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1、Fitzgerald:tender is the night, all the sad young man, the rich boy, 2、 What is Lost Generation?It is a term to describe a group of American intellectuals, poets, artists and writers who fled to France in the post WWI years to reject the values of American materialism and to seek the bohemian lifest

2、yle in Paris、 It is full of youthful idealism, seeking the meaning of life, drank excessively, have love affairs,creating some of the finest American literature to date、 American poet Gertrude Stein coined this expression, speaking to Hemingway, she said, you are all a lost generation、the term stuck

3、 the mystique surrounding these individuals continues to fancy us、Main representatives: F、 Scott、Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos3、 What is modernism? Main features、A cultural movement that generally includes the progressive art and architecture, design, literature, music, dance,paintin

4、g and other visual arts which emerged in the beginning of the 20century, particularly in the years following WWI、 It was a movement of artists and designers who rebelled against late 19th century academic and historic tradition, and embraced the new economic ,social and political aspects of the emer

5、ging modern world、The avant-garde movements that followed including impressionism, post-impressionism, cubism(立体主义), futurism, expressionism, contructivism(构成主义) are generally defined as modernism、 4、 The Great Gatsby 作者:F、 Scott Fitzgerald男女主人公:Jay Gatsby& Daisy Fay BuchananWhy is Gatsby great? Why

6、 did he die? His flaws in characteristics: Naive,innocent, ideal正就是因为美国社会缺乏盖茨比精神,社会不重视精神世界得充实,人们经历spiritual emptiness, 所以盖茨比伟大。Post-war delusion(迷幻,错觉)“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past、”几个重点背景:roaring twenties, jazz age, the lost generation, American dre

7、am 5、 Ernest Hemingway主要作品:The Sun Also Rises 太阳照常升起A Farewell to Arms 永别了,武器 Frederic Henry & Catherine BarkleyFor Whom the Bell Tolls 丧钟为谁而鸣The Old Man and the Sea 老人与海Santiago“Man is not made for debeatA man can be destroyed but not defeated、” From The Old Man and the SeaWhat is Hemingway Code He

8、ro? His writing style、 What is Iceberg-principle?海明威得writing style:Heroic code : Hemingway has his own understanding of hero、 What the hero does is to face adversity with grace、 He emphasizes self-control and other facts of his idea of manhood、 What people achieve or fail at external is not as signi

9、ficant to heroism as porting ourselves with inner nobility、 As Santiago says, man is not made for defeated、 A man can be destroyed but not defeated、Colloquial style Emphasis on emotion Ice burg theoryShort story: man without women Winter takes nothing 主题主要就是:life and death, experience and the meanin

10、g of life, the physical and psychological wound of the soldier、 Hemingways writing style: simple, telegraphic, natural, direct, clear, fresh, terse(简洁得,精练得), controversial, monly found, fundamental words, lean and emotional,simple sentences, ice burg principle, symbolism、 His style is probably the m

11、ost widely imitated of any in the 20th century、 He is generally known for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”、 He once said, the dignity of movement of an iceburg is due to only 1/8of it above water、 According to H, good literature writing should be able to make readers feel the emotion of

12、the characters directly and the best way to produce the effect is to set down exactly every particular kind of feeling without any authorized ments, without conventionally emotive language, and with a bare minimum of adj, and modifiers、 His fiction usually focuses on people living essential, dangero

13、us live - soldiers, fisherman, athletes, who meet the pain and difficulties of their existence with stoic(坚忍得,苦修得) courage、 His celebrated lit stylhe is direct,terse and often monotonous, yet particularly suited to his elemental subject matter、 Masculine, man of action, self-discipline, terse、 The H

14、emingway hero codeIt refers to some protagonists in Hemingways works、 In the general situation of Hemingways novels, life is full of tension and battles、 The world is in chaos and man is always fighting a losing battle、 Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the process of seeking to mas

15、ter the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom, discipline and dignity are known as Hemingway code、 To behave well in the lonely, losing battle with life is to show “grace under power” and constitutes in itself a kind of victory, a theme clearly established in The ol

16、d man and the sea、A Farewell to arms Is henny a good soldier?No、 he escaped and said goodbye to aimless, meaningless war and ran to Switzerland、 It is not our war、 He is anti-war thinking love may be disastrous, bring death、 So man should be cold、6、 William Faulkner, SouthernwriterThe Sound and the

17、Fury 喧哗与骚动,Absalom, Absalom、 Go down, moses、 Light in august、 故事发生地:fictionalYoknapatawpha County四大家族:主题: The burden of history; the Souths conservative culture; the Souths troubled history; family; the land; religion; guilt; identity; death; the search for the redemptive meaning of life、Writing fea

18、tures:1、 stream of consciousness and interior monologue、2、 multiple point of view3、 Violation of chronology4、anti-hero: weak, fable(寓言,无稽之谈), vulnerable,5、mythological pattern and open ending 7、 The Color PurpleAlice Walker 南方黑人女性作家alic主人公:Celie & Nettie论述: Sophia: “All my life I had to fight、 I had

19、 to fight my daddy、 I had to fight my uncles、 I had to fight my brothers、 A girl child aint safe in a family of men, but I aint never thought Id have to fight in my own house!”The Color Purple is an epistolary(书信体得) novel, made up of 91 letters written by Celie and her sister Nettie、 Taking place mo

20、stly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on black female life during the 1930s in the Southern United States、8、 The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison 其她作品:Song of Solomon; Beloved、Pecola Breedlove: inferiority plex,(说过要考几种literary form fiction, poetry, drama)American DramaWhat is drama: a drama is a work of

21、literature or position which delineates life and human activities by means of presenting various actions, and dialogues between a group of characters and it is designed for theatrical presentation、Elements: plot, character, theme, diction(措辞),music and auditory aspect of a play、 1920s: little theate

22、r movement began after 1912 Washington square players、 They are free from the conventional theater and can be as experimental as they like、1930s: Eugene ONeilPost war: Arthur Miller60s: theater of absurd: Edward Albee1. 美国最早得剧作家:William Darby代表作:Ye Bare and Ye Cubb2. 一定会考第一位获得诺贝尔奖得剧作家:Eugene ONeil 被

23、称为“剧作家之父”Neil is credited with raising America drama theater from its narrow origins to an art from respected around the world、 He is regarded as Americas premier playwright、 Feature: introduce the European theatrical trends of realism, naturalism and expressionism to the American stage as devices t

24、o express his prehensive interest in his life and humanity、 His purpose it to get the root if human desires and frustrations, disappointments and perplexities、 As result his tragic and nihilistic view of life, his words in general, indicated chaos and hopelessness、 The long days journeyThe emperor j

25、onesThe hairy ape写作风格:realism, naturalism, expressionismThe Emperor Jones, The Long Days Journey Into Night, The Hairy Ape His purpose is to get the root of human desires and frustrations、3. Arthur Miller应该不会考Death of a Salesman、 Main characters: Willy Loman, Biff Loman4. Tennessee Williams代表作:A Str

26、eet Car Named Desire应该会考流派:Theater of the Absurd 荒谬派Beckett Features:the basic assumption: human life lacks coherence and is chaotic、 Life operates without rules、 The world is meaningless, so the play appears to be meaningless、It examines the problems of life and death, of isolation and municationIt

27、 satirizes people who are unaware of the ultimate reality: deathIn absurd drama, situation is more important than characteristics and events、 The dramatists want to show people what their situation is、 Therefore, he constructs a play which presents a picture of the universal situation、 One result of

28、 these is that the characters are so often ic and humorous、5. Edward AlbeeThe Zoo Story, Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf?6. post-moderism post-modernism is a plicated term, or set of ideas, one that has only emerged as am area of academic study since the mid-90s、 post moderation is hard to define beca

29、use it is A. An emphasize on impressionism and subjectivity in writing、 It emphasize on how seeing(or reading or perception itself) takes palce、 B. A movement away from the apparent objectivity prob=vided by omniscient third-person narrators, fixed narrative points of view and clear cut moral positi

30、ons、C. A blurring of destitution between genres so that poetry seems more dominating and prose seems more poetic、D. An emphasize on fragmented forms, discontinuous narratives, and random-seeming collages of different materials、E. A tendency toward reflexivity, or self-conscious about the production

31、of self-consciousness about the production of the work of art, so that each piece calls attention to its own status as a production, as sth constructed and consumed in particular ways、F. A rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in favor of minimalist designs(as in the poem of williams) and a reject

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