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1、 最后passage 再被完整地读一遍以供练习者检查。 大家在下载区下载了十个dictation 训练的MP3 文件后,可以进行练习了, 相应的文本已经登在下面。给自己打个分吧!总分 10 分,动、名、形容、副词 错一个扣0.5 分,这里的动词不包括be 动词;其他类型的词(含标点符号)错 一个不扣分,错两个扣0.5 分,错三个扣1 分。同一词重复出现,每次都写错, 只算错一次。你的得分能不能在八分以上?DICTATION 1 Human beings can locate sound sources by comparing in the brain the sounds which arr

2、ive at each ear. Try a simple experiment: ask a friend to sit in a chair and to close his eyes. Tell him to sit facing in one direction and not to move his head. Make a sharp sound, for example, by clicking the fingers, blowing a whistle or striking a piece of metal, about two meters away from him.

3、Get your friend to point to the source of the sound. Now make the sound at different places around him, still about two meters away. See how good he is at locating the sounds. Make sure that the room is almost silent and do not distract the subject by other noises. Note carefully his performance wit

4、h sounds in the medial plane. The result will probably show one important factor in location: it is not very accurate when the sound source is at points of equal distance from the two ears. DICTATION 2 Surprisingly many English people go on holiday only to return in need of another one. People who n

5、ormally live quiet, ordinary lives, traveling to and from their work everyday, watching television in the evenings and doing a little gardening on Sundays, decided to take holidays that require the training and fitness of an athlete. Some are astonished and angry because at the end of a couple of da

6、ys, they ache all over, have pains in their joints and blisters on their heels. Others, accustomed to our cool, rainy summers, spend their time abroad burning themselves in the sun, and eating foreign foods which upset their digestions. The doctors surgery is always full of returned holiday-makers i

7、n September. Personally my ideal holiday is staying at home and reading books which carry me farther than any summer journey. DICTATION 3 William Shakespeare is best known for his plays, but he and his period are also studied by scholars who are interested in theatre architecture. The design of thea

8、tres has changed a lot since the Greeks first acted in open air theatres. Every period in history has had its different style of theatres. Shakespeares name has always been connected with the Globe Theatre which was in London on the south bank of the River Thames. The Globe, a circular theatre, had

9、no roof and the stage was a rather elaborate structure in the middle of the theatre. Shakespeare acted in this theatre and also helped to manage it. In fact, the Globe, was not very different from many modern theatres. Today, many of the huge theatres of the nineteenth century have disappeared. Mode

10、rn theatres are more intimate and certainly much smaller. The audience is nearer the stage and in closer contact with the actors. Unlike the Globe, most modern theatres, however, have a roof!DICTATION 4 Social insects live in integrated communities which in some ways are similar to human communities

11、. In both types of community there is division of labour. In insect societies certain insects are responsible for reproduction; the workers collect food while the soldiers defend the colony. In the same way human groups such as farmers and shopkeepers have specialized functions in producing goods an

12、d providing services to the community. Insect and human societies are also alike in that individual members of the community work together. Ants coordinate their efforts to build nests. Similarly, in human societies engineers, architects, town planners and construction workers unite to build cities.

13、 The nests of social insects are as complex as a man-made city. In some insect nests special accommodation is provided for the young and for food storage. Many nests also have devices for regulating the temperature. So insect nests are as functional as human houses. DICTATION 5 Many peoples favorite

14、 hobby is sports. They spend much of their spare time playing team games like football or baseball, games for two or four people, like tennis, or golf or practicing an individual sport like running, parachuting or swimming. People usually practice a sport for at least two reasons. First they enjoy i

15、t and second, they feel a need to keep fit in that they feel better after they have had some exercise. But sport is not just for participants. Its for spectators too. Millions of people all over the world spend hours every week watching sports events on television, or at stadiums. People enjoy being

16、 “fans” or supporters of one team or one particular sports personality, and many professionals are now as popular and famous as the greatest Hollywood movie stars. Of course, spectators particularly enjoy watching international matches and contests, and events such as the Olympic Games or the World

17、Cup attract more and more spectators as time goes by. DICTATION 6 Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farmland,

18、 and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways. However, mans changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial res

19、ults. Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles; smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of countryside. So it is necessary

20、for man to limit the growth of technology in order to survive on earth. DICTATION 7 Buckingham House was built for the Duke of Buckingham in the eighteenth century. However, it became a royal residence in 1775 when George III bought it. His son, George IV, began the reconstruction of the house, whic

21、h was not finished until the time of Queen Victoria who was the first queen to live there. Today, the Queens home is officially called Buckingham Palace, although many Londoners still call it Buck House. When the queen is in residence, a flag called the Royal Standard flies at the top of a pole. The

22、 palace is guarded by sentries of the Guards Division. The guards are changed in the morning in the forecourt behind the railings. The ceremony is always very popular with tourists, who take many photographs, mainly because it is so colorful. The new guard marches behind a band and arrives in the fo

23、recourt at about 11:30. The ceremony usually lasts half an hour. DICTATION 8 Vandalism, v-a-n-d-a-l-i-s-m, that is the senseless destruction of other peoples property, seems to have become part of modern life. We have also come to accept robbery with violence in our streets as a common danger. It is

24、 interesting to note that in the past when London was blacked out every night, vandalism and robbery were practically unknown. People walked the streets in complete darkness without fear of being attacked or robbed on their way home. Perhaps it is true to say that in our modern, progressive society

25、vandalism and robbery express a revolt against idleness, the despair of young people who have no purpose in life and who face unemployment from the moment they leave school. So it is our job to make sure that the young feel wanted, useful and necessary to the society they live in. DICTATION 9 It was

26、 not until the beginning of this century that it was recognized that certain substances were essential in the diet to prevent, or cure, some diseases. These substances are now known as vitamins. They are vital for growth, good health, and maintenance of the normal functions of the body. A well-balan

27、ced diet should provide all the vitamins we normally require. Those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to buy sufficient food should not suffer from vitamin deficiency. However, for various reasons, some people do not maintain a balanced diet. People often lose their appetite because of illne

28、ss. People living alone may not bother to eat proper meals, and people on a diet may not eat sufficient quantities of necessary foods. Moreover, modern methods of preserving, freezing, and long-term storage of food, together with overcooking, can destroy many of the vitamins. DICTATION 10 At 3:45 p.

29、m. on August 6 th 1976 Big Ben stopped working. The engineers who repaired the clock believe that the breakdown was the result of metal fatigue. Metals deteriorate owing to repeated stresses above a certain critical value. Part of the clock mechanism fractured. As a result, the speed of the gear whe

30、els increased from above one and a half revolutions per minute to 16,000 rpm. The resulting centrifugal force threw pieces of the clock mechanism in all directions. It also damaged the mechanism which drives the clocks hands. The metal fatigue had never been noticed, as fatigue cracks are invisible

31、to the naked eye. The engineers have now fitted a device that will prevent the accident from happening again. Any increase in speed will cause a brake to be applied to the gear wheel. The engineers are confident that Big Ben will remain accurate and reliable for another 200 years. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)

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