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河南省届高三高考适应性测试 英语Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How long will the weekend last? A. For just one day. B.For two days. C.For three days.2. What are the speakers talking about? A.A dying rat. B.A thunderstorm. C.Cats and dogs.3. Whos Thomas? A. The womans father. B.The womans husband. C.The

2、 womans boss.4. Where is the conversation most likely taking place? A. At a conference. B.In arestaurant. C.In a cinema.5. What does the woman want? A. An appointment. B.A phone number. C.Directions.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅

3、读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Whos calling? A. Susan. B. Carol. C. Jill. 7. When will the party be held? A. Tonight. B. Tomorrow night. C. The night after tomorrow.听第 7段材料,回 8.9题0 8. Whats t e problem with the mans roommate? A. He doesnt share the groceries. B. He can

4、t afford his grocery bill.C. He never treats the man a meal. 9. Whats t e woman s suggestion for the man? A. Driving the roommate out at once. B. Being more friendly to the roommate. C. Having an honest talk with the roommate. 10. What does the father think of the trip? A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Di

5、sappointing. 11. What are they going to do in the mountain? A. Go climbing. B. Go fishing. C. Go hiking. 12. How are they going to the mountain? A. By car. B. By bus. C, On foot. 13. What has happened to Steve? A. He has a bad cold. B. He has the flu. C. He has a sore throat. 14. How long has Steve

6、been sick? A. Since Friday. B. Since Saturday. C. Since Sunday.15. How often should Steve take the cold medicine? , A. Twice a day with meals. B. Three times a day after meals. C. Four times a day before meals.16. What does Carla suggest Steve do? A. Take herbal medicine. B. See another doctor. C. S

7、tay in bed.听第10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。17. What is probably the speaker? A. A guard. B. A librarian. C. A visitor.18. Where would you go to check out books? A. On level 2. B. On level 3. C. On level 4.19. How much would you have to pay for a book that was three days overdue? A. 50 cents. B. 1 dollar. C. 1 d

8、ollar and 50 cents.20. When does the library close on Friday nights? A. At 9: 00 p.m. B. At 9: 30 p.m. C. At 10: 00 p.m.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Manitoba Museum Set sail on thrilling voyage of excitement and discovery at the Manito

9、ba Museum. Only here can you travel through time to the exciting 20s, explore a 17th century ship, and view treasures from around the world. Fun for the Brain Who says science cant be fun? Designed to educate, entertain, and inspire, the Museumstravelling exhibits cover a wide range of subjects, inc

10、luding old warships replicating(复制;仿制), modern organic farming and so on. In our Science Gallery, you can make your own movie, design a racecar, and experience what its like to be an astronaut on our microgravity trainer.Expand Your Horizons The Manitoba Museum is one of only five major planetariums

11、(天文馆)in the country. You can see an amazingly realistic night sky containing more than 9,000 stars, the Milky Way, the sun, the moon and planets, which is created by 154 projectors(投影仪) Programs The Museum is a base of Manitobas education system. Each year, nearly 90,000 schoolchildren come for curr

12、iculum-based guided and self-guided programs. Thousands more visit the Museum with their families and the special event programs offered during the holidays. Hours of interactive entertainment for all ages and new exhibits are being added soon. Visit www. and find more information

13、.Visiting time Monday-Friday: 10: 00 AM-4: 00 PM Saturday, Sunday&Holidays: 00 AM-5: 21. What can the visitors do in the Manitoba Museum? A. Replicate ancient carts. B.Be trained as an astronaut. C. Direct their short music plays. D.View the man-made night sky. 22. What is the purpose of Programs? A

14、. To attract more visitors to come. B. To advertise some holiday exhibits. C. To encourage students to do science research. D. To explain the education system of Manitoba. 23. How does the writer recommend The Manitoba Museum to readers? A. By giving details of its location. B.By introducing some of

15、 its contents. C. By telling stories at the beginning. D.By comparing it with other museums.24. Why did the writer ask the question in Paragraph 2? A. Because he wasnt satisfied with himself. B. Because he was a person of self-discipline. C. Because he disliked those successful people. D. Because he

16、 wanted to share his idea on success.25. What made the writer invite the older gentleman to join him? A. His great kindness.B. The gentlemans fame.C. His eagerness for success. D.The gentlemans good manners.26. What are the four large books probably about? A. Personal changes. B.Sayings of wisdom.C.

17、 The gentlemans legend. D. The secret of success 27. Whats the best title for the text? A, The Magic of Reading B. An Unexpected Conversation C. The Power of Discipline D. A Question That Changed My Life C Researchers at the University of Chicago have trained an artificial intelligence( AI) system,

18、to write fake(伪造的) reviews on Yelp, a website showing customers reviews on shopping orsomething else, and its pretty hard to tell them apart from a human review. Their study, which will be pressed at the ACM Conference on Computer and CommunicationSecurity in October, aimed to stress how easily thes

19、e systems can write reviews like humans andhow damaging they can become if theyre not mentioned properly. Since many small businesses rely on online reviews to help grow and support theirreputation, a future where someone-like a competitor or angry customer-could crazily fill their-page with bad rev

20、iews written by a machine is pretty worrying. And, according to the research team, the threat(威胁) goes far beyond a bunch of fakereviews on Yelp. In general, the threat is bigger, Ben Y. Zhao, one of the authors of. thestudy, said. I think the threat towards society is large and it really misleads u

21、sers and shakesour belief in what is real and what is not, I think thats going to be even more unimaginable. To test how believable these reviews came across, the researchers invited 40 volunteers andhad AI generate (生成) five fake reviews for 40 actual restaurants. The volunteers were asked howusefu

22、l they thought the reviews were and whether or not they thought they were fake. The AIreviews ranked as effectively indistinguishable from real reviews, according to the study. Further,the fake reviews were given a 315 usefulness rating, compared to a 3. 28 rating for humanreviews.28: Why do researc

23、hers use AI system to write fake reviews on Yelp? A. To press their study at the ACM Conference. B. To replace humans reviews with AI reviews. C. To make sure that they are not harmful to our life. D. To make a research on AI systems review writing.29. According to the text, what do we know about th

24、e AI reviews?A. They can be found everywhere. B. They are hardly helpful to our life. C. They can be vital to small businesses. D. They bring us a lot of convenience.30. What does the last paragraph tell us?A. AI reviews were effectively distinguishable. B. AI system was really a help in review writ

25、ing.C. Restaurants should care for customers reviews. D. AI reviews were almost as believable as humans.31. Whats the authors purpose of writing the passage? A. To emphasize the importance of AI studying. B. To predict what the world will be like tomorrow. C. To warn people of the threat AI will pos

26、sibly make. D. To tell the differences between AI reviews and humansD The color of foods might affect just how much you want to eat them, but what about the. birdsin your neighborhood? Would they care what color their food is? Try this out for a science fairproject, or just to learn something new wh

27、ile making your local birds happy. Begin this experiment with the question“What color of birdseed, if any, will birds preferthe most? , and then make a hypothesis(假没) based on your question. An example might beBirds will eat more green birdseed than other colors. You should get several bird feeders.

28、 Purchase a bird seed that is very light in color. To colorthe bird seed, pour it into a bowl and then add food coloring that you can purchase from thestore. Mix it up well with a spoon and continue to add color until all the seed is colored. Youshould sample at least a few colors and have one, feed

29、er with seed that has not been colored-thisis called the control and it will give you something to compare your results to. Now just hang themup outside in the same location, and wait for your feathered friends to show up. This works bestin an area that birds are used to feeding from a feeder-it can

30、 take birds over a week to find newfeeders. Observe your bird feeders whenever possible, and keep track of how much seed is in eachbird feeder each day, A ruler is helpful for this. You might also want to take pictures of thefeeders and keep track of what kind of birds visit each feeder. Over time, you should be able tosee if one color of seed gets eaten more than others. Once your experiment is done, you will be able to go back to your hypothesis and see if it iscorrect. Remember, its not bad if your hypot

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