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高考英语同步练习《Unit 2 The Environment》周末自主测评十四 译林版必修5Word格式文档下载.docx

1、C.was run out of running out句意:恐怕我们走不了多远了,油快用完了。run out为不及物动词,无被动,故排除B;由前半句可知,现在油还没彻底用完,所以应用进行时表将来。D3.If something is “dogeatdog”,it is a situation people have to take care of themselves and look after their own interests.A.on which which D.for whicha situation为先行词,在定语从句中作地点状语,意为

2、“处于某种境地”,因此可用where/in which引导定语从句。4.What surprised me was not what he said but he said it.A.the way the way the way D.the way whichnot.but.连接两个表语成分;the way后接定语从句,而且在从句中作状语时,关系词可用that,in which或省略。A5.Its too early tothe effects of the new law.A.find B.seeC.guess D.assess要评价新法律的效果现在还为时过早。

3、四个选项中,只有assess有“评价,评估”之意。6.My suggestion is that any reference of the answers to the exam in-to the examination hall.A.suggested;mustnt be takenB.suggesting;not be takenC.suggestive;D.suggested;shouldn第一个空用suggestive表示“具有启发性的”;第二个空用虚拟语气,即t be taken或not be taken。C7.She with her roommate about who sho

4、uld do the housework last night,but she didnt think it was her fault.A.discussed B.debatedC.argued D.quarreled根据句意“昨天晚上她和她的室友关于谁应做家务吵了一架”,可知这里要用quarrel with sb.about sth.“就(关于)与某人发生口角”。discuss“讨论”,为及物动词,后直接加宾语;debate“辩论”,其宾语常是学术性问题;argue“争辩”,其程度大于quarrel。8.Dont eat lots of sugar of cakes,soft drinks

5、 and sweets.Its harmful to your the form B.containingC.made D.mixed within the form of.“以的形式”,符合题意。9.I felt somewhatand was about to leave when something occurred whichmy attention.A.disappointed;attracted B.disappointing;attackedC.disappointment;paid D.interested;drew 表人的感受,一般选用v.ed形式而不

6、是v.ing形式,disappointed“失望的”;interested“感兴趣的”。第二个空表示“吸引注意力”。10.Many Europeans the continent of Africa in the 19th century.A.exploded B.exposedC.explored D.expanded19世纪时许多欧洲人去非洲大陆探险。explode“爆炸,爆发”;expose“使暴露,使曝光”;explore“探险,探测”;expand“膨胀,扩展”。11.If the suns rays are on a point on the paper,the paper wil

7、l fire.A.gathered;set B.collected;catchC.concentrated;set D.focused;focus on在此处指“集中(光束)于,聚焦于”;catch fire“着火”。12.Im going to town to visit Jerry buying something.A.except for addition toC.but D.except我去镇上除了买东西,还去看Jerry。in addition to“除之外还”。13.Dont you think it necessary that heto Miami but to Ne

8、w York?I agree,but the problem ishe has refused to.A.will not be sent;that B.not be sent;thatC.should not be sent;what D.should not send;what句中含its necessary that.句式,从句应用虚拟语气,should可省略,根据逻辑关系,此处应用被动语态;答句考查表语从句的引导词,引导词本身无意义,也不作成分,故用that。14.The improvement in sales figures had a influence on the compa

9、ny as a whole.A.bound B.beneficialC.brilliant D.casual销售数额的提高对公司整体上有良好的影响。beneficial“有利的”。bound“受约束的”;brilliant“杰出的”;casual“偶然的,随便的”。15.(2010湖南湘潭模拟) sales down by 30%,the company has to lay off many clerks.A.For B.AsC.Through D.With此题考查with复合结构。.完形填空Mothers Day was coming,but John had been visiting

10、customers.He was now in a small town just outside a flower shop and he knew what to do.He went into the shop and saw a young man 1the clerk to sell him some roses for six dollars,but the clerk just explained that roses were 2.The clerk looked up at John,3 her head.Something inside of John was 4 by t

11、he boys voice.John had been 5 in his business,and he looked at the clerk and 6 mouthed that he would pay for the roses.The clerk looked at the young man and told him to get the roses for six dollars.The young man almost jumped into the 7 and ran from the store with the 8.It was worth the extra dolla

12、rs just to see that kind of 9 .John ordered his own flowers and made sure that the 10 would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her.He drove away from the shop,feeling very 11.He caught a light about two blocks away.As he 12 at the light,he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk

13、.He watched him cross the street and enter a park through two huge gates.Suddenly,he 13 that it wasnt a park but a cemetery(公墓).The light 14,and John slowly crossed the intersection.He 15 and on an impulse(冲动)got out and began to follow the boy.The young man stopped by a small monument and went to h

14、is 16.He began to cry after he carefully 17 the roses on the grave.He stared at the little boys heaving(起伏的)body and listened to his crying.John turned with 18,and walked back to his car.He drove 19 to the shop and told her he would 20 the flowers personally.He wanted to tell his mother one more tim

15、e just how much he loved her. 语篇解读:在母亲节来临之际,约翰出于善意默默地替一个男孩垫付了他购买玫瑰花时的差额,意想不到的是男孩买花居然是为了祭祀母亲。约翰很受感动,决定立即更改原定计划,亲自向母亲表达心中的爱。一次小小的善举,也使施善者意识到了些什么,正所谓:予人玫瑰,手有余香。1.A.beggingB.orderingC.forcing D.urging根据下文可知年轻人只有6美元,买不起昂贵的玫瑰花,所以“乞求”店员把玫瑰花便宜地卖给他。 B.beautifulC.expensive D.special店员向年轻人解释玫瑰花非常“昂贵”,

16、不是6美元可以买得到的。此处讲的是价格问题,而不是玫瑰花的象征意义,因此D项不恰当。3.A.shaking B.wavingC.nodding D.holding年轻人意欲用6美元购买玫瑰花,但店员不肯出售,所以无奈地“摇头”(shake ones head)。B项表示“摆动”,不符合语境。4.A.recalled B.touchedC.hurt D.lightened年轻人乞求的声音“触动”了约翰的内心,此处touch意为“触动”。recall“回想,回忆”,主语一般是人。5.A.influenced B.ruinedC.buried D.blessed上文提到约翰一直忙于拜访客户,下文提到

17、他主动替年轻人垫付了不足的钱,并且嘱托店员把鲜花送给他的母亲,由此可推断他事业有成。此处应用blessed,表示“受上帝保护的,有福气的”。6.A.loudly B.silentlyC.gently D.calmly约翰努了努嘴,向店员示意他将替年轻人支付不足的钱,由于他只是用嘴示意,因而是“无声地”。7.A.river B.airC.lake D.hole年轻人见店员答应了自己的请求,高兴得跳了起来。其余三项明显错误。 B.flowersC.basket D.cards年轻人购买的是鲜花,自然是拿着“鲜花”跑出了商店。9.A.surprise B.horrorC.excit

18、ement D.sadness根据年轻人拿到鲜花并跑出商店时的表现可知他非常“兴奋”,而约翰认为能看到这种兴奋之景,觉得付那些钱是值得的。 B.messageC.transportation D.transfer约翰订购了自己的鲜花,并委托店员在“送”花时要附上一张便条,表达他对母亲的爱意。transfer表示“转移,移交”,语意不恰当。11.A.relaxed B.disappointedC.good D.sorry约翰已经委托店员把鲜花送给他的母亲,并叮嘱对方要附上一张便条,由此可见他自认为已经办妥了一切,自我感觉“良好”。文章中没有提到他之前感到紧张,所以A项不

19、恰当。12.A.sang B.waitedC.looked D.stood他遇到了红灯,自然要在红绿灯处“等候”。13.A.remembered B.foundC.discovered D.realized他突然“意识到”男孩走进的不是公园,而是公墓。14.A.flashed B.changedC.disappeared D.shone上文提到他遇到红灯后停了下来,由此可推断此时红灯“变”成了绿灯,他缓缓驶过十字路口。15.A.drove back B.pulled overC.broke down D.burst out他一时冲动,想跟踪男孩,所以把车停到路边。此处pull over表示“把

20、车停靠在路边”。break down“出故障,崩溃”;burst out( doing sth.)“突然开始起来”。16.A.arms B.palmsC.feet D.knees男孩是在祭祀过世的母亲,自然是“双膝”跪倒在墓碑前。17.A.laid B.decoratedC.set D.grew男孩小心翼翼地把玫瑰花“摆放”在坟墓上,失声痛哭起来。B项表示“装饰”,通常用于喜庆场合。18.A.laughter B.angerC.tears D.astonishment约翰没有想到男孩倾其所有购买玫瑰花是为了祭祀母亲,感动得“泪流满面”。C 19.A.slowly

21、fully D.excitedly上文提到约翰已经委托店员把鲜花送给他的母亲,但是当他看到男孩的举动后,意识到只有亲自把鲜花送给母亲才有意义,因此他“快速”返回花店。20.A.bring B.fetchC.take D.catch约翰告诉店员说他想亲自把花“带去”给他的母亲。A“拿来,取来,带来”;B“去取来”相当于口语中的get(从说话的地方出发取了东西再回来);C“拿走,取走,带走”,三个词所表示的方向不同,又根据句意可知A、B两项不符合语境。D“抓住”,易排除。.阅读理解We already know the fastest,least expensive way to slow cli

22、mate change:Use less energy.With a little effort,and not much money,most of us could reduce our energy diets by 25 percent or moredoing the Earth a favor while also helping our wallets.Not long ago,my wife,PJ,and I tried a new dietnot to lose a little weight but to answer an annoying question about

23、climate change.Scientists have reported recently that the world is heating up even faster than predicted only a few years ago,and that the consequences could be severe if we dont keep reducing emissions(排放)of carbon dioxide(CO2)and other greenhouse gases that are trapping heat in our atmosphere.We d

24、ecided to try an experiment.For one month we recorded our personal emissions of CO2.We wanted to see how much we could cut back,so we went on a strict diet.The average US household(家庭)produces about 150 pounds of CO2 a day by doing common place things like turning on airconditioning or driving cars.

25、Thats more than twice the European average and almost five times the global average,mostly because Americans drive more and have bigger houses.But how much should we try to reduce?For an answer,I checked with Tim Flannery,author of The Weather Makers:How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means

26、 for Life on Earth.In his book,he had challenged readers to make deep cuts in personal emissions to keep the world from reaching extremely important tipping points,such as the melting(融化)of the ice sheets in Greenland or West Antarctica.“To stay below that point,we need to reduce CO2 emissions by 80

27、 percent,”he said.Good advice,I thought.Id opened our bedroom windows to let in the wind.Wed gotten so used to keeping our airconditioning going around the clock.Id almost forgotten the windows even opened.We should not let this happen again.Its time for us to change our habits if necessary.语篇解读:我们已

28、经知道,减缓气候变化最快、最经济的办法就是少用能源。举手之劳,大部分人就能把所耗费的能源减少25%以上,并能减少CO2的排放量一方面爱护地球,另一方面对自己的钱包也有帮助。那我们何乐而不为呢?1.Why did the author and his wife try a new diet?A.To take special kinds of food.B.To respond to climate change.C.To lose weight.D.To improve their health.细节理解题。依据文章第二段中的“not to lose a little weight but to answer an annoying question about climate change”可知,作者这么做的目的是应对一个令人烦恼的气候变化问题。2.The underlined words“tipping points”most probably refer to“”.A.freezing points B.bu

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