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1、学生猜铅笔盒里有什么? A ruler? A pen?Step2.Presentation &P ractice1. Teach: desk接上一环节,老师突然找尺子T: But where is my ruler? Look! Its in the desk.师在黑板上画课桌简笔画d-e-s-k desk2.Teach: inwhere is my rulerIts in the desk板书in 边做手势边教单词3. Teach: onWhere is my bookIts on the desk板书on 边做手势边教单词4. Teach: underwhere is my bagIts

2、under the desk板书under 边做手势边教单词5. Prctice: in, on, under师说单词,生做动作师做动作,生说单词6. 指一指,说一说,学说短语in the deskon the deskunder the desk请一二个学生上台指一指,全班同学说7. Teach: Where is the_?板书句型引导学生说问句8. Teach: chair师画简笔画椅子,并板书单词ch-air chairon the chair under the chair9. Lets chantRuler, ruler, where is the ruler?In, in, in

3、 the desk.Book, book, where is the book?On, on, on the desk.pencil, pencil, where is the pencil?Under, under, under the chair.11. Memory Game记忆大挑战,快速说出物品的方位。10. Pair workWhere is the _?Its in/on/under the_.12. Lets play奇怪的位置:教师准备三个盒子,第一个盒子装有班级学生名字卡片,第二个盒子装有in,on,under三个词,第三个盒子装有desk,chair等名称。Where i

4、s the_?_is _ the _.13. Lets clean the desk.,Ok?Put your book in your desk.Put your pencil in your pencil-box.Put your pencil-box in your desk.14. Lets do师引导Put your arm on your desk.Put your arm in your desk.Put your hand on your chair.听录音,边说边做动作。学生拼读单词:开火车读单词学生边做手势边跟读单词in学生边做手势边跟读单词on学生边做手势边跟读单词und

5、er学生指一指,说一说,学说短语学说句型Where is the_?跟着背景音乐节奏,说chant学生指一指,说一说两人一组,选择喜欢的学习用品,放在桌子、椅子等的上面,下面或里面,来进行对话表演Look and say三个学生上台来分别从三个盒子A,B,C 抽一张卡片,组成一个句子,看看会是什么样的位置。Follow the teacher and do the actionListen and do作业布置:1. Read P39 5 times.(课本第39页读5遍。)2.Finish the copy book P43,,44.(完成抄写本第43,44页。板书设计:知礼节 乐学习 会玩

6、耍 尚达人 Unit 4 Where is my car 第二课时1能听懂会说:日常用语Wheres ? 及其 Its in/on/under .2让学生学会提问和回答物品所在的位置能在实际情境中运用. 能够运用本课所学的重点词语进行简单描述,用Where is ?/Its in/on/under来询问和回答物品所在的位置.under的发音,需要多次练习;Where is my一句与后面表示某物的单词的连贯朗读,并能熟练询问物品所在位置。1Greeting Good morning,boys and girls. How are you? 2、Lets do Show me your .Gre

7、eting让学生边说边做1. T: Boys and girls. Lets begin our English class now. Uh-oh!Where is my English book?I cant find it. Can you help me? 师做找的动作:On the desk ? In the desk ? 师:Uh-oh!Look,Its under the desk. 拍拍自己的头:Silly me.2. 教师把一些学习用品放在不同的地方, I cant find my pencil box. Where is it?引导学生回答“在桌子里”,教师说:Yes.Its

8、 in the desk.教师板书并教读句子Where is my pencil box?和Its in your desk.3.教师把找到的铅笔盒打开,拿在手上,说:Uhoh!Where is my pencil?引导学生回答出“在书下面”。教师按照学生提示移开书本,说:Oh,yes!Its under the book!教师板书并教读句子Where is my pencil?和Its under your book!4. 教师可用book,ruler, pen等学习用品与学生进行替换练习,巩固学生对句型的掌握,如: T: Where is my book? S: Its in your d

9、esk. Where is my ruler? Its under your book!5. Work in pairs.6.展示学习Lets talk。 (1)出示Lets talk 图片:Shool is over .Zhang Peng and John will go home . 板书“Lets go home.”领读。(2)Listen and answer Where is Zhang Pengs pencil box? Where is Zhang Pengs pencil? (3)听Lets talk并跟读。 (4)学生自读, 集体分角色读,小组内分角色读Lets talk。

10、 7. Lets playNo.学习句型:S: On your desk?In your desk?跟读句型:Where is my pencil box?学生两人一组,选择喜欢的学习用品,放在桌子、椅子等的上面,下面或里面,来进行对话。Lets go home跟读对话 Listen to the tape and read P38 of the book 5 times.(听录音,跟读课本第39页5遍。Unit 4 Where is my car 第三课时1能够通过听例词发音,观察例词中共有的字母,知道字母o在单词中发音。2. 能够在之前练习的基础上根据给出几个独立的音试着拼出单词。3. 能

11、够在四线三格中正确书写单词,注意到字母间距。拼读四个单词dog,box, body, orange练习书写四个简单单词。掌握字母o的拼读在单词中的发音及拼读规律。课件,单词卡片1. Look and say 通过追光呈现辅音字母,学生看字母说字母的发音2.单词开花PPT出示a,e,i有关单词,请学生来读1.学生看字母说字母的发音2.读单词。at, bag, cat,.egg, bed,, big, six1.引出袋鼠“Bob”追光停留在o,出示bob 让学生认读,引出袋鼠“Bob”,2.学习有关“ox”的发音。(1)引出foxBob has many friends, Guess

12、, Who are they。请学生猜动物fox,同时引出单词orange, body.)(2)出示ox的视频,引出单词box.(3)Lets spellBox, fox, dox, lox.(在黑板的音标版上替换第一个字母,_ox,请学生拼读。2.学习有关“og”的发音。(1)引出dog Bob has many friends, Guess, Who are they?(请学生猜动物dog)(2)播放og的视频Bog, fog, dog, log.(请学生在黑板的音标版上替换第一个字母,_og,全班拼读。(4)Lets chant(听音填空)The _ is on the box.The

13、_.See the _.See the _ on the _.3.动手拼一拼教师示范音标板_o_替换字母全班拼读。1.学生认读“Bob”,并“Bob”打招呼。学生猜动物fox,同时跟读单词orange, body.)(2)观看ox的视频跟读学生读有关ox的单词学生看提示,猜单词。(2)观看og的视频,并跟读。学生在黑板的音标版上替换第一个字母,_og,全班拼读。 (4)Lets chant The dog is on the box.The orange box.See the dog.See the box.See the dog on the orange box.3.四人小组合作随意拼一

14、拼,读一读_o_Step 3: Practice& consolidation1. Read , listen and number .课文中的练习2. Lets spell拆音游戏(教师报单词,如log, pop,让学生在音标板上拼出来)3. Listen and write .4. Storytimea. 教师播放故事,Hop to the shopb. 教师示范故事c. 请小组合作,表演故事1.学生听录音做课文中的练习2.小组合作拆音游戏,学生在音标板上拼出来)1. 写四个单词a. 学生看故事,Hop to the shopb. 学生跟读故事c. 小组合作,表演故事1. Trace th

15、e words.(描红课本单词。) 2. Collect the o words .(搜集含o单词,并试着读一读。3. Read the story that you have learned this class.(朗读本节课所学的故事)Unit 4 Where is my car 第四课时1能够听、说、读Where is myIs it in your bag? Is it?”Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Have a good time!句型:Where is myIs it in your bag?理解并在具体情境中运用新句子 1Lets do2. Listen and

16、do教师发出口令:put your book on the desk; put your pencil on you book; put your ruler in your pencil-case”1. Ask and answer教师把一些学习用品放在不同的地方T: Boys and girls. Where is the pencil box?Its in/on/under the desk.2.教师找书本:Where is my book? 引导学生问:Is it on the desk?Yes, it is. 跟读句型教师找钢笔Where is my pen?引导学生问:No, it

17、 isnt. 跟读句型3. Lets play一个学生放文具,另一个学生猜位置,猜2次,猜对则获胜。师先示范 Is it in/on/under your desk? Ss: Yes, it is./No, it isnt.4. Work in pairs.6.学习Lets talk。 (1)Listen and answer Where is Mikes cap? (2)听Lets talk并跟读,注意语音语调。 (3)学生自读, 集体分角色读,小组内分角色读Lets talk。Ask and answerIs it?及回答Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Lets play 学

18、生听录音,并回答问题操练对话1. Listen to the tape and read P41 of the book 5 times.2. Act out the talkUnit 4 Where is my car 第五课时1.认读新词:cap,ball,car,boat, map通过听听做做的活动,让学生练习并运用所学的词汇。2.了解一些简单的指示语,要求学生能听懂并按照指令做出相应的动作。掌握三会单词。灵活运用所学句型来询问,回答物品所在位置。课件,单词卡片,实物2. Review the talk全班一起朗读对话Act out the talk表演B部分的对话跟着录音学生边说边做R

19、eview the talk1.教师呈现一个玩具箱子T: Its a toy box.教学toy box 2. T: Whats in the toy box?师露出各种玩具的一部分,让学生猜,从而引出cap, ball, car, boat, map的单词教学渗透语音c-a-p capm-a-p map3. Look and guess看口型,猜单词4. 听Lets learn的录音,一边听,一边指着书上相应的图,力求做到“眼到,手到,口到,心到。”5. 学习Lets do让学生站起来,一边听Lets do 的录音,一边做动作。教师通过动作示范,强调bounce, row, put up,read,drive,的动作。I say you doI do you say6. 语篇学习Listen and answer What is Zoom looking for?Is it in the toy box?跟读对话,角色扮演学习:toy box 学生学习新单词cap, ball, car, boat, mapLook and guessListen and repeat学习Lets do1. Listen to the tape and read P42 of the book 5 times.2. Lets do 听一听,做一做

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