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1、C 7 coaching enabling a company to respond rapidly to a lack of expertise in a certain area Coaching A Coaching involves two or more people sitting down together to talk through issues that have come up recently at work, and analysing how they were managed and how they might be dealt with more effec

2、tively on subsequent occasions. Coaching thus transfers skills and information from one person to another in an on-the-job situation so that the work experience of the coach is used to advise and guide the individual being coached. It also allows successes and failures to be evaluated in a non-threa

3、tening atmosphere. B Coaching means influencing the learners personal development, for example his or her confidence and ambition. It can take place any time during an individuals career. Coaching is intended to assist individuals to function more effectively, and it is a powerful learning model. It

4、 begins where skills-based training ends, and helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations. Individuals being coached are in a demanding (要求严格的,很费心的)situation with their coach, which requires them to consider their own behaviour and question their r

5、easons for doing things. C The coach professionally assists the career development of another individual, outside the normal manager/subordinate (下属,下级)relationship. In theory, the coaching relationship should provide answers to every problem, but in practice it falls short of this. However, it can

6、provide a space for discussion and feedback on topics such as people management(人事管理) and skills, behaviour patterns, confidence-building and time management. Through coaching, an organisation can meet skills shortages, discuss targets and indicate how employees should deal with challenging situatio

7、ns, all at short notice. (立即,马上)D Effective coaches are usually those who get satisfaction from the success of others and who give time to the coaching role. Giving people coaching responsibilities can support their development, either by encouraging management potential through small-scale one-to-o

8、ne assignments, or by providing added job satisfaction to managers who feel they are stuck in their present jobs. A coach is also a confidential adviser, accustomed to developing positive and effective approaches to complex management Be accustomed/used to (doing) sth (v), organisational and change

9、problems. 人邮第二辑真题TEST 1 READING PART 2 BUFFET ZONE(自助餐区域)Lucy Robertson started working at a takeaway food business (外卖餐馆)to supplement(补充,增补) her income during her student days at Edinburgh University, Several years later she had bought the business and now, 17 years on(17年来(adv), she owns Grapevin

10、e Caterers, probably Scotlands leading independent caterers, with a turnover of almost 6m. She had never planned to own a business, and had certainly never considered a career in catering. (0). G Instead, she studied accountancy after leaving university, and a steady if unspectacular professional pa

11、th seemed set. (然而,离开大学后她学的是会计,一个平淡无奇的职业道路似乎已经铺就。 ). . . However, her unplanned career began in 1985, when she returned to Edinburgh and discovered that the takeaway she had worked in was up for sale. On impulse, she bought it, but admits that at the time she knew nothing about catering. (8). D It w

12、as a dramatic learning curve and very small amounts of money were earned at first,says Robertson. .It was a difficult time, but essential in terms of gaining the experience she needed. The late 1980s boom was good for business, with large numbers of office workers wanting takeaway food for their lun

13、ches. (9). C But this demand was short-lived, and before long, increasing competition made it harder to make a profit. .At one point (在某处;在某一时刻/一度(adv)there were 26 food outlets within a 5-kilometre radius, Robertson recalls. As the economy changed and the once packed (林立的,群集)office blocks(商务区) star

14、ted to become vacant, it became clear that Robertson would need to diversify.(10). E She decided that the solution, since many companies required working lunches for meetings with clients, was to prepare and deliver meals to business premises(商务楼). .It changed the direction of the company for good.

15、As Robertson began to win catering contracts, she decided that the company would have to move to larger premises. In 1994, the move was made when she bought another catering business that already had a number of profitable contracts for boardroom lunches. Meanwhile, Robertsons main competitor, the o

16、ldest catering company in Edinburgh, was causing her some anxiety. Customer loyalty is not to be underestimated,(低估,看轻) she warns. But Robertson is not someone who is easily put off.(11). B Her way round (完成,使圆满结束)this particular problem was to recruit the catering manager of the rival company. .Par

17、tly as a result of this, turnover doubled, and having outgrown another site, Robertson bought a city-centre location for the groups headquarters. By now, Grapevines main competitor was a new catering company called Towngates. Although Robertson tried to raise enough money to buy Towngates, she did n

18、ot succeed.Then luck intervened (运气成分(v)and Towngates went bankrupt. (12). F On hearing this, Robertson immediately contacted all of their clients and offered the services of Grapevine Caterers. .Many accepted and the companys turnover went from 700,000 to l .5 million almost overnight. However, the

19、 companys growth was not as smooth as it sounds /in retrospect(回顾 ). Robertson admits, We were close to the edge during the growth period. Like many under-capitalised companies trying to grow, it might easily have collapsed. But that, she feels, is the challenge of developing your own business. 人邮第二

20、辑真题TEST 1 READING PART 3 HOW TO MARKET YOURSELF(How to market yourself,怎样开发你自己)We manage our own careers now. So knowing how to brand and position yourself in the market as Me plc at different stages of your working life is becoming an increasingly vital skill. At least that is what image expert Mar

21、y Spillane believes. Employment as we know it is decreasing. Jobs dont exist, work exists. In the next decade most of us will be suppliers, not staff. We will have clients not bosses. If you are under 30, you probably know that there is only one firm to join for life: Me plc. It promotes you and you

22、r potential to others. Were working in multi-national, multicultural, multi-corporate teams and its important to understand the implications of this. We need to create a personal brand that is unique, but complements the brand of the corporation we are working for. You have to find a way to do it so

23、 that you are not just a typical employee, advises Spillane. You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation. (树立属于自己的品牌,并且相机而动。 )Many people only remember Mary Spillane for the years she spent running a cosmetics company, but s

24、he actually has masters degrees in information science and politics. She used to hide that hard-hitting(Hard-hitting有活力的/积极的/强有力的;用力打击的 (a) hard-hitting news有影响力的新闻 (n) side, but is now eager to show it and forget about cosmetics. Now that Im working in the boardrooms of major plcs and global compan

25、ies, Im playing up(play up强调,突出) my degrees and management background so that the image side is seen only as an addition to the value side, says Spillane. Some contracts take longer than others. The City law firms Im currently working for are really difficult because they dont have any idea of what

26、their brand should be, and are still very traditional even when talking about becoming modern. Im showing them how to do everything from changing their reception areas -which tend to be very off-putting (1. 令人厌恶的 2. 老是推托的 (a)with their high-fronted reception desks - to how to make small talk that is

27、 less formal and rigid. Companies rebrand themselves all the time, spending millions on new office interiors and so on. But without an underlying change of attitudes(没有态度的根本转变(adv), it can prove an empty exercise.She argues that for individuals too, there must be more than a surface change, as rebra

28、nding goes deeper than a mere change of wardrobe(wardrobe衣柜;行头;全部戏装w:drub (n). Beyond advice on appearance, she tells clients, Remind yourself of what you are selling: the personal values(个人价值) that comprise your brand. Learn to present yourself in a way that will project what you want to deliver. L

29、ifelong learning is essential, together with the sort of discovery and adventure that promote personal growth. Always have an up-to-the-minute (最新的,最近的,直到现在的)CV ready to print out, refreshing it every few months with your most recent achievements, just to remind others of your brand value.She believ

30、es it is essential that you understand both your public self and your private self, as well as your blind spots(盲点(n) and your potential, in order to create an effective brand. The public self(公众自我,公众知道) is the image you project to the world, the private self(内在自我,只有自己知道) is what you know about yourself but others dont, arid blind spots are those things that others see about you but you cant see for yourself. By deciding what image you want other people to see, emphasising more

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