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1、见附表四Performance assessment of personnel. Refer to attached form 4 五、考核办法Ways of assessment公司中层以上领导、机关后勤人员、财务人员、销售人员为一考核单位,参加人员分别按相应的绩效考核表对每位员工进行民主测评,为每位员工打分。平均值作为绩效考核分数,按考核分数定档计酬。 公司技术人员、生产人员为一考核单位,参加人员分别按相应的绩效考核表对每位员工进行民主测评,为每位员工打分。Superior of middle-level leaders, personnel of logistic office, per

2、sonnel of finance and personnel of sells of company is a unit of evaluation, the evaluation attendees according to the relevant evaluation form carry through democratic evaluation and give marks to each employee. Average mark will be considered as the point of performance evaluation and the basis of

3、 salary.Technicians and production personnel is a unit of evaluation, the evaluation attendees according to the relevant evaluation form carry through democratic evaluation and give marks to each employee. Average mark will be considered as the point of performance evaluation and the basis of salary

4、.六、员工绩效考核工资基数由公司薪酬管理委员会根据公司的经营效益确定。According to the companys benefit, the salary management committee decides the basic salary of employees performance evaluation. 七、考核结果Result of evaluation 公司管理部向公司领导汇报考核结果,并向本人反馈考核意见。The management department reports the results of evaluation to the leader of comp

5、any and gives the employee feedback on the evaluation. 公司管理部将每位员工的考核材料存档。The management department of company keeps each employees evaluation documents in the archives. 各类人员的考核结果作为年终晋职晋级、上岗聘任、调岗、奖金发放和评选先进等的依据。The results of evaluation of all levels will be considered as t-he basis of year-end promot

6、ion, employment, transfer, salary receiving and choose advanced workers and etc.八、各部门也可在本办法的基础上制定出符合本部门内各岗位实际情况的绩效考核办法,经人力资源部批复备案后实施。Each department can also on the basis of above method establish the evaluation method according to each positions fact of own department, after Human Resource Departme

7、nt approve and record then put into practice. 九、绩效考核是公司对员工的工作进行综合评价的一种方式,关系到员工的切身利益,各级管理者必须坚持原则,做到评分有据、结果公开。Performance assessment is a way to make the general evaluation for employees work of company, that concerns the personal benefit of employee, all levels superior must stick to the principle, i

8、nsure that mark should has evidence and result should be published.十、员工对考核结果有异议,公司管理部有权进行复查核实。发现有弄虚作假现象,对主要责任者严肃处理。If the employee objects to the result of evaluation, the management of company is entitled to check and verify, should any cases of falsification occurs, the major principal will be sev

9、erely punish-ed.十一、考评管理Management of assessment 1、员工绩效考核由公司薪酬管理委员会领导。The salary management committee of company takes charge of performance assessment of employee. 2、公司管理部在公司薪酬管理委员会的领导下,负责制定并下达相关的考核政策和具体操作办法;协助、指导各部门实施考核;考核结果汇总、分析; 建立考核管理数据库和员工考核档案。 Under the leadership of the salary management comm

10、ittee of company, the management department takes charge of constitute and convey the relevant evaluation policy and detailed operating methods; assist and coach each department implement the assessment; collect and analyses the results of evaluation; set up management database of evaluation and eva

11、luation archives of employees. 附表一 公司中层以上领导绩效考核表Attached form 1 Evaluation form of superior of middle-level leaders 姓 名Name部 门Department职 务Duty考核日期Date of evaluation总分Total考核项目Item of evaluation考 核 内 容Content of evaluation 分 值Point得 分Score工作实绩Working performance认真履行岗位职责Fulfill responsibility earnest

12、ly 10分10 point圆满完成公司布置的工作任务Fulfill the mission that arranged by company良好的形象、高效率的工作Good image and high efficiency德能素质Level of competence about moral and skill本职业务能力:熟悉本职工作与相关业务,能完成业务Operation ability: be familial with ones job and relevant operation, and be able to fulfill the task 5分5 point组织协调能力:能

13、合理安排工作,协调其他部门关系Ability of organization and harmony: be able to arrange work reasonably and harmonize relation between other department 调研综合能力:进行组织调查研究,提出对策Comprehensive ability of investigation and research: organize investigation and research, then bring forward countermeasure 用人能力:能教好指导下级工作,并对下级作出

14、公正评价Ability of make use of personnel: be able to direct the junior do the job well and give just evaluation for the junior 口头表达能力:口头表达逻辑清楚,有说服力Verbal skill: verbal expression with logic and clarity, and be persuasive文字表达能力:能独立完成各种文字工作Written skill: be able to fulfill all kinds of written job indepen

15、dently 法纪观念:廉洁奉公,遵守并维护法纪Concept of law and discipline : honest and be law-abiding; obey and stick up for law and discipline改革创新能力:能接受新事物,工作有创造性Ability of reform and innovation: be able to accept new things and have creativity on job.思想理论水平:能把握政策并指导工作Ideological theory level: be able to hold policy a

16、nd direct work纪律Discipline遵守公司规章制度Obey the rules and regulations of company 考勤良好Have good record of working attendance 能力Ability具有超出本职工作的能力The competence beyond the positions demand能常对工作采用新办法或提出新建议Be able to adopt new method or put forward new suggestion on work frequently能创造性地开展工作Be able o carry ou

17、t the work creatively 说明:此表共计100分。每20分为一个绩效工资挡次。Note: this form sums to 100 point, each 20 point is a lever of performance salary.附表二 公司机关后勤人员绩效考核表 总分:Total:Attached form 2 Evaluation form of personnel of logistic office姓名性 别Sex年 龄Age职 位日 期Date分值得分维护公司利益与形象Stick up for the benefit and image of compa

18、ny工作Work乐意接纳额外的任务和必要的加班Be willing to take additional task and necessary overtime责任Responsibility愿意为工作结果承担责任 Be ready for bear the responsibility of the result of work保持良好的出勤记录,没有不合理缺席Keep good record of working attendance , do not have absence without reason服务意识Serving consciousness 倾听合理(或客户)意见,努力发现

19、问题、理解他人或客户需求 Listen attentively to the reasonable (or customers) opinion, make great effort to find problem, understand other or customers demand合乎组织规则地满足客户需求,提供清晰、完整的答案 Meet the customers demand on the basis of conform to the regulations of organization, provide plain and whole solution提供额外的帮助 Offe

20、r additional help以愉悦和友善的态度提供服务Provide service with joyful and friendly attitude 服从上级指示Obey the instruction of superior品质Working character遵守规章制度和工作规程Obey bylaw and working regulations为后续的工作提供最大的便利Provide maximal advantage for the later work在无监督情况下保持工作质量的稳定和较高的效率 Keep the stability of quality of work

21、and high efficiency under no supervision 准时完成工作任务Fulfill the task on time效率Working efficiency 根据需要主动调整和加快进度According to the need, adjust and speed up schedule actively能在规则允许范围内改进方法以提高效率In order to increase efficiency, be able to improve methods within the range of regulation permission具备良好的理解能力,很好地理

22、解工作任务需求 Have good understanding , well comprehend the need of task 技能Working skill 具备良好的发现和解决问题能力,采取有效的措施解决问题Have good ability of discover and solve problem, adopt effective measure to solve the problem能根据工作特点,对现有的方法和技术创造性地运用According to the characters of work , be able to creatively using the prese

23、nt method and technique具备必要的业务工作知识和技能,能独立完成本岗位的工作Have necessary operation knowledge and technique, be able to fulfill the job independently愿意与他人分享经验和观点 Be willing to share experience and opinion with other采用合适的方式表达不同意见Adopt appropriate ways to express different opinions团队精神Team spirit与同事和协作部门保持良好的合作

24、关系Keep good relations with colleagues and cooperation department参与和支持团队工作,推进团队目标的达成Participate in and support team work, push the completion of teams target能为团队利益做出个人的牺牲Be able to sacrifice individual benefit for the teams benefit此表每项5分,共计120分。 each item is 5 point in this form, sums to 120 point. Each 20 point is a lever of performance salary.附表三 技术人员、财务人员、销售人员绩效考核表Attached form 3 Evaluation form of technician, personnel of finance and personnel of sells岗 位

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