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人教版英语九年级全一册教案Unit2 SectionB2a Self CheckWord格式.docx

1、在这一环节应指导和训练学生的阅读速度及答题的技巧,指导写作环节。这一环节需要学生在前期的学习中有一定的语言知识的积累以3的写作训练自我检测环节这一环节需要引导学生尽可能地完成对本单元重点词fool, lie, novel, eve, dead, business, punish, warn, present, nobody, warmth, spread,wake up, spreadaround, betweenand, not onlybut also, a symbl o 页 1 第句型:treats as gifts. 2.阅读训练:指导和训练学生的阅读速度及答题技巧,指导学生该如何正

2、确地使用推断的阅读策略情感态度价值观目标通过对本部分的学习,使学生能够了解外国传统节日,感受外国传统文化与习俗。 教学重难 点教学重点: 运用适当的阅读策略完成相应的阅读任务。1. 完成本单元所要求的写作任务。2.运用适当的策略完成本单元知识与技能的自我检测。3. 教学难点:1. 能灵活运用恰当的语言围绕自主完成写作任务。2. 建议教法在文化上,教师应进行适当的铺垫或引导,鼓励学生在课外通过查阅书籍或网络信息过听说入手解语言的表层含义外,还应当培养学生的推断能力。教学流程 (详见教学设计) 教学评价这一环节指导和训练学生的阅读速度及答题的技巧,指导学生如何正确地使用推断 1.学生围绕文章内容展

3、开合理想象,这有利于学生感受文章内涵,提高阅读技能及综在写作的策略上做适当的指导。2. 引导学生尽可能地完成对本单元重点词汇的巩固和运用,对宾语从句、感叹句的灵3. 习过程中遇到的问题。It celebrates the beginning of new life.Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hu文章内容展开合理想象,与同“The Spirit of Christmas在策略上,侧重训练学巩固练习突出阅创写语 (附教学设计)步骤 过程 措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的 页

4、2 第 DELC4 1 预备与激活先期知 识 Step 1 Greeting and Leading in (2mins ) Greet the class and have a review together. Show students some pictures about Christmas. Ask them: What festival do you think of? about (talk Christmas? do What you know about the this festival and show then about something mind map of C

5、hristmas) 利用图片展现圣诞节。简单有效生与此话题相关的背景知识,培维发散的能力。 通过话题导图的形式,帮助学生节的日期、活动、象征等 页 3 第 DELC5 2 获取 Step2 Pre- Reading (读前)(2 mins) 1.Look at the photo and the title to the story on page 14. Then answer the question below. What does the passage talk about? It talks about the spirit of Christmas. Before read th

6、e passage, teach students a reading skill: It means you have to “read between the Inferring- ated lines” to get the meaning that are not clearly st in a text. 引导学生学会从图片以及题目文章的主题。 帮助学生掌握阅读技巧断,就是根据阅读材料中所提推断出未知的信息。 【提示:此处课堂上教师可让 新知,根教同步学习卡进行抢答 识 馈,进行精准教学。】 Let Ss read the passage Para. By Para. Step 3

7、Read Para. 1 and answer the questions below. While- a. What are the common things that people think of reading for Christmas?通过一段一段的阅读,首先在 (读中)b. Who wrote A Christmas Carol? 过程中,教师获取反馈,发现(12mins) c. What is the true meaning or spirit of Christmas? 的不足以及生疏之处,进行针and Christmas a. Answers: They are gif

8、ts, trees 讲解。同时对文章细节进行理 Santa Claus. 生抓住关键词,培养学生b. It was written by Charles Dickens. 页 4 第and sharing importance of c. It is the giving love and joy to people around us. 3 the Ghost of Christmas Past? the Ghost of Christmas Present? the Ghost of Christmas Yet skimming,scanning,inferring 的to come?,根

9、教同步学习卡进行抢答Read Para. 2&3 and complete the chart. 馈,进行精准教学。】His happier days as a child. Answers: How others are spending Christmas that year. Nobody cares when he dies. 4. questions. the passage again. Answer the Read Some answers need to be inferred. does Scrooge hate Christmas?a. Why He about hims

10、elf. and He is mean only thinks about He just cares others doesnt treat nicely. whether he can make more money. b. Does Scrooge have a lot of friends? Why or why not? about thinks and is doesnt. No, he He mean only himself. c. Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died? and thinks only and about hi

11、mself, mean is He doesnt treat others nicely. Scrooge? How help to d. Does Jacob Marley want 页 5 第do you know? his to change Scrooge Yes, he does. He warns ways if he doesnt want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him. on wakes feel when he up Scrooge How e. d

12、oes Christmas Day?He feels scared. f. What does Scrooge do after seeing three spirits? He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person 通过再读课文的方法,让学生勒出阅读文章的轮廓,完成一步加深学生对文章的把握。2d 页 6 第 Step 4 Post- (读reading(3 ) 后) mins Ask Ss:to say three ghosts What do you think the Scrooge when they

13、 visit him? In groups of four, make a conversation between the three ghosts and Scrooge about Christmas. 学生根据对文章的整体把握,进行展开联想,训练其语言基散思维能力,提高其的语言技【提示: Role-play the conversation in front of other Ss. ,教同步学习卡进行抢答 馈,进行精准教学。】 Langue points: of think that Step 5 when we agree 1. Many would 根据文章中的句子,引申出相DE

14、LCChristmas, we probably think of gifts, Christmas Language 帮助学生理解,记忆。通过讲6 points trees and Santa Claus. 巩固所学的目标语言。3 (8 mins ) 。意思是“许多人”,在句中作主语many代词, 度深 想到,考虑,想起来。think of 工加 true the these things lies behind 2. But all 知识 meaning of Christmas. 该句为倒装句,陈述句语序为 all of meaning Christmas lies behind The

15、 true these things. , 作状语的介词短语放于句首句子要倒装。 的口诀 lie巧记的lay lie, lay, lain, lie in the bed 躺 lie, lied, lied, dont be a liar. 撒谎 lay, laid, laid, a hen laid an egg. 产蛋 页 7 第 Step 6 Writing (8 mins) A boy picked it up, and laid it in the bag. 放置 he so Scrooge, to be just like 3.Marley used was punished af

16、ter he died. 过去常常做某事,而现在used to do 往往不做了 习惯于做某事 be/get used to doing 被用来做某事 be used to do he Scrooge to change his ways if 4.He warns doesnt want to end up like him. warn sb.(not) to do sth. 警告某人(不要)干某事warn sb.aginst sth. 警告某人某事warn sb. against (doing) sth. 提醒、警告某人注意某事He himself. and only thinks abo

17、ut 5.He is mean nicely. doesnt treat others 吝啬的;刻薄的;自私的mean Dont be mean to her! 不要对她如此刻薄! 款待;对待treat .来对待把 .当做 him/her Write a letter to your pen pal and tell your Chinese about your favorite festival. Use notes in 3a. Help Ss conceive: 帮助学生就自己最喜欢的节日进行交流会话,在此基础上与章的谋篇布局,最终引导学生 务。 页 8 第In you

18、r letter:is when it the festival and First, introduce celebrated. Then talk about what people do and eat. Finally, explain why you like it best and how it makes you feel. And show them some useful expressions: My favorite Chinese festival is It is celebrated in / on uring this festival, peopleD Its

19、my favorite festival because It makes me feelThen show them a sample. DELC7 4 评价学生 学习 Step 7 Exercise ) (5 mins Do the Self Check and check the answers together. Do some excises together. 一、用lay和lie的适当形式填空:the glass on the corner of the table. Dont1、 lay 别把玻璃杯放在台角上。in the north of China. The city li

20、es 、 2 那座城市位于中国的北部。 在自我检测过程中,学生灵活汇完成短文、改写句子构成感语从句造句等,充分巩固本单标语言,提高综合语言的运用 通过习题,检测学生对本课知 【提示: 页 9 第in bed. 3、Hes still lying 他还躺在床上。 three eggs last week. The duck laid 4、 这只鸭子上周下了3个蛋。 二、根据汉语意思完成句子the students about The teachers warn 1)the stairs. 老师提醒学生当心楼梯。the students )The teacher warned 2 the moun

21、tain in such bad not to climb weather. 老师提醒学生们在这么坏的天气里不要爬山。 三、单选1.This building is a department store now. a cinema. It B B. used to be used to be used to doing 2.Children at the beginning of last century themselves B a lot and _ Greatly even without television. A.used to read, enjoying B.

22、used to read, enjoyed C.were used to reading, enjoy D.were used to read, enjoying _B_ do you think of your vacation? 3. - Im glad you like it.教同步学习卡进行抢答馈,进行精准教学。, 页 10 第 Step 8 Summary B. What a A.How a D. What C. How Let Ss remember what they have learned and say the key phrases by thinking over. 打

23、扮 dress up 关心 care about 挣钱 make money 过去常常 used to 结束 end up 想到,考虑到 think of 警告某人做某事 warn sb. to do sth. treat as .来对待把 .当做 He decides to change his life and promises to be a better Person. 他决定改变他的生活,并承诺做一个更好的人。Not only do people spread them around in different give they also for an egg hunt,but places Hiding out these treats as gifts. 人们不仅将他们分散在各处的藏匿地点来让别 人找,他们还将糖果作为礼物来分发。 Homework 1. Recite the new words. 通过总结,帮助学生再次回顾词组。 通过写作,检测学生是否掌握 页 11 第2. Write an article about your favorite festival. 学目标以及重难点。 页 12 第

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