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1、 carry easily (易搬运) grow well(长得好); break down(抛锚); write well(好写); come out (出版、开花)等hang表示状态用主动e.g. It hangs on the stage.2、及物动词: 后面必须跟宾语,意义才完整。 make mistakes; borrow books; find the lost child(二)连系动词: 后跟形容词作表语,构成系表结构,常见的有be;get;become;turn(变); keep(保持); feel(感到,摸起来); seem(似乎); smell; taste; sound(

2、听起来); look(看上去); fall (asleep); stay (happy)保持;go (bad)变质;come (true); last long 连系动词没有被动语态(三)助动词:do/does/did / will/would +动词原形 have/has /had +动词的过去分词(四)情态动词有:can / could可以,能够;may /might可以,可能;shall / should应该;will / would将要;need需要;must必须;have/has/had to不得不;be able to能够 情态动词需要掌握的有:1、情态动词后必须加动词原形,构成谓

3、语; 2、肯定是、一定是:must be; 不可能是:cant be; 可能是:may be; 没必要:neednt;禁止、不准:mustnt 3、-Must I finish my homework now ?- Yes, you must. No, you neednt / you dont have to. (You can finish it tomorrow.) 4、-May I watch TV now? - Yes, you may. No, you mustnt. No, you cant. 二 动词的基本形式 V原, V三单, V现在分词和V过去式, V过去分词1、V三单要在

4、词尾加-s或-es,具体变化与名词复数的变化相同: 构 成举 例通常在动词后面+sstay-stays enjoy-enjoys 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词+esguess-guesses fix-fixes mix-mixes catch-catches march-marches teach-teaches watch-watches touch-touches reach-reaches match-matches brush-brushes push-pushes rush-rushes search-searches wash-washes wish-wishes以o结尾的词

5、常+esdo-does go-goes 以辅音字母+y结尾的词要变y为i+escarry-carries crycries fly-flies hurry-hurries reply-replies study-studies worry-worries2、V现在分词在词尾加-ing构成:双写的有:swim, begin, forget, run, win, jog, sit, hit, get, let, put, cut, rub, fit, rob, nod, mop, plan, step, clap, kidnap, stop, shop, drop, trap, chat, spi

6、t, control, prefer等特殊的有:lielying , diedying , tietying 但eat , wait, offer, suffer, listen, rain, develop, write, sweep, fix, 不可双写3、V过去式, V过去分词的变化如下:构 成一般在动词原形末尾加edlook-looked play-played start-started结尾是e的动词加dlive-lived hope-hoped use- used末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词先双写这个辅音字母,再加edrob-robbed mop-mopped rub-rub

7、bed nod-nodded fit-fitted stop-stopped step-stepped shop-shopped drop-dropped trap-trapped clap-clapped plan-planned chat-chatted control-controlled prefer-preferred 变“y”为“i”再加ed study-studied carry- carried worry- worried不规则变化参照词汇手册“不规则动词表”(Page128-131) 三 常用短暂动词与相应的延续动词borrow / lend keep begin/star

8、t be on / last(持续) buy have begin/start to learn learnleave be away (from) catch a cold/virus have a cold/virusdie be dead put on wearfinish be over get up be up open be open get/become angry be angryclose be closed fall asleep be asleepcome to/ arrive at/ in/ get to/ reach be in/at get married be m

9、arriedjoin the League be in the League / be a league member四 动词的时态时态范畴时态名称肯定句谓语构成常用时间状语现在范畴的时态1.一般现在时V原 或 V三单always, usually, often, sometimes, on Sundays, in the morning, at weekends, every week/year等;if, when, as soon as, until, after, before, unless等引导的状语从句中e.g. The little boy often goes to bed e

10、arly at night.2.一般将来时am/is/are going to +V原will + V原the day after tomorrow, soon, tonight, next week, later on, this Sundayin+一段时间, How soon, by+将来时间e.g. There will be an evening party in our school this weekend.3.现在进行时am/is/are + Ving常用词now, at the moment, at present, Look, Listen, 或根据上下文判断e.g. Its

11、 half past six now. The students are having breakfast in the dining room.4.现在完成时have/has(助) + V-ppalready, yet, ever, never, just, before, oncetwice, so far, in the last five years , by now,during the past few years, recentlyover the years, How many times+问句for +一段时间; How long;主句现在完成时since从句一般过去时 (这

12、三种句型肯定句须用延续性动词,不能和when连用)e.g. He has taught in this school since he became a teacher.过去的5.一般过去时V-edyesterday, last month, in1998, this morning, the day before yesterday,just now, ago, in the old days, in the paste.g. The twins went back to America by plane a week ago.e.g. It is five years since I le

13、ft here.6.过去进行时was/were +V-ingthis time yesterday, at that time/moment, at noon yesterday, from6:00 to 8:00 last night,含有when / while引导的时间状语从句的复合句中e.g. The Kings were watching TV when I knocked at the door. 7.过去将来时was/were going to +V原would +V原宾语从句是一般将来时(根据时间),但主句是过去时,应把从句中一般将来时改成过去将来时,与主句时态呼应。e.g.

14、Mr. Li told us that he would make a model plane by himself the next week.8.过去完成时had(助) +V-ppby+过去时间或过去动作before, when, because引导的状语从句宾语从句是现在完成时(根据时间),但主句是过去时,应把从句中的现在完成时改为过去完成时,与主句保持一致e.g. By the time we got there, the match had already started.初三英语总复习语法专题语态 动词的语态 主动语态:主语是动作的执行者。 We speak English. 被动

15、语态:主语是动作的承受者,通常为物。English is spoken by us.1、被动语态的谓语结构 be + P.P(过去分词) 2、被动语态的各种形式一般现在时的被动语态 am/is/are +P.P 一般过去时的被动语态 was/were +P.P 一般将来时的被动语态 will/shall +be +P.P过去将来时的被动语态 would +be +P.P现在完成时的被动语态 have/has +been +P.P过去完成时的被动语态 had +been +P.P含有情态动词的被动语态 can/may/must/shall/should + be +P.P 3、主动语态变被动语态

16、的方法分三步走:主动语态的宾语变成被动语态的主语;谓语变成“be+P.P结构”;主语变成by后的宾语;They make TV sets in that factory. (改为被动语态) TV sets are made by them in that factory.4、请掌握:a) 含双宾语的主动语态如何改写成被动语态He showed us his photos taken in Beijing just now.We were shown his photos taken in Beijing just now.His photos taken in Beijing were sho

17、wn to us just now (by him).Her father bought her a present. She was bought a present by her father. A present was bought for her by her father.提前物,show, give, offer后要加to, draw、make、buy后加for b) make/ let/ see/ hear/ listen to/ watch/ feel/ help/ notice sb. do sth. 改为被动时,主动中省略的to要补出来 I heard the girl

18、sing in the next room. The girl was heard to sing in the next room.c) 动词短语的被动语态,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词The nurse takes good care of the child. (被动语态)The child is taken good care of by the nurse.5、下列情况可判断用被动语态a) 物作主语常用被动语态 e.g. Unluckily, his bike was stolen yesterday. b) 句子中出现by sb. e.g. Now many kinds of work

19、 can _ (do) by robots. c) 动宾搭配中,动词后面的宾语提前作了主语 (如ask/tell/expect sb. to do 等)You may_ (attack) by big animals in the forest.In the old days, the workers _ (make) to work 12 hours a day.Dont get out of the room until you _ to. (tell) d) 根据句意需要用被动 When you _ (give) something, you should say “Thank you.

20、”注意: 1.连系动词、不及物动词无被动语态 2.掌握特殊句型(主动形式表达被动含义) The shirt washes well. 这件衬衫很好洗。 English is not difficult to learn. 英语不难学。The child is hard to look after. 这个孩子很难照看 The house needs painting( to be painted). 这间房子需要油漆。 The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。典型题练习: (1)行为动词或实义动词(及物动词take, bring等,不及物动词come, go 等)1

21、. -Whats up? -I can:t stand the noise outside. Its nearly_me mad. A. keeping B.turning C.causing D.driving2. -Have you_the invitation? -Yes, but I wont_it. A. accepted; receive B.receive; accept C. receive; accepted D.received; accept3. -Whats the matter? -They said I was not allowed_here. They dont

22、 allow_ in the waiting room. A. smoking; to smoke smoke; smoke C. to smoke; smoking D.smoking; smoking4. -Would you like to_my birthday party this Saturday? -Sorry,I have an important meeting to_. A. attend; join B.take part in;attend C. join; take part in D.attend; attend5. You can hardly_her

23、since you both work in the same factory. A. avoid to meet B.not avoid meeting C. avoid meeting D.not avoid to meet6. Tired of the cold weather in New England, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are considering _to the south. A. to move B. moving C. move D. to be moving7. There are many books _ in the book shop. I c

24、ant decide which one _. A. to choose; to choose B. to choose; to choose from C. to choose from; to choose D. choosing;8. Young people may risk_ deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day. A. to go B. go C. going D. Went9. Although many great people ever failed, they never gave up and _ to

25、 succeed. A. managed B. refused C. held D. offered10. I had_ him not to stay up late, but he still didnt go to bed until midnight. A. let B. advised C. promised D. made11. -Do you know the lady _ m red? -I know her no matter what she_ .A. worn; wears B. putting on; dresses C. dressed; wears D. wears

26、; dresses12. The teacher spent plenty of time _ the simple problem _the boy, but he still didnt know how to work it out. A. on explaining; for B. in explaining; to C. explaining; for D. to explain; to13. We are very sad and angry to hear that the bad milk powder(劣质奶粉) _ the deaths of over 30 babies.

27、 A. made B. did C. brought D. Caused14. -The head teacher is always saying my hair is too long. -Hes right. I think youd better _ it cut. A. make B. have C. to make D. to have15. On summer evenings, Grandpa used to _ funny stories to us children. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk16. -Whats wrong with

28、you, Eric? You look tired.-I _ to prepare for the final exam last night. A. picked up B. woke up C. stayed up D. put up17. -Has Jane done the washing yet? -You cannot _ her to do such a thing. A. want B. hope C. expect D. wish18. Im interested in animals, so I _ every Saturday working in an animal h

29、ospital. A. pay B. get C. take D. spend19. -Do you feel like _or shall we go by bus? -I prefer to walk, but we have _ a taxi, for time is short. A. walking; to take B. to walk; take C. walking; taken D. to walk; took20. -If you _ a new idea, please call me as soon as possible. -Sure, I will. A. keep up with B. catch up with C. feed up with D. come up with21. Bill was told to write a notice and _ . A. put on i

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