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Absorption of sulfur oxides from flue gas的翻译文档格式.docx

1、 Such a mixture is directly suitable as a feed to a regeneration stage.这样的混合物是直接适合作为进料至再生阶段。 It is particularly preferred to regenerate the absorbent and recover commercial sulfur values in a closed-cycle process by next treating the solid absorption product in a molten salt reduction step with a re

2、ducing agent, preferably a carbonaceous material, to reduce the sodium sulfite and sulfate to sodium sulfide.特别优选以再生吸收剂和由下一个处理该固体产物吸收在熔盐还原步骤用还原剂,优选的碳质材料中恢复一个闭合循环过程的商业硫值,以减少亚硫酸钠和硫酸硫化钠。 Concurrently, a source of oxygen is fed to the reducer to generate sufficient heat therein for the reduction step by

3、 a combustion reaction.同时,氧源供给到减速器产生用于由燃烧反应的还原步骤足够的热量在其中。 In the subsequent aqueous reformation step, the resulting sodium sulfide-carbonate melt from the reduction step is dissolved in water and reacted with carbon dioxide or a carbon dioxide-yielding material to form hydrogen sulfide as a recovera

4、ble product for further processing and regenerate the sodium carbonate-bicarbonate absorbent.在随后的水性转化步骤,将所得硫化钠 - 碳酸酯从还原步骤熔体溶解在水中,并用二氧化碳或二氧化碳的易变形材料反应以形成硫化氢作为用于进一步处理可恢复的产物和再生的碳酸钠-bicarbonate吸水。Images (1) 图片(1) Claims (7) 索赔(7) We claim:我们断言:1. A closed-cycle process capable of removing in a single spr

5、ay-drying step at least 90% of a sulfur oxide impurity from a hot waste gas comprising the steps of: 1,一种能够从热的废气,包括以下步骤去除在一个单一的喷雾干燥步骤的至少90的硫氧化物杂质的闭合循环处理:contacting the hot sulfur oxide-containing waste gas at a temperature of at least 90C in a single spray-drying step with an aqueous scrubbing mediu

6、m containing between 2 and 40 wt.% of an absorbent selected from the group consisting of alkali metal carbonate, alkali metal bicarbonate, and mixtures of alkali metal carbonate and bicarbonate to form alkali metal sufate and sulfite,含氧化热硫废气在至少90的温度下在一个单一的喷雾干燥步骤介于2和40(重量)的吸收剂选自碱金属碳酸盐组成的组中的含水溶液洗涤介质接触

7、,碱金属碳酸氢盐,以及碱金属碳酸盐和碳酸氢盐的混合物,以形成碱金属sufate和亚硫酸盐, recovering the resultant reaction product as a flowable, dry powder mixture not requiring further drying, said mixture containing from 20 to 85 wt.% alkali metal sulfite and sulfate and from 15 to 80 wt.% alkali metal carbonate and bicarbonate,回收所得到的反应产物

8、作为可流动的干粉末混合物无需进一步干燥,所述混合物含有2085(重量)的碱金属亚硫酸盐和硫酸盐和从15至80(重量)碱金属碳酸盐和碳酸氢盐, reacting said mixture in the molten state with a carbonaceous reducing agent under reducing conditions to convert sulfite and sulfate to sulfide while supplying a controlled amount of a source of gaseous oxygen to the reaction to

9、 provide internal heat generation to melt the mixture and maintain it in the molten state.所述混合物在熔融状态下与含碳还原剂在还原条件下,以亚硫酸盐和硫酸盐转化为硫化物而供给气态氧源的控制量向反应提供内部产生的热量来熔化该混合物,并在保持它的反应熔融状态。recovering a molten reaction product of alkali metal sulfide and carbonate,回收的碱金属硫化物和碳酸酯的熔融反应产物, dissolving this reaction produ

10、ct in water to form an aqueous solution, and在水中溶解该反应产物,以形成水溶液,并 reacting said aqueous solution with a carbon dioxide-yielding material to form hydrogen sulfide gas as a recoverable product and regenerate alkali metal bicarbonate and carbonate for recirculation in the process.与二氧化碳的易变形材料所述水溶液反应以形成硫化氢

11、气体作为可恢复产物和再生碱金属碳酸氢盐和碳酸盐用于再循环的过程中。2. The process of claim 1 wherein said hot waste gas is at a temperature between 150 and 230C and is spray-contacted by the aqueous scrubbing medium containing between 2 and 40 wt.% sodium carbonate or between 2 and 20 wt.% sodium bicarbonate, or a mixture thereof. 2

12、.权利要求1的方法,其中所述热的废气是在150和230的温度和喷雾接触由含水洗涤2至40重量的碳酸钠或2至20重量含有介质。 碳酸氢钠,或它们的混合物。3. The process of claim 1 wherein said hot waste gas is a flue gas produced by burning a sulfur-containing fuel and which contains fuel ash, and at least 90% of said ash is removed from the waste gas prior to contacting it w

13、ith the scrubbing medium. 3.权利要求1的方法,其中所述热的废气是由燃烧含硫燃料和含有煤灰产生的烟道气,和至少90的所述灰从废气与接触之前,除去洗涤介质。4. The process of claim 1 wherein in the reduction reaction said reducing agent is a carbonaceous material selected from carbon black, charcoal, and coke, and the source of oxygen is air. 4.根据权利要求1所述的方法,其中在还原反应

14、所述还原剂是选自炭黑,木炭,和焦炭中选择的含碳材料,和氧的来源是空气。5. The process of claim 4 wherein carbon dioxide is produced in the reduction reaction and provides said carbon dioxide-yielding material for reaction with said aqueous solution.如权利要求4所述的二氧化碳中产生的还原反应,并提供了5的方法,所述二氧化碳的易变形材料为反应物用所述水溶液。6. The process of claim 2 wherein

15、 said aqueous scrubbing medium contains 2 to 40 wt.% sodium carbonate. 6.根据权利要求2的方法,其中所说的含水洗涤介质中含有240(重量)碳酸钠。7. The process of claim 2 wherein said aqueous scrubbing medium contains 2 to 20 wt.% sodium bicarbonate. 7.根据权利要求2的方法,其中所说的含水洗涤介质中含有2至20(重量)碳酸氢钠。Description 描述 CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED AP

16、PLICATIONS交叉引用的相关申请 This application is a continuation-in-part of application Ser.本申请是延续的部分的申请序列 No. 206,382 filed Dec. 9, 1971, and since abandoned. 206382号申请1971年12月9日,自抛弃。BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION发明背景 This invention relates to a process for the removal of sulfur compounds from waste gases.本发明涉及

17、一种用于从废气中除去硫化合物的方法。 It particularly relates to a closed-cycle process for removing sulfur oxides from a power plant flue gas wherein a first stage of aqueous or solid absorption is followed by a two-stage regeneration process comprising the sequential steps of molten salt reduction and aqueous reform

18、ation.它尤其涉及一个闭合循环处理,用于从发电厂的烟道气,其中的含水或固体吸附的第一阶段之后是一个两阶段再生过程包括以下顺序的步骤的熔融盐还原和含水改造的除去氧化硫。 At the same time, hydrogen sulfide is formed and recovered as a source of sulfur values.与此同时,硫化氢形成并回收作为硫值的来源。 In its preferred aspects, the sulfur dioxide content of a hot flue gas is removed by absorption in an aq

19、ueous sodium carbonate-bicarbonate solution or slurry using a spray-dryer scrubber to form a solid absorption product.在它的优选的方面中,热烟道气的二氧化硫含量通过吸收在使用喷雾干燥器洗涤器,以形成一个固体的吸收产品的含水碳酸钠 - 碳酸氢钠溶液或浆料中除去。Sulfur oxides, principally as sulfur dioxide, are present in the waste gases discharged from many metal refinin

20、g and chemical plants and in the flue gases from power plants generating electricity by the combustion of fossil fuels.硫氧化物,主要是二氧化硫,存在于许多金属精炼和化工厂和在发电厂由化石燃料的燃烧产生电力的烟气排出的废气中。 The control of air pollution resulting from the discharge of sulfur oxides into the atmosphere has become increasingly urgent.从

21、硫氧化物的排放到大气中产生的空气污染的控制已经变得越来越迫切。 An additional incentive for the removal of sulfur oxides from waste gases is the recovery of sulfur values otherwise lost by discharge to the atmosphere.用于从废气中除去硫氧化物的额外奖励是由排放到大气中,否则失去硫值的恢复。 However, particularly with respect to the flue gases from power plants, which

22、based on the combustion of an average coal may contain as much as 3,000 ppm sulfur dioxide and 30 ppm sulfur trioxide by volume, the large volumes of these flue gases relative to the quantity of sulfur which they contain make removal or recovery of the sulfur compounds from these gases expensive.然而,

23、特别是相对于从发电厂,其中根据平均的煤炭的燃烧的烟道气可含有多达3000 ppm的二氧化硫和30ppm的三氧化硫(体积),相对于该量的大量这些烟气硫它们含有使除去的硫化合物或回收从这些气体昂贵。 Also, while the possible by-products, such as elemental sulfur and sulfuric acid, that may be ultimately obtained from the recoverable sulfur values have virtually unlimited markets as basic raw materia

24、ls, they sell for relatively low figures.此外,尽管可能的副产物,如元素硫和硫酸,可能从可回收的硫的值来最终得到具有几乎无限的市场作为基本原料,它们出售给相对低的数字。 Consequently, low-cost recovery processes are required.因此,低成本的恢复过程是必需的。Many processes have been proposed and investigated for the desulfurization of flue gases.许多过程已经被提出并研究了烟道气的脱硫。 Several dry pr

25、ocesses have been proposed in which sulfur dioxide is removed either by chemical reaction with a solid absorbent or by adsorption on its surface followed by oxidation of the adsorbed sulfur dioxide.几种干法工艺已经提出了在其中的二氧化硫或者由在其表面上的固体吸收剂或通过吸附,随后通过吸附二氧化硫的氧化的化学反应除去。 In one such process, shown in US Pat.在一个这

26、样的过程中,示出在美国专利 No. 2,718,453, finely powdered calcium carbonate is blown into the combustion gas to form calcium sulfate or calcium sulfite. 2718453号,细粉状碳酸钙吹入燃烧气体以形成硫酸钙或亚硫酸钙。 In general, a reaction between a solid and gas is relatively slow and inefficient, being limited by the available surface area

27、 of the solid.在一般情况下,固体和气体之间的反应是相对较慢的并且效率不高,由固体的可利用的表面面积的限制。 Also, certain of the resultant products do not readily lend themselves to regeneration of the starting material or recovery of the removed sulfur values.此外,某些所得产品不容易借给自己的除去硫值的原料或回收的再生。In the molten carbonate process shown in US Pat.在美国专利中所

28、示的熔融碳酸盐的过程。 Nos. 3,438,722, 3,438,727, and 3,438,728, sulfur oxide impurities are removed from a hot combustion gas by contacting it at a temperature of at least 350C with a molten salt mixture containing alkali metal carbonates as the active absorbent.号3438722,3438727和3438728,硫氧化物杂质从热燃烧气体通过在至少350的用

29、含有碱金属碳酸盐作为活性吸收剂的熔盐混合物的温度下接触而除去。 The spent absorbent is then regenerated chemically and recirculated.的废吸收剂。然后再生化学和再循环。 The adaptation of such a process to many older existing power-plant utility installations often presents certain economic disadvantages because of the requirements for modifying the

30、boiler systems of these utility plants in order to obtain the flue gas to be treated at the required elevated temperature for the molten salt absorption rather than at its generally much lower exit temperature from the boiler.这种方法的许多旧的现有发电厂公用设施的适配往往呈现,因为用于修改这些实用植物的锅炉系统,以便获得烟道气的要求在所需高温的被处理的一定的经济劣势熔盐吸收,而不是在从锅炉其通常低得多的出口温度。Wet absorption processes are suitable for treating these lower temperature flue gases.湿的吸收过程是适用于治疗这些较低温度的烟道气。 In typical wet absorption processes, the flue gas is washed with an aqueous alkaline solution or slurry.在典型的湿吸收过程中,烟道气洗涤用含水碱性溶液或淤浆。 Thus the use of an aqueous slurry of

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