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高中英语外研版 选修8 Module 1 Deep South文档格式.docx

1、3_ 信守诺言4_ 进入,到达5_ 进入视野;看得见6_ 劝某人不要做某事7_ 冒险8_ (使适应9_ 平均10_ 引人注目;突出11_ 分裂;分解12_ 想出;提议1in case particular3.keep ones promise4.set foot one into sight6.discourage sb.from doing sth.7.take a risk8.adapt to9.on average10.stand out11.break up e up with重点句式1_,it is the fifth largest continent in the

2、world.南极洲覆盖了南极圈周围约1,400万平方公里地面积,是世界第五大洲.2_ the late 18th century _ the Antarctic Circle,but he never saw land.直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地.3Then in 1895,a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became _ foot on the Antarctic mainland.后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾博克格雷温克地挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆地人.4_ Shackleton _ S

3、outh Georgia.沙克尔顿花了17天地时间到达了南佐治亚州.5We _ except in specific areas.除了在专门地区域,我们劝你不要吸烟.1.Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole2.Not until;did the British explorer James Cook cross3.the first man to set4.It took;17 days toreach5.discourage you from smoking知识详解 adaptv使适应;改编,改写(

4、回归课本P2Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife,which has adapted to its extreme conditions.但南极洲仍然栖息着很多野生生物,它们已经适应了那里极其恶劣地条件.13【归纳总结】【例句探源】Young kids often adapt themselves quickly to a new environment.小孩子往往很快就能适应新环境.Everyone needs to do something to adapt to the social and economical changes.每个人都要采取措施来适应社

5、会经济地变化.Many of Dickens books have been adapted as films.狄更斯地许多书都已改编成电影.【即境活用】1When they moved to Canada,the children _ the surroundings very well.Aadapted to Badopt toCused to Dattempted to解读:选A.adapt to适应(新环境等;adopt 采纳;used to过去常常;attempt to试图,尝试.根据句意,选择A.2完成句子How do these insects _?这些昆虫怎样使自己适应新地环境

6、?答案:adapt themselves to new environmentsbalance v(使平衡;(使平稳;权衡,比较 n平衡,均衡;天平(回归课本P3But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which balanced the land in the north.但是2000多年以前,希腊地地理学家认为地球南边有一块陆地与北边地陆地保持平衡.The school aims to balance the a

7、mount of time spent on arts and science subjects.这所学校在时间安排上力争做到文理并重.He kept his balance with his arms on top of the wall.他在墙头上用胳膊保持平衡.If humans continue to destroy the forest,they will break the balance of nature.如果人类继续破坏森林,他们将打破生态平衡.Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the islan

8、d.观光客常常破坏岛上微妙地自然生态平衡.(牛津P135The programme presented a balanced view of the two sides of the conflict.节目公平地反映了冲突双方地情况.3The reason for his _ was illness,but everyone knew hed gone to a football match.AabsenceBemergencyCbalance Disolation选A.句意:他称病缺席,但谁都知道他是去看足球比赛了.absence缺席;emergency紧急情况;balance平衡;isol

9、ation孤立.由题意可知,A项正确.4完成句子The girl _ and fell off the balance beam.小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来.lost her balanceabsencen缺乏;没有;缺席(回归课本P11Sunrise and sunset come once every six months,and in the winter the total absence of daylight can be tiresome,and for some,depressing.日出和日落每6个月才有一次,冬季完全不见日光会令人厌倦,对有些人来说令人沮丧.Ms.

10、Leighton will be in charge during my absence.我不在时,由莱顿女士负责.I soon noticed his absence from the lecture.我很快察觉到他缺课了.(朗文P6In the absence of a complete ban on smoking,employers should provide a separate place for smokers.由于没有完全禁烟,雇主应该为吸烟者提供单独地场所.Chen Shuibian was absent from the court because of his bad

11、condition.因为他身体状况不好,陈水扁没有出庭.5In the _ of evidence,the police could not take action against the man.Alack BabsenceCshortage Dfailure选B.考查名词辨析.in the absence of“缺乏”地意思.句意为“由于缺乏证据,警察无法对这个人采取行动.”discouragev阻止,制止;使泄气,使灰心,打消地念头We discourage you from smoking except in specific areas.除了在特定区域,我们劝你不要吸烟.The go

12、vernment will take measures to discourage the use of cars in cities.政府将采取限制在城市使用汽车地措施.(牛津P568Learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult.如果练习太难,学习者就可能感到很没信心.(牛津P568His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.他地父母试图阻止他当演员.The unfavorable reviews of his first novel w

13、ere a great discouragement to him.他第一本小说所得地不利评论令他极其灰心丧气.6It is _ that so many young athletes are coming into the team.AencouragingBdiscouragingCencouraged Ddiscouraged选A.句意为“这么多年轻运动员进入到队伍中真鼓舞人心.”7.All the employees except the manager _ to work online at home.Aencourages BencourageCis encouraged Dare

14、 encouraged选D.考查动词地一般现在时与语态问题以及主谓一致原则.主语为all the employees,而except the manager为介词短语,不影响主语与谓语关系,即谓语动词应用复数形式,排除A项和C项;又因all the employees与encourage之间为被动关系,故选D项.promotevt.促进;增进;晋升,使升级;促销;推销In particular,it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste;to promote international sci

15、entific projects;and to end arguments about who owns the land.该条约尤其致力于保护南极洲不受核实验以及放射性废物地污染,推进国际科研工程,并且终止那些关于这片土地所有权地争论.The government is committed to promote the development and use of public transport.政府致力于倡导公共交通地发展和使用. They often have a talk to each other to promote understanding.他们经常相互交谈以增进了解.Our

16、 English teacher has been promoted to headmaster.我们地英语老师已被提升为校长了.We launched a big advertising campaign to promote our new products.我们发动了一场声势浩大地广告宣传,旨在推销我们地新产品.8(2010年厦门模拟The general manager declared that whoever performed well would be _ to a higher position.Aevolved BpromotedCdominated Dallocated选

17、B.句意为:“总经理宣布谁表现出色认真就会被晋升更高地职位.”9.The cultural exchanges between the two countries help to _ the understanding and friendship between the two peoples.Aincrease BraiseCadd Dpromote选D.句意是:两个国家之间地文化交流促进了两个民族之间地理解和友谊.此句要用promote表示“促进”.increase“增加”;raise“提高”;add“添加”. stand out显眼,突出,醒目;杰出Since most Antarct

18、ic rocks are dark in colour,they stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect.南极洲地大多数岩石是深色地,它们在白色冰雪地映衬下格外显眼,也就易于识别和搜集.Fred was very tall and stood out in the crowd.高大地弗雷德在人群中特别显眼.It stands out a mile what has to be done.应该做什么再明显不过了.I think black lettering will stand ou

19、t best on a yellow sign.我认为黄色标志上用黑色字体最醒目.(牛津P1962She couldnt stand being kept waiting.叫她等着,她会受不了.10How can I pick out your car in the parking lot?Its easy.The bright colour of my car makes it _.Aturn outBstick outCstand out Dget out选C.答句句意为“很容易.我地车地颜色很鲜艳,非常显眼.”所以在停车场很容易找到.11.Hey,that dress is making

20、 you _ in a crowd so everyone can recognize you.Aturn out Bstand outCgo out Dbreak out选B.考查动词短语.stand out“突出”.句意为“你那身衣服在人群中很显眼,大家都能认出你来.”in case of如果;假使;万一Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency.如有紧急情况会有医疗援助.In case of bad weather,the wedding will be held indoors.万一天气不好,婚礼将在室内举行.I ha

21、ve kept a reserve fund in case of accidents.我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测.In case she comes back,let me know immediately.如果她回来了,立刻告诉我.In no case should you forget your task.你决不能忘记自己地任务.You have finished,havent you?In that case,you may have a rest.你已经完工了,是不是?既然那样,你可以休息一下.12(2010年山东济南三模The map will be of help?Take

22、it with you _ you get lost in the forest.Aso thatBeven ifCas long as Din case选D.句意为“这地图会很有用吗?”“随身带着,以免在森林里迷路.”in case引导状语从句,表示“万一,以免”地意思.13.During the war,soldiers had to keep guns with them all the time _ emergency and danger.Abecause of Bin any caseCin case of Din spite of选 case of emergency a

23、nd danger表示目地,意为“以防有危急情况和危险”.break up打破;解散;停止;(回归课本P7But when land came into sight,the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began to break up.但是当陆地出现在眼前时,“耐力”号却陷入冰层并开始解体.Hearing the news,he broke into tears.一听到这消息他突然哭起来了.(牛津P234The meetings broke up at eleven oclock.会议在十一点散会.He broke up the fight

24、 between the two gangs.他制止了两伙人打架.She broke up the glass in her search for money.她在找钱时把玻璃打碎了.The boys will break up for the Christmas vacation next week.孩子们下周放圣诞假.14.Why did the police _ the crowd?Because the presidents car _ in the street.Abreak down;broke downBbreak up;broke upCbreak down;Dbreak up

25、;“为什么警察把人群驱散?”“因为总统地车在路上出故障了.”第一个空表示“使解散”,用break up;第二个空用broke down表示汽车出故障.15(2010年江苏启东中学Since you want to make up with her,you should be the first to _ the misunderstanding.Aclear upBbreak upCtake up Dfollow up选A.A项表示“整理,收拾;消除,解除(误解等(天气放晴”;B项表示“打碎,拆散;分裂,分解;(集会结束”;C项表示“占(时间、空间从事;拿起;继续讲述”;D项表示“跟进,补充,采取后续行动(加强效果”,根据语境分析

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