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初三英语Unit14 2docWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、教学重难点重点:现在现在完成时的构成和运用。难点:现在现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。措施时间分配1.新词展示,齐度跟读,同桌练习,抽查检测。10m2.图片展示,听力训练,情景交际,展示交流。25m3.小组讨论,规律探究,展示点评,当堂检测。一找(方法或规律)现在现在完成时的构成:have/has+done练习题1.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. She bought a _(bath) suit last Sunday.2. I like doing some _(shop) at weekends.3. She hasnt _(feed) the cat yet.4. The

2、re are about ten _(well) in that village.5. Has the camera been_(pack) yet?2.根据句意和汉语提示,填写恰当的短语完成下列句子。1. Theyll return _(马上).2. Could you please _(打扫干净) the room?3. Would you like to _(与聊天) others when you travel by train?4. Im sorry I couldnt _(过会与通话) you sooner.5. You are supposed to _(关掉) your mob

3、ile phones when having meetings.3. 选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1. Ill come to see you again _ a week. A. after B. later C. in( ) 2. How long may I _ your MP4 player? At most four days.A. borrow B. keep C. lend( ) 3. Have you had your lunch _? Yes, I have _ had it.A. already; yet B. yet; already C. yet; yet(

4、) 4. Is Miss Li in the office? No, she _ the classroom.A. has gone to B. has gone C. has been to( ) 5. I must return the dictionary to Allen now. I _ it for three weeks already. A. kept B. will keep C. have kept “312”教 学 设 计 首 页Unit 14 (3a-4)第2 课时(共 课时)1.进一步运用所学的语言谈论最近已经发生的事情。2.能理解3a的内容,并完成相应的练习。现在完

5、成时的用法。能根据实际情况正确运用现在完成时。1.自主阅读,获取信息。2.结对合作,展示成果。3.当堂测试,展示成果。1.根据句意,从方框内选择合适的单词填空。 in, never, after, for, since 1. We have _ watched such an exciting football match before.2. Lilys grandmother has been dead _ a few years.3. My sister is going to Canada _ a few days. 4. _ you have got everything ready,

6、 please let me know.5. How long have you been like this? _ last night.2.根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余)A. What else?B. Never mind.C. Yes, we do.D. No, I havent. E. No. The telephone was busy.F. We are leaving in ten minutes.G. Yeah. I have put the bag in the car.(F=Father; T=Tom)F: Has everything bee

7、n ready, Tom? (1)_ T: Yes, I think so. Have you packed your bag? (2)_ Have you fed the dog? Oh, no. I forgot. Ill do it now. Have you said goodbye to your teacher? (3)_ Have you brought a guidebook? Do we need to? (4)_ Okay. Ill take one. (5)_ Oh yeah, have you watered the plants yet? Mom did it. No

8、w, we are ready. Lets go! 312”教 学 设 计 首 页Unit 14 (1-3a)第 3 课时(共 课时)1.能进一步扩展所学的内容,能用目标语言谈论自己喜爱的朋友和家人。2.能听懂2a和2b的内容,并获取所需的重要信息。3.能理解3a的内容,并完成相应的练习。能运用现在完成时,一般现在时等时态来谈论自己喜欢的歌手, 乐队和组合。能正确的运用语音来表达自己的想法。1.听力训练,获取信息。2.合作互助,提高口语。Complete the conversation with right words. (在横线上填入适当的词,完成对话。) Tom: Jane,have y

9、ou done your homework 1?Mum will come in an hour. Jane: I have done some of them. Have you packed your chores together? Yes,I have.And I also have cleaned out my bedroom.How 2 you? I have 3 done my homework,but I 4 cleaned my room.Can you give me a hand? Never.You had better do it by yourself. You 5

10、 to take care of me,because I am your little brother. It is up to you.You have troubled me so many times. OK.I will help myself, my good sister.Unit 14(3b-4)self check第 4 课时(共 课时)1.能运用目标语言来描述自己喜欢的乐队的情况,并进行简要的评价。2.能读懂3的对话,并能交流他们在旅行前做的准备工作。正确运用所学的时态,来描述已经发生的和未发生的事件。能运用目标语言来写一篇文章。1.词汇学习,活学活用。2.合作朗读,获取信

11、息。3.写作练习,展示点评。一:Choose the best phrase to fill in the blank. (用下列词组的适当形式填空。look forward togo for walksbe offso farthousands ofturn offthanks toclean outwear outin search of1. Mr.Green and Mrs.Green often _ in the park after dinner. 2. He _ his bedroom.Its clean now. 3. There are _ children playing i

12、n the zoo on Childrens Day. 4. We have learned Unit 11 _.5. _ the old man, or we cant find the lost dog. 6. The boy _ seeing his mother now.He misses her very much. 7. Robert came to China _ his roots last year. 8. I have a lot of chores to do.I must _ now. 9. The baby is sleeping now.Youd better _

13、the radio. 10. My leather tennis shoes are _.I want to buy a new pair.Unit 14 Reading第5 课时(共 课时)1.掌握快速阅读获取信息的阅读技巧。2.能根据阅读材料展开讨论,发表自己的看法。能根据文章获取需要的信息。能根据文章完成写作任务。2.老师讲解,答疑解难。3.写作训练。提高能力。在阅读中让学生明白犯错误是学生学习和理解新知识必不可少的。1.Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb given. (用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (pack

14、) the beach towels already. 2. Tina _ (have) the bike for about five years. 3. You can consider _ (give) him a beautiful flower instead. 4. The poor child looked forward to _ (go) to school. 5. _ (visit) their ancestors villages is one of the highlights of the journey. 6. The famous film stars _ (ap

15、pear) on CCTV next month. 7. They went to China _ (see) the Great Wall last spring. 8. The students think understanding their roots _ (help) them understand themselves. 9. Where is Tina and Amy?They _ (go) to the reading room. 10. When _ you _ (visit) the Summer Palace?Last month.2.根据文章回答下列问题。1. Where does Robert come from?_ 2. What do the overseas students study, see and visit during their two-week camp?_3. What is the most exciting part of the trip?_

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