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1、语言能力包含了拼写、发音、词汇、构词、语法、句型和语义等方面的能力。语言能力是交际能力的基石,一个不可缺少的组成部份。pragmatic competence语用能力是指学习者在特定的语境中针对特定的对象知道如何合适清晰地表达自己的意图的能力。用 Hymes 的话说就是知道 “何时说,何时不说,和谁,什么时间,什么地点,以什么方式说些什么” 。discourse competence篇章能力是指在口语或书面语中理解或创造连贯的上下文内容的能力,或称话语能力例如:在口语或书面语中,使用首先,其次,然后,最后等保持上下文的连贯。strategic competence策略能力是指如何在一个真实的交

2、际情景下保持交际渠道通畅的能力。它包括以下三个方面:1) 在口语和书面语冒险一试的能力;2)使用具体交际策略的能力;3)习得具体交际策略中的常用语言形式。fluency语言流畅语言流畅是指自如地把言语单元有效连结起来的能力。流畅涉及语言的输出,多指口语的输出。流畅包括三个方面:1)语义流畅,2)词汇,句法流畅,3)发音流畅。 2.4 principles of communicative language teaching Three principles for CLT These are the three principles suggested by Richards and Rodg

3、ers: Communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning. 交际原则:涉及交际的活动可以提高学习的效果。问路 Task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful task promote learning. 任务原则:用语言完成有意义任务的活动可以提高学习的效果通过目标语言设置课堂活动的规则 Meaningfulness principle: Language th

4、at is meaningful to learner supports the learning process. 意义原则:对学习者有意义的活动有利于学习过程 Howatt( 1984)指出,交际教学法流派中可分出“温和派”和激进派两种:声称语言是通过交际习得的,因此这并不是一个激活已有的知识的问题,而是一个促进掌握语言系统本身的问题。可称作用英语学英语using English to learn it)。强调向学习者提供使用英语进行交际的机会的重要性,将这类交际活动置于更大范围的语言教学中。可以称作学用英语Learning to use English) 2.6 main feature

5、s of communicative activities 素材的真实性 Communicative activities的分类 Criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities p24 Communicative purpose; (information gap) 活动要涉及日常交际,为学习创造出一个信息沟 Communicative desire; (real need) 要为学生创造交际的需求 (Focus on ) Content, not form; (message) 活动的设置的要点是内容,不是形式。是

6、和说什么有关,不是和如何说有关 Variety of language; (not just one language form, free to improvise/create) 语言形式的多样化 No teacher intervention; (done by Ss; no correcting/evaluating how Ss do it; assessment is based on the product or on communicative purpose rather than on the language.) 教师不要干预活动的进行,不要纠错,评估 No materi

7、al control. 活动不应对学生使用的语言有要求,由学生自己选择哪种语言的使用 2.7 task-based language teaching A purpose- a clear purpose 目的要明确 A context- a real world relationship 要与现实生活的语言活动相似 A process- comprehending, using the language and communicating 任务执行的过程是理解的过程,使用语言的过程,是交际的过程 A product- nonlinguistic outcome 任务应该有一个非语言成果 ex

8、, ex-tasks, tasks的区别2.8 PPP and Task-based language teaching 两个图表Unit 3 The national English curriculum 3.3 task 3 The new curriculum is designed to promote students overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, language knowledge, affects, lea

9、rning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing language skills and knowledge, but expanded to developing learners positive attitude, motivation, confidence as well as strategies for li

10、fe-long learning along with cross-cultural knowledge, awareness and capabilities. 新课标的设计是为了促进学生的综合语言能力,包含五个互相关联的部分,文化意识,情感态度,学习策略,语言技能和语言知识,每个部分进一步分为不同的小类别。语言的教学不再仅仅注重发展语言技能和知识,它已经扩展到发展学习者的态度,动机,信息,以及学习策略,跨文化的知识(例子),意识和能力。Unit 4 Lesson planning Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and

11、 experienced teachers. Although preparation does not guarantee successful lessons, walking into a classroom unprepared is more often than not the beginning of a disastrous diz:strs lesson. 备好课对新教师(比如像我这样的)和经验丰富的教师来说至关重要。虽然备好课并不能保证成功的课堂教学,但没有准备就走进课堂,就不仅仅是一堂失败的课的开始。 4.3 Macro planning vs Micro plannin

12、g Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time, for instance, planning for a whole program or a whole-year course. 宏观性的备课是对一个很长时期的课,例如整个课程、或一个学期的课程进行准备。 In a sense, macro planning is not writing lesson plans for specific lessons but rather helping teachers get an overall felling or idea a

13、bout the course and also get familiarized with the context in which language teaching takes place. 从这个意义上来说,宏观性的备课就不是针对特定的哪节,或哪几节课进行教案的书写。它更重要的作用是为教师提供一个关于这门课的总的规划,并帮助教师理解、熟悉对语言教学所发生的环境进行。 Micro planning is planning for a specific unit or a lesson, which usually lasts from one to two weeks or forty

14、to fifty minutes respectively. Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on. 那么微观性的备课就是具体到每一节课,或每一个单元的备课活动。它可以分为一到两周一次,每次设计的教学时间是40-50分钟。Unit 5 Classroom management 5.1 the role of the teacher The teacher plays the role of controller whe

15、n he is completely in charge of the class (Harmer: 1988). By control we refer to what students do, when they speak and what language they use. 当课堂完全被教师控制的时候,教师所扮演的角色是控制者。我们这里所说的控制,包括控制学生做什么,什么时候做,使用什么语言形式去做等。 A prompter to encourage students to participate or male suggestions about how to proceed in

16、 an activity An organiser organizing the activities A participant (co-communicator) in an organized activity such as debate or role play. A resource- provider provide a source of language and knowledge. 5.3 student grouping 对应的活动Whole class work is where all the students are under the control of the

17、 teacher. They are all doing the same activity at the same rhythm and pace. 全班活动,所有学生都在教师的控制下进行学习,以同样的节奏和进度执行同一项活动。Pair work is where the students work in pairs. 学生两两配对学习。Group work is where the students work in small groups. 小组学习。学生根据课堂活动,以、4、或5人分为一组。分组活动和配对活动比较相似,只是小组活动的人数多于配对练习的人数。当课堂活动需要多于两个学生进行

18、的时候,小组活动的优越性就体现出来了,教师可以加入任一小组,但通常以参与者身份出现,而不是以组织者或评审者的身份出现。Individual study is the stage during the class where the students are left to work on their own and at their own speed. 独自学习。 5.4 maintaining discipline 79 Discipline does not mean a series of punishment meted out to badly behaved students.

19、纪律不是针对顽劣学生的惩罚措施。课堂管理早期的定义,就是狭义地用来指维持纪律(discipline)的技巧。 Discipline here refers to a code of conduct, which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective. 纪律在这里是指一个行为的代码,它对一个教师和他的学生们起一种约束的作用,以促使学习更有效的进行。 When students are more likely to be engaged in learning?

20、 P79 对学习的目的很明确;学习的新知识建立在以往学过的知识之上,但又具有挑战性;学习者被学习的任务充分的激发了积极性;学习,包括学习中的任务的呈现,结构等有趣,能激发学习者的好奇心;学习者有机会问问题,并寻求答案;学习者能看见自己的进步;学习者对学习有满足感。 5.5 classification of question types Classification of question types Closed or open questions封闭式问题和开放式问题 Display or genuine dnjun questions 展示性问题和真实性问题 Lower-order or

21、 higher-order questions低思维层次问题和高思维层次问题 Blooms classification Closed questions refer to those with only one single correct answer; open questions may invite many different answers; lower-order questions refer to those that simply require recalling of information or memorization of facts; higher order

22、 questions require more reasoning, analysis, and evaluation. 封闭式问题:指只有一个正确答案的问题;开放式问题指有多种不同解答办法的问题。低思维层次问题,学生只须回忆一个简单的事实;而高思维层次问题,提问使学生回忆一些必须要学生理解有关难题问题的情况或解决方案,回答高思维层次问题,需要学生了解所知的事实、咨询与更高思维层次例如分析、综合与评鉴的能力。 5.6 dealing with errors: accuracy or fluency. 87 Errors vs. mistakes犯错误,出差错 Mistake: refers t

23、o a performance error that is either a random guess or a slip of tongue, and it is a failure performance to a known system 行为上的差错。学习者能通过检查而自我纠正 Error: do not result from carelessness nor hesitation, but lack of knowledge in the target language. 由于知识的缺乏造成的错误而不是由于粗心和犹豫造成。Unit 6 Teaching pronunciation

24、6.2 realistic goal of teaching pronunciation Our realistic goals of teaching pronunciation are (p. 93) lConsistency: the pronunciation should be smooth and natural. (连贯性Intelligibility in,telidbiliti the pronunciation be understandable to the listeners.(可辨认性,可理解性) Communicative efficiency: the pronu

25、nciation should help convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.(交际的有效性) 6.5 practising stress and intonation Stress and intonation are important for beginning learners. Intonation定义Unit 7 Teaching grammar7.2 deductive and inductive method penningtons synthesis approach The inductive method 归纳法In the inductive method, the teacher induces the learners to realize grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. 归纳教学比较注重语言的运用而不是语言的形式。但这种教学方式对教师的要求比较高,学生对语言的理解未必准确,需要教师更多的帮助。The guided discovery method 指导发现法The guided discovery method is s

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