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1、 B. He knocked over an old lady C. He lost the womans motorcycle4. What does the man have to do today? A. Attend a class B. Work on a report C. Visit his mother5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A film B. A novel C. A director第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、

2、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. How does the man know about the room? A. From a newspaper B. From a house agent C. From the Internet7. Where can the man park his car? A. In the park B. On the road C. In the garage听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. H

3、ow long did the womans tour last? A. Three days B. Four days C. Twelve days9. Why was the woman dissatisfied with her vacation? A. The museums were boring B. The schedule of the tour was tight(紧的) C. The transportation was slow听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. How t

4、o spend the money B. What to buy for the students C. Whether to take trip to Egypt11. Why does the woman suggest buying some computers? A. They could be used for all kinds of functions B. The old ones are in a terrible condition C. All the students can benefit from that12. What do the speakers decid

5、e to do in the end? A. Build a school theatre B. Ask the students opinion C. Ask the headmaster to decide听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Boss and secretary B. Husband and wife C. Writer and editor14. What will the man do in the late afternoon? A. Give a speech

6、B. Write an article C. Prepare some notes15. When will the magazine article be published? A. Next month B. This month C. Next week16. How will the man go home? A. By bus b. By taxi C. By car听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How long did the speaker spend in making the desk? A. One week B. Two months C. Eighteen

7、 months18. Where did the speaker originally plan to put the desk? A. In the setting room B. In the hall C. In the bedroom19. What advice does the speaker give to beginners? A. Use electric tools B. Develop skills fairly quickly C. Start with small and simple things20. What will the class do next? A.

8、 Make a list B. Choose tools C. Put up a shelf第二部分:阅读理解第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AWelcome to Whitney High School!Spring Kids Dance ClinicThe WHS Dance Team is hosting the annual Spring Dance Clinic for children aged 5-13. If your son or daughter is interest

9、ed in attending this camp, you may download the form and return it to the WHS office or register online!QUESTIONS? CONTACT: Halley Crandell at hcrandellrocklinusd.orgWHERE: Whitney High School CafeteriaWHEN: April 22nd,9am-12:30 pmCOST: $25 online registration and $30 walk-up registrationKaplan SAT/

10、ACT Combo Practice TestOffered in the WHS LibrarySaturday, April 29th, 9am1pmRegistration is $20Please sign up in the College and Career Center by April 21st to secure a spot.Please see Mrs. Randazzo in the College and Career Center to sign up or for questionsLions Club Student Speech ContestEnter t

11、o be one of Whitney High School students to qualify for the Rocklin Lions Club Speech Contest, which is to be held this summer. A written copy of your speech is due at the College and Career Center no later than April 30th at 3 pm.Open to grades 9-12. No less than 5 minutes and no more than 10 minut

12、es.Can You Catch the Wildcat at the 5K RaceOn April 28th at 8: 30 am, the Whitney Wildcat will leave his stadium and attempt to outrun hundreds of runners trying to catch him!This will be a fun exciting way to challenge yourself and provide needed funds for two great causes! The WHS track and field

13、team is raising money for equipment. Secondly, we are raising money for the Heidi Greenwood Scholarship. All profits on t-shirts sales will go directly to the scholarship! Entry to the race is $15 and T-shirt sales will be on site.Go to https:/goo. Gl/QWANOg8 to register!Questions? Email Mark Snow a

14、t msnowrocklinusd.org21. How much should one pay for registering the dance camp in person?A.$15 B.$25 C.$30 D.$2022. Who should students ask for help if they have questions about practice tests?A Mrs Randazzo. B Mark Snow. C. Heidi Greenwood. D. Halley Crandell23. Which of the following is true abou

15、t Speech Contest?A. It is to be held in this winter.B. A written copy of the speech is to be handed in before 3 pm, April 30th .C. Students from all grades can sign up for the contest.D. The speech is supposed to last more than 10 minutes.24. What do we know about Can You Catch the Wildcat at the 5K

16、 Race?A. Its an indoor activity to be held on April 28th B. People can support it by buying T-shirts on the spotC. All the money collected will go to the scholarshipD. There is no specific information for registration25. Whats the purpose of the text?A. To show how wonderful the school isB. To raise

17、 some money for the schoolC. To publicize the schedule of some events.D. To draw parents attention to the schoolBFourth-grade teacher Tori Nelson allowed one of her students to shave her head in the schoolyard, after bullies(仗势欺人者) teased him about his own buzz cut. Ms. Nelson got the idea after not

18、icing that Matthew Finney, a shy boy from her homeroom at Winlock Miller Elementary School in Washington State, was standing outside his classroom crying and wearing a winter hat.Ms. Nelson could see the back of his neck had been shaved, and since Matthew usually had very thick curly brown hair, she

19、 realized that hed had a haircut over the weekend. She asked him what was wrong, and he said hed gotten a buzz cut for the summer. But this morning, a fifth grader on the bus made fun of him, and he didnt want to come to class and get laughed at by other kids. Ms. Nelson tried to convince Matthew to

20、 come inside, but since school rules banned kids from wearing hats indoors he refused-explaining that he was afraid of showing his haircut to the other children in case they also made fun of him.“Finally I said, If you take your hat off and come to class, Ill let you give me a buzz cut too,” Ms. Nel

21、son told Yahoo Parenting. I figured its just hair, and mine is already short anyway. I might as well get it shorter in time for the warm weather.Matthew excitedly took her up on the offer, and Ms Nelson and another teacher gathered all the fourth graders together during break time. A school employee

22、 brought in scissors, which Matthew used to the cheers of his classmates, excitedly watching as their teachers hair fell away onto the ground in the schoolyard.“It was a lot of fun for the kids, and it helped Matthew feel better about himself. said Ms Nelson. You have to do what it takes to reach ch

23、ildren. Teaching isnt just about reading and writing: its about self-worth and accepting differences.26. What does the underlined word “teased” probably mean?A. caught up with B. looked up toC. made fun of D. learned from27. What mainly led to Matthews standing outside the classroom?A. His fear of b

24、eing laughed atB. His unwillingness to studyC. His breaking school rulesD. His not finishing his homework.28. Why did Ms Nelson have her head shaved?A. To prepare for the warm weather. B. To show sympathy for MattheyC. To comfort and encourage Matthew. D To show her unique personality29. Which words

25、 can best describe Ms Nelson?A. Knowledgeable and strictB. Responsible and caringC. Humorous and easygoing.D. Stubborn and determined30. What is the best title of the passage?A. The real meaning of lifeB. Stand up to school bullyingC. Teach kids to respect differences D. A haircut full of loveCOld a

26、ge may not sound exciting. But recent findings offer good news for older people and for people worried about getting older. Researchers found that people become happier and experience less worry after they reach the age of 50. In fact, they say by the age of 85. people are happier with their life th

27、an they were when they were 18 years old.The findings came from a survey of more than 340,000 adults in the United States. The Gallup Organization questioned them by telephone in 2008. At that time, the people were between the ages of 18 and 85. The researchers asked questions about emotions like ha

28、ppiness, sadness and worry. They also asked about mental or emotional stress.Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of 24 and 25. The find

29、ings showed that stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fiftiesThe study also showed that men and women have similar feeling patterns as they grow older. However. women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men.Researchers say they do not know why happiness incre

30、ases as people get older. One theory is that, as people grow older, they grow more thankful for what they have and have better control of their feelings. They so spend less time thinking about bad experiences.Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world, or maybe even changes in brain chemistryThe researchers also considered possible influences like having young children, being unemployed or being single. But they found that influences like these di

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