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1、这就是在工业上广泛使用表面活性剂的原因。第1节 翻译练习3Sometimes it is necessary to drill to a depth of 1,000 meters or more, before water is found in sufficient quantity.It is stated that the positioning system has an accuracy of repeatability within 0.0002 inch.When short waves are sent out and meet an obstacle they are re

2、flected.有时必须钻到1000米或更深的深度,才能找到足够量的水。据称,该定位系统的重复精度在0.0002英寸。短波发送出去,遇到障碍就反射回来。7.2 常用并列连词的译法第2节 翻译练习1Computers cope with negative numbers and fractions in binary arithmetic.Oxygen is chemically active and takes part in many reactions.计算机采用二进制算法来处理负数与小数。氧的化学性能活泼,能参与许多反应。(省译)Modern electronic computers a

3、nd other devices will be made smaller by the development of LSI.Some electrical engineers design and maintain power plants, transmission lines and home and factory electrical installations.大规模的集成电路的发展将使现代化电子计算机以及其他装置越来越小。有些电气工程师设计和保养发电厂、输电线、以及各种家用和工业用电器设备。第2节 翻译练习2The induced electromotive force lag

4、s and the current leads.Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.感应电动势滞后,而电流导前。同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。Transformers are commonly used in radio receivers and electrical communication circuits, and they are generally much smaller than those for power transmission.Analyzing the dynamics of the way a person

5、signs his or her name, and not just how the signature looks, is one basis of a biometric verifier.变压器通常用于无线电收音机和电信电路中,可是这些变压器一般比用于输电的变压器小得多。分析一个人签名时书法的笔力,而不只是分析签名的字形如何,这是生物统计学核实器的一个基本点。第2节 翻译练习3It is important to know that different types of control circuits may be used in one control system, and a

6、completed control loop may consist of a combination of electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic elements.重要的是要知道,在一个控制系统中可使用不同类型的控制电路,而且一个完整的控制回路可由电力、气动或液压配合组成。The synchronous motor is even more expensive and requires a source of d.c. excitation, as well as special synchronizing control to apply the d.c. p

7、ower at the correct instant.Telephone communication is now widespread and efficient.The machine is old and heavy.同步电动机则更贵,而且需要直接励磁电源和专门的同步控制器以便在适当的瞬间接入直流电源。现在的电话通讯既广泛又有效。这台机器又旧又笨重。第2节 翻译练习4We have to replace some of its parts and make this machine more efficient.To make the balloon descend, the “pil

8、ot” opened a valve and allowed some of the gas escape.我们必须调换某些零件,以使这台机器效率更高。为使气球降落,“飞行员”打开阀门,以使部分气体逸出。Change one or more steps and we will improve the quality of the finished products.Use a transformer and we can transform power at low voltage into power at high voltage and vice versa.若改变一个或几个步骤,我们就

9、有可能提高成品的质量。用了变压器,我们就可以把低电压变为高电压,也可把高电压变为低电压。第2节 翻译练习5Uncap openings in indicators and connect lines.Install aluminum washers nest to pump, steel washers next, and install nuts.Lead lacks tensile strength and it cannot be drawn out in the form of fine wire.取下仪表开口处的盖子,再接上管路。铅的张力差,因此不能制成细丝状。紧贴泵处安上铝垫片,然

10、后加钢垫片,再安上螺栓。For LP turbine there is no residual axial thrust caused from blading because of the turbines double-flow arrangement of blading and thus no balancing piston is needed.至于低压汽轮机,并没有残存的轴力,因为汽轮机的叶栅作双流配置,因而也无需采用平衡轮。第2节 翻译练习6The plan is very complicated technically, but the general idea is quit

11、e simple.Now the electrons which have been driven onto the negative plate are trying to get back to the positive plate, but cannot do so because of the e.m.f which is applied to the plates.这一计划在技术上十分复杂,但总的想法却相当简单。现在已被赶到负极上的电子力图返回正极,可是由于极板上施加有电动势的缘故而办不到。There are already a number of modern vehicles w

12、hich are not yet in common use, but which may become a usual means of transport in the future.现在已有一些现代化的运载工具,它们目前尚未被普遍使用,但将来可能成为一种日常的交通工具。第2节 翻译练习7But that he prevented me, I might have kept the machine parts in the damp place.But that the checking up of the experimental data had taken so much time,

13、 we should have completed our work long ago.若不是他阻止,我可能就会把那些机器零件保存在潮湿的地方。假若检验这些实验数据不花那么多时间,我们早就完成了这项工作。But for air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.But for the laws of motion as a basis, thousands of discoveries and inventions would have been out of the question.要是没有空气,地球温度就会发生

14、剧变。如果没有运动定律作为基础,就不可能有成千上万的发现和发明。第2节 翻译练习8The positive and negative ions become separated or dissociated.No electric charges have been observed of smaller magnitude than the charge of protons or electrons.Foods quick-frozen in liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide have transformed the way we eat.正负离子彼此分解

15、或电离。还没有观察到比质子或电子的电量更小的电荷。用液态氮或二氧化碳速冻的食物已改变了我们的饮食习惯。We will start with a cubic inch of hydrogen at atmosphere pressure (or the air pressure at the earths surface).Scientists have shown that certain chemicals are slowly eroding the ozone layer. The main culprits are chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs.Fire is

16、 a chemical action, or an action taking place between different chemical substances.我们从大气压力(即地球表面的空气压力)下的一立方英寸氢气开始。科学家们已经证明,某些化工产品会慢慢破坏臭氧层。主要诱因就是氯氟甲烷,即氟里昂。火是一种化学反应,也就是发生在不同化学物质间的一种作用。第2节 翻译练习9Right or wrong, his theory is the most influential.All methods, simple or complicated, are employed in the t

17、ension-test.You have to open the switch right away or else the fuse will be burned off.无论对错,他的理论无疑是最有影响力的。在拉伸试验中,所有方法不论简单还是复杂,都用过了。你必须把开关立即断开,否则保险丝就会烧断。A body must move, or no work is done.These old transformers have been used for ten or twenty years.The newly-installed generating set will be put in

18、 operation a month or so.物体必须移动,否则就没有做功。这些旧变压器已经使用大约一二十年了。新机组再有一个月左右就投入运行。第2节 翻译练习10The central computers job is to run through the maps in its database as well as details on road works, weather, etc.Boiling point elevations, as well as the variation of the heat capacities and latent heats with temp

19、erature, are negligible.中心计算机的任务是查阅储存在数据库中的地图以及修路工程、天气等详细情况。沸点升高以及热容和潜热随温度的变化而忽略不计。He discovered that he could send the sound of music as well as the dot-and-dash sounds of Morse Code through the coil.The physics students study chemistry as well as physics.他发现不仅能使线圈传送莫尔斯电码的点划音,而且也能是线圈传送音乐。(倒译法)物理系学生

20、不仅学物理,而且要学化学。(倒译)Experimental data can be used to illustrate the application techniques as well as to demonstrate the validity of the approach.In order to get various vitamins a person should eat a diet including vegetables as well as meat.实验数据既能用来说明应用技术,也能用来验证方法的有效性。(顺译)为了摄取多种维生素,一个人既应该吃些素食,也该吃荤食。第

21、2节 翻译练习11When light strikes an opaque object, the light is either absorbed or reflected.The oxygen contained in the rocket is either in the liquid or in the solid form.When astronomers look at the sky, they expect to see either a star or a galaxy.当光照在不透明的物体上时,光或是被吸引或是被反射。火箭内储存的氧或是液态的,或是固态的。每次天文学家观测天

22、空,他们期望看到的不外乎是一个恒星或一个星系。第2节 翻译练习12There are materials which are neither good conductors nor good insulators.It is neither possible nor practical to make many parts to an exact size.Neither glass nor porcelain is a conductor.有些材料既非良好的导体也非良好的绝缘体。要使许多零件加工尺寸丝毫不差,既不可能,也不切实际。玻璃和陶瓷都不是导体。第2节 翻译练习13Not only d

23、oes air exert pressure, but it also has buoyancy.This method not only simplifies analysis but also facilitates measurements.空气不仅产生压力,而且有浮力。这种方法不仅简化了分析,而且也便于测量。7.3 常用主从连接词的译法第3节 翻译练习1The loop oscillator frequency can be the same as, or a multiple of , the reference frequency.Because a d.c. motor is t

24、he same physical machine as a d.c. generator, its equivalent circuit is exactly the same as that of a generator except for the direction of current flow.环路振荡器可以和参考频率相同,也可以是参考频率的倍数。由于直流电机与直流发电机的物理结构是一样的,其等效电路除了电流方向外也与直流发电机相同。R2, as is shown in Fig. 3, has been split in halves to enable the feedback t

25、o be applied.Under certain conditions a body can be charged, as has been said before.如图3所示,R2被分为两半,使得反馈能够加上去。在一定的条件下,物体能够带电,这在前面已经讲到。第3节 翻译练习2As current is increased, the flux builds up according to Curve 2.As you are doing the experiment, write down the observations.当电流增大,磁通沿着曲线2增大。在你做实验的同时,把观察到的情况

26、记录下来。As the 21st century approaches, complicated digital technologies and the promise of exploding bandwidth are combining to create a third kind of convergence.As particle has no extent, its position is a point.As water is a compound, it can be decomposed.As the current was trebled abruptly, the se

27、cond valve burnt out.随着21世纪的来临,复杂的数字技术与带宽不断扩大的前景相结合将会创造出第三种意义的“连通”。由于质点没有广度,它的位置是一个点。因为水是化合物,所以可以分解。由于电流突然增加了两倍,第二个电子管烧坏了。第3节 翻译练习3Gravity, the force of the earths attraction, governs the atmosphere just as it governs solid objects.Some waves are reflected as a mirror reflects light.The large force

28、is to the small force as the large area is to the small area.引力,即地球的吸引力,正像它影响着固体那样影响着大气。大的力与小的力之比就像大面积与小面积之比。有些波被反射,就像镜子反射光一样。Electron tubes are not so light in weight as semiconductor devices.The tools are machined to tolerances as close as 0.0001 inch.Modern computers can store the facts as fast a

29、s they are gathered and pour them out whenever they are needed.电子管的重量不如半导体器件那么轻。现代计算机能尽快地将收集到的资料储存起来,并在需要时输送出去。工具加工的误差接近0.0001英寸。第3节 翻译练习4Complicated as modern machine is, it is essentially a combination of simple machines.The various losses in a machine, great as they are, do not in any way contradict the Law of Conservative of Energy.Very large as the nucl

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