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1、n shme sh? Nme jnjnyuwe!爱米:我正在看詹姆斯希尔顿的长篇小说失去的地平线呢!AMi: W zhngza kn zhnmsxrdn de chngpan xioshoshqdedpngxanne.呀!“失去的地平线”:香格里拉,它是中国的“伊甸园”。她不但是中国的香格里拉,而且是世界的香格里拉。Y!“sh de dan”:Xinggll,t sh zhnggu de “ydanyun”。T bdun sh de XingGLL,rqin sh shje de XingGLL。是啊!您怎么知道的?Sh!nn znme zhda de?我曾经去过香格里拉。您想去吗?W cng

2、jng qgu Xinggll。Nn xang q m?我太想去了,你现在就带我去吧!W ti xing q le,n xanzi ju da w q ba!那好,就让我们的对话走进香格里拉吧。怎么样?Nho,ju rang wmen de duhu zujn Xinggll ba。Znme yng?那太棒了!开始吧。ta bng le!kish ba.那里,有雪山环抱中的神秘峡谷;有金字塔般的雪峰、蓝色的湖泊、宽阔的草原,还有喇嘛寺、尼姑庵、道观、清真寺和天主教堂。人与大自然和谐相生,人们共同在那里生息繁衍。li,yu xeshn hunbo zhng de shnm xig;yu jnzt

3、 bn de xefng、lns de hpo、kunko de coyan,hi yu nma s、ngun、do gun、qngzhns h tinzhjiotng。Rn y dzrn hxi xingshng,rn men gngtng za nl shng xfnyn。太好了!景色真迷人!那么,我什么时候去最适合? Tahale!jngs zhn mrn!nme,w shnme shhou q zushh?香格里拉最美的时候在5、6月份。她就像一位少女,进入她一生最青春的花季。她真是花的海洋。光是杜鹃,种类就达200多种。ll zu mede shhou za w、lu ye fn.

4、T ju xang ywe sho n,jn r t yshng zu qngchn de huj。T zhnshhude hayng.gung sh djun,zhng le ju d 200 zhng。啊!太美了!“香格里拉”,真是一个美丽动听的名字。我今年就去! ! Tai mei le! “Xinggll”,zhn sh yg ml dng tng de mngzi。W jn nan ju q翻 译 TranslationShangri-la: The Lost HorizonLiuhua: Hi, Emmy, what are you reading? You are so engr

5、ossed in the book. Emmy: Im reading the novel, The Lost Horizon, which was written by James. Hilton. Wa! The Lost Horizon, Shangri-la, is called Chinese Eden. She not only belongs to China but to the world. Right! But how can you know this? Ive ever been there. Do you want to? Very much! Take me the

6、re now, please! Ok, lets go there with our talk. Thats nice! Start! In Shangri-la, there lies the mysterious gorge, pyramid -like snow mountain, the blue lake, and the broad grassland. The Lama Temple, Nunnery, Taoist temple, Mosque and Catholic church are over there. Human and nature co-exist there

7、 harmoniously, generation by generation. Emmy: Great! Thats really fascinating! So, when is the best time to go there? Shangri-la is in its most beautiful time in June and July, just like young girls are in their golden time in their life. There is the sea of the flowers. Of these flowers, the azale

8、a has an amount of over 200. Oh! Fantastic! Shangri-la is really a beautiful name! Im going there this year!生 词 New Words1. 地平线 (名). d ping xin horizon2. 曾经 (副) cng jng ever3. 立刻 (副). l k immediately4. 神秘 (名)/(形). shn m mystery5. 繁衍 (动) fn yn multiply6. 适合 (名)./(动) sh suit7. 少女 (名) sho n young girl8

9、. 美丽 (名)/(形) mi l beautiful专有名词 Proper Nouns1. 伊甸园 ydan yun Eden2. 杜鹃 d jun azalea 成语与常用语 Idioms and Common Expressions1. 津津有味 jnjnyuwe be engrossed in2. 和谐相生 hxingshng co-exist harmoniously注 释 Notes1. 呢:Used at the end of a sentence to indicate the continuation of an action or a state. It is simila

10、r to the use of “在呢”。For example: (1)我正在看詹姆斯(2)我们正在上课呢!2. 怎么样: at the end of sentences mean “what do you think?” or “is it okey?” For example: (1)今晚我们一起吃饭,怎么样?(2)怎么样?这道菜。3. “那”and“那么” express “in that case” or “in that way” For example:(1)如果我们能一起去,那太好了。(2)春城是那么美丽!4. 我太想去了。“了”在句中表示情况发生了变化。各种谓语句都可以用“了

11、”表示这种变化。When 了 is used at the end of a sentence, it implies the changing of a situation. 了 can be used in all predicate sentences to show such changes. For example:(1)我不头疼了。(2)我生气极了!语言点Language Points1. 动词(V)+过动词后带动态助词“过”表示动作曾在过去发生,但没有继续到现在,强调过去的某种经历。The auxiliary verb “过”is used after verbs, it mea

12、ns some action in the past but did not last until now, emphasizes experience in the past.肯定形式: V+过 例如:Affirmative form, for example 我去过北京。否定形式:没(有)+ V+过 例如:Negative form, for example: 我没有去过北京。疑问句:V+过+O+没有? 例如:Interrogative sentence pattern, for example: 你去过北京没有?2. 可不是对他人的看法、说法表示赞同。 例如:This expressio

13、n is used for approval of some opinions. For example:A:今天的考试太难了。B:可不是!3. 一就连接一个复句。用法:A conjunction expression. 表示后一动作紧跟着前一动作发生。例如:It indicates one action after another. For example:一到家我就给你打电话。表示前一动作是条件和原因,后一动作是结果。 It indicates the former action is the condition or cause, the later is the result. For

14、 example:他一喝酒就脸红。4. 没问题 表示同意。同样意思的表达还有“好的”,“行”。“可以”。Expression indicates agreement. Same expressions are “好的”,“行”,“ 可以”。5、动词(V)+起来 作插入语或放在句子的前面,表示从某个方面来评论人或事物。This pattern is used as parenthesis or placed at the beginning of a sentence for making remarks of certain person or thing. For example:这条裙子看

15、起来不怎么样,穿起来却很漂亮。听起来,这是一个好主意。这个蛋糕闻起来很香,不知道味道怎么样。 6、得表示主观上“需要”、“一定要”或事实上“必须”。This modal word means must, have to subjectively and objectively. For example:她有困难我得帮助她。时间不早了,我得走了。明天有考试,今晚我得好好复习。常用句式Sentence Patterns 名词谓语句今天9度。名词谓语句简称“名谓句”,是由名词或名词性短语充当谓语的句子。现代汉语中名词性词语单独作谓语的情况比较少见,主要用于口语中的肯定句,常用来说明天气、时间、节日、

16、节气、姓名、年龄、籍贯、职称、方位、处所、容貌、性状意义。Nominal predicate sentences.The nominal predicate sentences are sentences with nouns or nominal phrases as predicates. In modern Chinese, there are not many nominal predicate sentences, they are usually affirmatives for weather, time, holidays, solar terms, names, ages,

17、nationalities, titles, positions, places, appearances, states. For example: 明天晴天。(名名,表示天气) 今天星期六。(名名,表示时间)刘老师,江西人。(名名词短语,表示籍贯)面条一碗,鸡蛋两个。(名数量,表示数量)名词谓语句变为否定句,必须同时加上相应的动词。When a nominal predicate sentence turns to negative, corresponding verbs should be added. For example: 今天不是星期六。 她不是大眼睛。练习Exercises一

18、、替换 Substitution1. 香格里拉真是一个美丽的名字。(地方 仙境 花园 草原 图画)一朵 花儿 一只 蝴蝶 一匹 马 一条 裙子二、改错句。Correct the following sentences. 1.我还没吃这样的蛋糕。2.我生病了,任何菜我不想吃。3.我这么不喜欢你,你不要打电话给我了。4.她每天锻炼,所以,很身体健康了。5.朋友有困难,我们得要帮忙他。三、角色扮演Role-Play角色Role 马克和卡尔Mark and Carl任务Assignment谈谈你心目中的“香格里拉”。What do you think of Shangri-la?学唱云南民歌香格里拉X

19、X文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我四、选词填空 Fill in the Blanks(最 、曾经 、怎么样 、北京 、是)_真是一个美丽的地方!我_去过中国。它_昆明的“伊甸园”。马克什么时候去那里_适合?我现在就去! _?五、口语交际训练 Oral Practices 看图说话Look at the Illustrations and Speak 它是一只山羊。 香格里拉真是一个美丽的地方。T sh yzhi shny XingGLL zhnshfang。文化链接 Cultural如诗如歌“太阳最早照耀的地方,是东方的建塘,人间最殊胜的地方,是奶子河畔的香格里拉。”

20、自从英国人詹姆斯的小说失去的地平线问世以来,作品中所描绘的香格里拉就深深吸引了世人的眼光。 香格里拉之美景简直如诗画,在于古城蕴含的文化,这里融汇了藏地风情、藏汉文化的精髓,因而铸就了在全国乃至全世界都响当当的旅游名城。香格里拉自然景观得天独厚,拥有梅里雪山国家公园、虎跳峡白水台国家公园、塔城国家公园、蓝月山谷纳帕海国家公园、香格里拉大峡谷国家公园、千湖山国家公园、白马国家公园等8大公园构成中国超大的“香格里拉国家公园”航母。作为中国西部藏区的经济文化中心,迪庆有三大和谐之声,即人与宗教、人与自然、人与人的高度和谐。通过几代人的整理与挖掘,香格里拉八大文化体系正浮出学界视野,它们是以藏传佛教为

21、中心的宗教文化,以对偶和多偶呈现多样婚俗的婚俗文化,以独克宗古城、赛马、茶马古道为主的茶马文化,以象征财富、雍容华丽的藏装为代表的服饰文化,以现代分餐制之源与自然绿色美食相契合的饮食文化,以土木银陶艺术品惊艳天下的工艺文化,富丽堂皇的建筑文化和迪庆特有的中国非物质文化遗产锅庄文化。参考词汇 Reference Words1. 照耀 (动) zhoyo shine2. 描绘 (动) miohu describe3. 精髓 (名) jngsu kernel4. 融汇 (动) rnghu gather together成语和常用语Idioms and Common Expressions1. 得天独

22、厚 Dtian dhu advantaged2. 富丽堂皇 Fl tnghung magnificence注释 Notes1. “简直”“简直”表示一种夸张的语气。后面常常使用最高程度。“简直”indicates an exaggerated tone, and the maximum degree is often used at the end.2. “因而”“因而”表示下文是上文的结果。“因而”indicates an above result which is the following text.An Introduction to Shangri-La,the Land of Dr

23、eams and Poems “Reputed as the oriental paradise, Shangri-La, which is nurtured by the Naizihe River, is a unique place in the world lighted by the first ray of the sun.” This poetic description of Shangri-La is taken from The Lost Horizon, the famous novel written by the British writer James Milton

24、. With the coming out of his novel, Shangri-La has become the land of dreams for the whole world.Characterized by picturesque scenery and the ancient town where the Tibetan and the Han Chinese cultures meet, Shangri-La is a tourist scenic area well-known nationwide and worldwide with a cluster of the eight national parks including Meili Snow Mountain Park, Baishuitai P

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