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1、Bautch explained that there are other injuries caused by backpacks.“Kids are 12 their balance and falling down with these backpacks,”he said. Parents and teachers are starting to tell the kids to only take 13 library books they will be reading that night.Some teachers are using worksheets(作业纸)or 14

2、workbooks for students to take home. One of the best answers is, as some 15 themselves suggested,to have no homework forever!1.A.schools B.stairs C.houses 2.A.this B.that C.a 3.A.special B.unusual C.ordinary D.regular 4.A.when B.then C.but D.and 5.A.getting B.climbing C.going D.turning

3、6.A.only B.still C.even D.just 7.A.more B.very C.much D.many B.not C.any D.much 9.A.children B.student C.bag D.back 10.A.carry B.stay C.take D.bring 11.A.about B.under C.beyond D.before 12.A.keeping B.missing C.losing D.making 13.A.home B.class 14.A.valuable B.thin C.important

4、 D.interesting 15.A.reports B.teachers C.parents 三、阅读理解 专题训练(四) 如何推断后续内容推断文章后续内容是要求考生根据语篇结构或行文逻辑对文中没有明说的内容进行合理推测,包括推断某一事件可能的结局、下一部分可能涉及的内容、文中人物下一步可能要做的事情等。这类题常见的设问方式有:(1)The paragraph following the passage will most probably be _. (2)Which of the following statement will best continue the fir

5、st/second/third paragraph?(3)Which of the following would best complete the passage?(4)What will the writer probably talk about in the following paragraph?技巧点拨1.把握作者的写作思路。文章可能按照事件发展的经过描写,也可能按因果关系、对比关系来表达,据此可以对文章的后续内容作出比较科学、合理的推测。2.把握文章的结构,注意最后一段,特别留意最后几句话。活学活用阅读以下短文,按要求完成读写任务。On Thursday September 6

6、,2007,the world lost an amazing musician and person.The great tenor Luciano Pavarotti lost the battle with cancer and died at 5 am in Italy.This great loss cannot go unnoticed and shouldn t.Pavarotti was an incredible individual and he tried and succeeded in making a difference in the world.Instead

7、of looking at his death with sorrow,we should look at his death as an inspiration. Reviewing all of the contributions this man made with his life,we should try to contribute something great to the world we live in.Each person has a talent,and some,like Pavarotti,use their talents to create a better

8、place for everyone.Many times,some young people feel as though they are lost,asking the same questions and getting no answers:What is my purpose in life?What am I meant to do?Of course we should take time to respectfully think about Pavarotti,but we shouldn,t dwell on sorrow because his death is som

9、ething we can,t change.What we all can do to honour this great man is to commit to making a difference and contributing something to the world. Even though not everyone is a musician,each person can learn something from Pavarotti,s life.The first lesson is that you do not have to become what you ori

10、ginally planned to be.Pavarotti was one of the greatest tenors of all time,but he did not start that way.Many people feel they are stuck on the path they,ve chosen.This is not the case!Pavarotti taught elementary school for two years and was an insurance salesman while pursuing his interest.For six

11、years,Pavarotti sang for nothing more than just a hobby until he won an international prize.Just four years later in New York,he made 379 performances and retired from stage opera in 2004,but continued to tour until his cancer diagnosis in 2006. .以约30词概括文章大意。_.根据所读短文,选择正确答案,说出第四题的解题思路。1.What does th

12、e author mean by saying “we should look at his death as an inspiration.”?A.We should be inspired by his death. B.We should be inspired to win the battle with cancer. C.We should be inspired to devote ourselves to becoming a musician. D.We should be inspired to make contributions to the world. 2.The

13、underlined phrase “dwell on” probably means “_”. little about B.think a lot about C.fix one,s attention on D.look carefully at 3.In the second paragraph,the author mainly intends to tell readers about _. A.reviewing all of Pavarotti s contributions B.the purpose in one,s life C.many young peo

14、ple s doubts to use talents 4.What will the writer probably talk about in the 4-thparagraph?A.To describe the excellence of his performances. B.To inform readers of his cancer diagnosis. C.To tell readers other lessons we can learn from Pavarotti. D.To introduce his successful life as a tenor.

15、 5.In which section of a newspaper does the passage appear?A.Entertainment. B.Cover News. C.Medicine. D.Literature. 参考答案一、 1.解析:which关系代词作介词after的宾语,引导定语从句。答案:which2.解析:how引导宾语从句,意思是了解自己学习进展情况。how3.解析:But表转折。But4.they 5.解析:heavily 修饰动词burdened。 finish 7.less 8.解析:hardly 几乎没有时间从事体育活动。hardl

16、y9.解析:go in for是固定搭配,意思是“从事、喜欢”。for10.解析:be improved 现行的评价体系需改善,用被动语态。be improved二、 由后文的“.up stairs”可以推断出此处选B项。B修饰可数名词单数student,首次提到,表泛指,其后的单词第一个音素发元音,选D项。D本句意思是Rick是所有经常背着两个带子系着背包的学生之一。选D项。4.解析:此处表示其他同学与Rick的不同,即所填词表转折,选C项。C由前文的“It s hard for me to get up the.”可知此处选A项。A6.解析:根据句意可知所填词意思是“仍然”,选B项。7.解

17、析:根据本文第一句可知此处选C项。no more than“仅仅,只不过”;not more than“不超过,不多于”;more than“多于,超过”。根据句意此处表确切重量,应选A项。根据文章的backpack及空后的doctor可知此处选D项。stay with“使维持下去,跟上”,本句意思是:一位威士康星的腰背医生Scott Bautch说四年级以下的学生只能维持(背)占体重10%的书包。选B项。11.解析:句意:“年龄大点的(学生的书包的重量)也不能超过体重的15%。”所填词的意思是“超过”,选C项。12.解析:根据后文的“falling down”可知此处构成lose one s

18、 balance短语,意为“失去平衡”。13.解析:由后文的take home可知此处选A项。14.解析:所填词修饰workbook,用形容词。句意为:“一些老师使用作业纸或薄的练习册让学生带回家(做作业)。”选B项。15.解析:根据全文大意可以推断出此处选D项,意思是:孩子,即学生。三、 . Luciano Pavarotti died,but we should look at his death as an inspiration,that is,we must do our bit to make a difference and contribute somehting to the world.(30 words) . 从第二段最后一句可知答案。2.B 3.B 此题要求推断文章后续内容。 第三段全文讲述的是The first lesson,所以从文章结构来说,下一段应该是关于这位伟大的歌唱家带给我们的第二个启示。此题要求推断文章出处,考生应该很容易判断此文摘自报纸的娱乐版。A

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