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1、 Do you like playing this game? Yes. T: The birds like it very much, look, the birds fly away .But where are the birds ? . Oh , they are in the study . But whose study is it ? Can you guess ? (给出A: Annas B: Pauls 选项 ) 2 students in a group and discuss. Lets have a look .(Anna出现) Its Annas. Anna is i

2、n the study and she is looking for sth. What is she looking for ?(请2-3名学生) puppy Look ,she is looking her puppy .(Anna头上出现气泡,并出现小狗的头像) Do you know puppy ? (A:大狗 B:小狗) Which is the puppy ? Yes , puppy is a little dog . Anna is looking for her puppy ,her puppy is very naughty , he wants to play hide a

3、nd seek with Anna . How can she ask ? Where is Annas puppy? Can you help her? Discuss with your partner.(2人一组讨论) You can look at your books and tick your answers .(behind the door ) Look , the puppy runs away ,talk with your partner :where is the puppy now ? (2人一组) . (under the desk) Oh ,the puppy i

4、s so naughty, the puppy runs again .Where is the puppy now ? (2人一组) (in the box) .Oh ,Anna gets her puppy .(把小狗做成到她手中牵着的效果) Why does she want to find her puppy ? Because she wants to take her puppy to the puppy show .(出现puppy show 的场景) Look ,there is another puppy. (出现图3) Look at this puppy, is it l

5、ovely ? Yes. What colour is it? Its brown and yellow. (1) Whose puppy is it ? (2) Whats the puppys name ? Lets listen to the tape and try to answer my questions(听图1-2):. Lets checkout the answers (1) Peter 出现,(2)把Joe 的名字出现在puppy的旁边。出现图3:Oh Peter will give some orders to Joe. What are his orders ? Le

6、ts listen and choose.A: Please sit down ,Joe.B: Run ,Joe . C: Open the door ,Joe. D: Dont eat the hot dog, Joe. B、C、D Peter says dont eat the hot dog ,Joe. But Joe likes the hot dog very much, so he says “Woof.” Because the hot dog is not a real hot dog. Peter has a puppy, Joe. I think you all have

7、your puppies. You made the puppies at home. (出示小狗制作过程的图)Show us your puppies.(问2名学生) Hi, xx, your puppy is so cool, whats your puppys name ? Is it a boy or a girl ? Ss: Hi, xxx, your puppy is nice, whats your puppys name ? . Look , I have a puppy ,this is my puppy,Lucy. She is clever ,she can do a l

8、ot of things .(做个有蝴蝶结的小狗) Now I want to show you. Who can be my puppy? (请1名同学当我的puppy).(小狗的头像可以做成头饰,让学生戴在头上) Hi ,Lucy, come here, sit down, please. Sit down . Lucy,please run. Run Please open the book. Open the book. My puppy is clever ,yes? Its your turn, show us your puppy ,please. What can your p

9、uppies do? Show us. One is master, one is puppy, you can choose one of your puppies to act.(2人一组进行合作) Step 4: Extension Boys and girls ,we all have our puppies, now, I want to take my puppy to have a picnic. Do you want to go with me? Look (出现野餐的场景)(4人一组) There are many food and toys ,and there are

10、many beautiful clothes. Do you want to go with me? who wants to be my puppy? Who wants to go with me? Who wants to be xxs puppy? (师先示范) 参考句型:Would you like .? What about .? Where is .? Is this /that .? Please. Dont. Its your turn, in your group two are masters , two are puppies,try to act. But heres

11、 a tip for you : read by yourself . The dog cant drink or eat many other things. you can surf on the internet after class. Tips: 不能吃巧克力,不能吃Project 2 A magic clock【教学目标】1. 能听懂、会说58单元的农场动物类、水果类的单词、数词以及介词等。2. 能听懂、会读、会说58单元日常用语:Whats the time? Its Its time for Where is the ? Its on/in/under/ What are th

12、ese/those? They are Are these ? Yes, they are. No, they are 。3. 能读懂魔法钟的制作步骤,并能根据步骤正确制作出自己的魔法钟。4. 能初步运用58单元词汇和日常用语结合魔法钟进行游戏。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty【重点难点】教学重点:能在老师的帮助下有序归纳58单元重点词汇与句型。 教学难点:能正确地理解并运用日常用语内容,在老师的引导和帮助下尝试运用语言进行交际、解决问题。 Free Talk Hello, Im Miss Ji. S1: Hello,

13、Im Nice to meet you. How old are you? Im Drills Today, well have a magic lesson. And in this lesson, youll have four magic doors. Do you want to try?S: Yes! Now lets open the magic doors. 1. Open the red magic door T:Oh, you have magic eyes. Can you say the numbers quickly? Seven. S2: Twelve. S3: Lo

14、ok, its a clock too. What time is it? Its six oclock. Its time for dinner. Next lets play a game, OK?Ss read the words and phrases 2. Open the blue door Now listen, what are they? (播放动物的声音) What can you hear? (Students listen and try to find out.) Pig, cow. Duck, chicken. Good. Now listen to this. (

15、播放牛叫声) Whats this? Its a cow. What about this? (播放狗叫声) Whats this? Its a dog. Good. And is this a dog? (播放猪叫声) Its a pig. Good. What are these? (播放鸭子叫声) S4: Theyre ducks. Excellent. Are they ducks? (播放小鸡的叫声) S5: Theyre chickens. Good. Where can we see them?S6: On the farm. Good. Can you say somethin

16、g about this farm? You can say (学生在老师的引导下归纳句子) Whats this? Its a What are these? Theyre (老师根据学生的回答进行板书) Talk about the animals in pairs. (同座位学生说完后,老师再请几组学生反馈) Ss say a chant. 3. Open the yellow door Oh, you all have a magic mirror. If you say loudly to the mirror, they will appear. (PPT呈现课件) What ca

17、n you see in the mirror? Please say together “Mirror, mirror, whos the girl?” Mirror, mirror, whos that girl? Whos she? Shes Yang Ling. What can you see now? A woman. Shes Yang Lings aunt. Good. And is this a woman now? No, this is a boy. Whos he? Hes Mike. Who can you see now?S7: A man. Whos the ma

18、n?S8: Maybe hes Mikes uncle. Good. Now can you talk about the pictures in the mirror? (学生成对进行操练) 3 T: When were talking about the people, we can say Whos he/she? He/She is (老师板书句型) Step3: Magic clock Good. We have magic ears, magic eyes and magic mirror, now well have a magic clock. Look, is this a

19、clock? (将魔钟模型贴到黑板上) Yes./No. Not yet. How to make a magic clock? Lets read the instructions. Step one, draw twelve pictures. Have you finished? Oh, I havent finished. Can you help me? Show the pictures. Lets ask and answer quickly. Wheres the apple? Its behind the basket. Whos the old man? Hes my gr

20、andpa. Who can ask the question? Wheres the pencil case? Its on the table. (老师问,学生答;学生问,老师答;或学生个体问,集体回答,多种形式穿插起来,快速复习12幅画,并把图片贴到黑板上) Now lets cut the twelve doors. (老师做示范) Do you understand? Have you cut the doors? Now stick the doors on. Lets listen and stick. Listen to my order and stick the corre

21、ct doors on. Door 12 (找出12号门,贴到钟面正确的位置上) Door 6. (找出6号门,贴到钟面正确的位置上) Door 8. (找出8号门,贴到钟面正确的位置上) (老师或学生给出指令,将12个门都在钟面上贴好) Good. Now cut out the hand. Can you find it? Yes. (开始剪时针) Good. Now pin the hand on and pin on a rubber. (做示范) (跟着老师一起做) Step4: Play with the magic clock Now show your clocks to ea

22、ch other. Now lets play the magic clock. Whats the time? Its five oclock. Oh, its five oclock. Heres the door. What can you say? Open the door, please. Good. (老师根据图片内容提问) S : (根据图片内容回答) Good. Play the clock in pairs. Step5: Homework Play with the magic clock after class Unit 1 In class1. I can say m

23、ore words in our classroom. 我能说出更多我们教室内物品的单词。2. I can play the game “Make and say”. 我会玩“玩一玩,做一做”这个游戏。3. I can understand, read, and act the cartoon. 我能理解,会读,会表演卡通故事。1. I can play the game “Make and say”. 我会玩“玩一玩,做一做”这个游戏。2. I can understand, read, and act the cartoon. 我能理解,会读,会表演卡通故事。 【教具准备】课件,光盘,机器

24、人头饰,门窗道具等 Revision 1 Learning aims 2 Review Story time:(1) Read the book of Story time (2) Fill in the blanks Presentation & Practice1. Say more words in our classroom. 2. Play a game: Magic eyes 3. T: Look! Mr Robot is coming! What can you say to Mr Robot? Mr Robot, please open the door. Mr Robot,

25、please close the window. 4. Show some phrases on the blackboard open the close the stand up sit down 5. Show some phrases on PPT: open/ close the book/door/window stand up/sit down You can say: Mr Robot, please 6. T: If she is a girl, you can say: Miss Robot, please 7. T:Boys and girls, you made a nice robot before our class, right? Now show me your robots. Ok, please put down. 8. Show rules of Fun time and then the teacher plays it with a student as an example. 9. Ss work in two

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