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1、They are going to Hong Kong tomorrow.3. be always doing 表示赞扬、厌烦等感情色彩。He is always thinking of others first.My father is always losing his car keys.提示:与现在进行时连用的时间状语有:now, at the moment, at present, right now等.一、一般过去时谓语动词:规则动词-ed/不规则动词过去式1. 过去发生的动作或存在的状态(与现在无关)。He went to Beijing last year.He told me

2、that he played football well.与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:yesterday, the day before yesterday, the next day, two days later, last year, in the 1980s等。一、一般将来时谓语动词:will/shall + 动词原形, be going to /be about to /be to + 动词原形1. 表示纯粹的将来用“will + 动词原形, 第一人称用 “shall/will + 动词原形”。It will snow tomorrow.If Im free, I will/sha

3、ll play pingpong with my friends.2. 表示“带有情态意义的将来”:(1)强调主语的意愿用:“Ill +动词原形”, “Well +动词原形”。We will wait for you here tomorrow.(2)表示有礼貌地征求对方的意见用:“Will you?/ Shall I?/ Shall we?”。Will you please go with me?Shall I open the door?Shall we go to the park next week?3. 表示将来的一些结构:(1)“be going to + 动词原形”:强调主语打算

4、、计划做某事,或表示有迹象表明就要发生某事;They are going to play football this afternoon.Its cloudy, I think it is going to rain.(2) “be about to + 动词原形”:表示马上就要发生的事;Be quiet. The film is about to start.(3) “be to + 动词原形”:表示计划中约定的或按义务等必须去做的事。My dream is to be a great basketball player. My purpose is to help you solve yo

5、ur problem.与一般将来时连用的时间状语有: tomorrow, tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow, next year, next time, soon, in the future, in two hours等。一、过去进行时谓语动词:was(were) + V-ing二、概念及用法 :1. 过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作;What were you doing at 8 a.m. yesterday?I was watching TV when she came to see me.While Jim was watchi

6、ng TV last night, Kate was doing her homework.2. 移动动词常用过去进行时表示过去就要发生的事;He said he was leaving for home in a day or two.3. was(/were) always doing 表示过去赞扬、厌烦等感情色彩。She was always thinking of others.一、现在完成时谓语动词:have (has) + 动词的过去分词概念及用法(一)现在完成时(一)的概念:过去动作对现在产生的影响或结果,动作结束,影响存在,且强调影响。可与模糊的过去时间状语连用:just, e

7、ver, never, already, yet, before, recently. We have just cleaned the classroom. Its clean now.注意点:1. 一个规定:have gone (to) 去了(到了某地或在途中) have been (to) 去过(已从某地回来或又到别处去了) She has gone to Shanghai. 她去上海了。She has ever been to Shanghai. 她曾去过上海。2. 现在完成时常与一般现在时一起用,强调现在完成时动作的结果或影响。They have spent all the mone

8、y, so they have to walk home.3. 现在完成时常与一般过去时一起用,强调现在完成时动作发生的时间、地点等。I have been to Japan before. I went there by plane last year.-Have you taken your medicine? Yes. I took it after breakfast.4. 现在完成时与一般过去时区别:现在完成时与现在有关,与模糊的过去时间连用,如:just, before, ever等。一般过去时与现在无关,与具体的过去时间连用,如:just now, two years ago等。

9、He has ever been to Beijing before. He went there two years ago. 三、概念及用法(二)1、现在完成时(二)的概念:从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态,常与表示时间段的状语连用。常见时间段表达有:for two years, since last year, over/during/in the past 100 years, so far, till now等。I have lived here since six years ago.注意点:1. 瞬时动词一般不与一段时间状语连用,但瞬时动词转换成相应的延续动词,可与含有一段时间的

10、现在完成时连用。I have kept the book for two weeks.常见转换有:borrowkeep, buyhave, beginbe on, leavebe away (from), joinbe in/be a member of, diebe dead, come herebe here, go outbe out, get upbe up, 等。以下转换的表达可作通用套式:His dog died three months ago.His dog has died.His dog has been dead for three months.It has been/

11、 Its three months since his dog died.Three months has passed since his dog died2. 瞬时动词的否定形式是事实延续,可用于含有一段时间的现在完成时。 I havent seen you for a long time.3. 表达瞬时动词发生的次数或瞬时动词多次发生,是事实延续,可用于含有一段时间的现在完成时。例如:He has caught five fish till now.I have seen the poor dog three times since I got to school this mornin

12、g.4. have been有多种由语境才能确定的含义。I have been there before. (have been there指:去过那儿)I have been here for two years. (have been here 指:在这儿)The film has been on for half an hour. (has been on 指:在上演)He has been in the army since he was 18 years old. (has been in 指:参加)一、过去完成时谓语动词:had + 动词的过去分词二、概念及用法:强调过去某一特定时

13、间以前就已经完成的动作或状态,即“过去的过去”。We had learnt 2,000 English words by the end of last term.When we got there, the film had already started.She said she had seen the film. 一、过去将来时谓语动词: “would +动词原形”, “was/were going to +动词原形”表示从过去某一时间看来将要发生的动作或状态。Detective Lu said that they would look for more clues the follo

14、wing day.初中英语中考复习动词时态精练整理:潘玉银词时态练习专项练习(一)( )1.I will tell him as soon as he _ back.A. come B. comes C. will come D. came( )2. Mary usually _ on shoes when she _ them.A. triesbuys B. tries buies C. trys buys D. trys buies( )3. The girl often _ cold when she _.A. cathcsdances B. catches dances C. catc

15、hsdancees D. catches dancs( )4. _ he _ himself there? No, I dont think so. A. Doenjoy B. Does enjoies C. Does enjoys D. Doesenjoy( )5. _ your teacher _ from them very often? Certainly.A. Dohear B. Doeshear C. Do receive D. receive( )6. _ your mother _ some cleaning on Sundays?A. Doesdoes B. Dodoes C

16、. Doesdo D. Do do( )7. _ Tom _to work hard to help his family ?Yes, he _.A. Has /does B. Has/does C. Doeshashas D. Does havedoes( )8. Which teacher _ lessons to you every day ?A. does gives B. does give C. do give D. gives ( )9. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, _? _ , he does.A. does heNo B. d

17、oes heYes C. doesnt heNo D. doesnt heYes( )10.Mr Black often _ fishing on Sundays, _ he ?A. goesdoesnt B. goesisnt t godoes D. doesnt gois( )11.He usually _ TV on Sunday evening.A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching( )12. Well go to play with snow if it _ tomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. will s

18、now D. snowed( )13. Neither I nor he _ French. A. speak B. doesnt speak C. speaks D. doesnt speak( )14. Nobody _ how to run this machine.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing( )15. The Young Pioneer _ water for the old man every day.A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries( )16. Some are _ in t

19、he river and some are _ games.A. swimming playing B. swimmingplaiingC. swimingplaying D. swimmingplaing( )17. Look ! The boy students are _ football while the girls are _ .A. playing dance B. playing dancingC. play dancing D. play dance( )18. He _ to do his lessons at eight every evening.A. is begin

20、ning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins ( )19. _ he _ on well with his friends this term ?A. Doesgets B. Doesget C. Isget D. Isgeting( )20. Mr Smith _ short stories, but he _ a TV play these days.A. is writingis writing B. is writing writesC. writes is writing D. writes writes( )21. I _ to the cinem

21、a. I _ there every Sunday.A. gogo B. am going go C. go am going D. am goingam going( )22. Look, they_ a good time, _ they ?A. havedo B. havedontC. are havingare D. are having aren( )23. You _ about the future now, _ you ?A. dont thinkdont B. arent thinking arenC. dont think do D. arent thinking are(

22、 )24. She always _ of others first wherever she _.A .thinksgoes B. thinkgoes C. thinkgo D. thinks go ( )25. He often _ late in the forest. It _ me very much.,A. stayedworried B. staied worriedC. stayedworryed D. staied worried( )26. Just now, I _that the boy _ with no tears in his eyes.A. notice cry

23、ed B. noticed criedC. noticecried D. noticed cryed( )27. We _the floor and _ all the windows.A. mopped cleanned B. moped cleannedC. moppedcleaned D. moped cleaned( )28. When I _ the Childrens Palace, the children _ with joy.A. visited jumpped B. visited jumped C. visites jumped D. visites jumpped (

24、)29. _ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they _.A. Did they have did B. Did they have had C. Had they had D. Had they did ( )30. _ you _out for a walk after supper ? Yes, I _.A. Didwentwent B. Did go went C. Did went did D. Did go did( )31. _ Jack _ on with his work or _ to have a rest?A. Did went s

25、topped B. Did go stopC. Did went stop D. Did go stopped( )32. You gave them a talk two days ago, _you ?A. did did B. did gave C. didnt did D. didnt gave( )33. _ your brother _ a letter to ? My father.A. Who wrote B. Whatwrote C. Who didwrite D. What did write( )34. They _ about the TV news then in t

26、he sitting-room. They often _ such talksA. talkedhad B. talkhave C. were talkinghad D. are talkinghave( )35. He _ some cooking at that time, so he _ me.A. did heard B. did didnt hearC. was doing heard D. was doing didn( )36. _ you angry then? They_ too much noise.”A. Arewere making B. Werewere makin

27、gC. Aremade D. Were made( )37. This time yesterday Jack _ his, bike. He _ TV.A. repaired didnt watch B. was repairing watched C. repaired watched D. was repairing wasnt watching ( )38. We _ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us _.A. were waiting waiting B. were waiting wait C. waited waiting D. waited wait ( )39. When you _ at the door, I _ some washing.A. knocked did B. was knocking did C. knocked

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