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译林版八年级英语下册Unit4A good read教案合集Word下载.docx

1、.汉译英1.把某物给某人give sth to sb/give sb sth2.处理do with3.用某物做某事use sth to do sth4.对感兴趣be interested in.5.提高知识improve the knowledge6.在空闲时间in the spare time.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.He likes readingnovels(小说) written by Mo Yan.2.He has muchknowledge(知识) about Chinas long history.3.Where does he come from?Germany(德国)

2、.He isGerman(德 国人)4.His storytouched(触动) me a lot at that time.5.I think he is theugliest(丑陋的) of all the characters.四、教学过程Step 1 情景导入Teacher:What books have you read recently?What types of books are they?Step 2 完成教材Comic strip的任务1.向学生解释Comic strip的语境。2.让学生认真听录音,回答问题:Has Hobo decided what to do with

3、 these books yet?Not yet.3.要求学生观察Page 48中的图片,回答下列问题:(1)What did Eddie do after Hobo gave the books to him?He used them to reach the box on the fridge.(2)What did Hobo think?He thought that Eddie liked reading books.(3)Does Eddie really love reading?No,he does not.4.让学生再次听录音并跟读,注意语音和语调。5.要求学生两人一组分角色练

4、习对话,并请几组学生上台展示,老师点评。Step 3 完成教材Welcome to the unit的任务1.向学生展示Part A的图片,然后教授生词和短语。2.引导学生小组合作,完成Part A的任务。3.要求学生组内相互检查答案,然后全班核对答案。4.让学生认真听Part B的录音,回答下列问题:(1)What books is Daniel interested in?Why?History books.Because they improve his knowledge of the past.(2)What is Daniel reading now?A book about Ge

5、rmany in World War II.(3)What does Sandy like to read?She likes to read novels and plays.(4)What book does she think is great?The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.Because the story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched her.5.让学生再次听录音,并跟读Part B的对话,两人一组练习对话。6.老师引导学生

6、用新学句式,模仿Part B的对话编写新对话并进行角色扮演。7.请几组学生上台展示,老师点评。五、当堂训练.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.I cant decide howto write(write) the novel.2.The story book isboring(bore).I dislike reading it.3.I used my pocket moneyto buy(buy) a good book.4.There are two foreigners in our company.They come fromGermany(German).5.Ihave read(

7、read) the book twice.It is very interesting.根据对话内容填空Eddie asks Hobowhat to do with the books.Hobo has notdecidedyet.Eddie asks Hobo to give the books to him.Hobo feelssurprisedbecause hedidntknow that Eddielikedbooks.Infact,Eddie wants to use the books toreachthe box on the fridge.六、板书设计1.Germany为名词

8、,意为“德国”。German作形容词时,意为“德国的;德国人的;德语的”。作名词时,意为“德国人”,是可数名词,复数是Germans;意为“德语”,是不可数名词。2.touch作动词时,意为“感动,触动”。作名词时,意为“接触”。常见短语:stay/keep in touch with.与保持联系get in touch with.与取得联系lose touch with.与失去联系3.use sth to do sth意为“用某物做某事”。use的常见用法:be used to do被用来做used to do 过去常常做be used to doing 习惯做make full use o

9、f 充分利用Reading(1)(第2课时)against prep.紧靠,碰,撞 tie vt.捆,绑over prep.从一边到另一边 stomach n.腹部;胃until conj.直到为止 finger n.手指tiny adj.极小的 continue vt.& vi.继续either adv.(否定句中)也 manage vt.& vi.设法完成;管理lift vt.举起,抬高;提高 army n.大批,大群must modal v.应该,必须;一定 unable adj.不能的,不会的shoulder n.肩膀be tired out 筋疲力尽 wake up 醒来,叫醒mov

10、e up 向前移动 look down 向下看start doing sth 开始做某事 all over 到处,浑身,遍及shout at sb 对某人大叫 fall over 摔倒 one can 尽可能地 continue doing sth 继续做某事manage to do sth 设法做某事 come straight towards sb 径直朝某人走来run away from 逃离;从逃跑 get away 离开,逃脱keep doing sth 继续做某事 climb onto 爬上1.By the time I finally felt land under m

11、y feet,I was tired out.当我终于感觉到脚下的土地时,我已经筋疲力尽了。2.After our ship crashed against the rocks,I swam as far as I could.在我们的船撞到礁石损坏之后,我奋力前游。3.He was the same size as my litter finger!他只有我的小手指那么点大!预习Page 5051的文章,并预习课后新单词,自主背默。1.醒来,叫醒wake up2.向前移动move up3.向下看look down4.开始做某事start doing sth5.对某人大叫shout at sb

12、6.继续做某事keep/continue doing sth7.设法做某事manage to do sth8.直朝某人走来come straight towards sb9.逃离;从逃跑run away from10.离开,逃脱get away.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.Yesterday their car crashed(撞) into the tree.2.He used a rope totie(捆) the thief.3.Everyone has tenfingers(手指).4.Gulliver found himselfunable(不能的) to move.向学生展示几本

13、常见名著的图片,鼓励学生用英语表达自己的见解,自由交谈。What types of books are you interested in?Have you ever read any famous novels before?What are they?Step 2 阅读前1.利用图片,指导学生学习本课新单词,掌握单词释义。2.展示该故事的图片,让学生预测故事情节。Step 3 阅读中1.要求学生快速浏览Part A的文章,了解文章大意。2.要求学生再次阅读课文,完成B1的任务。3.要求学生仔细阅读全文,画出难以理解的句子,与搭档讨论或求助老师。4.播放录音,让学生跟读,注意语音和语调,加深

14、对故事情节的理解。Step 4 阅读后1.要求学生小组合作,完成B2的任务。2.请几位学生分享答案,并全班核对答案。1.Look! Heis tying(tie) his horse to the tree.2.Tomfell(fall) down on the ground and hurt his leg.3.She is reading a bookcalled(call) Gone with the Wind.4.Mike was tired out afterswimming(swim) for a long time.5.Whathappened(happen) to Gulliv

15、er when he was on the island?.根据课文内容及首字母提示填空Gulliver set off on a ship to the South Sea,but they ran into bad weather soon.The shipcrashedagainst the rocks.Gulliver landed on abeach.When he woke up,he found himselftiedto the ground.He looked down and saw atinyperson on his body.Soon more small men s

16、tartedclimbingall over him.Gullivershoutedat him.The noise was soloudthat they all fell over.However,theycontinuedmoving across his body.Gulliver finallymanagedto break the ropes.When he lifted his left hand into theair,the small men began to shout.He looked down and saw a hugearmyof tiny people.1.a

17、gainst为介词,意为“紧靠;碰,撞”。2.wake up意为“醒来”。若宾语是代词,只能位于两词中间,即wake sb up。3.fall over意为“跌倒”。 sb possible,意为“尽可能地”。5.until意为“直到为止”。until前面如果是肯定形式,必须用延续性动词;until前面如果是否定形式,则动词词性无限制。Reading(2)(第3课时)一、重点短语fall down 跌倒把系到/绑在上try to do sth 努力做某事 the same size as.像一样的尺寸/大小a huge army of.一大群1

18、.It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.它在我的肚子和脖子上移动直到它站在离我的脸很近的地方。2.However,they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.然而,他们很快又爬起来,并继续在我身上走动。3.I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.我试着挣脱一只手并且最终弄断了绳子。1.总结介绍格列佛逃生的词汇和句式。2.

19、复习上节课内容并尝试复述Page 5051的文章。1.跌倒fall down2.把系到/绑在上努力做某事try to do sth4.像一样的尺寸/大小the same size as.5.一大群a huge army of.1.Sandy isnt afraideither(也).2.Can youlift(举起) the heavy bag?3.Yourfingers(手指) are hurt.4.After a long trip,we were alltired(劳累的) out.5.The farmerstied(系) the thief to a big tree

20、.播放电影格列佛游记中与本课有关的片段,引导学生自由讨论,回答下列问题:(1)Did Gulliver know where he was when he woke up?No,he did not.(2)Did Gulliver do anything to help himself out?What did he do?Yes.At first he shouted at the tiny people,and then he tried to pull his hand free.Finally,he managed to break the ropes.Step 2 复习1.师生共同精

21、读课文第1至2段,找出关键词。2.师生共同精读课文第3段,找出关键词。3.师生共同精读课文第4至5段,找出关键词。4.让学生根据精读后总结的关键词,组织语言,独立作业,完成复述课文的任务。5.请几位学生在课堂上分享,老师给予点评。Step 3 完成教材B3和B4的任务1.要求学生小组合作,完成B3的任务。2.请几位学生分享答案,然后全班核对答案。3.播放录音,学生轻声跟读,并注意语音语调,尤其是生词的读音。4.要求学生小组合作,补全B4的对话并朗读对话。5.请学生分享答案,并全班核对答案。6.要求学生利用图片和关键词,复述课文,完成B5的任务。Step 4 小组活动1.要求学生续写课文,说说格

22、列佛是如何逃生的。2.请几位学生在课堂上分享故事,老师点评。1.manage to do sth 设法完成某事把系/绑在上3.the与一样4.continue to do sth/doing sth 继续做某事 army of.一群Grammar(第4课时)hand vi.交;递,给 review n.评论return vt.归还 hand in 上交,递交teach oneself.自学 think of 想起,记起and so on 等等 give sb advice 给某人建议on time 准时 remember to do sth 记得去做

23、某事1.Mr Wu has recommended so many interesting books.吴老师已经推荐了如此多有趣的书。2.You must keep the books clean and tidy.你必须保持书的干净和整洁。3.You mustnt draw or write on the books.你不可以在书中画或写。观察Page 5456中的例句,熟悉“疑问词+动词不定式”的用法及情态动词must与have to的用法,并尝试完成Page 5556的练习。1.上交,递交hand in2.自学teach oneself.3.想起,记起think of4.等等and s

24、o on5.给某人建议give sb advice6.准时on time7.记得去做某事remember to do sth.用方框中所给的单词填空,每个词限用一次what,when,which,where,how,who1.I dont knowwhoto talk to andwhereto get help when Im in trouble.2.Millie is the top student in her class but she doesnt knowhowto make friends.3.She cant decidewhichto do first when she g

25、ets a lot of things to do.4.Mary always doesnt knowwhatto speak in public.5.Daniels father often tells himwhento do his homework.复习Reading中含有“疑问词+动词不定式”的句子,解释“疑问词+动词不定式”的用法。Step 2 完成教材Part A的任务1.呈现课本Page 54中的例句。2.让学生归纳“疑问词+动词不定式”的用法,理解该结构的含义。3.老师予以纠正和补充。4.解释Page 55中对话的语境。5.要求学生独立完成Page 55的练习,全班核对答案。6.学生两人一组分角色练习

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