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1、 Regulation No. 21Revision 2 - Amendment 1增补件 20: 标准编号 21修订本 2 修正本1Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 18 January 1998修正本01系列的增补件 2 强制执行日期: 1998年1月18日UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THEIR INTERIOR FITTINGS关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定UNIT

2、ED NATIONS联合国/ Former title of the Agreement: */ 协定书以前的标题Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958. 关于采用统一条件批准机动车辆装备和部件并相互承认此批准的协定书,1958年3月20日制定于日内瓦。Paragraph 4.4.1

3、., footnote 1/, amend to read:段落4.4.1.,脚注1/,修正处请查阅:“1/ 1 for . 24 (vacant), 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32-36 (vacant) and 37 for Turkey. Subsequent numbers .”“1/ 1.24(空缺),25(克罗地亚),26(斯洛文尼亚),27(斯洛伐克),28

4、(白俄罗斯),29(爱沙尼亚),30(空缺),31(波斯尼亚及黑塞哥维亚),32-36(空缺)和37(土耳其)。后来的号码.”Annex 4, paragraph 1.4.2., amend to read:附件4,段落1.4.2.,修正处请查阅:. The headform shall strike the test component at a speed of 24.1 km/h or, in the case of components which cover an uninflated airbag, at a speed of 19.3 km/h; this speed shall

5、 be achieved either by the mere energy of propulsion or by using an additional impelling device.“.头部模型将以24.1km/h的速度撞击测试组件或者以19.3km/h的速度撞向覆盖未展开的安全气囊的组件;可以通过纯粹的推进力或者使用附加的驱动装置来达到此速度。”Rev.1/Add.20/Rev.2/Corr.19 November 2000修订本1/增补件20/修订本2/勘误本12000年11月9日 (Revision 2, including the amendments entered int

6、o force on 16 October 1995)Revision 2 - Corrigendum 1修订本 2 勘误本1Corrigendum 1 to the 01 series of amendments subject of Depositary Notification C.N.423.2000.TREATIES-1 dated 27 June 2000修正本01系列的勘误本1信托公司通告C.N.423.2000.条约1的题目注明日期: 2000年6月27日UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLES WITH RE

7、GARD TO THEIR INTERIOR FITTINGSAgreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958. “1/ . 24 for Ireland, . 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35-36 (vacant), 37 fo

8、r Turkey, 38-39 (vacant), 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia and 46 for Ukraine. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned

9、to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of A

10、pprovals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.”“1/ .24(爱尔兰),.32(拉脱维亚),33(空缺),34(保加利亚),35-36(空缺),37(土耳其),38-39(空缺),41(空缺),42(欧盟)(各成员国批准使用其各自的ECE标志代号),

11、43(日本),44(空缺),40(前马其顿南斯拉夫共和国),45(澳大利亚)和46(乌克兰)。接下来的序号将根据其批准认可或同意加入关于采用统一条件批准机动车辆装备和部件并相互承认此批准的协定书的时间顺序分配给其它国家,且这些序号将由联合国秘书长通知给所有协定书的缔约国。Paragraph, correct to read:段落5.3.4.1.,更正处请查阅:“ Components mounted on the roof, but which are not part of the roof structure, such as grab handles,

12、lamps and sun visors, etc. shall have a radius of curvature not less than 3.2 mm. In addition, the width of the projecting parts shall not be less than the amount of their downward projection; alternatively these projecting parts shall pass the energy-dissipating test in accordance with the requirem

13、ents of annex 4.” “安装于顶盖但并不构成顶盖结构的组件,如把手、灯和遮阳板等等,应满足曲率半径不小于3.2mm的要求。此外,凸出物的宽度不应小于其向下凸出的高度,或者这些凸出物能够通过附件4要求的吸能试验。Rev.1/Add.20/Rev.2/Amend.2E/ECE/TRANS/505 25 March 2003修订本1/增补件20/修订本2/修正本22003年3月25日CONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND

14、PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PRESCRIPTIONS /关于对轮式车辆、安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件采用统一技术法规以及采用统一条件以相互承认基于上述技术法规的批准的协定书*(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 Octo

15、ber 1995)Revision 2 - Amendment 2修订本 2 修正本2Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 31 January 2003修正本01系列的增补件 3 强制执行日期: 2003年1月31日Paragraph 1., amend to read:段落1.,修正处请查阅:1. This Regulation applies to the interior fittings of vehicles of category M1 with regard to:1.此标

16、准适用于M1类车辆内饰件的以下相关方面:1.1. the interior parts of the passenger compartment other than the rear-view mirror or mirrors;除了后视镜或视镜以外的乘员座舱的内饰件;1.2.the arrangement of the controls;1.2.控件的布置;1.3.the roof or opening roof, and1.3.顶盖或活动式顶盖,以及1.4.the seat-back and the rear parts of seats.1.4.座椅靠背和座椅的后侧零部件。1.5. p

17、ower-operation of windows, roof panels and partition systems.1.5.车窗、天窗面板和分隔系统的电动操作。Paragraph 2.2., amend to read:段落2.2.,修正处请查阅:“2.2.“vehicle type” with regard to the interior fittings of the passenger compartment means vehicles of category M1 which do not differ in such essential respects as:“2.2.关于

18、乘员座舱的内饰件的“车辆类型”是指与下述这些基本方面一致的M1类车辆:Insert new paragraphs 2.2.3. and, to read:插入新段落2.2.3和2.2.3.1,请查阅:“2.2.3. the performance of the protective system, if the reference zone within the head impact zone determined according to annex 8 (dynamic evaluation) is chosen by the applicant.“2.2.3.保护系统

19、的性能,如果申请者选定位于头部碰撞区域内的基准区域,该头部碰撞区域根据附件8(动力学评价)进行确定。 Vehicles that differ only in the performance of the protective system(s) belong to the same vehicle type if they offer an equal or better protection for the occupants compared with the system or vehicle submitted to the technical service res

20、ponsible for conducting the approval tests.”与那些提交给技术部门的能够通过批准测试的系统或车辆相比,仅保护系统性能存在不一致的车辆,若它们可以提供等效或更优的乘员保护,属于相同的车辆类型。Paragraph 2.3., amend to read:段落2.3.,修正处请查阅:“2.3. “reference zone” is the head impact zone as defined in annex 1 to this Regulation, or at the choice of the manufacturer, accor

21、ding to annex 8, excluding the following areas: (see annex 10, explanatory notes, paragraphs 2.3. and 2.3.1.)”“2.3. “基准区域”是指像本标准的附件1中定义的头部碰撞区域,或者制造商根据附件8选定的区域,但是要排除以下区域:(见附件10,说明性记录,段落2.3.和2.3.1)”Paragraph 2.3.1., amend to read:段落2.3.1.,修正处请查阅:“ . straight ahead. (see annex 10, explanatory notes, pa

22、ragraphs 2.3. and 2.3.1.)” “.正前方。(见附件10,说明性记录,段落2.3.和2.3.1.)”Paragraph 2.3.2., amend to read:段落2.3.2.,修正处请查阅:“ . steering control and; (see annex 10, explanatory notes, paragraphs 2.3.and 2.3.1.)” “.转向控件和;Paragraph 2.3.3., amend to read:段落2.3.3.,修正处请查阅:“ . side pillars;“.侧立柱;Paragraph 2.4., amend to

23、 read:段落2.4.,修正处请查阅:“ . to the instrument panel; (see annex 10, explanatory notes, paragraph 2.4.)”“.至仪表板;(见附件10,说明性记录,段落2.4.)”Paragraph 2.5., amend to read:段落2.5.,修正处请查阅:“ . of the side-walls; (see annex 10, explanatory notes, paragraph 2.5.)”“侧围的.;(见附件10,说明性记录,段落2.5.)”Paragraph 2.7., amend to read

24、:段落2.7.,修正处请查阅:“ . seat-belt anchorages points; (see annex 10, explanatory notes,paragraphs 2.5. and 2.7.)”“.座椅安全带安装点;(见附件10,说明性记录,段落2.5.和2.7.)”Paragraph 2.8., amend to read:段落2.8.,修正处请查阅:“ . belt line (see annex 10, explanatory notes, paragraph 2.5.);“.安全带线路;Insert new paragraphs 2.10. to 2.18., to

25、 read:插入新段落2.10.和2.18.,请查阅:“2.10. “Protective system” means interior fittings and devices intended to restrain the occupants.“2.10. “保护系统”是指有意去限制乘员的内饰件和装置。2.11. “Type of a protective system”, means a category of protective devices which do not differ in such essential respects as:2.11. “保护系统类型”,是指与下述这些基本方面一致的一类保护装置:2.11.1.their technology;2.11.1.它们的技术;2.11.2. their geometry;2.11.2.它们的几何形状;2.11.3. their constituen

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