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1、CgotDexpected3Abroke inBsettled downCshowed upDturned offme they bought a dollI would no longer have to be _4_ when I returned to school4ApuzzledBembarrassedCworriedDrelievedYears later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how I wanted to make my _5_ Christmas special and memorable

2、 there, I _6_ remembered the womens visitI 5ApresentBfirstCrecentDprevious6AhardlyBsuddenlyCregularlyDoccasionally decided that I wanted to create the same feeling of _7_ for as many children as I could possibly _8_7AstrengthBsadnessCimportanceDsafety8AknowBreachCrememberDmentionSo I _9_ a plan and

3、gathered forty people from my company to helpWe gathered about 125 orphans孤儿9Akept up withBcaught up withCcame up withDput up withat the Christmas partyFor every child, we wrapped colorful packages filled with toys, clothes, and school supplies, each with a childs nameWe wanted all of them to know t

4、hey were _10_Before I called out their names and handed them their gifts, I _11_ them that they couldnt open their presents until every child had come forwardFinally the 10AfineBspecialChelpfulDnormal11AremindedBwaitedCconvincedDpromised_12_ they had been waiting for came as I called out, “One, two,

5、 threeOpen your 12AchanceBgiftCmomentDrewardpresents!” As the children opened their packages, their faces beamed and their bright smiles _13_ up the roomThe _14_ in the room was obvious, and it wasnt just about toysIt was a feeling-the feeling I knew from that Christmas so long ago when the women ca

6、me to visitI wasnt forgottenSomebody still remembered meI know I_15_13AlitBtookCburnedDcheered14AatmosphereBsympathyCcalmnessDjoy15AmatterBwonderCdoubtDsuppose语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)每小题2分,满分30分)1B 由上下文可知,还是小孩子的我,在圣诞节来临,我应该是收到礼物。2C 联系上下文,此处表达的意思是别人问我收到了什么礼物。3C 闯入;安居;出现;关闭。4B 有了礼物在学校就不会感到难堪了。5B 联系上下文,提到是ne

7、w house,肯定选择first,西方人对于圣诞节很重视,是一家人团圆的日子,所以此时表达重要性。6B 联系上下文,可了解当时作者那种激动的心情,所以应该是突然就想到了那件让她难忘的事情。7C 根据第一段中描述那次圣诞节礼物给我的感慨,和作者此刻的心情,她认为送圣诞节礼物者给自己以及孩子们的重要性。8B 此处表示“够得着,能联系上的”。不能选择A,因为我不可能认识这么多此类儿童。9C 从上一段可以推断,是我提出了(came up with)一个四十个人来我公司帮忙的计划。10B 每个人都有属于自己的礼物,而且不是固定的,所以作者的意思是给孩子们启示:每个人都是独一无二的。11A 从下文的“O

8、ne, two, threeOpen your presents!”可知,在分发礼物时,我提醒每个人开始不要打开礼物。12C 根据下文的意思,此处表示大家等待的拆礼物的时刻到来了。13A 根据文章上下文,他们灿烂的笑容照亮了整个房间。14D 联系上下文,分析四个选项的意思,此处是表示欢乐。15A 此处必须联系上下文。有人记得我说明我重要。第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。 From childhood Bill

9、Gates was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities 16 helped (help) him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had 17an excellent record in mathematics and science. Still he was getting very bored in school and his parents knew it, 18 so they always tried to

10、feed him 19 with more information to keep him busy. Bills parents came to know 20their sons intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. It was a very important 21 decision (decide) in Bill Gates life where he was first introduced to a compu

11、ter. Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed “Programmers Group” 22 in the late 1960s. Being in this group, they found a new way 23 to apply (apply)-their computer skills in the University of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Inform

12、ation Sciences Inc. in which they 24 were selected (select) as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give25 them payment for their copyright whenever it made money from any of the groups programs. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group beca

13、me a legal business.阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOne of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit ones mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like “I was wrong about that,” and it is even

14、harder to say, “I was wrong, and you were right about that.”I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago. He told me he had been that manager of a certain grocery store in the neighborhood where I grew up, and he asked me if I remembered the

15、egg cartons. Then he related an incident and I began to remember vaguely the incident he was describing.I was about eight years old at the time, and I had gone into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping. On that particular day, I must have found my way to the dairy food departme

16、nt where the incident took place.There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there was an impressive display of eggs in dozen and half-dozen cartons. The cartons were stacked three or four feet high. I must have stopped in front of a display to admire the stacks. Just then a woman c

17、ame by pushing her grocery cart and knocked off the stacks of cartons. For some reasons, I decided it was up to me to put the display back together, so I went to work.The manager heard the noise and came rushing over to see what had happened. When he appeared, I was on my knees inspecting some of th

18、e cartons纸盒 to see if any of the eggs were broken, but to him it looked as though I was the culprit. He severely reprimanded me and wanted me to pay for any broken eggs. I protested my innocence and tried to explain, but it did no good. Even though I quickly forgot all about the incident, apparently

19、 the manager did not.26. How old was the author when he wrote this article?A. About 8 B. about 18C. about 23D. about 1527. Who was to blame for knocking off the stacks of cartons?A. The authorB. The managerC. A womanD. The authors mother28.The underlined word”culprit” in the last paragraph is closes

20、t in the meaning to_.A. wrongdoer B. customer C. assistant D. victim29.Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?A. Its harder to Admit Ones MistakeB. I Was Once the CulpritC. I Remember an IncidentD. A Case of Mistaken Identity30.The tone of the article expresses the author

21、s _.A. admiration for the managers willingness to admit mistakesB. anger to the manager for his wrong accusationC. indignation against the woman who knock off the stacks of cartonsD. regret for the mistake he made in the storeB As the worlds largest flesh-eating animal living on land, the polar bear

22、 is the king of the great white north. Adult males can measure more than nine feet in length and weigh between 770 and 1,430 pounds. The bears body and neck are long and a bit slim, and the head is narrow and long with small, rounded ears. Polar bear populations can be found in northern Canada, Gree

23、nland, Norway andRussia, and there have been reports that polar bear tracks have been found as farnorth as the North Pole. The five million square-mile range of the polar bear circlesthe Arctic and contains a continuous area of open water where its primary huntedanimal-seals-are easily caught. Polar

24、 bears live on the annual Arctic sea ice that provides a platform from which they can hunt. They hunt tinged and bearded seals on the sea ice by breaking into seal dens in the sea ice. The dens are not visible from above, but seeing is less important than smelling to a polar bear with their keen sen

25、se of smell, polar bears can detect the breathing holes of seals in their dens beneath the snow and ice. As the southern edge of the arctic ice cap melts in summer, polar bears are trapped on land and spend their summers without food, living off body fat stored from hunting in the spring and winter.

26、 It might come as a surprise that this royal and powerful species faces anuncertain future: climate change is causing the disappearance of sea ice from whichpolar bears hunt their animal. Sea ice in the Arctic is melting earlier and forming later each year. With about 22,000 polar bears living in th

27、e wild, the species is not currently endangered, but its future is far from certain. People reached an agreement that restricts the hunting of polar bears and directs each nation to protect their habitats,but it does not protect the bears against the biggest man-made threat to their survival:global

28、warming. If current wamfing trends continue, scientists believe that polar bears may disappear within 100 years.31. Polar bears search for seals through their A. eyes B. noses C. ears D. necks32. The underlined word dens in Paragraph 3 most probably means A. the home of wild animals B. the skin of t

29、he wild animalsC. thick smoke that is difficult to see D. water of the deep sea33. In summer, what do the polar bears depend on to survive?A. They caught seals for food. B. They search for food on land.C. They search food in the sea. D. They use stored fat.34. What is the reason of polar bears disappearance? A. The ice on the land of the Arctic is disappearing day by d

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