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1、 13)抽象的 adj.a 14)杂志 n.m 15)陪伴;伴随 v.a 16)播送、发射 v.t 17)潜在的,可能的 adj.p 18)预言,预示 v.p 19)温度 n.t 20)贡献;捐献 v.c 2.根据句子的意思将括号中的词变成适当的形式。 1)He(shake)his head each time the waiter brought him something to drink. 2)For centuries the Atlantic Ocean kept the Americas from(discover)by the people of Europe. 3)Man-ea

2、ting(may,start)because people were eager to strong and brave as their enemies. 4)I(do)all the work by the time you are back tomorrow. 5)I am sorry(keep)you waiting for so long. 6)He saw me and came(run)towards me. 7)I regret(not,take)your advice. 8)The(far)away we get from the earth,the thinner the

3、air becomes. 9)Had he not been ill,he(come)。 10)They demanded that the right to vote(give)to every adult man.3.根据句子的意思选择准确的答案。 1)Ocean currents affect the climates of the near ()they flow. A.which B.where C.for 2)Our first acquaintance ()them comes not from our mmothers lips or from the talk of

4、 our classmates,but from books we read. B.with 3)The solutions to real problems cannot be seen ()。 advance conclusion return the final analysis 4)Scientists will have to ()new methods of increasing the worlds food supply. A.come up with faced with C.get rid of acr

5、oss 5)He did the work to ()you the trouble. A.prevent B.spare C.stop D.omit 6)Now you can see ()you should consult the dictionary last,not first. B.what C.why 7)(),T couldnt loft the shone. A.As I might try B.Try as I might C.Try I as might D.Try I as might 8)(),one way to preserve species is

6、to remove them to zoos and breed them there. A.What a cause B.What the cause C.Whatever cause D.Whatever the cause 9)()the house burns down,well get the insurance money. A.In case B.In order C.In turn D.For the most part 10)People associate colors ()different objects,feelings,and holidays.

7、 C.with D.for4.下面的句子中每个句子都有四处带有括号并标以A、B、C、D,其中有一处是错误的。指出你认为错误之处。 1)(Advertising)/A is only (part)/B of the total (sale)/C effort,but it is the part that (attracts)/D the most attention. A. B. C. D. 2)Telecommunication can make information from around the world (available)/A to use quickly and easily

8、,(but)/B some people (worry about)/C this may be a risk (to)/D our privacy. 3)When they (join)/A the work force,their employers and associates (alike)/B will soon realize the behavior of these rude young people (is)/C closer to (those)/D of animals than civilized individuals. 4)Because boys aggressi

9、ve,they refuse (to accept)/A other (peoples)/B solutions;they (insist)/C solving problems for (themselves)/D. 5)One way of (getting)/A enough nutrients while (kept)/B ones weight down is to take substitutes (for)/C foods which contain (too much)/D fat. 6)Scientists can (tell from)/A fossil evidence

10、in rocks (that)/B many living species (become)/C extinct over the (millions)/D of years since life began. 7)In the (final)/A analysis,we think that (because)/B fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer,it cal help you (enjoy)/C the years you (do live)/D. 8)The wet,marshy land produces a l

11、arge (number)/A of insects that provide food (for)/B the smaller birds that,(in turn)/C,to (provide)/D food for the arctic fox and the wolf. 9)The human species (is)/A the only one (in)/B (the whole of)/C animated nature (which)/D sheds tears. 10)Preschool shildren are not yet (fully)/A able to dist

12、inguish fantasy (with)/B reality and their understanding of the underlying motives (for)/C behavior and the subtleties of moral conflicts (is)/D not yet well developed.5.本题共有三段短文,每段短文后面有三至四道小题,共计十道小题。每道小题都有四个选择项。找出你认为准确的答案。(20%) Passage 1 If you dont use a dictionary,what should you do instead?The f

13、irst thing you can do is trying to guess what the word neans.Often the surrounding context gives a very clear idea of the meaning of the word.Even if you cant work out the meaning exactly,you may be able to get a vague idea,enough to enable you to continue reading. Sometimes it is impossible to gues

14、s the meaning of a word from the context and then you will have to decide whether the word is important enough to make it worth while stopping and looking it up in a dictionary,or whether you can just pass it by. Many times in your reading,you will come across words which you dont know,but which do

15、not prevent you from understanding all the main points of the text.You can make your dictionary use much more efficient if you only look up the words which are necessary to understand the text,and this means that you must develop the skill to decide whether the words are worth looking up. 1)The pass

16、age mainly tells us in our reading what we should do_. A.without knowledge of English B.when we look up words in a dictionary C.when we are guessing new words D.without using dictionary 2)Even if you cant work out the meaning exactly,you may be able to get a vague idea.Here “vague”means_. A.mysterio

17、us B.not clear C.exact D.important 3)In our reading some words we dont know_. us to understand the text well B.dont prevent us from understanding the main points of the text C.will be remembered forever D.are borrowed from other langeages 4)In this passage the writer_. A.advised us to use the

18、 dictionary as much as possible B.told us not to be discouraged by the sight of a dictionary C.gave us some advice on how to deal with these unknown words D.introduced some ways to take notes in the course of readingPassage 2 There are some steps you can take yourself to avoid cat catching cold.Cont

19、rary to popular belief,colds are not caused by exposure to severe weather.Colds are caused by viruses(病毒)harbored in the body,and youre better off out on the ski slopes even waiting for the bus on a snowy day than you are in a rather warm room,surrounded by friends,co-workers,or fellow students,who

20、just may be passing the virus around.If you feel a chill(发冷)when youre coming down with a cold,youre already sick.A shill is an early symptom:Its the cold that caused the chill,not the other way around While the virus can spread through droplets propelled into the air when a cold-sufferer coughs or

21、sneezes,surprisingly,this is not the most common route of transmission.Studies have now shown that the overwhelming majority of colds are “caught”by hand contact.A cold-sufferer rubs her nose,thereby transferring the virus to her hand.Then a friend comes to visit.“Dont kiss me,”she cautions,so the f

22、riend steps back and presses her hand.The friend then wipes her own nose or eye-and several days later is stricken with a cold.Or parents pick up their childs discarded tissues(面纸)and carefully throw them away,but fail to wash their hands afterward. Cold viruses also can be transferred to objects-te

23、lephones,towels, plates-and remain in fectious for up to three hours.Frequent hand-washing-on the part of the cold-sufferer as well as other members of the household-will minimize the spread of viruses in this way. 5)Which of the following steps you take will most probably cause you to catch a cold?

24、 A.To expose yourself to sever weather. B.To be on the ski slopes. C.To wait for the bus on a snowy day. D.To stay in a rather warm room with a lot of prople. 6)To prevent viruses from spreading,we should_. A)shake hands with our friends instead of kissing them B)never touch the telepones,towels or

25、plates C)often wash our hands D)often rub our noses and eyes 7)The best title for this passage might be_. A.Colds and Viruses B.Ways to Avoid Colds C.The Spread of Viruses D.Hand Contact and Transmissions of VirusesPassage 3 When young people get their first real jobs,they may tace a lot of new,conf

26、using situations.They may find that everything is different from the way things were at school.It is also possible that they will feel uncomfortable and insecure in both professional and social situations.Eventually,they realize that university classes cant be the only preparation for all of the dif

27、ferent situations that arise in the working world. Perhaps the best way to learn how to behave im the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior.In doing so,you will be able to see what it is that you admire in this person.For example,you will observe how he acts in a

28、crisis.Perhaps even more important,you will be able to see what is his qpproach to day-to-day situations. while you are observing your colleague(同事),you should be asking yourself whether his be havior is like yours and how you can learn from his responses to a variety of situations.By watching and l

29、earning from a model,you will probably begin to identify and adopt good working habits. 8)The young people just graduated from school may not behave well in the working world,because_. A.what they learned in university classes is not adequate for their new life B.they are not well educated C.the society is too complicated to adapt to D.they failed to work hard at school 9)The best way to

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