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1、旅行到宇宙边缘中英文字幕稿 1Our world is warm, comfortable and familiar.我们的世界 温暖、舒适 熟悉But when we look to the sky we want to know但当我们仰望天空 我们想知道We are living in a unique place in the universe我们是居住在宇宙中一个独特的地方Or just a small corner of space?或仅仅是太空的小小一隅?The universe is friendly or hostile?宇宙是友善的还是充满敌意?We have been s

2、tanding here for conjecture我们是一直站在这里猜想Or leave to an ultimate adventure Hometown还是离开故园来一次终极探险To discover the wonders of去发现奇观Face of terror直面恐怖Brave New World美丽的新世界2.The dark forces of evil邪恶的黑暗势力The starting point of time时间的起点Creation time创世的时刻Do we have the courage to persist in the end我们是否有坚持到底的勇气

3、Or to escape home?或是逃回家?Only one way to find the answer想找到答案只有一个方法We started a step by step journey time and space我们开始一步步时空之旅From the ground 60 miles (100 kilometers) high, that is, the edge of space .离地面60英里(100公里)高度,就是太空边缘.Just an hours drive仅仅一个小时车程On the ground, living in the continued地面上,生活在继续3

4、.Busy busy commercial车水马龙 商业繁忙Star Trek is also broadcast on星际迷航还在播出When we got home if we can go home当我们回到家 如果我们还能回家All will as ever do?一切还会如初吗?We are still the original us?我们还是原来的我们吗?We have to throw it all我们必须抛掉这一切Into the front of the vast ocean of darkness步入前方广阔的黑暗海洋Go to the moon前往月球Before us,

5、 dozens of astronauts to the Moon在我们之前,已有数十名宇航员前往月球12 of them set foot on the Moon其中12人踏上了月球4.Moon from the Earth only 25 million miles (400,000 kilometers)月球距离地球只有25万英里(40万公里)Spacecraft need to take 3 days坐宇宙飞船需要3天Barren贫瘠Barren荒芜The moon looks like an abandoned battlefield月球看起来就像一个遗弃的战场But the ama

6、zing familiarity但是惊人的熟悉So close, like we almost did not leave the house那么近,就像我们几乎没有离开家Neil Armstrongs first footprint尼尔阿姆斯特朗的第一个脚印Looks like yesterday left看起来就像在昨天留下的There have not been able to change the footprint of the air那里没有能够改变脚印的空气5.These footprints will exist for millions of years这些足迹会存在数百万年

7、Perhaps more than human existence a long time或许比人类存在的时间都长Our time is limited我们的时间是有限的We have to own your own a big step我们必须自己踏出自己的一大步5 1 million miles a million miles 10 million miles 21百万英里 5百万英里 2千万英里Expedition did not reach the place where their predecessors远征前人未曾到达的地方A friendly face to emerge fr

8、om the darkness一个友善的面孔从黑暗中浮现Venus Goddess of Love爱之女神 金星Venus启明星Hesperus长庚星6.It can be in the East to greet the new day .它可以在东方迎接新的一天.Will be good night in the West还会在西方道晚安Venus is Earths sister planet .金星是地球的姊妹星. Size and gravity similar to Earth.大小和引力与地球相仿We are here to be safe我们在这里应该是安全的But the V

9、enus Express space probe has constantly reminds us但是金星快车空间探测器却时刻提醒着我们Tells us that those bright clouds of sulfuric acid composition by the fatal告诉我们那些耀眼的云层是由致命的硫酸构成Venuss atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide金星的大气层充斥着二氧化碳Did not think Venus is an angry goddess没想到金星是一个愤怒的女神Unbearable pressure of the

10、air toxic有毒的空气 难以忍受的压力7.There are hot temperatures near 900 degrees (500 C)还有炙热 温度接近900度(500C)Duodai a while we would be corrosion, suffocation, crushing and scorched多呆一会 我们会被腐蚀、窒息、压碎和烤焦Nothing can survive here任何东西都无法在这里生存Even organizations like the former Soviet Venus probe robot No.即使像前苏联金星号机器人探测器

11、Its heavy armor has been the extreme to destroy the atmospheric environment它的厚重装甲已被这极端的大气环境给毁了From the Earth to see how lovely she is a closer look at the goddess is terrible从地球看她是多么可爱 近观这个女神却是可怕的She is the sister from hell她是来自地狱的姊妹Thousands of volcanoes as if covered with pox数千座火山犹如长满了痘疮Of carbon d

12、ioxide in the atmosphere to retain heat of the sun大气层中的二氧化碳留住了太阳热量Venus is burning金星正在燃烧8.This is the uncontrolled global warming这是无节制的全球气候变暖Warming before it may be beautiful and calm在它变暖之前或许是美丽而平静的. Much like her sister planet Earth.很像她的姊妹星 地球Perhaps it is the future of our planet也许就它是我们地球的未来Those

13、 flashing stars gone?那些闪烁的星星哪里去了?The beautiful ball slid into the space?美丽的圆球滑进了太空?Perhaps we should not come here we should go back to或许我们不应该来这里 我们应该回去But the magic of the sun as a hypnotic-like Medusa (ancient Greek mythology, three snakes, one fat woman strange)但是太阳有催眠般的魔力 象美杜莎(古希腊神话中3位蛇发女怪之一)Peo

14、ple can not face the terrible and can not resist the power of her可怕的让人无法正视,也无法抗拒她的力量We continue to move forward to lure moths flying into the fire like moths to flame引诱我们继续前进 像飞蛾扑火9.And so on, there are other things that sun-baked等等,这里还有其他东西被太阳炙烤It must be a Mercury它一定是水星Too close to the sun, this w

15、ill happen太靠近太阳,就会这样Where dramatic changes in temperature这里温度剧烈变化Night to minus 275 degrees (-170 C)晚上会到零下275度(-170C). Noon is over 800 degrees (400 C).正午则超过800度(400C)Charred longer be frozen烧焦再被冰冻MESSENGER space probe has discovered some strange phenomena信使号空间探测器发现了一些奇怪的现象Relative volume, the tiny Mercury has a strong gravitational pull相对体积来说,小小的水星具有强大的引力Its like

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