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1、2)Im sorry to have kept you waiting.3)Do you see a girl running towards us?4)The lost boy was seen playing in the river.5)His words left me wondering what he was driving at.6) I often catch him sleeping in class.二过去分词1. 过去分词作状语分词可作时间、条件、结果、原因、伴随等状语,现在分词作状语,表示主动或进行的动作,过去分词状语表示被动或完成的动作,此时分词的逻辑主语是主句的主语

2、,应注意人称、时态和语态的一致性。原因:1) Encouraged by the teacher,the students worked still harder than ever.2) He soon fell asleep,tired by the journey.3) Born into a poor family,he had to do part-time jobs when he was at school.4) Sent to hospital without delay,the child was saved at last.时间:1) Seen from the hill,

3、the city looks very beautiful.2) Driven out of the house,the cat climbed up the tree.3) Heated,the metal expands.4) Left alone in the room,the boy began to cry条件:1) Given more time,we could have done it better.2) Taken in time,the medicine will be quite effective.3) Looked at in another way,it is a

4、problem of great importance.4) Permitted to do it once more ,Tom could have done a better job.伴随:1) He turned away, greatly disappointed.2) The professor came into the lab, followed by a group of the students.3) “OK,”he said, pleased.4) He came to greet us, dressed as a businessman.5) They got home

5、finally, tired and hungry. 特例be dressed in ; be interested in ; be prepared for ; be disappointed at ;be crowded with ; be filled with ; be pleased with ;be amazed at; be caught in;be absorbed in ; be satisfied with ; be lost in thought ; be concerned about ; be devoted to ;be trapped in ; be stuck

6、in ; be annoyed with 2.过去分词作宾补过去分词作宾补与宾语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,与补充说明的成分之间有被动或完成意义。带过去分词作宾补的动词常见的有:A.表示感官和心理状态的动词see,hear,watch,look at,listento,notice,observe,find,feel,consider1) She was very glad to see her son well looked after.2) I have never heard the song sung in English.3) He was surprised to find his ro

7、om cleaned.4) He didnt notice his wallet stolen.5) I considered this problem settled.B.表示“使役”“致使”的动词 get,have,keep,leave,make1)When you speak,you should make yourself understood.2)Please keep me informed of the latest development.3)She will get the fence mended.C.表示要求、希望、命令的动词 like,need,order,want,w

8、ish1) Do you wish your breakfast brought to your room?2)I should like the matter settled immediatelyD.过去分词用在“with +宾语宾补”这一结构中,过去分词与宾语之间是动宾关系。如:1)The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back. 2)With many brightly-colored flowers planted around the building, his house looks like a beau

9、tiful garden. 3)With everything well arranged, he left the office. E.过去分词、现在分词、和不定式作宾补的区别。现在分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是主谓关系。其动作与谓语动作同时进行。过去分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是动宾关系。其动作先于谓语动作。不定式作宾补:表一个完成的动作、或表一个很短时间内看到、听到或感觉到的具体动作。eg: 1)He didnt notice me waiting. 2)I heard the song sung in English. 3)I saw him opening the window. 4)I

10、 saw the window opened. 5)I saw him open the window. 6)I heard her sing the song in English.现在分词和过去分词作定语的比较现在分词作前置定语表示正在进行的主动动作。过去分词作前置定语表示被动,且有已经完成的含义。可换成相应的定语从句。boiling water boiled waterthe rising sun the risen suna burning stick a burned/burnt sticka broken cupa falling tree a fallen treethe peo

11、ple questioned in the roomthe people singing in the roomthe people taking partthe boy sitting near the windowthe factory built last yearthe only ticket left the students present at the meeting三不定式1. 动词不定式(短语)作宾语I will leave it to you to make the final decision. 我将由你来做最后的决定。She decided to quit her jo

12、b at last. 最后,她决定辞职。I hope to see you soon. 我希望很快见到你。注意:1) 在以下这些动词后面只能跟动词不定式(短语)作宾语:afford, agree, aim, ask, claim, choose, decide, demand, desire, determine, expect, fail, hope, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, resolve, threaten, wish, want等。2. 动词不定式(短语)作宾语补足语或在被动语态中作主语补足语 Wed love yo

13、u to give us a hand. 我们想让你帮个忙。He was made to repair the broken chair. 要他修理弄坏的椅子。She was seen to draw a wonderful picture. 有人见她作了幅美丽的画儿。1)在一些动词后,用作宾语补语的动词不定式符号to 要省略掉。这类动词包括感官动词以及使役动词,如feel, spot, look at, listen to, observe, see, hear, watch, notice, have, make, let 等。但如果句子为被动语态,动词不定式(短语)为主补时,要带to(l

14、et 除外)。I heard her sing a song in the next room yesterday. 我昨天听见她在隔壁唱过一首歌。(She was heard to sing a song in the next room yesterday.)I had John fix my bike. 我让约翰修理我的自行车。 The boy was made to go to bed early. 这男孩被迫早上床睡觉。She was seen to walk into the classroom with a book under her arm. 有人看见她胳臂下夹着一本书走进了

15、教室。2. 动词不定式(短语)作定语When the question was out, he was the first one to raise his hand. 问题一提出,他第一个举起手。I am afraid I cannot attend your party,for I have too many things to do. 表将来恐怕我不能参加你的晚会了,因为我有好多事情要做。 a. 当被修饰的是不定代词如everything, anything, much, little 等,或被修饰的名词前被形容词最高级,序数词,the only等强调结构修饰时,非谓语动词作定语则只能用

16、动词不定式。He was the last to realize the importance of this problem. 他没有及时意识到问题的重要性。 He is always the first to come and the last to leave. b. 下列名词后用不定式作定语。 chance decision wish promise plan time attempt effort right ability patience He had no time to think about rest. Is that the best way to solve the p

17、roblem.3. 作目的状语The whole family came out to see my performance. 全家人出来看我表演。He called to say goodbye. 他打电话来道别。To catch the first bus, Li Lei started out early.Im here to tell you a piece of good news.四动名词考点:1. 作主语Reading is an art. 读书是一种艺术。Climbing mountains is really fun. 爬山真是有趣Working in these condi

18、tions is not a pleasure but a suffer. 在这种工作条件下工作不是一件愉快的事而是一件痛苦的事。Swimming is a good sport in summer. 2.作宾语下列动词或短语后只能用动名词作宾语advise, allow, permit, avoid, consider, enjoy, finish, give up, cannot help, imagine, include, keep, keep on, mind, miss, put off, delay, practise, resist, suggest, depend on, t

19、hink about, set about, succeed in, worry about, burst out, insist on, cant stand, be used to, get used to, devoteto, look forward to, pay attention to, get down to,escape 等。下列动词后用不定式和动名词作宾语意思不同try mean remember forget regret go on 2015北京高考各区一模二模非谓语动词专练1. During the weekend, the health club is usuall

20、y full of people_ to get in shape. A.try B. tried C. trying D. having tried 【东城区一模】2. Can you give me a ride?Sorry. There is no room _ in my car. 【东城区一模】A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. being left3. Good news! Theres a supermarket _in this area next month!Cool! It will be convenient for us when its

21、 open! 【东城区一模】A. building B. built C. having built D. to be built4. In China, New Years Day isnt a big moment_ with the Spring Festival Acomparing Bcompared 【西城区一模】 Cto compare Dbeing compared5. My granny does crossword puzzles each day _ her mind sharp【西城区一模】 Ato keep Bkept Chaving kept Dto be kept

22、6. A new learning center has been built in the school, _ students to get to know the world more easily 【西城区一模】 Aallow Ballowed Cto allow Dallowing7. opinions on the schedule, we finally reached on agreement. 【海淀区一模】A. Having exchanged B. Exchanging C. Exchanged D. To exchange8. Mike will become the

23、first person in his family college education. 【海淀区一模】A. finished B. having finished C. finishing D. to finish9. Premier Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the conference, university graduates to start their own business. 【海淀区一模】A. encouraging B. to encourage C. having encouraged D. encouraged10. Altho

24、ugh _ from illnesses for years, the old lady still faces her day with a smile. Asuffered Bhaving suffered 【石景山区一模】Csuffering Dhaving been suffered11. The new software Emperors One Day gives children the chance _ life as a ruler. Aexperienced Bto experience 【石景山区一模】Cbeing experienced Dhaving experien

25、ced12. We are eager to see concrete measures against smog _ in the near future. Ataken Bbeing taken 【石景山区一模】Cto take Dtake13. Tom made an excellent speech without _ his notes even for once. Areferred to Bbeing referred to 【石景山区一模】Creferring to Dhaving referred to14. The food _ in this way keeps fres

26、h 【丰台区一模】 Aprepare Bpreparing Cto prepare Dprepared15. _ to the house owner, the designer had a clear idea of what to do【丰台区一模】 ATo talk BTalked CHaving talked DBeing talked16. Whenever Im in trouble, I hear a voice _ in my head “ You can do it 【丰台区一模】 Ato ring Bringing Crung Dhaving rung17. The roa

27、d _ next week leads to Highway 62 【丰台区一模】 Abuilding Bto build Cto be built Dbuilt18. In order to keep fit, the old man makes it a rule _ for a walk after supper every day. 【朝阳区一模】A. goingB. to goC. goD. gone19. Oh! I can feel something _ up my leg! It must be an insect. 【朝阳区一模】A. to climb B. climbingC. climbD. climbed20. Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when _ alone. 【朝阳区一模】A. seenB. seeingC. seeD. to see21. S

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