 me us you you him her it them反身代词 myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herself itself themselves形容词性物主代词my our your your his

5、her its their名词性物主代词 mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs(mine=my+名词 ours=our+名词 -判断依据是后面是否有名词,如有名词,要用my,our,your等形容词性的物主代词;若没名词,则用mine, ours, hers等名词性物主代词。)1). I know her.主格 宾格2).- Is this your pen ?这是你的笔吗?-No, it isnt mine . It is hers. 不,这不是我的(笔),这是她的(笔)。 (两个横线后都没有名词) 3).This is our classroo

6、m .Theirs is over there.这是我们的课室,他们的(课室)在那边。4)。We must do our homework by ourselves. 我们必须独立完成作业。二)。不定代词One(一个)与ones(pl.) 代替前面出现的东西。I have an old bike , but he has a new one.我有一辆旧自行车,他有辆新的。I like small cars better than large ones ,and this one is my favourite. 我喜欢小汽车,不喜欢大汽车,而这辆是我最喜欢的。2)。修饰可数名词的:many很多

7、, a few几个,一些, few几乎没有 修饰不可数名词的 : much很多, a little一些, little几乎没有(1) Many people can live to 80 years old , only a few people can live to 100 years old, but few people can live to 150 years old. 很多人能活到80岁,只有少数一些能活到100岁,但几乎没有人能活到150岁。(2).There is little time left ,lets hurry up.几乎没时间了,我们要快点。(3). There

8、is a little time left , you neednt hurry.还有一点时间,你不用着急。 (4). Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗-No,I know little Japanese.不,我几乎不懂日语。(-Yes ,I can speak a little . 会,我会说一点。3)。Some 与any“一些” 都可以修饰可数名词的单数、复数或不可数名词,。some water, some books.Some 用于肯定句中或邀请、请求、希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中。(1) I have some story books.(肯定句)我有一些故

9、事书。(2) Can you give me some paper ?( 希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句)你能给我一些纸吗?Any 一般用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。(1) I dont have any money.( 否定句) 我没有钱。(2) Do you have any questions?( 疑问句 ) 你有问题吗?(3) You can ask me if you have any questions.( 条件句) 如果你有问题,可以问我。Some-, any-, no- 与 -thing,-body,-one 构成合成词的用法与 some, any一样。但something ,a

10、nything ,nothing三者跟形容词时,形容词要放在他们后面。如;(1) I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事告诉你(2) I dont know anything about it.(I know nothing about it .)关于这件事,我什么也不知道。(3) Anybody can do it.任何人都可以做这件事。5)。Other , another , the other, others, the others. (1). Other+名词复数=others “别的 someothers 一些。 另一些 Yest

11、erday some students went to play basketball, others stayed in the classroom.(=other students) 昨天一些学生去打蓝球,还有一些留在课室。 (2) . another “另一个,别的”。泛指众多中的一个,后接单数名词,前面不加the This book is too difficult for me .will you please give me another one( =another book)? 这本书对我来说太难了,请给另一本好吗? (3). the other 表示两个当中另的一个,常与on

12、e连用。one the other I have two pens, one is red , (and ) the other is blue.我有两支笔,一支是红色的,另一支是绿色的。(4)the others=the other+名词复数 “其余的全部”。相当于the restsome the others 一些。其余的 (剩下的) There are forty students in my class, twenty-one are girls, the others(the other students) are boys. 我班有40人,21个是女生,其余的全是男生。6).all

13、 , both all “所有的”(三者以上)如:All of them go to the movie.他们都去看电影。both “两者都”Both of my parents are healthy.我的双亲身体都健康。三.连词1.and “和,而且”表顺接。 1). He got up and put on his coat.他起床然后穿衣服。 2). Use your head , and you will have an idea.动动脑筋,你就会有主意了。2. or “否则,或者” 1). Hurry up, or you will miss the bus.快点,否则你会赶不上汽

14、车的。 2). Tom or I am right.我或者是汤姆是对的。3. but “(虽然)。但是 ”不能与though /although连用,只可单独使用。 1). She is ill, but she still goes to school. (虽然)她病了,但是仍坚持上学。 2). Marry likes violin, but Tom doesnt.玛利喜欢小提琴,但汤姆不喜欢。4. so “ 所以 ” 不能与because连用,只可单独使用 It began to rain , so I had to stay here.开始下雨了,所以我只好留在这里。5. for(= b

15、ecause)“因为”只可单独使用 I soon went to sleep ,for(because) I was tired. 我很快就睡着了,因为我累了。6. both and “和,既。也。” (与not连用表部分否定) 1). He can play both the violin and the piano.他即会拉小提琴又会弹钢琴。7. eitheror “或者。或者。,不是。就是”(与not连用表全否定)。 注意: 谓语 用is 还是 are , do 还是does ?关键看它最近的主语是单数还是复数。 1).Either you or he is right. 不是你就是他是

16、对的。 2).I dont want to visit either Tianjing or shanghai. 天津和上海我都不想参观。(全否定)8. neither-nor “既不-也不”(本身是否定句,不可与not等否定词连用)1). Neither Peter nor his parents like playing football .2).I can speak neither Japanese nor French .日语和法语我都不会说。 3). I cant speak neither Japanese nor French。(错)9. not only but also“不

17、但。而且” Jane is not only beautiful but also kind.简不但漂亮,而且人非常好。 注意:当 eitheror , neithernor , not only but also 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要遵循“就近的原则”。即:例如: Not only Tom but also I am a student of Grade Three. Not only I but also Tom is a student of Grade Three. Tom和我都是初三的学生。10. as well as = not only but also:“不但。而且” (

18、注意翻译) Jane is beautiful as well as kind. 简不但为人好,而且人也漂亮。11. so(adj.)thatcant = too(adj.)to+(do) “太。以至(不能)。” He is so old that he cant work.=He is too old to work.他太老了,不能工作。12. if 如果(条件状语从句用一般时表示将来意思) If it doesnt rain tomorrow, Ill go to the park.如果明天不下雨,我就会去公园。13.though /although “虽然。(但是)”,单独使用。Thou

19、gh I was tired, I still worked hard. 虽然我很累,但是我仍然努力工作。14. but “(虽然)。但是”,单独使用。I was hungry, but I have nothing to eat. 我很饿,但没东西吃。15。Unless“除非” You will be late for school unless you hurry up.除非你快点,不然你会迟到的。四.冠 词一、 冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。不定冠词a,an,表示一(个/位/件/。)是泛指,a用于辅音前, an用于元音前。 定冠词the是特指,特指双方都熟悉或上文已提及。例子:1) a te

20、acher (一位老师) an English teacher(一位英语老师) 2) a boy (一个男孩) an honest boy (一个诚实的男孩)(这里的h不发音)3) a “b” (一个b) an “r”(一个r) 4) a “g” (一个g) an “s”(一个s)5) a useful book(一本有用的书) an interesting book (一本有趣的书)6) a red eraser (一块红色橡皮) an eraser (一块橡皮)7) a minute (一分钟) an hour (一个小时)8)Who is the boy under the tree?

21、树下的男孩是谁?9)There is a book on the desk. The book is a useful one. 课桌上有一本书。 这本书是有用的书。二、 什么时候用a,an 1. two yuan a kilogram (两元一公斤) five classes a week ( 一个星期五节课) twice a month (一个月两次) 40 kilometers an hour (每小时40公里)2 .such a useful machine (如此有用的机器) such an exciting film (如此刺激的电影)3. 固定词组;in a hurry (匆匆忙

22、忙地) a lot of (许多) a piece of (一块/片/张) . have / take a rest(休息一下) have a headache/ fever (头疼/发烧) in a word(总之) have a try / want a go(试一试) make a face(做鬼脸) take an active part in (积极参加) once upon a time (从前)三、什么时候用the 1. 独一无二 the sun(太阳), the moon(月亮), the earth(地球), the sky(天空),the world(世界), the sp

23、ace(宇宙、太空) 2. 形容词最高级前 (但副词最高级前可以要也可以不要) She is the most beautiful girl of all that I know. 她是我所认识的女孩中最漂亮的一个。 We have the best parents in the world. 我们有世界上最好的父母。 He did (the) most carefully in this English test. 在这次英语考试中他做得最认真。3. 序数词前 My room is on the third floor. 我的房间在三楼。 The fourth lesson is the m

24、ost difficult. 第四课是最难的。4. 江河、湖泊和山脉前 The Changjiang River is one of the most longest rivers in China. 长江是中国最长的河流之一。 I have ever been to the Mount Tai. 我曾经去过泰山。 The West Lake is getting more and more beautiful. 西湖越来越漂亮了。5. 乐器前 play the piano / guitar/ violin 弹钢琴/吉他/小提琴6. the +姓氏复数,表示“姓XX的一家人或夫妇) the W

25、angs 王家或王氏夫妇 The Greens have been in China since 1995. 自从1995年以来,格林一家就来了中国。7. the + 形容词, 表示一类人The young have to respect the old. 年轻要尊敬老人。Our country will become better if the rich help the poor. 如果富人要帮助穷人,我们国家将变得更美好。8. 方位词前 Guangdong lies in the south of China. 广东位于华南(中国的南部)。 Japan is to the east of

26、 China. 日本在中国以东。9 .1)the + 比较级, the + 比较级 表示“越。就越。 The more careful you are , the fewer mistakes you will make.你越小心,犯的错误就会越少。 2).一个。另一个 one the other I have tow pencils, one is 2B, the other is 4B. 我有两支铅笔,一支是2B,另一支是4B。 3).诊所 the doctors 4). the winter of 1995 ( 带of的短语名词前加the ). 1995年的冬天 5). The girl

27、 in red. 身穿红色衣服的女孩。10. 固定词组 at the moment 此刻 in the morning 在早上 in the end 最后 on the other hand 另一方面 by the way 顺便说一下 at the beginning of . 在。初 On the right 在右边四、 什么时候不用 冠词1. 国家名前 China / England / America 中国/英国/美国 (但the U.S.A也是对的,是因为这是一个固定的称谓,本身已经含有. The了) 2. 语言名前 Chinese/ English/ French .中文/英语/ 法语3. 人名前 Tom is a 11-year-old boy. 4. 可数名词复数和不可数名词在不是特指的情况下 Students must study hard at school. 学生在学校要努力学习。 Everyone needs water. 每个人都需要水。5. 当名词前已经有了this/ that/ those/ these/ my/ his/ Toms/ / so

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