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1、围岩蚀变:硅化化学元素标志主要矿物元素:Al 次要矿物元素:V,Fe,Ti,P矿床规模:小型与中型矿床构造带:Andyghen-Kichikalay,Dekhkanabad,Emba,Farghona-Isfara-Osh,Kughitang,Mughodjar East,Muzkol,Sarez,Torgay Central,Torgay North,Torgay South,Torgay West,Urmetan,Zauralsk,Zhaman-Sarysu构造分区:Kairaqty,Kempirsai,Northern,Southern,Stepnyak East,Tashkumyr,T

2、roitsk,Yagnob,Zhaman-Sarysu包含研究区域:杰孜卡兹甘,卡拉套,吉尔吉斯阿拉套,卡尔卡拉林品位吨位模型:沉积型层控铝矿床吨位模型沉积型层控铝矿床品位模型ID1733NameKrasnooktyabrskoeRussian nameCountryKAZAKHSTANMajor CommodityAlDeposit_TypeSedimentary stratiformDeposit SizeLarge and very largeAdministrative districtQostanay OblysyGeological settings and rocksThe de

3、posit is located in the western flank of Turgai depression, in the Western Turgai bauxite basin. The area is composed of dislocated Lower Carboniferous rocks (limestone, andesite porphyrite, tuffite) overlined with flat sandy-clay MZ-CZ deposits. Preore Paleozoic basement was intruded with small dio

4、rite and plagiogranite-porphyry bodies. The basement surface is complicated by faults, as well as by karst and erosion-karst depressions filled with bauxite-bearing deposits varied in shape and in size. The bauxite-bearing deposits form two members, lower one composed of variegated clay and upper on

5、e, including stone, loose, aclayey bauxites.Geological ageMZ-CZTectonic ZoneTorgay CentralWallrock alterationsideritizationOrebody morphology26 ore bodies are groupped at 2 sites, Northern (17) and Southern (9). Ores were formed through resedemintation laterite weathering crust tocarst depressions.M

6、ajor mineralsgibbsite, hydrohematite, hematite, kaolin, sideriteMinor mineralschlorite, pyrite,corundum, calciteGradeA12O3 41.8-49.8 %; SiO2 5.2-14.0 %; Fe2O3 7.2-24.2 %TonnageRes. Are more than 120 Mt1773KlochkovskoeAl?CuMediumKlochkovskoe is confined to the western contact of the South-Adaevsky in

7、trusive massif, formed mainly by quartz porphyraceous diorites, diorite porphyrites and granodiorites. The inclosing rocks are represented by volcanic-sedimentary formations of the Upper Middle Vise. Residuums of an average thickness of 40 m are developed over the infolded basement rocks; they are o

8、verlapped by sandy-clayey sediments of the Neogene-Quaternary up to 20 m thick. All varieties of intrusive rocks have undergone significant hydrothermal alterations, expressed by silicification, sericitization and epidotization which confine the most intense sulphide mineralization. As a result of e

9、xploration drilling at 400x200 m grid, 74 - 94 m thick mineralization with a copper grade of 0.3 to 0.74% and gold grade of 0.1-0.2 g/t was detected. The mineralization is localized both in the intrusive rocks of the Paleozoic basement (primary ores) and in the products of their weathering (oxidized

10、). Primary ores are traced with the holes to a depth of 226 m, oxidized to 30 m. The mineralization in the residuum is richer than in the bed rock, according to commercial components grade. 2800 .2, 31,5 , 86 .3, 2,2/3 190 . 0,35% 665 . 3, 6, 7, 9 11. , 0,1 %, 14 184 82,4 .GibbsiteCu - 0.1-1.28 %, a

11、v.Cu - 0.21 %. Copper potential resources are estimated at 0.825 Mt, and gold resources at about 15 tons. , , 1200 . 2. , , , 2,6 /3 : 260 . , 550 . . 0,15 / 40 .Tectoning settingThe southern part of Valeryanovskaya zone 1853KirovskoeAl, TiAqtobe OblysyThe weathering crust 10-15 m thick occurs on th

12、e basement rocks: shale (O) intruded bygabbro-amphibolite, diabase, porphyrite (C). Cretaceous continental deposits include 2 members: the lower one 15-20 m thick composed of feldspar-quartz sand with some pebble in the bottom and the uppeer member up to 35 m thick - variegated bauxite clay and baux

13、ite, turning down the slope into coaly clay with coal and bauxite lenses.K1Torgay WestThe weathering crust 10-15 m thick - minimal thickness is at the rises and maximal - at the depressions of pre-aptian relif.gibbsite, siderite, kaoliniteboehmite(stone bauxite) SiO2 7.8%; l203 38.4 %; Fe203 17.2 %

14、; (soft) SiO2 11.8 %; l203 39.6 %; Fe203 8.6 %, (clay-like): SiO2 9.9 %; l203 36.8 %; Fe203 16.9 %沉积型层控铁矿床 中生代,新生代E3,J,K2矿体形态:菱铁矿,含铁绿泥石,含水针铁矿,赤铁矿, 磁铁矿, 假象赤铁矿, 石英, 氯酸盐, 方解石氧化,卡瓦克Fe, Mn 次要矿物元素:V,Cu, Co小型矿床Torgay Central,Naryn,Teniz,Farghona North,Mangyshlak,EmbaKavak,Tashkumyr,Northern,Kempirsai沉积型层控铁

15、矿床品位模型857KurmentyKYRGYZSTANFeNaryn OblysyHost rocks: schist of Jetym formation (V)NarynTectonic subzoneKavakLenses form a ore-bearing horizon 3.5 km long varied in thickness from 100 m in the east and west to 300 400 m in the cental parts. Ore bodies vary from 0.5 km to 2 km in length and from 2 m t

16、o 26 m in thickness (total 50-70 m)haematite, magnetitechlorite, quartzFe 20 %, (CaO + MgO) 1.3-6.0 %, P2O5 0.05-0.75 %, SO3 0.02-0.65 %.Fe 56 Mt1711AyatskoeMinor CommodityVLeptochlorite-siderite ore horizon overlays quartz-glauconite sand (K2cn) rare Pz rocks and their weathering crust. It is overl

17、ayed by lignite clay (K2cm-ma), as well as, by sand-clay deposits (E-Q)K2oxidationSubhorizontal beds 2-9 m thick of oolitic ores and concretional siderite ores (2500 area) form 13 ore bodies, in some places - oxidized and redeposited enriched oolitic oressiderite, ferriferous chlorite, hydrogo

18、ethitecalcite, quartz, clay minelals, gipsumFe - 37.1 %, FeO 13,8%, Mn - 0.5-5 %, TiO2 - 0.1-0.42 %, V2O5 - 0.05-0.13 %, NiO - to 0.01 %Res. Total - 11,600 Mt including (+1) 1,755.450 Mt, (2) 5,188.1 Mt, off-balance - 3,209.210 Mt沉积型层控磷矿床古生代,新生代。Cam,E1-2,K,O3-S1接触变形,碳酸盐化 P 次要矿物元素:F, REE, V, Co, NiCh

19、u-Sarysu,Dekhkanabad,Emba,Gissar South ,Karoi,Kholzun-Chuisk,Kyzylkum,Mangyshlak,Nuratau-Malguzar ,Pericaspian,SurkhandariyaArdjanak,Bukhara,Kempirsai,Northern,Shakhrisab,Southern,Zhanatas实例: karatau.pdf, geres.pdf,koksu.pdf,janatas.pdf,卡拉套沉积型层控磷矿床品位模型914Chulaktau-I-I phosphoriteZhambul OblysyThe de

20、posit is located in the SE par of Qaratau basinCam2KaroiZhanatasmetamorphosisA phosphorite horizon 15-20 m thick includes 1-2 beds (3-10 m thick, 0.2 - 5 km long)apatiteRes. 6 Mt1222Sherabad-II-IIUzbekistanSmallSurxondaryo OblysyThe deposit is related to the SE limb of the Kagny Anticline as a part

21、of the Sherabad-Sarykamysh Uplift. The Sarykamysh Thrust Fault is the major tectonic line controlling the structure of the deposit. The deposit area is covered by Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments. Quaternary sediments occur in the SE part of the deposit. The ore is hosted in the sulfate-carbonate unit of the Kachin Stage with frequent alternation of gypsum-anhydrite and carbonate (bituminous, dolomitic, organogenic, and breccia-like limestones) lenticular layers.PgSurkhandariyaCarbonatizationThe Upper unit that includes t

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